From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 50, Crazy Enlightenment

Bright yellow flames were ignited in the dim abyss, and at some point, a simple blast furnace was built next to the broken heart of the craftsman.

The simple blast furnace was dug out of a tall rock. There was no burning flame in it, but there was hot bright yellow molten iron surging inside.

Faintly, a bit of blue light can be seen flickering in the surging molten iron.

It was just a furnace of molten iron, but there was no doubt that this was a beginning. The broken heart of the craftsman did not disappoint Du Yuan. The metal age belonging to the rat people was indeed opened by it.

Although now, as the first person to be enlightened, the first craftsman among the rat people.

Long Claw's expression became increasingly crazier.

He stared blankly at the surging furnace of molten iron in front of him.

This was the result he achieved with great difficulty during this period of time, relying on the broken knowledge that belonged to the craftsman in his mind.

But he couldn't even use it properly because of the long claws.

He has never hated the giant claws in his hands more than ever, even though he has always hated these giant claws so much.

As a rat priest who was promoted from a slave rat, Long Claws has always been ignored by other rat people. In other words, all the rat priests who were promoted from slave rats were ignored.

Like a real mouse, he was driven to the deepest part of the mountains, doing what those guys thought was best for them, digging holes.

The more he thought about this, the redder his clawed eyes became, and clearly visible bloodshot eyes began to crawl in his eyes.

Looking at the red pot of molten iron in front of me.

Longclaw kept mumbling under his breath.

"This is my opportunity. I can't accept it. I can't accept it. I am also guided by the gods!"

"I won't give in! I won't give in! I won't give in!"

Amid the increasingly frantic shouting, Long Claw thrust his hands, those with sharp and thick claws, into the molten iron in front of him.

In an instant, a miserable howl appeared in the huge pain, and the blast furnace was overturned.

The miserable figure was writhing in pain on the ground, rolling around.

The molten iron of the blast furnace was scattered in all directions, and a piece of faint blue fragment also came out along with the knocked over molten iron. The hot molten iron solidified quickly, and the wailing sound gradually stopped.

Not far away, a pile of meat mountains seemed to have sensed the scene happening here. The large number of rat-man heads piled on it unconsciously looked at the figure lying on the ground motionless.

He wanted to squirm, but he didn't dare to get close to the broken heart of the craftsman, fearing the faint blue light.

After a brief wandering, Roshan stopped moving and once again disappeared into the darkness.

Just like that, the abyss returned to silence again, perhaps leaving only chaos.


The matter may not be over yet. In the faint blue light, the body of the long claws lying on the ground that had no movement rose and fell slightly.

The way he looks now is really miserable.

There were burns all over his body, and even if you got closer, you could smell the aroma of barbecue.

Especially his thick and hard claws, after contacting the hot molten iron, it was like putting a pair of pitted iron gloves on the giant claws.

This is also where the variable lies. After the weak ups and downs, Long Claws wakes up with its deep breathing.

The red eyes suddenly opened to their maximum size, staring at his big claws, but what caught his eyes was the pitted iron gloves.

He climbed up with difficulty, roaring like a beast, suddenly raised his hands, and then slammed them down, and the pitted iron gloves hit the ground heavily.

For a moment, there was a slight looseness.

Just like that, again and again.

Until the pair of metal-cast gloves fell off together with the giant claws they were attached to, until a pair of ferocious hands appeared with their skin peeled off.

With a simple exertion, the skinless hands clenched together.

Just such a simple action made Longclaw laugh crazily.

That echoes in this abyss for a long time.


Deep in the wetland, the huge rat army once again faced a tough challenge.

A lizard-man city built on plants with intricate root systems like mangroves.

Relying on the dense root system of trees in the swamp, a large number of ropes and wood were mixed in to build a small swamp city.

And this time, in front of this small swamp city, the rat people also encountered some different enemies.

The snake man with fine scales and cold vertical pupils entrenched on the roots of the trees. The large number of people driven out from the city by Wuyang Yang were mainly goblins, mixed with a small number of murlocs and some weak orc servants. , and the old friend behind the servant army.

Those lizard warriors holding big clubs and wearing crocodile skin armor.

In contrast, there were the huge black rat-man troops that gathered together and occupied all the field of vision in front of them, climbing on the roots of trees and trudging through the mud swamps.

After continuously replenishing troops, the rat army under Shu Zhan has already passed the fifty thousand mark, and is even close to hitting the threshold of a hundred thousand army.

Obviously, such numbers overwhelm the terrain disadvantages, the quality of the personnel, and the formation gap.

Without much hesitation, the order was issued along with the rat war.

The rat people swarmed towards the small swamp city in front of them.

When the battle officially started, the sun was still in the center of the sky, it was noon. When everything calmed down, the sun had only traveled half the distance towards dusk.

The priests are already cleaning the battlefield.

All the heads had been severed, even though fewer and fewer priests had recently arrived with young ratmen.

However, these heads will still be properly preserved after simple embalming.

Used for sacrifices at the end of each battle, and as trophies for the priests accompanying the army.

The tip of the tail is tied with a rope and hung on the chest of the rat warrior as a kind of decoration.

Showing its master's strength and accumulated achievements to everyone.

For these rat warriors, they have the same strong desire for display as the rat priests, but they also have a strong need to simply divide their status through trophies.

Of course, the pointed tail with scales can only be possessed by senior rat warriors, and most of the rat warriors and young rat warriors have it.

They were scrambling to cut off the ears from the goblins who were servants and hang them on their chests in a decent manner.

Yes, these goblin ears can also be exchanged for blood mushrooms to the war team as a meritorious service, but compared to the tip of a lizard man's tail or the tip of a snake man's tail, one ear can be exchanged for a full and at least The purchasing power of blood-colored blood mushrooms.

The goblin ears can only be replaced by a blood mushroom with a little bloodshot.

The difference in value between the two is about ten times, but that doesn't stop the young rat people from excitedly imitating the senior rat people and hanging it on their chests.

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