From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 153 Zhou’s Analysis Method

But will Zhou Yi do this?

They have no bottom either.

Zhou Yi's character is somewhat stubborn, and he is also young. He is at the age where he hates being pointed at by others, so both of them are very tactful in their approach.

I was afraid of arousing Zhou Yi's rebellious psychology.

As a teacher, Qiu treated Zhou Yi as his direct disciple and showed him the greatest care.

Otherwise, is it worth it for ordinary people to expend so much effort?

I'm afraid I'll just give you an autograph and take a photo with a smile, that's all.

Although both Bill Carr and Qiu felt this way, Zhou Yi seemed to have seen a clue to prove Bill's conjecture.

This idea is more feasible than the illusory idea of ​​the ABC conjecture, and it is unknown whether a new mathematical tool will be developed.

Wiles's paper gave Zhou Yi great inspiration.

Modular forms, elliptic curves and Galois representations are combined with some methods from Zhou's geometry,

Zhou Yi feels that he can open up a new mathematical tool. This tool can not only solve this world-class problem worth millions of magnesium gold, but

It even has a huge impact on completely solving the ABC conjecture.

Regarding Qiu and Bill Carr's kind suggestions, Zhou Yi also understood that after he proved Bill's conjecture later, he would give them a big surprise.

When the time comes, with millions of magnesium gold in hand, we must arrange a wave for them.

Next, Zhou Yi only needs to perfect his tool!

Moreover, Zhou Yi was ready to use the inspiration he got from the lottery to completely improve the tools in his hands after his speech.

In the following days, Zhou Yi was basically in the dormitory and rarely even came to the office.

The World Artificial Intelligence Conference was in full swing in Shanghai, and Zhou Yi did not attend.

The level of these artificial intelligences is not as high as Zhou Yi's artificial intelligence.

If you can speak and see, if you can't make breakthroughs in these key technologies,

The development of artificial intelligence will not make a big leap.

It wasn't until one day that Zhou Yi was invited to give a speech at the opening ceremony of Shuimu University's School of Mathematics. Zhou Yi sorted out the manuscript papers in the room and stepped out of the room.

The contents of these manuscripts were all entered into the electronic notebook that Mudan had drawn. Without Zhou Yi himself, they could not be opened at all.

Not long after, Zhou Yi got dressed and arrived at a very large academic lecture hall in advance.

The conference can accommodate thousands of people. In addition to students from several colleges, there are even many students from various colleges such as the College of Physics, the College of Chemistry, and the College of Engineering.

It was basically packed.

There were even a lot of people crowded there.

Rather than saying that these people came to see Qiu and Birkar, it would be better to say that they all came to see Zhou Yi.

Among the younger generation, anyone who has accessed the Internet knows Zhouyi.

And according to many mathematics students, one of the next Philippine Prize winners will be the Book of Changes.

Now Qiu is speaking from above,

Offstage, Yi sat next to Bill Carr.

Birkar asked Zhou Yi in a smiling voice:

"How? Have you changed the direction of your research?"

Zhou Yi shook his head and said very quietly:

"Not yet, but I am developing a new mathematical tool to win the Beer Conjecture in one fell swoop."

Leshetikin on the side also joined in and said in a very low voice:

"What, you are studying Beer's conjecture and preparing to develop a new tool."

Zhou Yi nodded,

"Yes, we are going to start with some proof methods in Zhou's geometry and Wiles' method to prove Fermat's last theorem."

"He is truly a young genius."

Leshetikin said with a hint of wonder.

Bill Carr introduced at this time:

"This is an internationally renowned expert in low-dimensional topology, group representation theory and quantum field theory, and one of the founders of the field of quantum topology, Mr. Leshetykin."

Zhou Yi smiled and shook hands with the old man and said nothing. It was not until Birkar came up that Zhou Yi went up to speak.

The simple speech was just to encourage the university to study hard.

There was no other nonsense.

However, many people asked Zhou Yi questions, which caught Zhou Yi off guard.

"Hello Zhou Shen, I finally decided to apply for a master's degree at Shuimu University because of your brilliance. I would like to ask you, what is the direction of your current research?"

A newly admitted graduate student, Zhou Yi said slowly because he was not a black fan:

"Currently studying Beer's conjecture."

"Okay Zhou Shen, I wish you success."

Then the graduate student started writing a short composition.

Zhou Yi sighed, knowing that there was such a person, and then hurriedly got off the stage and met his friend who had participated in the mathematics competition together.

"Zhou Shen."

Everyone said hello in unison.

Zhouyi said:

"I didn't expect you all to come here and do scientific research with Bill Carr. I'm afraid you'll have to study algebraic geometry in the future."

Li Fengjun and Wu Yong said:

"We're almost in this direction. Let's see if the teacher can send us to a better place to study for Ph.D. in the future. I'll try to learn more here."

Obviously, the two of them are also ambitious and cannot compare to Zhou Yi. At least among their peers, they cannot lose too much.

Zhouyi said:

"Then you have to work hard. Bill Carr is a top expert in this field. If you want to go abroad to a better place, I'm afraid it will only be those few people, or you can directly study with Teacher Qiu."

"Come on, I hope we can see your back, Zhou Shen, in our lifetime."

After Zhou Yi had a brief chat, he left in a hurry.

After all, my own Zhou analysis method still needs to be continuously filled in.

If Wiles used the idea of ​​proving the Shimura-Taniyama conjecture to prove Fermat's last theorem,

Then the Zhouyi is based on this foundation and uses geometry to give a more precise description.

This is a pioneering expansion and a new bridge between classical geometry and number theory.

As for the Shimura-Taniyama conjecture, it was indeed proposed by people from the island country. There is no doubt about the mathematical strength of other countries.

This theorem was conjectured by Yutaka Taniyama in September 1955. By 1957, he and Goro Shimura had improved the rigor. However, Taniyama committed suicide in 1958.

However, in the 1960s, the Shimura-Taniyama conjecture was linked to the Langlands program of conjectures in unified mathematics and became a key component.

It was finally proven by Wiles.

With this confidence, Zhou Yi will lead the mathematical community of Daxia to completely crush them in the future.

For a month, Zhou Yi almost stayed in his dormitory and rarely went to the office. Apart from eating and necessary communication, Zhou Yi almost never stepped out of his room.

Fortunately, the room was large and Zhou Yi liked to keep it clean, so the whole room didn't stink.

When the preparations are almost done,

Zhou Yi took a bath and adjusted his condition.

Only then did Zhou Yi begin to take advantage of the opportunity for enlightenment that emerged when inspiration emerged.

The time is twenty-four hours.

For a time, Zhou Yi Cai was flooded with ideas. With the help of Peony, the oral thesis was formed rapidly. The extremely large amount of calculations took place basically in an instant when the inspiration first appeared.

Most of Zhou's analytical method was completed in one day.

It wasn't until the moment of enlightenment when inspiration stopped that Zhou Yi woke up from that mysterious and mysterious state.

Then he muttered:

"Sure enough, this thing can only be used after having a certain idea. It is basically impossible to achieve this effect by using it directly. It has almost achieved the expected effect. Maybe in half a month or a month, Bill's conjecture will be completely proved. ."

Then Zhou Yicai, who had not slept, eaten or drank for a whole day and was mentally exhausted, fell over and fell asleep in the room.

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