From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 60, Skinner (Monthly Ticket Plus 13)

Under the swaying leaves, a group of rats were hiding.

Among them, the leading ratman was in a particularly unstable state at this time.

That siege battle ended in failure without any surprise when Black Dragondramon joined the battlefield.

While the giant beasts were soaring in the sky, the rats could only run around in embarrassment and escape in the swamp.

It was time to make a choice, whether to return to the barren mountains and accept the scrutiny of the white rat who had become violent and suspicious because he had lost the favor of the gods, or to fight the lizard people again with his defeated army.

Yes, compared to the huge number at the beginning, the rat expedition force under Rat Zhan has lost more than half in a way that was almost cut in half.

The fact that half of them were able to survive was also due to the complete rout of the rat troops in that moment after the disastrous defeat in the siege battle.

The rats dispersed and ran into the swamp in panic. After they were safe, they quietly gathered together with the rat warlords who fled into the swamp. Then the rat warlords were gathered by the rat war.

After running around in the swamp for a long time, they finally gathered the scattered troops.

But the current situation of the Skaven troops is definitely not good.

The morale of the army had been shattered in a great battle. The rat priests ran away too fast and could not be found at once. Almost all of the war team was destroyed in Jiuqi City.

Without the priest's madness technique and the promotion of the war team, if the rat army wants to fight a tough battle, it has become an inevitable situation to flee all the way.

What's more, this is not the most deadly situation. The most deadly thing is the rat warlords with evil intentions. After a tragic defeat, the prestige of the rat war was wiped out almost instantly.

Even those despicable rat warlords are difficult to suppress.

Thinking of those despicable, ungodly, damned guys, Rat Zhan couldn't help but grit his teeth.

If those guys had come to help him earlier after storming the city wall, when all the dust settled, then even if the damn dragon came, he would still have time to react and deal with it.

It was all those short-sighted, despicable, ungrateful, and irreverent guys who ruined this divine war dedicated to the gods.

Thinking of this, the flesh and blood corroded by acid under the sutured skin on Shu Zhan's body ached faintly.

But he was not defeated by such pain, or he was just a crazy mouse.

At this time, he had to decide between the two options of returning or continuing the divine battle.

The pain of burning flesh and blood made him suffer almost every moment, but what made him even more angry were the despicable rats and warlords in the rat army who wanted to replace him.

At this time when his prestige was at its lowest point, he had to use the craziest gesture to intimidate those guys.

The bodyguards who followed him from Old Qicheng and escaped from the black dragon's pursuit were skinned in public, with blood covering their bodies. They pretended to be so angry that they lost their minds, waving the weapons given by the gods. The spear bared its teeth and claws.

In order to make those damn rats feel scared, in order to stop them from provoking him for the time being.

Such humiliation must be repaid eventually.

In the temporary camp, in Rat Zhan's tent, several excited young rat men enthusiastically expressed their loyalty to Rat Zhan in front of them.

"The greatest commander! The wisest commander! I am willing to die for you!"

"Thanks you!"

"Thanks you!"

"Thank you! Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

The rat war they faced at this time was not as violent and ruthless as the recent rumors among the rat army. On the contrary, it was somewhat calm.

Although the crazy light flashing in his eyes from time to time is no different from the description.

He looked at the groveling manners of the young ratmen in front of him and nodded.

"Remember what I told you, get out!"

The young rat man took the initiative, or rather impatiently, and rolled out. Really, he rolled out with a rolling motion.

In just a few words from Shu Zhan, after Shu Zhan made a promise.

It is fanatical and groveling.

It's not a big promise.

He just promised them a chance to become rat warlords, but what makes people confused is that the rat warlords in the rat army are obviously saturated now. Where did Rat Zhan find the position to make the promise?

How strange!

At night, in the temporary camp, all the young ratmen suddenly gathered together unexpectedly.

Although this gathering did not attract much attention from the rat people.

This group of young guys always looks like this, buzzing, full of energy, and annoying. Except when they need to be used, no ratman is willing to pay attention to these guys.

Because after spending a lot of effort to explore, you will be embarrassed to find that they don’t know what they are doing!

Therefore, whether they are rat warriors, senior rat warriors, or rat warlords, these guys are always in a state of neglect.

There are so many of them, just pull them out when you need them.

This kind of neglect made them ignore the strange behavior of the young rat people at this time.

Tonight, the size of this group of young ratmen was exceptionally large.

Almost most of the young ratmen in this camp were involved. They carried their simple wooden spears, or wore some wooden shields and armor picked up on the battlefield, divided into several groups, and hid in groups. In the shadows of the camp.

Waiting with excitement and excitement, as if waiting for a certain signal.

But after all, there were too many people gathered, and occasionally some astute rat warriors would notice something was wrong and scold these young rat men without hesitation.

At this time, two situations will occur.

First, there were too few rat warriors who discovered something was wrong, and there were too many young rat warriors who were scolded. After a while, a skeleton would appear in the shadows.

If there are enough rat warriors, then this group of young rat warriors will disperse in an instant, disappearing, and then come back after a long distance after the rat warriors leave.

What caused such a strange situation, or rather allowed these young rat people to gather together abnormally.

It is a promise, an expectation, a promise that comes from the Skinner, the God's Favorite, the Rat Warlord, and the Rat War without a doubt.

Yes, although Shu Zhan ate one of the dragon beasts and breathed acid, fell off the city wall and fled in embarrassment, this to Shu Zhan was not only embarrassing but also a shame that could be remembered for a lifetime.

But for other ratmen, there is no shame. After all, other ratmen also saw that giant beast that day. You survived the attack of that terrifying monster. You are also a powerful guy!

And cruelty, ruthlessness, ferocity, these words are even more praises to the rat people.

Therefore, the prestige of Rat War among the lower-level rat people has not been much damaged, but the shake caused by failure will still exist.

It's just that the promise given by Rat Zhan is too wonderful.

Just for the sake of a possibility, this group of under-appreciated young rats are willing to listen and go crazy.

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