From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 143 Answer spanning a century

After Liu Qingfeng saw that many big guys were looking for Zhou Yi, they stopped talking about cooperation. After Cao Jin and others were almost gone, he finally said:

"Actually, we also have strategic cooperation projects with the country. The one I just proposed is one of them. Zhou Shen, if you need cooperation in this area later, you can contact us.

And we come with sincerity. If we want to make huge innovations, we will definitely take out equity. This is not a technological innovation of our company, but a technological innovation of the entire society. It is convenient for people and makes a little money by the way. money. "

iFlytek has many investors, including China Mobile and Z Keda.

Zhouyi said:

"Okay, thank you for your kind invitation. If necessary in the future, we will consider your suggestions as soon as possible."

After Liu Qingfeng left, Zhou Yi looked at the two PhDs in applied mathematics.

Zhouyi said:

"Can you two brothers introduce yourselves?"

A somewhat fat and somewhat bald doctor said:

"Zhou Shen, my name is Yuan Zhen, and I am completing my second degree this year."

Another one also introduced himself:

"Zhou Shen, my name is Lu Daosheng."

Zhou Yi nodded and remembered these two doctoral students.

"First of all, please introduce to me the basic situation of your smart grid."

Now that he has decided to join this project, Zhou Yi is ready to learn about it in advance.

It happens that ABC Conjecture has fallen into a bottleneck. It's okay to make applications, complete tasks, and relax.

Yuan Zhen said:

“This large-scale project of ours is a project with the State Grid Corporation of China, and it is about the distributed collaborative control and optimization of the distribution network with source-grid-load interactive operation.

As we all know, the power network is a highly complex large-scale network, and we currently have many bottlenecks.

The bottleneck in mathematics is quantifying the influencing factors in multiple application scenarios.

How to plan models to describe complex constraints and overall goals, how to design strategic forms,

How to combine the advantages of discrete/continuous algorithms to handle complex modeling, and how to improve current algorithms and make them suitable for complex environments. "

After Yuan Zhen finished speaking, Lu Daosheng on the side also began to continue the introduction,

"The so-called source grid load storage is an operating model that includes an overall solution of 'power supply, grid, load, and energy storage'. It can accurately control the society's interruptible power load and energy storage resources, and improve the safe operation level of the power grid. It can solve problems such as grid volatility in the process of clean energy consumption..."

Lu Daosheng said a lot.

Zhou Yi listened and took pen and paper to record.

After a brief understanding, you have to go to Dongda University to get the latest information and data.

"Let's just come here today. Are you going back to Dongda University or staying here?"

Yuan Zhen said:

"We can stay here and follow the boss to learn more. Otherwise, we can only attend such top academic conferences online."

There was a hint of joy in his tone.

Being able to participate in such a top academic conference is enough for them to brag in front of many people.

If I could give a report at a conference, I would probably print out the article I gave the report and put it in the most conspicuous place at home and pass it down as a family heirloom.

Zhou Yi nodded and said:

"My room number is 404. If you have any questions, you can come to me directly. From 2pm to 6am, and from 1pm to 2pm, don't come to me during this time."

"Okay Zhou Shen."

Yuan Zhen and the other two said.

After Zhou Yi returned to his room, he also began to ask Mudan to search for some basic knowledge about the power grid.

After watching it for several hours, I realized that the research and application of the source-grid-load-storage system is of great significance to energy development.

The first is to improve the ability to respond to large power grid failures. It can shorten the emergency response time for large power grid faults from minutes to milliseconds, providing a professional means to prevent and control large-area power outages.

The second is to support the development of distributed power sources.

While Zhou Yi was continuing to learn more about it, the crowd in the international mathematics community had already seen the copy of Zhou Yi's paper posted on arXiv.

More than ten pages are devoted to describing in detail the errors in Hales's paper.

Good guy, this young math star, slaps him in the face in the hardest possible way.

There are more than ten pages of core errors in a paper. The key is that the Book of Changes is written in great detail.

Where are the mistakes and where are the problems? List them all one by one. At the same time, the correct proof method is attached.

Professor Milnor on the other side of the ocean saw this paper and smiled and said to Professor Deligne next to him:

"Hey, that's right. I just like such a direct and rough way of hitting people in the face. This old guy from Hales is so disrespectful that he really doesn't have any face at all."

Deligne glanced at Professor Milnor and said:

"What are you so proud of? He is Qiu Chengtong's student now, not yours. I guess Old Man Qiu won't let him graduate if he doesn't let Zhou Yi prove the ABC conjecture.

If you fail to prove it in three years, can you still live for three years? "

Milnor:? .

"Can you say something nice? I understand. You must want me to die early, and then you accept Zhou Yi as your apprentice and continue to expand your Grothendieck faction. Humph, old man, how am I weaker than them?"

Milno said cursingly.

At this time, a postdoctoral fellow came to their room and said:

"Professor Milnor, Professor Deligne, and Mr. Qiu Chengtong posted news online and publicly condemned Hales' behavior. The Journal of Mathematics is also preparing to officially publish Zhou Yi's paper."

Milnor also said:

"The answer that spanned more than a century has finally been completely solved today. Are we witnessing history again? I can understand that old guy Hales is tempted.

But with so many errors being picked out, I’m sure Hales will have a place in future mathematical gossip. "

Before Deligne could speak, Professor Milnor said again:

"I even know what those people will say about interesting facts about the history of mathematics. This Hales has been infamy for thousands of years. In addition to the mistakes made more than 20 years ago, it is estimated that it will be passed down from generation to generation by people from the classical geometry school. Go down."

Deligne finally interjected and said:

"If your future apprentice achieves more amazing achievements, I'm afraid it will not be limited to the history of classical geometry. But Mr. Qiu is similar to you. The ICCM International Conference of Chinese Mathematicians organized by them is also interesting. It is similar to their Daxia National Mathematical Society Let’s face it, you will become more and more evil as you get older.”

"Let's go, stop complaining, I'm going to say a few words. This kind of proof of witnessing history, I must have a sense of participation. When someone investigates this matter, my name will definitely be on it."

Milnor said.

When people get old, they all care about reputation, especially masters who have published mathematical works, they care about their reputation even more.

Not only because Zhou Yi might become his apprentice, but also because he wanted to beat up such a dog with bad character.

Deligne nodded disdainfully. The older Milno gets, the more he loves his reputation.

Cultivating a disciple who is stronger than himself may allow his reputation to reach its peak.

Sure enough, a few days later, experts in the field of geometry, especially experts in the field of classical geometry, publicly stated that Hales's paper contained fundamental errors as Zhou Yi said.

Among them are Professor Milnor and Professor Xiang Yi.

Hales himself saw that his paper had errors pointed out by Zhou Yi. Anyway, his prestige in classical geometry in China is basically top 0. If you are wrong, you are wrong. Black and red are also red. In this way, it can be recorded in the history of classical geometry. ,

No matter how you think about it, it's not a loss, it's just a bad reputation.

Otherwise, what else could anyone do to him?

Don't be kidding, the application value of classical geometry is also increasing now, and its own value deserves the protection of the ugly country.

No, Hales said directly on his arXiv:

[Young people are terrible. It seems that I didn't get any advantage. It's a pity, it's a pity. Congratulations to my little brother for solving Hilbert's question that spanned more than a century. From now on, it can be declared that Hilbert's eighteenth question has been completely solved. 】

When Zhou Yi saw this passage, he couldn't help but be so angry that he wanted to punch this old guy. He was so shameless that he was invincible.

The Swedish "Journal of Mathematics" has prepared a special issue to publish Zhou Yi's paper "How to stack infinitely many tetrahedra of the same size to maximize the density."

Hilbert's eighteen questions have been solved in his own magazine for more than a century, which has demonstrated the authority of his magazine and indirectly increased the influence of his magazine.

The four major journals are not competitive on the surface, but when they face some major results, it is different.

If Zhouyi claims to have proved the Riemann Hypothesis,

I'm afraid these four major journals will have to beg Zhou Yi to publish their journals. This situation is not impossible.

On August 4th, "Journal of Mathematics" published a special issue.

[Genius Boy: An answer spanning a century, starting from Hilbert’s eighteenth question. 】

It not only covers Zhou Yi's proof papers, but also comprehensively discusses Zhou Yi's contributions.

It not only included Zhou Yi’s speech at the ICCM conference, but also included more than ten people who studied Zhou’s geometric direction mentioned by Zhou Yi.

In the end, he gave Zhou Yi a hard blow, and it can be said that the cards were fully loaded for Zhou Yi.

Many people in the mathematics community were shocked by the special issue of Acta Mathematica Sinica.

Although the beginning of the story between the two was a bit bloody, the final ending was considered perfect.

One has made great achievements in classical geometry, and the other has become the greatest background in the history of classical geometry.

Forget it, don’t be a crowd pleaser. In order to avoid being sprayed, I will not join the group. Sigh

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