From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 54, One Man’s Bravery

It was at this time that a figure who was not that majestic in size and was still much shorter than those burly lizard warriors arrived.

The lizard warriors who were fighting to the death with the rat men on the city wall were the first to cheer fiercely, and then consciously retreated.

It was the fire that brought him step by step to the forefront of the siege. Along the way, no rat man dared to stop him, amidst the terrifying pressure.

Just like that, the fire was directly in front of the siege rat slope.

The rat people looked at each other. Such a powerful guy, even the senior rat warriors did not dare to rush forward.

The battlefield fell into an eerie silence for a while.

But it was only for a moment.

Soon, amid the constant crowding and the squeeze of the rat-men coming from behind, a young rat-man at the outermost edge was pushed out of the queue.

Staggering two steps forward, he came to the front of the fire. Under the influence of the dragon's power, the young rat man's whole body was trembling.

But he obviously had no way out at this time, and he raised his spear in fear.

In the midst of howling, he straightened up. Before the spear could be thrust out, the battle stick fell first. In the crisp sound, the young rat man fell to the ground.

But the smell of fresh blood from the explosion stimulated the stagnant ratmen around them.

"kill him!"

"Kill him! Kill him!"

"The awesome guy has the best tail!"

"Long live the great god!"

The gathered rat people broke their fear of Longwei, their eyes were red, and they swarmed forward in excitement and fear!

Facing such a scene, Na Huo showed no fear!

In this still barbaric age, whether it is a leader or a leader, as a leader of a tribe or race, it may have various shortcomings, and it may not be as full of wisdom as a priest or an elder wizard.

But one thing is unquestionable, as a leader, he is the most powerful!

Fire was no exception. The red dragon blood flowing like magma in his body not only gave him the dazzling red scales.

Facing this group of sneaky rats in front of them who had already formed a grudge that was difficult to resolve, anger was like a switch, igniting a fire.

That literally lit up.

The crimson scales stood up, the pupils shrank into a straight line, and even the exhaled air was filled with wisps of flames.

With the fire as the center, even the air in the surrounding environment gradually became dry. Suddenly, wisps of flames ignited around the fire.

As an advance team, the troops brought by Huo were not enough. Most of the lizardmen, snakemen warriors and auxiliary troops were on their way.

But it doesn't matter, he is just an army at this time.

In the roar of the sudden explosion, the fire standing majestically on the city wall seemed to have announced something to the frightened rat people in front of it.

At this moment, the surrounding lizard warriors were greatly encouraged. They didn't even care that they were on the dangerous battlefield. They raised their war sticks high and slapped their shields, accompanied by the neat shouts.

Such a scene even attracted the attention of Rat Zhan standing on the high platform.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the fire on the city wall from a distance, feeling a little bit more troubled in his heart.

And this bad feeling was verified later. When the rat people launched their attack, it was at noon when the sky was the brightest, but at this time the sun was about to set and the sky was about to become dusk.

But the towering city wall remained motionless.

The small section of the city wall was already filled with corpses during the cruel sawing. When the wall was hit behind, there was no ground left to rest on.

Both the rat men and the lizard men could only step on the corpses of both parties and continue the brutal battle.

The lizard man held on!

The lizard man held on!

Because that damn guy, that damn lizard man, didn't even move a step this afternoon.

The steady stream of rat men didn't even make him move a step.

Until now, the cowardly mice didn't even dare to approach him.

It seemed to have turned into a majestic reef, allowing the surging rat tide to naturally separate in front of him.

"Damn lizard people! Damn lizard people!"

Rat Zhan had abandoned the high platform raised by the young rat man and climbed up to an abandoned sentry tower that was submerged by the rat tide. He looked at the scene in front of him angrily.

Continuously roaring with a high-pitched voice.

It took a long time to gradually calm down.

He waved the battle flag in his hand.

The order was given.

As the supervising team retreated, the rat people who kept surging upward rolled and crawled back.

If the supervising team hadn't been suppressing them, a large-scale rout would have started long ago.

On the spot, the raging rat tide turned into a group of rats running for their lives. These rats all wished they had two more legs so that they could run faster.

I was really scared to death by being killed by that red lizard man.

As the Rat Man army retreated, the deafening cheers rang out, and the Lizard Man side won a resounding victory.

It is true that the decision made by Shu Zhan was not wrong. If he still pressed down without hesitation when he was unable to break through, it was just a waste of power in his hands.

Facing such a tall city, the current rat army really has no good solution.

Perhaps it was a last resort strategy to send the rat warlords with a small army to clear out the small gatherings of lizardmen around them and then leave the large army behind for siege.

After all, defending a city is far simpler than attacking it.

As long as the city's defenders are pushed to their limit during the siege, the red lizard man will not be able to prevent the city from falling, no matter how hard he fights.

Although siege is a last resort strategy, it is indeed the most effective strategy at present.

However, sometimes the right decision may not necessarily be the right one to make.

Does Rat War have such a time now?

Can he waste a lot of time deploying the Skaven army to carry out a slow but sure siege?

Hold tightly the weapon given by the gods in your hand.

He cannot lose this war, nor can he be slow!

Rat Zhan had already made a decision. Among the rats, he looked at the tall city not far away, his expression became more and more ferocious and terrifying.

"I won't let it go like this, Red Lizard, I won't let it go like this!"

Words spoken through gritted teeth.

On top of the city wall.

After the rat people really left, the leader of the lizard people, the leader who did not retreat at all, showed no fear, and showed no weakness at all throughout the afternoon, was Fire.

Finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There should be another chapter at 10:30. The update time is fixed at 6:30 and 10:30 as much as possible. It will be pushed up tomorrow. This is still very important to the author. Please follow up and read it!

By the way, open another bounty, ten monthly tickets plus one update, and the dead fish will turn around.

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