From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 96, The truth about black blood mushrooms

It's just that the craftsman's heart is a bit higher than Xiaochun's.

And even though Xiaochun's wisdom is much higher, he is just a smart little beast.

I only dare to secretly attach my pattern to the craftsman's heart and climb in it. The frightened craftsman's heart has been beating faster and faster recently.

But it didn't scare off Xiaochun who wanted to devour it. The green and fine lines spread along the blue metal shell like climbing vines.

The target is the beating distorted flesh and blood at the core of the Artisan's Heart.

This mass of distorted flesh and blood was born after being mixed with Xiaochun's power, although in fact the contents of the black blood mushroom were more like waste left over from eating to Xiaochun.

All kinds of indigestible and strange energy are mixed with some of Xiaochun's own power and thrown out by Xiaochun.

If you want to make an analogy.

Those blood mushrooms derived from Xiaochun are actually more like snow, but the brighter the red blood mushrooms, the more useful things are left inside.

It's something Koharu regurgitated due to indigestion.

Although the reason why blood mushrooms spread and grow in the blood pool is indeed related to the cave mushroom fungus spreading in it, the cave mushroom fungus is actually the least important link in the birth of blood mushrooms.

Essentially, the reason why the blood mushroom was born was after Na Du Yuan absorbed the power of faith generated by the sacrifice.

Xiaochun's instinct was to draw the associated products of the life force that had not completely dissipated from the sacrifices abandoned in the blood pool.

And the black blood mushroom is rather strange.

Maybe it’s snow with relatively high purity.

Among them, the pure black blood mushrooms are of higher purity.

Therefore, in the past, even if there was a huge mountain of meat mixed with Xiaochun's various factors accumulated in the abyss of the underground rat city, this accumulated factor was enough to be associated with Xiaochun, and Xiaochun never started to worry about the abyss. A little bit more interested.

After all, who would be interested in something of high purity?

Until recently, until recently, a piece of gold emerged from this pile of snow.

Or to be precise, it is a piece of gold wrapped in a pile of snow. Even if it is wrapped in snow, gold is gold.

Xiaochun was attracted by the core of the craftsman's heart.

During this period of time, under the threat of Na Xiaochun, there was a lot of movement in the core of the craftsmen.

But that's not a bad thing, at least not for those long claws.

After receiving the report from the slave rat in the meeting that just ended, Long Paw hurried back to the underground abyss.

The wooden staff representing the identity of the priest was thrown away casually.

He hurriedly held the sharp dagger and waited in front of the craftsman's heart.

During this period, along with the changes in the craftsman's heart, Long Claw harvested something very strange. The thing born from the craftsman's heart made Long Claw's experiment successful for the first time.

A giant rat that can be copied in large quantities and retains simple wisdom was born in the dark abyss.

This is Long Claw's confidence to face the upcoming war.

Although the complex energy abandoned by Xiaochun is all impurities and is something that Xiaochun despises, it is for Xiaochun.

In essence, these things are also the essence of life, but they are mutant life essences contaminated by all kinds of strange things.

This impurity still has the ability to nourish flesh and blood, but it is no longer gentle. After the nature of the energy is changed, everything becomes violent and uncontrolled.

Therefore, the biggest characteristic of the black blood mushroom when eaten by living beings is the distorted flesh and blood that continues to proliferate and expand.

It's like a pollution.

The originally gentle life energy turned into violent pollution.

This kind of power is naturally difficult to use carefully. It is very simple to use it directly as a weapon. The violent life pollution is unbearable for most lives.

As long as you accumulate enough black blood mushrooms and then stimulate the life pollution inside, that's it.

The Ratman Priest who attacked the Lizardman Hatching Pool used this point.

Although he didn't have black blood mushrooms, each blood mushroom contained a little bit of pollution that was difficult to remove.

It's just too little, not enough to cause anything.

Otherwise, do you think Xiaochun, who was exploited by Du Yuan, would be willing to give up the life essence that he had finally accumulated?

But what Longclaw wants is not this simple and crude method of utilization.

This crazy mouse was deeply attracted by the distorted flesh and blood, and he wanted to control the distorted power of life.

This is obviously difficult to do.

Either you can continuously reduce the dose of blood mushrooms like a white mouse, and then reduce the life pollution in them to a negligible level and use them as a catalyst.

This can create some short-lived and mentally retarded giant ratmen.

But first, it is limited by the production of black blood mushrooms.

After all, Xiaochun doesn't always pull out such high-purity mushrooms.

The second is that the giant rat-men spawned are not very powerful in combat, and their IQ is worrying.

This road was naturally abandoned by the white mouse.

Later, he was picked up by Long Claws. After the white mouse gave him the black blood mushroom and showed the effect, Long Claws was deeply attracted by the power of flesh and blood distortion.

Can you imagine!

After a small slave rat eats a black blood mushroom, it can expand to a huge size in an instant. The twisted and multiplied flesh and blood, and even metal, can be easily twisted and broken by it.

Such a simple and direct display completely captured the hearts of Long Claws at once.

Long Claw agreed to all the conditions of the white mouse, just for a few dark blood mushrooms. He wanted to control this terrifying power.

It's just that it's obviously not easy, and I hit the wall without much suspense.

It's not like the White Rat has never coveted this power.

And compared to the long claws that huddled at the bottom of the abyss and could only use slave rats for experiments.

White rats are more playful, slave rats, young ratmen, pregnant female rats, rat warriors, rat priests, rat warlords, lizard men, all these messy things were experimented with black blood mushrooms by white rats.

But in the end, the white mouse gave up the research and instead casually threw the black blood mushroom to Longclaw as a bait.

It can be seen that the current conditions of the rat people are simply not enough to further utilize the life pollution in the black blood mushroom.

This is true for white rats, and so is it for long claws.

Even if this crazy guy is not ready to give up casually, sometimes, if you can't do it, you just can't do it.

It wasn't until that turning point came that this crazy rat man saw a little chance.

After the broken craftsman's heart was enlightened by Du Yuan, he was supposed to be born spiritually like Xiaochun. Because of his own incompleteness, the process of spiritual birth was stuck.

It stands to reason that at this time, the entire process will fail, and this broken craftsman's heart is not in a state where spirituality can be born.

But Du Yuan's talent is too abnormal.

Even if it is stuck, the power that promotes the birth of spirituality has never dissipated, until the craftsman's heart sprouts a little spirituality in a broken state.

And began to desire to complete themselves.

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