From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 120 The glory that can be recorded in history (please subscribe)

With the approval of two mathematics experts who have long studied Kepler’s conjecture,

The principal and school leaders have gained a lot of confidence.

Principal Zhang and other leaders are not mathematics majors, so it is normal that they cannot understand Zhou Yi's paper.

"The day after tomorrow, June 22nd, Zhou Yi, are you free at that time?"

The smile on Principal Zhang's lips never stopped.

Zhouyi said:

"Well, just that morning, I will do a simple science popularization and the proof ideas used, and by the way, I will answer some doubts of the professors in Bashu who specialize in this field."

"Okay, the conference room will inform you tomorrow."

After the agreement was reached, everyone chatted for a while before finally dispersing.

Although this lecture is open to all mathematics professors in the Bashu region and is held online and offline at the same time,

But not many can understand it.

There are specialties in the academic field, and even if they are studying mathematics at the same time, they may not understand the professional terminology because they are separated by several fields.

The difference is just that big.

As if separated by a galaxy.

Zhou Yi returned to the dormitory and saw that his roommates were not there.

While dictating the ppt for Mudan to make an explanation, Mudan also asked Mudan to check the registered personnel in the backend of the scientific research assistant.

With the current intelligence level of Mudan, Zhouyi only needs to dictate it, and Mudan can automatically open the PPT, and then write according to Zhouyi's wishes. Even if it is writing a paper, Zhouyi does not need to move on his own, just dictate it.

Can save time greatly.

After overwhelming publicity on the entire Internet through self-media, coupled with the huge fan base on Zhouyi’s four major platforms,

The number of registered members has exceeded 20,000, but the number of members is only more than 1,000, not less than 2,000.

Registration and consumption are two different things.

What's more, the people it faces are only those who need to write papers and those who need to consult ancient books.

The number of this group is not large. People with strong scientific research background are already very proficient in LaTeX.

It can only be targeted at those who have average learning, lack some effort, or have not yet started.

As for the full-text conversion of papers, some people are afraid of being exposed so they have scruples. As a result, the number of users has once again decreased.

The vast majority of people came here for the lottery of free revision of papers in the Book of Changes.

Compared with less than 5,000 people registered before, this number is already a huge improvement.

Only when the functions are more perfect and the functions expanded can we face a wider group of people.

Now we just need to get a good reputation.

June 22,

The meeting was held as scheduled,

Most of the people who came to the scene were local mathematicians from Yuzhou. There were only a few mathematicians from Shu, and they were all adults.

Who likes to watch others show off.

Apart from scholars in this field, there were only three people who came in person.

They are all from Shu University.

There are more mathematics scholars participating online, not only scholars from Bashu and Sichuan, but also mathematics professors from other universities who specialize in this field.

Zhou Yi was on the rostrum with the APP on the rostrum and first said:

"Kepler's conjecture was born in 1606, when the German mathematician Kepler wrote to Harry, and it was not until 1611 that it was formally summarized in mathematical language.

If the volume of the cube box is L, the radius of the ball is r, and the number of balls packed into the box is N, the ball packing density can be defined as (4/3)πr^3N/L.

It is such a simple result that has troubled us for four centuries.

For four hundred years, we have basically known that this result is correct, but there is always a lack of proof.

My thinking is somewhat similar to that of Dirichlet and Varnoy in the 19th century.

Introduced a basic concept of split space - Varnoy polyhedron.

Given an arbitrary accumulation of unit spheres in space, the center of the sphere constitutes a discrete point set. Take any center of one of the spheres, and the Varnoy polyhedron defined at that point is the set of all points in space whose distance from that point is no greater than the distance from any other sphere's center.

So Kepler's conjecture is an overall problem and a limit. For this type of geometric problem, only local situations can be dealt with because it involves specific calculations. Therefore, in order to solve Kepler's conjecture, the most important issue is how to effectively transform it into some local form. . . "

Zhouyi Balabala spoke for more than thirty minutes.

From the historical sources at the beginning to the proof ideas of Zhouyi.

I just gave a general introduction, and some professors listened with interest from the beginning, and ended up wandering around the world.

Because when it comes to the proof process involved in the Book of Changes, apart from Xiang Yi and Zong Ming, only the three old professors from Shu University can understand it.

As for some online mathematics professors, some of them quit after they couldn’t understand.

Today, only a very few people can understand it, but there are also many doubts.

Many professors also took this opportunity to ask their doubts.

Zhou Yi didn't feel impatient, but explained one by one.

After Zhou Yi answered the last question, the entire audience was silent. At least Zhou Yi's proof was impeccable in their eyes.

As for whether international peers recognize it, we will have to wait until July 6 to find out.

After the lecture, several old professors from Shu University, the president, Xiang Yi and others,

Surrounded by Zhou Yi, he said in a heavy tone:

"The doubts we raised didn't make you angry, right? Or do you think we are deliberately making things difficult for you?"

Zhouyi said:

"No, a great conjecture must be questioned from all directions."

Professor Xiang Yi shook his head and said on behalf of all the professors:

"If you can't cope with us, how can you cope with your international colleagues? They are all the top mathematicians in the world.

The questions they raise will be sharper and more specific than ours. Although I have immigrated, my heart is still in Daxia. Sometimes, immigrating is a helpless move. Unfortunately, it is easy to go out but hard to come back.

Our questions are all sharpening your sword, making your sword sharper and sharper, so that you can cut down this 400-year-old unsolved conjecture at the International Congress of Mathematicians. "

Professor Zong Ming of Beijing University on the side also said:

"Professor Xiang is right, and this conjecture was proposed by the Germans. There are many people in their country who specialize in this conjecture. The Germans are quite proud, and it is not easy to deal with it.

This time, you not only represent your own achievements, but also represent Chongqing University, Chongqing State, and even our mathematical community in Daxia.

Since the early Qing Dynasty, our mathematical glory has been gone forever.

In particular, the Qing Dynasty closed itself off to the country and disdained the so-called strange and obscene skills, which caused us to plummet in all aspects, including culture, economy, technology, etc.

This time you blow the horn of counterattack, starting from mathematics, it is a great opportunity, and once it is proved to be right, the first Fields Medal of Great Xia will probably fall into your hands. It is an honor that can be recorded in history, so you must take advantage of it. "

Zhou Yi looked confused, should it be so big? Although I proved to be impeccable, saying this made me very stressed.


Zhou Yi still said firmly:

"I will convince all the doubters!"

If this can't convince all the doubters, will my task be completed? It requires at least 6000+ mathematical experience and 1500 points. Until now, Zhouyi still owes the system a lot of points.

"In the next few days, we will help you solve the visa issue and all other problems, but there will be more domestic experts in this field asking you questions to add a touch of divine power to your sword!"

Principal Zhang said solemnly.


This was their good intention, and Zhou Yi could not think of a reason to refuse.

Is it possible that if you say no, I will prove you are right?

Doesn't this give people an image of being ignorant of the heights of the sky?

"Okay, thank you principal."

Zhou Yi had to say.

After all, he will still be involved in the mathematics circle of Daxia Kingdom in the future, so it wouldn't be a disadvantage to get to know more people.

This is called accumulating connections.

"No need to thank me, thank your future mentor Mr. Qiu for the people he contacted you. In addition, Academician Yang Le of the Chinese Academy of Sciences also helped you contact some people, and Professor Zong Ming also helped you contact some people."

Principal Zhang immediately threw the blame to them. This relationship was not caused by him.

Zhou Yi said to Professor Zong Ming:

"Thank you Professor Zongming."

"It's okay. This is also the idea of ​​some of our old academicians at Beijing University. But after you graduate from Mr. Qiu, you can come to teach at Beijing University."

Zong Ming said immediately.

Principal Zhang and Miu Lai looked at Zong Ming with dagger-like eyes.

If looks could kill, Zong Ming might have been executed by Ling Chi N times.

You know that this guy didn't come with good intentions. Zhou Yi hasn't even graduated yet and he's starting to poach him.

Only you can do this.

"In fact, our Shu University is more suitable for scientific research, and people in the Bayu area will not be used to it if they leave the province."

The old man from Shu University on the side also took action directly.

If we don’t start in advance, is it possible to wait until Zhou Yi becomes famous?

Wouldn't it be too late?

Miao Lai couldn't bear it anymore and said directly:

"Okay, Zhou Yi hasn't graduated yet, let's adjourn the meeting."

After the meeting, Zhou Yi added many people on WeChat and got phone calls from a bunch of big guys.

These big guys are all famous professors, and at least they are Yangtze Scholars.

After returning to his dormitory, Zhou Yi took advantage of this wave of popularity and once again advertised on the four major platforms.

If you check the ads every day, there will always be new people downloading and registering. Among these new people, there will definitely be scientific researchers. Then won't it subtly increase the number of customers?

As for the time for undergraduate graduation, Zhou Yi is still waiting for the dean to confirm it.

Now Zhouyi is just a student.

Miu Lai actually had an extremely selfish thought in his heart, not wanting Zhou Yi to graduate too early, but after thinking about it, he shook his head.

I don't intend to make a fuss about this kind of thing. Not only is it despicable, but it also makes people feel resentful.

When Zhou Yi comes back from the International Congress of Mathematicians, he will be asked to graduate with this year's senior students.

Wasting the time of a young genius is not only irresponsible to Daxia's future mathematics career, but also irresponsible to the mathematics community.

Miao Lai had this thought for a moment, and then prepared for Zhou Yi to go abroad and various trivial matters for graduation.

PS: Please give me monthly tickets and full reservations!

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