From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 108 The landscape opens up and all global languages ​​are included.

It was around 7:30 in the evening that Zhou Yi finished reading his first Python book.

Zhou Yi sighed, compared to the rough study last time, this time is the real mastery.

Level one of informatics and level one of artificial intelligence have a huge impact.

Zhou Yi felt there was no need to read the second book.

Just when Zhou Yi was about to return the books, Xia Xue had already returned with news.

Zhouyi said:

"Go out and talk, this is the library."

Xia Xue nodded and hummed slightly.

outside the library,

Xia Xue said:

"Dean Bao said it's a good idea. If you really have the skills in this area, some teachers and graduate students from the School of Liberal Arts will come to join this work.

What's more, Dean Bao will ask you to go to him for an interview tomorrow. "

Zhou Yi nodded and said:

"Okay. I'll go find him tomorrow morning. He should be free, right?"

"The dean has no classes tomorrow morning, so you can go."

"Well, let's talk about it tomorrow. Let's study first."

After a while, after Zhou Yi returned the two books, he continued to write a proof paper on Newton's problem.

If this paper is published, people who have been studying Kepler's conjecture are likely to be directly inspired by it and prove it in one fell swoop.

So Zhouyi is preparing to submit the manuscript at the same time.

Newton's problem and Kepler's conjecture are inherently twin problems.

As long as you can understand the proof of one of the papers, the proof of the other problem will also be solved.

It wasn't until the library closed and Zhou Yi sent Xia Xue back to her dormitory that she started thinking about the scientific research assistant program she planned to write during the day.

In fact, from a long time ago, countless mathematicians have created many new mathematical branches and theories in order to study Kepler's conjecture, and algorithms just emerged as the times require.

Most of these algorithms have been applied in various aspects such as communications and telecommunications signals.

When Chinese mathematician G. L. Watson solved Newton's problem in eight-dimensional space in the 1960s, they keenly grasped the application value of this theoretical achievement and soon invented signal encoding technology.

The successful manufacture of signal modems greatly accelerated the development of communication technology. This technology is still used in the current Internet.

Zhouyi's technology was inspired by Newton's problem in 567-dimensional space.

Of course, the arrival of Li Qinqin and the breakthrough in artificial intelligence level allowed Zhou Yi to keenly grasp the value of this application.

After returning to the dormitory, Zhou Yi started writing the program.

I have to say that Python is indeed an excellent programming language. It is simple and clear. After Zhou Yi first understood the basic code of similar software, he started typing on the keyboard quickly.

For Zhouyi now, it is definitely the best programming language.

But for the rest of the programmers, that's not necessarily the case.

How to make a group of weak and sub-healthy programmers fight, no doubt a silent question in the group,

"Python, Java, C, C++, which language is the best programming language."

For this reason, they will quote classics and long speeches, stating the benefits of the programming language they use, until they fight to the death.

I wrote until two o'clock in the evening. After Zhou Yi saved the core code, he washed up and went to bed.

This process certainly cannot be completed in a day or two.

There are too many things involved, and the core code cannot be known to others.

So Zhou Yi could only do it himself.

Early the next morning, Zhou Yi still got up at six o'clock,

A new day full of hope starts with writing an essay.

After writing until eight o'clock, Zhou Yi went out with his tablet and computer, went to the canteen and ordered four steamed buns and a bowl of beef noodles.

After eating, he burped and headed to the liberal arts college.

Not long after, Zhou Yi came to Dean Bao's office.

"Dean Bao, thank you."

Zhou Yi put down the things in his hands and said hello.

"Haha, Zhou Yi, sit down. I didn't expect you to have achieved such great achievements in just over half a year. You have published papers in top mathematics journals. I don't know how many mathematics professors across the country are so envious that they are drooling with envy."

Zhou Yi touched his nose and said modestly:

"Good luck, good luck."

"How can there be so much luck? Some people don't have this kind of luck in their lives. Some people have to cooperate with others in their lives to achieve success. Some people only achieve results in their later years. Young geniuses deserve the title."

Dean Bao said very seriously. Obviously, he knew a lot about the mathematics circle of Daxia Kingdom.

Zhou Yi really couldn't tell who this meant.

Even if you heard it, pretend you didn't.

Zhou Yi smiled awkwardly and didn't want to speak.

"Xia Xue told me your idea yesterday. I think it's very good. To learn mathematics, you have to be able to apply it. You have been doing theory all your life, but in the end, others will use your results to make money. Think about it, isn't it a loss?"

Dean Bao continued.


Why is this guy's level of yin and yang so high?

"Do you think that I am not an insider in your mathematics circle and don't know the ins and outs of it?"

Dean Bao looked at Zhou Yi and continued.

"No, no, your insights are indeed very high."

Zhou Yi could only agree.

"Humph, little slippery man, I used to major in mathematics for my bachelor's and master's degrees, but I just changed my direction later."

Zhouyi:? ? ? .

What the hell, giving up numbers and following literature?

This is a boss with a story.

“Many people who engage in pure mathematics only want to produce results, and then write them into textbooks, and be famous throughout history, becoming the founder of a certain school of mathematics;

It's embarrassing for me to lower my status to work on apps. I don't know anymore. "


Although there are some such people, they are only a very small part, and most of them are still purely hobbies and interests.

It is really a hobby and interest that supports countless great mathematicians’ tireless research lives.

Even if you fail thousands of times in a certain direction, you will become more courageous and never give up with each setback, which is brought about by interest and hobbies.

It is indeed a bit difficult to ask them to develop applications against their own interests.

And some old mathematicians don’t have that much energy to apply it.

Only young people before the age of fifty have this energy.

"Your dean should have asked you to concentrate on theory, right?"

Dean Bao said again,

"Otherwise, why wouldn't you be allowed to participate in so many projects in your institute?"

Zhou Yi smiled awkwardly and said:

"That's what it means. Only when the theory is solid can you choose the right direction in the future. Even if it is applied, without sufficient theoretical support, you will not be able to make a name for yourself."

Dean Bao sighed and said:

"It's the same truth. It's just that I really can't stand some people. Forget it, the scientific research assistant you mentioned can actually open my eyes."

Zhou Yi knew it was the highlight and listened carefully.

"Think about it, there are so many ethnic groups in Daxia, and there are 75 languages ​​alone. Excluding the lost languages, there are at least dozens of them.

Can this part of the language also be included in your scientific research assistant? "

Zhou Yi sighed, as expected of an old guy, he has many ideas, wouldn't he make more money this way?

"Dean Bao has a great idea."

Bao Jingnan continued:

"This not only makes it easier for newcomers and the public to understand and learn, but also allows our culture to be passed on. When Xia Xue mentioned this, I thought it was a good idea."

Zhouyi:? .

Isn't the purpose of doing this to make more money? Why did it become so high-profile all of a sudden?

Bao Jingnan continued:

"Actually, the situation can be opened up a little bit."

Zhou Yi looked at the old man with a white beard and quietly waited for his next words.

“Incorporate all languages ​​from around the world.”

! ! ! .

Damn, what a great idea, this is not going to make a lot of money. Look at those people who learn small languages, their wages are calculated on a per minute basis.

Originally Zhou Yi only wanted to compare ancient and modern classical Chinese, oracle bone inscriptions and modern vernacular, but he did not expect that the old man's pattern was so big.

The key is that with the technology Zhou Yi currently has, it can really be realized.

"Not only the global languages, but also previously disappeared languages, as long as someone is researching them, they will be involved. Let this APP become the world's largest language research center."

Bao Jingnan's calm tone had a hint of sharpness.

Zhou Yi seemed to have thought of something and said:

"This project is too big and requires a lot of people, and the biggest competitor is iFlytek. They are already very mature in this technology. This is equivalent to destroying their jobs. I'm afraid the competition will be very fierce by then.

Their talent pool includes quite a few PhDs in mathematics. "

Bao Jingnan said:

"What are you afraid of? Just take your time and make your settings well first. Since you are a scientific research assistant facing global openness, you must translate English and Chinese into each other as soon as possible.

For use by domestic scientific researchers.

When they write their own papers, if they can’t understand English at the first time, they can use another function of your APP. Isn’t this a huge advantage? "

Zhou Yi had to lament that people become monsters when they grow old. They simply think clearly and clearly.

Sure enough, they are still too young.

"Dean Bao is right. It can also be achieved in terms of technology, but only in terms of language?"

Zhou Yi said.

"Don't worry, I have students all over Daxia. Some of them are already master's tutors. Some of them have connections and resources. If they know that they can contribute to the inheritance and promotion of culture, they will definitely come to help.

It would be better if after this APP becomes profitable, some money can be given to their graduate students. "

Indeed, if this idea is really realized, it will not only make global language interoperability more convenient, but also greatly spread the culture of Daxia.

When the entire middle- and upper-level scientific researchers in a country are studying Chinese, how can the bottom class of the country not study Chinese?

For some countries with developed education, it may be even more intense.

Especially after Daxia's status becomes higher and higher, knowledgeable people will have a correct understanding.

Bao Jingnan's vision looked very far, at least much further than Zhou Yi who only thought about making money.

This App, as said, is popular all over the world and is a great tool for the cultural dissemination of Daxia.

By then, it can be said that the whole world will learn Chinese.

The culture of Daxia is popular all over the world, and cultural renaissance is nothing more than this!

And in Bao Jingnan's view, Zhouyi's potential may be greater than this software's.

He has watched people all his life and rarely misses them.

How many young people are there who are publishing in four top journals at the age of 19?

In the future, as long as Zhou Yi's theory is good enough, with his money-oriented character, he will think about applications and make money without being tempted by others.

At that time, the technological revolution driven by it was bound to be earth-shaking and affect the whole world.

Anyone who has a bachelor’s or master’s degree in mathematics will naturally know the impact of mathematics on the scientific and technological revolution.

PS: Please vote for 3200 words!

Let's continue in the evening, see if we can survive, please vote for me! ! !

Thanks to Mingzhigui for the 1,500-coin reward, and thanks to Zeng Xiaomeng and Chen Laoguang for the 100-coin reward.

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