From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 76, calm and calm (monthly ticket plus 513 updates)

In the increasingly violent attack, the temple guards were gradually suppressed.

But the violent transformation cannot be maintained for a long time.

But the Ratman Temple Guards withstood this violent attack.

Apparently, after their rampage ended, the exhausted Skaven Assassins were no longer able to fight the temple guards.

The victory and defeat of the two sides converged on their leader.

The captain of the temple guard and the leader of the rat assassins faced each other.

Their subordinates all wisely gave way to the battle between the two men.

In the fierce fight, for a while no one on either side could do anything to either side.

Just by an opportunity, a team of three temple guards from both sides abandoned the rat assassins who were fighting with them, and violently charged towards the rat assassins who were forced to the stone wall. The leader attacked.

This move caused the rat assassins who were fighting with them to let out sharp roars and slam into the guys who pulled away to attack.

Under the interception of the angry rat assassin, the three temple assassins who suddenly attacked fell to the ground lifeless.

But obviously, this was not the killer move of the temple guard captain.

He did not save those men who fell in front of him. Instead, he hid behind them. His sharp points were blocked by the corpses of the fallen temple guards, and he fiercely attacked the rat-man leader.

The ferocious malice on his face was not concealed, and the wooden spear in his hand was about to penetrate the chest of the rat-man leader in a sneak attack.

But he didn't see the panic on the rat-man leader's face.

Those red eyes were still so calm.

The leader of the Skaven Assassins did not appear to be visibly berserk in battle, as were his men.

A dark blade was raised high and met the spear of the temple guard captain in front of him who was attacking with all his strength.

Under the influence of the huge force, his right arm twisted into a twisted position and drooped down. The dark blade in his hand flew out, and his whole body hit the stone wall of the tunnel behind him.

But at this moment, another dark blade appeared, as if it were killing the senior ratman priest.

It flies across the neck like a butterfly flying through flowers, giving it a unique and elegant feeling.

The captain of the temple guard stared unwillingly. The short spear that was tightly held in his hand had only half of it left, and the tip of the spear was completely broken.

His lips moved to say something, and the expression on his face was extremely ferocious, but nothing came out.

Falling down hard.

The captain of the temple guard, who had fought against the Rat War before, fell down in frustration and fell into the broken spear in his hand.

Soon after, there were many more corpses in the team of rat priests who were being led to the public.

The squad leader who refused to rest in silence and the senior ratman priest who shouted loudly and made generous promises were all among the corpses that were dragged away.


In the lush forest.

In order to consolidate their rule over this huge forest, the Ratmen also wanted to capture a large number of slaves for sacrifice.

Outposts rooted in the forest were established one after another, and Ratman lairs hidden in the mounds and rocks were established, and resources in the forest were collected in a targeted manner.

Trees, berries, animals, and most importantly, sacrifices.

When the forest was raided and slave-hunted by the rat warlords in large numbers, all other races fled and the forest became empty. This made the rat priests who took over later worried.

In order to obtain the sacrifices that could be used for sacrifices in the long term, he moved the activities of the rat men in the forest underground or to fixed locations.

The outpost is used to collect wood, materials needed to make spears and build dungeons, as well as berries and animals that the rat priests have certain needs.

As for the secret underground rat-man lair, it is used to monitor the intelligent races that are gradually returning as the forest returns to peace.

The vast forest that had been swept away by the Skaven warlords had become empty, and the dangerous races had been filtered out, making it more suitable for the survival of weak races.

But what they don't know is that every move they make is observed by the rat men with insidious eyes.

Whenever the number of these races increases to a certain size.

The rat priests who received the news would lead an army composed of slave rats and file out from the rat outposts in the barren mountains and attack the tribes that had reached the target.

Then the gathering place was destroyed. Except for some members who escaped to continue the inheritance in this forest, most of the guys were captured and taken away by the rat priests, and the forest returned to silence again.

And there is no need to guess the outcome of those guys who were taken away, either becoming sacrifices, or becoming slaves first and then sacrifices.

And so on.

In this way, this vast hunting ground has become an important asset of the Ratman Kingdom. Even though most of the Ratmen live in the barren mountains, the Ratman cities are also built in it.

However, the production of blood mushrooms, which is crucial to the rat people, is maintained in this forest hunting ground.

With the expansion of territory, even if the Skaven mobilized armies to carry out large-scale expeditions, the actual benefits would not only please the gods and provide merit for those crazy and pious Skaven priests.

Others seem lackluster and have gone too far. Not only can the corpses obtained in the war not be transported back for sacrifice, but will rot during transportation, it is also difficult to bring back the captives.

And they have to continue to deliver blood mushrooms to those expeditionary forces.

Even though the blood pool is getting bigger and bigger with the constant supply of sacrifices, the water in it is getting brighter and brighter, and more and more blood mushrooms are produced.

But they were gradually pulled down by the ever-increasing number of rat-men in the rat-man kingdom.

The blood mushrooms are starting to run out.

In fact, this problem was not that serious at first, but as a large number of blood mushrooms gathered in the hands of some rat priests, whether they were the most precious pure-color blood mushrooms or those inferior blood mushrooms that were only dyed a little red, they gradually They are all in need.

Although this shortage has not affected the more noble normal priests and rat warlords yet, some rat priests have begun to propose canceling the blood mushrooms supplied to rat newborns.

This group of poor little guys originally had an increase in the number of births. From the beginning, they had a rat-man newborn and an inferior blood mushroom, to a mouthful of blood mushrooms, and now a breeding room providing a pot of blood mushrooms. Soup.

In this situation where there is no way to save anything, even the last bit of flavorful soup is almost gone.

In this case, the importance of this vast forest hunting ground is self-evident. It is the source of food and clothing for countless ratmen in the Ratman Kingdom!

But today, something happened in this important hunting ground.

On the western edge of the vast forest, some rat outposts that collected resources quickly disappeared in a very short period of time.

Made by a bunch of bright guys.

Obviously, this was the action of Duyuan's not-so-friendly neighbor.

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