From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 116 The Birth of Artificial Intelligence ‘Peony’

Marine science, atmospheric science and geodynamics, to be precise, should be three courses.

The three sciences have very practical significance, but are very unpopular.

As Zhou Yi walked, he used his mobile phone to check the information on these three subjects.

Marine science mainly studies the natural phenomena, properties and changing patterns of the ocean, as well as the development and utilization of seawater.

The main courses involved include a series of professional courses such as fluid mechanics, computational fluid dynamics, and introduction to marine science.

Of course, it also involves elementary mathematics such as advanced mathematical linear algebra.

In general, Zhou Yi understood that the sea is a fluid controlled by mathematical and physical equations, and the movement of the sea can be described by a mathematical model.

By solving this mathematical model on a computer, you can figure out the specific conditions of ocean movement and make predictions.

As for atmospheric science, it also involves many professional courses, such as Introduction to Atmospheric Science, Atmospheric Physics, and Atmospheric Exploration.

Basic elementary mathematics and atmospheric physics will also be covered, and more will be done using PDE research to establish mathematical models.

Similar to dynamical systems, kind of like the applied mathematics aspect.

Geodynamics, on the other hand, is even more outrageous.

It is a branch of solid geophysics that studies the various mechanical processes, force sources, and mechanical properties of media involved in the Earth's large-scale motion or overall motion.

It's related to mathematics, but more towards physics.

But the most basic application in this direction is to predict earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.

Zhou Yi feels that the practicality may be greater in these directions, but it is more in-depth. Zhou Yi feels that it is not possible. Maybe this subject may be falsified. This is Zhou Yi's first intuition.

What the specific situation is needs to be understood in depth.

After returning to the dormitory, Zhou Yi looked left and right and found that there was no monitoring and no one was there, so he said directly to the system:

"Get the notebook."

Not long after, in violation of Zhou Yi's materialism, a black laptop appeared on Zhou Yi's desk.

And mouse and other supporting things.

Zhou Yi couldn't wait to turn on the computer and found that the operating system was somewhat similar to Linux, but not entirely.

As soon as he turned on the computer, Zhou Yi found that a line of words appeared on the computer screen,

"Self-named for rudimentary artificial intelligence?"

Then two choices appeared,

"Yes or no".

It's all in Chinese, and the system is quite considerate.

Zhou Yi thought for a while and chose yes. Use the mouse to click.


"Please name it."

Zhou Yi thought about it again and finally typed two words.


"The naming is successful, artificial intelligence Peony is at your service."

In the center of the screen, a line of black font flashed, still in running script.

Zhou Yi continued the operation to see what the use of this junior artificial intelligence exchanged for 6,000 points was.

Zhou Yi checked the computer first and found that it had built-in speakers, so he directly said:

"Peony Peony, can you hear me?"


Zhou Yi was immediately shocked. It was indeed high-tech. Damn, isn’t this better than iFlytek’s artificial intelligence or Baidu’s artificial intelligence?

But her tone was a bit obedient, like a cute lolita.

"open the Web page,"

Various web pages were opened immediately, and Zhou Yi was secretly amazed.

Then Zhou Yi continued to test it out and found that the intelligence level of this artificial intelligence was probably similar to that of a two or three-year-old child.

Between the second and third stages of artificial intelligence.

If you want to improve the ability of artificial intelligence, Zhou Yi guessed that it may be related to your mathematics level and the level of artificial intelligence.

Zhou Yi thought for a while and attached the background program of the scientific research assistant. The originally rented server could be installed on this quantum notebook.

The notebook given by the system is so horrible.

Moreover, Peony can also automatically generate the number of people who log in to the APP every day based on background messages and collect various data.

It can even measure the number of active people online on the APP during each period.

It can also detect how often each user uses the scientific research assistant function.

It is more useful than the big data model that Zhou Yi is planning to build.

Even some BUGs can be reported back and automatically fixed.

Seeing this, Zhou Yi finally felt that the 6,000 points were not wasted.

At least it's useful.

Although technicians from some large factories can do it, it is still better than doing it yourself. Wouldn't it be exhausting to do everything yourself?

Zhou Yi speculated that there are similar mathematical models and commands in this artificial intelligence execution program, otherwise the level of this artificial intelligence cannot surpass the actual technology.

Zhou Yi thought of something again and silently said to the system:

"How to improve the operational level of artificial intelligence, or the level of intelligence?"

The system gave a rare reply to the Zhouyi.

[Use points, or upgrade the subject level of mathematics or learn on the Internet. (Learning on the Internet does not progress quickly, and the character direction is not easy to grasp. It is recommended that the host does not try it easily.)]

Zhou Yi thought for a while, if he learned some dark things on the Internet and wanted to take revenge on mankind and destroy mankind, wouldn't it be a sin?

Why don't you let Mudan go directly to CNKI to study? Although the things there are mixed, some papers are of high value, and some papers are extremely hard water, more watery than Zhou Yi, but at least they are not anti-human.

Just do it, Zhou Yi directly asked Mudan to open CNKI, and then let Mudan learn immersively.

As for the background data of the scientific research assistant, it’s a bit stretched now.

Even though the four platforms of Zhouyi have a total of 8 million fans, it is basically useless.

Less than one in a thousand people downloaded and registered.

That is to say, there are not even 8,000 people, but only more than 5,000, which is not even as high as the average subscription of a great internet writer.

This made Zhou Yi feel very frustrated.

MMP, you talk about downloading, but in the end you don’t download any of them.

Wait half a month. After this month, Zhou Yi will decide to draw a lottery, MMP. Zhou Yi doesn’t believe that he will actually point out some people’s papers by then. These scientific research dogs and research monks have not yet downloaded it.

Just two or three days later, a big figure in the mathematics community stood up to deny Zhou Yi's proof.

and pointed out,

Kepler's own mathematical thoughts were in the same vein as Pythagoras, and he belonged to the school of mathematical aestheticism.

Kepler believed that mathematics is the only most advanced metaphysical science of thinking, and its complete state of judging the authenticity of propositions should be rigorous logical reasoning and concise operating principles.

Using the cold and stylized method of computers to solve the unparalleled problems he left behind will undoubtedly lower the height of human wisdom. This is an unacceptable result.

Yes, some of the arguments in Zhouyi's papers used computer assistance.

The proof of this paper was pointed out to be somewhat nondescript, and it used rigorous mathematical knowledge and involved the operation of computer programs.

It is extremely inconsistent with Kepler's original mathematical ideas.

When Zhou Yi learned the news, he wanted to slap him twice with his big hands.

PS: Please give me a monthly pass, I’ll have it later.

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