From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 111 Zhou Yi is making money

Academician Yang Le of the Chinese Academy of Sciences also wrote an article describing what happened.

"Young Mathematics Genius, Zhou Yi's magnificent achievements this year." 》

The article not only writes about Zhou Yimin's achievements in one year, but also

The most valuable championship among undergraduates, the National Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling Contest, the National Undergraduate Mathematics Contest, and the American Competition, three events,

He also wrote in detail 12 SCI articles and 1 Annual Mathematics article by Zhou Yifa, which won praise from Professor Milnor and Professor Deligne, the winners of the Three Materials Award.

He even got an offer written by Professor Milnor himself. Looking around the world, almost no one could do it at the age of 19.

The article also particularly emphasized the practical significance of the Newton lattice-type 567-dimensional proof.

Among them, one paper was reviewed in 15 days by the Annual Journal of Mathematics.

The explanation I give below is purely my personal opinion.

The article "Proof of the Unification of the 'Lattice' Newtonian Problem in 5, 6, and 7-Dimensional Spaces" was personally verified by four Fields Medal winners.

Professor Milnor, Professor Deligne, Professor Qiu Chengtong and Professor Birkar, in addition to Professor Xiang who studies this direction, will be verified before publication.

Secondly, the total number of articles published by our country's mathematicians in top mathematics journals does not exceed fifty. Each publication represents the recognition of our country's mathematics level by international peers, and also represents the improvement of our country's mathematics level.

Academician Yang Le’s voice answered all the doubts of netizens.

The two academicians, coupled with the voices of many official blogs, caused the criticism of Zhouyi to suddenly reverse.

Four Fields Medal winners personally reviewed it, and the cards are really big.

Fans of Bibo, Douyin, Bhu, and Station C have increased sharply.

A visible increase.

But it's not over yet.

The Daxia Cyclists Association and the United States Cyclists Association also spoke out for Zhou Yi at the same time.

[Thanks to Mr. Zhou for his contribution to our riders. That piece of US competition paper is of extremely high practical significance. 】

After we studied Zhou Yi’s essay for the competition, we directly applied it in practice.

Not only does it greatly protect the rider's life safety, but it also saves the rider a lot of energy on the same road at the same time.

Thumbs up for young mathematicians like Zhou Yi.

A special thank you to Zhou Yi for his contribution to us cyclists.

It turned out to be a thank you message sent by the Cycling Association and the International Cycling Federation, which was even more exciting to countless netizens.

Damn it, just let insiders, academicians, and mainstream official media speak out.

Unexpectedly, the cycling association outside the circle also sent congratulations, which is really strange.

Zhang Wei is a little panicked now, but not too panicked.

I have been involved in many lawsuits before, and in the end I just lost money.

But allow yourself to apologize,

Absolutely impossible.

Once you apologize, your fans on both platforms will be lost at an extremely fast speed, and it will be basically impossible to get enough advertising money by then.

He must be very clear about right and wrong.

Isn't it just for money? The magic weapon for making money must not be smashed by others.

At this time, Liu Qingfeng, the chairman of iFlytek, also learned about the news that was making waves on the Internet.

To be honest, in his opinion, this news was indeed outrageous. A young mathematics genius was led by a master of civil sciences, and he really didn't know how to live or die.

It will be over sooner or later.

Liu Qingfeng also asked a group of mathematics PhDs under his reserve to study the paper Zhou Yi published in the Annual Journal of Mathematics.

The original proof of Newton's lattice pattern in 8 dimensions brought a revolution to the entire communications industry. This 567-dimensional proof will definitely have other application values.

It just depends on which direction Zhouyi's paper can be applied.

Now their artificial intelligence voice technology is indeed facing a huge bottleneck, and what is needed is a new mathematical theory.

I just hope that I can find some useful ideas in Zhouyi's papers.

In fact, Liu Qingfeng wanted to recruit Zhou Yi to their company, but after he found out that Zhou Yi had become Qiu Chengtong's disciple, he gave up this idea.

But this does not prevent him from giving Zhou Yi timely help. If iFlytek wants to go far in the future, it must have close contact with mathematicians.

Moreover, they have also cooperated with Qiu Chengtong Center for Applied Mathematics, and they will even attend the ICCM International Congress of Mathematicians to be held at the end of July.

This mathematician conference was personally organized by Qiu Chengtong and included all Chinese mathematicians at home and abroad.

"The young mathematical genius of the Great Xia Kingdom cannot be insulted, and Mr. Qiu's reputation is also doubtful. It is recommended that all the affairs of this person be strictly investigated." 》

This article by iFlytek is the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

[Oh my god, the chairman of iFlytek also personally issued an article. Is Zhouyi such a big name? 】

[If you study for two more years, you will understand what it means to be a young mathematician. Showing your kindness in advance may bring about a breakthrough revolution in iFlytek's technology. 】

[I have long said that Zhou Shen has real talent and knowledge. Now I have to leave a message on Zhou Shen’s neck. He is familiar with it and I might be able to study with him in graduate school in the future. 】

From the post in the morning to the support from all walks of life in the evening, Zhang Wei felt like dying.

But at this moment, a message was sent to one of his elderly mobile phones, which he used specifically to contact some secret figures.

I saw the message saying:

"Don't expose us, or there will be consequences."

Seeing this, Zhang Wei sat on the chair dejectedly.

He didn't know who was on the other side of the phone from beginning to end. Just when Zhang Wei was about to go to Douyin and Bibo to see how many followers he had lost,

As a result, he discovered news that horrified him.

If it was heartbreaking news to lose his fans, then having his bib and Douyin accounts blocked made him unable to live.

A scarf plus the advertising fee for Douyin account,

The two platforms add up to 60W every month, which is at least 7.2 million in a year.

Now the account has been suspended.

This is not to kill him.

How can he repay his luxury house mortgage and luxury car mortgage without a regular income?

Moreover, Zhang Wei is still fighting some lawsuits, which are all false accusations and rumors. If he loses, he will pay a large sum of money.

Zhang Wei called directly to appeal. Fans can be lost and the lawsuit can be lost. These two accounts must not be blocked.

As soon as the call was connected, Zhang Wei said eagerly:

"Why was my account blocked? Did I do anything illegal?"

The other end of the phone said very politely:

"What is your account name?"

"Educator Zhang Wei."

Zhang Wei said directly without stopping for a breath.

Zhang Wei is anxious, too anxious.

"Dear Mr. Zhang Wei, because your account has published rumors and slanderous information, in accordance with the National Cybersecurity Law and the Latest Agreement on Use of App Services, your account has been suspended."

One end of the bib account still replied politely.

Zhang Wei shouted eagerly:

"Where did I violate the rules? I didn't. I was just exercising my right to free speech. I want to sue you."

The person on the phone still said in a polite tone:

"The decision to suspend an account for violation of regulations is made by the network security department. We have no right to unblock it. If you want to sue, please be sure to take legal channels."

Then the call hung up.

Zhang Wei is now panicking about Douyin, and he still has a Douyin account.

As a result, when I opened my Douyin account, it was also blocked. Not only these two platforms, but also all accounts related to other platforms were blocked.

Although the accounts on other platforms have fewer fans, they still have hundreds of thousands.

This is equivalent to a network-wide ban.

After Zhou Yi returned to the dormitory, Yang Shuai and Zhang Yuan looked at Zhou Yi with surprise and envy.

"Old Zhou, a lot of official media happened for you, and there are two academicians who spoke out for you."

"Not only the academicians, but also the chairman of iFlytek of HKUST also speaks for you, and the official bicycle association of Daxia Country also supports you."

The two of you talk to each other.

Zhou Yi quickly checked his accounts on various platforms such as Bibo and Douyin.

I found that as soon as I opened these apps, they got stuck.

Zhou Yi cursed secretly, Ma De,

Broken cell phone.

"Yang Shuai, lend me your mobile phone."

Zhou Yi put his mobile phone on the table, then took Yang Shuai's latest fruit machine and checked it.

You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

Oh my god,

The number of bib fans has increased to 600,000, and continues to increase.

Most of the comments are written by Zhou Yi ghostwriter or co-writer.

Douyin also directly increased its number of fans by hundreds of thousands, and now has 500,000 fans, which is very scary.

Stations C and B are even more outrageous, with the number of fans exceeding one million.

The comments all asked Zhou Yi for guidance in writing SCI papers.

This wave, Zhou Yi is simply making money.

With so many big shots making final conclusions, and Zhang Wei's account being suspended, the negative comments about Zhou Yi are almost pitifully small.

Even the self-media that had been gaining popularity in the past deleted videos and articles overnight and turned them all into texts and short videos praising Zhou Yi.

"The Hope of Chinese Mathematics!" 》

"The mathematical conjecture that has been unresolved for four hundred years may be proved in the hands of Zhou Yi!" 》

"The boy most promising to win the Fields Medal in Daxia Kingdom—Zhou Yi!" 》

"The first Fields Medal winner in the Great Xia Kingdom may be this math undergraduate who was ranked at the bottom of 985 - Zhou Yi!" 》

Various articles are simply shameless boasts.

As for whether Zhou Yi can reach this level, it is no longer important. The traffic will come first.

These articles and short videos appear one after another, causing the number of fans on Zhouyi's four platforms to rise again.

It basically reached 1.5 million before slowly stopping.

When he got up the next day, Zhou Yi took Yang Shuai's mobile phone and discovered this.

It’s a huge profit, and the first wave of traffic for the upcoming scientific research assistant is here.

Zhou Yi couldn't help but sigh, Zhang Wei's operation was simply making me money.

No wonder those traffic stars like to hype, all the traffic here is real money.

Just when Zhou Yi quietly left the dormitory,

A strange call came into Zhou Yi's cell phone.

Zhou Yi wanted to refuse, but was reminded that it was not a scam call, so he answered it.

"Hello? Classmate Zhou Yi, I am Liu Qingfeng, chairman of iFlytek, and I want to talk to you about some cooperation."

PS: If we continue to sell tens of thousands per day, please give me monthly tickets and full reservations. Posted an easter egg chapter in the book review. Mainly to fight against some trolls, and the big guys in the same industry give me a little hammer. Life is not easy, so I sigh while writing a book.

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