From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 104 Interview with the Chinese Mathematical Society

When Zhou Yi thought that no more tasks would be released, the cold voice of the system sounded again.

[Ding, release task three, a grand slam from the four top mathematics journals.

As a budding mathematics newcomer, it is necessary and obligatory to show your mathematical talent to the world.

Requirements: Publish a paper in the remaining three top mathematics journals. ("New Advances in Mathematics", "Journal of the Chinese Mathematical Society", "Journal of the Chinese Mathematical Society").

Reward: 6 lottery opportunities, minimum math experience of 6000 (depending on your math paper level), and 1500 points.

Note: Each time you publish a paper in any journal, you can submit a separate task, and the reward each time is one-third of the total reward. After each submission, the total reward decreases in sequence. 】

This task is relatively humane.

If you publish papers in all the remaining three major journals, it will not be one or two times more difficult for Zhou Yi.

It's very big.

The reason why Zhou Yi was able to publish a paper in the "Annals of Mathematics" was largely due to the light of Kepler's conjecture that had not been solved for four hundred years.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to publish a paper in the "Annals of Mathematics" without some breakthrough results.

This is really not something you can do with just your hands.

Zhou Yi secretly thought that the proof of Newton's lattice problem and the proof of Kepler's conjecture could just be published in two different journals.

Finally, Hilbert's eighteenth question can also be published as a separate paper.

It's okay, compared to the application of the second task, it's not too difficult.

Compared with task one, it is much easier to solve a world-class conjecture alone.

Early the next morning, Zhouyi got up at six o'clock and started writing the paper.

Your work and rest schedule will not change at all based on your current achievements.

I won’t even lower my requirements for myself.

In mathematics, we have not worked hard for decades to achieve our current achievements.

This is the beginning of my academic career, and I cannot be complacent or complacent.

Just when Zhou Yigang stepped into the door of the library,

The dean's phone call came directly.

"Hello? Zhou Yi? Come to me quickly. Reporters from the Chinese Mathematical Association are going to interview you."

Zhou Yi obviously underestimated the value of top journals.

Every time a mathematics paper reaches the top of a journal like this, under the operation of thoughtful people, it has already started to be trumpeted, and everyone in the country wants to know about it.

"Oh, okay."

Zhou Yi replied with a headache.

This kind of meaningless thing is really annoying. Now Zhou Yi just wants to publish three papers quickly, and then study the ABC conjecture while going to an institution to take classes and make money.

Although Mr. Qiu said that outstanding graduate students would be given 200,000 yuan per year, but who would have too much money?

After a while, Zhou Yi came to the dean's office from the library.

These reporters Zhou Yi looked very familiar.

Aren't these the same reporters who interviewed the last math competition?

Several reporters were also deeply impressed by Zhou Yi.

The last interview was vivid in my mind.

Unexpectedly, in just four months, they met again.

During this meeting, this young man actually made such great achievements.

They are all people who study mathematics or know mathematics very well, and naturally know the value of publishing a paper in the "Annals of Mathematics".

A reporter headed by him said first:

"This interview is mainly to understand your learning methods and study habits, and to set an example for the majority of students studying mathematics."

Miao Lai also said:

"Zhou Yi's interview this time is not the last one. Answer him carefully."

Zhou Yi nodded and said:


After a while, after getting ready, the reporter in charge asked:

"Classmate Zhou Yi, I have also studied your paper carefully. It can be said that with my current level, there are still many parts that I cannot understand.

May I ask, where did you get the inspiration to prove the answer to Newton's lattice problem in 567-dimensional space in one fell swoop? "

Zhou Yi looked at the solemn look and did not dare to act like a monster. He just said:

"When I was studying Kepler's conjecture, I also studied the Newton's lattice problem that was born from it. Seeing that the proof of 567 dimensions had not yet been solved, I thought about trying to prove it, but the result was accidentally proved. .”

The corner of the reporter's mouth twitched, didn't he agree not to show off?

I accidentally proved it. Those old professors who are studying this direction will not criticize others after hearing it?

"It seems that our classmate Zhou Yi is indeed a math wizard and very talented. I wonder if classmate Zhou Yi can share his usual study methods?"

The reporter said while keeping a smile.

Zhou Yi paused and said:

"I don't have much study methods. Anyway, I get up at six in the morning and read books and literature, and I don't rest until two in the morning at night.

When learning mathematics, I personally think that the most important thing is to think more, do more, reflect more, and ask more why. "

6 a.m. and 2 a.m. at night?

If you really can't learn to death, just go to death to learn.

The reporter said with a smile:

"No wonder Student Zhou Yi has achieved such an achievement. Talent and hard work are indeed inseparable. Just the level of Student Zhou's hard work is not something that ordinary people can compare to.

I would like to ask classmate Zhou Yi, what are your plans for the future? "

Zhou Yi thought for a while and said:

"Strive to completely solve Kepler's conjecture before graduation and turn this conjecture, which has been hanging in the mathematical world for four hundred years, into a theorem."

"Before graduation, within two years?"

The reporter said with some surprise that he clearly remembered that Zhou Yi was only in the second semester of his sophomore year.

Zhou Yi said lightly:

"No, I will graduate in July this semester, and then go to Shuimu University to get a direct Ph.D. and study mathematics with Teacher Qiu."

reporter:? ? ? .

This is such a huge amount of information. I didn’t expect that Mr. Qiu would actually recruit disciples himself.

Another thing is that Zhou Yi is going to graduate two years early.

But forget it, graduate early. You are a genius, you are qualified to graduate early, you can do whatever you want, and your dean is also pampering and loving you.

But you are going to completely prove Kepler's conjecture within three or four months, are you not wrong?

"Student Zhou Yi, this is not a live broadcast. Why don't you think carefully about your speech? What we just recorded can be edited out."

The reporter reminded kindly.

In Daxia, everyone adheres to the golden mean, and such a domineering declaration can easily be criticized.

If it is released later and Kepler's conjecture is not proved, how will you end up, and how will your Chongqing University of Science and Technology end?

I am afraid that not only you, Zhou Yi, but also Mr. Yu Da and Qiu Chengtong will become a joke.

You thought you were talking trash during the LPL Summer Finals.

Miu Lai also wanted to persuade him. After all, others have been working on it for a lifetime and have not been able to prove it. How long have you been studying?

Doesn't this make you look arrogant?

These are fine, but if your future mentor thinks you are a frivolous and arrogant person, what will Qiu think of you?

The impression score is much lower.

"Zhou Yi, why don't you change it?"

Miu Lai said.

Zhou Yi was planning to publish a paper within this semester. How could he change it? He said directly:

"Just post it like this. You've worked hard on writing and revising it. Dean, you have to trust me."

Miu Lai:...

It's not that I don't believe you, look at Professor Xiang, that Professor of Religion, and people like Hales.

Which one is less talented and which one is less dedicated, just three or four months is no less than a fantasy.

Zhou Yi's paper is still a long way from completely solving Kepler's conjecture. At best, it can only pave the way for proving Kepler's conjecture.

PS: The first update is asking for monthly votes.

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