From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 123 Dagua and Zhou Yi appear (please subscribe)

The Fields Medalist apparently didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

Just when I was about to continue complaining,

He was directly interrupted by Chairman Carlos Koenig and said:

"Okay, our meeting is about math, not anything else. If you have nothing else to say, we can probably move on to the next project."

Vyazovska's expression changed, but everyone present had no good expressions at all. Politics should not be brought into the academic hall, otherwise, the International Congress of Mathematicians will change its flavor.

Vyazovska's throat surged, and she wanted to say something, but in the end she just sighed and said:

"Chairman, let's move on to the next activity."

Next, the videos and eulogies of all the Fields Medal winners were played.

Then the music entertainment session was cancelled,

Because we need to leave enough time for the discussion of Kepler's conjectures.

The meeting time was moved forward from 10.10 am to 8.10 am, a full two hours earlier.

Then IMU President Carlos Koenig said,

“Next, the International Mathematical Union Abacus Award is awarded to Mark Braverman, an Israeli mathematician at Princeton University, in recognition of his groundbreaking research and development of information complexity theory and the establishment of a framework for reasoning about communication protocols using information theory.

His work led to the direct sum theorem providing lower bounds for amortized communication, clever protocol compression methods, and new noise-resistant interactive communication protocols. "

After a while, the big boss came on stage to receive the award and give a speech.

At this time, Shan Peng on the side whispered to Zhou Yi:

"The IMU Abacus Medal is a continuation of the Rolf Nevanlinna Award, awarded from 1982 to 2018, which mainly recognizes outstanding contributions in mathematics in information science."

Zhou Yi nodded, indicating that he knew.

Among the fifteen people who came together, Shan Peng was probably the closest to Zhou Yi.

After the award-winning boss finished his eulogy, the Chen Shengshen Award began to be awarded.

The Chen Shengshen Award is the only award in the world named after a Chinese.

He was also the master of Qiu Chengtong and the master of Zhou Yi.

Shan Peng on the side said again:

"Actually, Mr. Qiu and Mr. Chen are not very harmonious. When Mr. Qiu held the ICCM International Conference of Chinese Mathematicians, Mr. Chen did not attend. They did not reach an agreement on some matters in their country, so..."

Only then did Zhou Yi know that there was such a secret.

Will I be silenced if I find out?

But Shan Peng already knew it, so it must be some undisclosed secret.

I saw IMU President Carlos Koenig on the stage making a very solemn announcement:

“The winner of the 29th Chen Shengshen Award is Barry Mazur of Magnesium.

In recognition of his profound discoveries in the fields of topology, arithmetic geometry and number theory, as well as his guidance and selfless dedication in training a new generation of mathematicians.

Congratulations to Barry Mazur. "

After a while, an old man started to go up to receive the award and played his video and eulogy.

Shan Peng continued at this time:

"Actually, I don't dare to say much about what happened here. It's just that Mr. Chen's family is relatively wealthy, while Mr. Qiu was relatively poor when he studied in his early years. It was Mr. Qiu's father who taught Tai Chi in the country of Mei and earned the tuition. ;

Academician Tian Zhen, who rebelled from his studies, is, in today's terms, a second-generation scholar. His parents are both university professors. His mother is a professor in the Department of Mathematics at Jinling University, and his father is an agricultural expert. "

Zhou Yi looked shocked, more curious than who the next winner of the Gauss Prize would be.

Not only Zhou Yi was curious, but Liu Gang on the side also didn't listen to the speech on the stage and started eating melon with relish.

Shan Peng continued:

"Later, in the dispute between Academician Tian Zhen and Donaldson over the priority of proving the "Yu-Tian-Donaldson Conjecture", one person was involved.

He is Chen Xiuxiong. Mr. Qiu said: Tian Zhen has always claimed that he proved the conjecture but did not write a paper. The final complete proof was given by Chen Xiuxiong, Donaldson and Sun Song.

Chen Xiuxiong turned against Academician Tian Zhen because of this - and Chen Xiuxiong happened to be Tian Zhen's postdoctoral fellow. "

Ding Jian on the side added:

"Actually, Chen Xiuxiong can be regarded as the disciple of Mr. Qiu. Chen Xiuxiong was also born in a small town and has no background, but his apprentice background is large. The young man published an article in New Advances in Mathematics and solved two important conjectures. His family is considered wealthy."

Zhou Yi and Liu Gang looked shocked. It turned out that their own sect had so many melons, and they didn't know until now.

Sure enough, in academia and vanity fair, it is not strange for masters and disciples to turn against each other for the sake of fame and profit.

"It is said that Mr. Qiu's most outstanding disciple is Tian Zhen. In fact, Mr. Qiu said that there are two other students with higher achievements than him, but they just don't like to reveal their identities."

Shan Peng continued.

The Chen Shengshen Award was awarded today, and Zhou Yi and Liu Gang had a big meal.

"Shan Guliang is right, but I think Mr. Qiu's most outstanding disciple in the future will be Zhou Shen, bar none."

Ding Jian praised directly.


"Don't call me Zhou Shen, I'm under a lot of pressure."

Zhou Yi protested in a low voice.

"Don't be modest, God Zhou. Your home field will be in the afternoon. After the Gauss Prize and the Riva Rati Prize are announced, you will announce to the world the advent of your mathematical era."

Liu Gang also agreed with Ding Jian's words and ignored Zhou Yi's resistance and said directly.

The beautiful Shan Peng said again:

"The Chen Medal is jointly awarded by IMU and the Chen Medal Foundation (CMF). CMF funds the Chen Medal Award. Medal winners will receive half a million magnesium,

Medal recipients may nominate one or more organizations to receive a total of $250,000 in cash awards to support research, education, or other outreach programs in the field of mathematics. "

After speaking, he glanced at Zhou Yi,

The meaning is self-evident.

When Zhou Yi heard that 250,000 magnesium gold was involved, he immediately understood that this special amount was more than 1.5 million.

Zhou Yi took a deep breath and said:

"Actually, I think people have misunderstandings about the Chen Prize. The Fields Medal is only 1,500 magnesium gold. I prefer the Chen Prize."

As for the 250,000 magnesium gold, it must be your own.

Zhou Yi clenched his fists and showed a look of longing.

When Shan Peng saw Zhou Yi's appearance, he knew that his goal had been achieved and stopped talking.

At this time, Barry Mazur, the winner of the Chen Shengshen Award on the stage, ended his speech.

The Zhouyi people did not pay much attention to Barry Mazur, the winner of the Chen Shengshen Award.

Just because Shan Peng’s melon is so delicious.

By now, it's already noon,

Carlos Koenig announced that everyone would eat, then took a lunch break and continued with the Gauss Prize and Riva Rati Prize in the afternoon.

Just when Zhou Yi and others were eating together,

The Ukrainian Fields Medal winner ran in front of Zhou Yi and said:

"Hey, Mr. Zhou?"

Zhou Yi was a little surprised. He looked at the aunt and said:

"it's me."

"I have read your paper, but I have some questions. I will ask you this afternoon. If you can't answer them, it means that my medal was not won by luck."

Vyazovska said somewhat seriously. It was obvious that she had read Zhouyi's paper carefully and had extremely high opinions.

Otherwise there would be no doubt.

Generally, after reading this kind of paper, there are only two results without doubts, one is that you understand it, and the other is that you don't understand it at all.

Zhouyi said:

"Then feel free to ask this afternoon."


These math students are, more or less, a little weird.

Zhou Yi complained in his heart that only he was normal.

I saw this aunt say:

“Not only will we ask questions in the afternoon, but Professor Deligne and Professor Milnor will also raise questions online.”

This news was nothing short of a heavy blow, making Zhou Yi and his party look a little ugly.

The achievements of these two people are greater than Mr. Qiu.

"Hey, you can ask whatever you want, I'm not afraid, we'll see!"

Zhou Yi swallowed a piece of cake and said vaguely.


When Vyazovska saw Zhou Yi eating, she was a little angry. Could she stop being so rude and communicate with others? Could she stop eating first?

This is just a small episode. The conference started on time at 2.15 pm.

Shan Peng, who was sitting next to Zhou Yi, continued to say to Zhou Yi:

“The Gauss Prize, whose full name is the Karl Friedrich Gauss Prize, honors scientists whose mathematical research has had an impact beyond mathematics – whether in technology, business or simply in people’s daily lives.

The Gauss Prize is jointly awarded by the DMV (German Mathematical Union) and the International Mathematical Union, and is managed by the DMV. Prizes include medals and monetary awards. The prize is derived from the surplus of the International Congress of Mathematicians in Berlin.

With the Gauss Prize, IMU has expanded the scope of its award to now include the impact of mathematics on other subjects. "

Zhou Yi lamented that Shan Peng was really an all-round encyclopedia.

The winner of the Gauss Prize this time is Elibut Lieb, a mathematician from Princeton University, in recognition of his extraordinary breadth and depth of mathematical contributions to the fields of quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, computational chemistry and quantum information theory.

The award ceremony progressed as time went on, and finally it came to the last item.

Riva Rati Award.

IMU President Carlos Koenig said loudly on the stage:

“The 29th International Mathematical Union Rivalati Prize was awarded to Russian mathematician Nikolai Andreev from the Steklov Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In recognition of his contribution to the art of mathematical animation and mathematical model building in a style that inspires young people as well as older people and mathematicians around the world to adapt them to their various uses - and for his tireless efforts to popularize Reaching the public about real mathematics through videos, lectures, and award-winning books. "

The significance of this award is also very important to the mathematics community.

In Daxia Country, don't many people also think that it is useless to worry about the future if you are selected into the Qiu Youth Mathematics Class?

As long as you are selected, you will be a Ph.D. in mathematics in the future.

Then the eulogy and video of the winner began,

Finally, all five medals were awarded.

At this time, IMU President Carlos Koenig said loudly and solemnly on the podium:

“In our mathematical community, there is a conjecture that has been unresolved for 400 years. During this period, many famous mathematicians developed discrete geometry, number geometry, and other branches in order to study this conjecture.

Articles born from studying its proofs have laid the foundation for some fields of informatics today.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that our subject of mathematics is the father of computers. "

Many people laughed.

Carlos Koenig also said after seeing this:

"OK, just kidding everyone, the current Kepler conjecture is very likely to be proven today!"

"Hilbert's question, which has spanned more than a century, may be able to give an answer today. Now we applaud Zhou Yi, a talented mathematical young man from the Great Xia Kingdom,

After Zhou Yi explains his ideas, mathematicians in this field can raise questions at will. Our goal is to completely prove this conjecture that spans centuries today! "

PS: I am not criticizing this Fields Medal girl, it is true, she really said that back then.

Also, if this chapter is blocked, I won’t change it tomorrow. If you can see it, just read it. If you can’t see it, don’t ask.

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It’s not that I’m criticizing this Fields Medal girl, it’s true, she really said that back then.

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