Just when Yuan Zhen was excited and ready to fight, Academician Cao said:

"Yuan Zhen, please help deliver Zhou Yi."

Yuan Zhen:...

"Zhou Yi can't clean up the room alone. As hosts, we can't neglect our guests."

Academician Cao said,

"Forget it, I'll deliver it myself. You can continue to do it anyway."

Not long after, Zhou Yi, with the help of Yuan Zhen, tidied up the room, and Li Zhouyi, who was traveling with him, said:

"Thank you, classmate Yuan. Academician Cao, please don't send me off. I know the way. You go ahead and get busy."

"Haha, you should give it away once. No matter how many people want to give it away, they never get the chance."

Academician Cao said with a smile.

Yuan Zhen drove, and Academician Cao and Zhou Yi were in the back row of the car.

Academician Cao said:

"You have helped us a lot this time. You asked us to contact PhDs in geometry before, and we have already contacted them. Doctors from Jinling University, Dongda University and other universities in Jiangsu Province will help you review the "Basics of Zhou's Geometry" 》Textbook,

And after the final version is revised, it will also become one of the elective textbooks for doctoral students. "

When Zhou Yi heard the news, he finally felt a little relieved. At least task one finally made substantial progress.

There is definitely no problem at Shuimu University, nor is there much of a problem in the Bayu area. Even many foreign universities will not have much of a problem. It is just that it is difficult for universities such as Beijing University to deal with it.

But most of them have recognized it. It doesn’t matter whether these schools recognize it or not. Do they need it?


Zhouyi said:

"Thank you very much, Cao Yuan, for your help in contacting me, Ben Bo."

Academician Cao said:

"It doesn't have much to do with me. It was President Huang who helped contact me. Jinling Aerospace University is planning to cooperate with you on some other projects. It seems that it is also closely intertwined with your Shuimu University. It is a military industry project and it is related. There are artificial intelligence and information theory, and you happen to be an expert in this direction."

Zhou Yi was shocked and said:

"Huh? Why didn't I know? When did I become an expert in this field?"

Academician Cao smiled and said:

"We don't know if you are an expert or not. Someone should contact you when you return to Shuimu University after the holidays. This matter is quite huge. The higher-ups are hesitating whether to let you participate in this project.

They even want you to win a series of mathematics awards and achieve more than Mr. Qiu. After all, only the improvement of basic disciplines can lead to the improvement of a large number of technologies.

I just didn’t expect you to be so fierce and graduate with a PhD in two months. At first, many people thought it would take you one or two years to graduate. "

Zhou Yi smiled awkwardly and said:

"There are too many geniuses and big guys at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. I have gained a lot of useful ideas. In addition, Zhou's analytical method has matured before, so the 3n+1 conjecture was proved naturally.

It just so happened that the two teachers asked me to prove a world-class conjecture without limiting the direction, so I graduated. "

When Yuan Zhen, who was driving, heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he also proved a world-class conjecture.

As long as any doctor proves this level of number theory conjecture, he can be directly promoted to a full professor in this school.

Academician Cao said:

"Among the Chinese mathematicians, Mr. Qiu is the best, followed by you and Mr. Zhang Yitang. Come on, I also hope that you will win all the major awards in the mathematics world and become the first person with Daxia nationality."

Zhou Yi thought for a while, decided to act cool and said:

"Doing academia is not about winning awards. If you have it, you will have it. If you don't have it, I will focus on academics."

"Are you still studying the golden generation of a certain university?"

Academician Cao laughed and scolded,

"If you are not qualified to win the award, it will only reduce the authority of this award. Don't complain about your poor life experience. Mr. Zhang Yitang's experience was also very frustrating. His achievements today are inseparable from concentration. "

Zhouyi said:

"Yes, Mr. Zhang's story is indeed very bizarre. It is impossible for ordinary people to do it. This also proves that Mr. Zhang is not a mortal."

I didn’t go to college until I was 23 years old. When I studied abroad, my diploma was withheld for several years because I discovered mistakes in my tutor’s thesis. After that, I couldn’t find a job without a recommendation letter from my tutor.

There were no major breakthroughs in the following twenty years. If it were not for the major breakthrough of twin prime numbers in 2013, it might still remain unknown.

Zhouyi said:

"In the words of our roommate at the time, if Mr. Zhang's story was written into a novel, the author would be slandered by the author who was controlled by the dragon and couldn't sign the contract."

Academician Cao seemed to have thought of something and said:

"Isn't what happened in reality even more outrageous and bloody than the novel?"

Not long after, they arrived at the airport, and Academician Cao solemnly said:

"Although our project here has made a major breakthrough, we may still need you later. I hope you can help me more when the time comes."

Zhouyi said:

"No problem. This project is a project needed by the country. I will definitely take it to heart. After I go back, I will also study the issues of asphalt road materials and physical changes."

"Well, have a nice trip."

Academician Cao said very solemnly.


Not long after, Zhou Yi entered the airport, and Academician Cao sighed:

"Those who have achieved great things since ancient times must not only have extraordinary talents, but also have perseverance. Zhou Yi, a younger generation, has both. Perhaps he will go further in the future than Zhang Yitang."

Yuan Zhen whispered:

"Mr. Zhang's paper has been reviewed. It is estimated that Mr. Zhang will become one of the most dazzling mathematicians in this century. Does Zhou Yi have this opportunity?"

Academician Cao said:

"There will be, he is still young, go back."

When Zhou Yi entered the airport, he immediately sent a message to Xia Xue,

Xia Xue has been in Yuda and has not returned, just waiting for Zhou Yi to go back together.

The flight from Jinling to Yuzhou generally takes more than two hours.

Xia Xue packed up her small things and set off from school to North Railway Station, which was almost the same.

After Zhou Yi got on the plane, he opened the tablet and started looking at materials related to asphalt roads.

At present, two materials, nano-SiO_2 and styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer (SBS), are generally used for improvement.

Zhou Yi didn't have any idea until he got off the plane.

Zhou Yi could only sigh that it was impossible to see what was coming in a short time.

We can only rely on the algorithm to be applied to Hilbert's 18th question, otherwise this project will be in vain.

Not long after, Zhou Yi got off the plane, took his own salute, and then took the light rail and went straight to the North Station.

Not long after, Zhou Yi arrived at the North Station smoothly, and then looked at Xia Xue, who was looking around with a frown on his face not far away.

When he saw Zhou Yi, his beautiful eyes radiated a light.

The two of them ran towards each other at the same time,

Looking at Xia Xue, whose skin was as good as snow and whose face was as beautiful as jade, Zhou Yi said:

"How long have you been waiting? It's probably 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening when we go back."

Xia Xue said:

"It hasn't been long since I arrived. According to the current time, plus changing trains and other things, it really takes that long."

After a while, Zhou Yi and Xia Xue found an empty seat, put the salutes aside, and started chatting.

Although Xia Xue does not understand advanced mathematics, she also likes to listen to Zhou Yi's sharing.

And Zhou Yi also listened to Xia Xue's complaints.

The two talked to each other about their recent lives.

"I'm going to build a big villa at home."

Zhou Yi seemed to have thought of something and suddenly changed the topic.

Xia Xue's eyes lit up and she said:

"Why build a big villa?"

Zhou Yi rubbed Xia Xue's head and said:

"I feel like there is no need to buy a house elsewhere. Will we also have a wedding room when we get married? I plan to ask a professor from Yu University to help design the drawings."

When Xia Xue heard this, she said:


As time passed, the waiting train Harmony had also arrived at the station, and Zhou Yi and the two officially embarked on their way home.

Along the way, Zhou Yi hugged Xia Xue and looked at the scenery outside the window. Neither of them spoke.

When he arrived at the county town, Zhou Yi directly hired a taxi to go back to his hometown.

With more than 10 million in savings, how can I not use luxury to promote consumption?

Zhou Yi was thinking that he might not be able to use the money in this life.

The salary and various benefits of full professors are pitifully small.

When going to the hospital to see a doctor, Zhou Yi has his own exclusive ward.

This is how young top talents are treated.

After returning home, Zhou Yi saw Xia Xue off and then got together with his grandparents.

Then he started buying new year goods, buying firecrackers and other things needed for the new year. Zhou Yi even bought an electric car.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Zhou Yi came to the village chief's house.

When the village chief saw it was Zhou Yi, he quickly said:

"Haha, great mathematician, you are back? Welcome."

Zhouyi said:

"Thank you to the village chief for taking care of me in the village. I came to you to discuss something."

At such a late hour, the village chief must have known that Zhou Yi would not come to him for no reason, so he asked:

"It doesn't matter what you say. As long as I can help you, it's absolutely fine."

Zhouyi said:

"I want to expand my home. I would like to ask what is the maximum area of ​​the house?"

The village chief is very knowledgeable about these matters and said:

"Every person in rural Yuzhou has 60 square meters. Do you want to renovate your house?"

Zhouyi said:

"I'm going to build a villa for my future wedding with Xia Xue."

The village chief wondered:

"Aren't you going to get married in the main city in the future? Or at your university? And you are only 19 years old, and Xia Xue is only 18 this year. Isn't it too early?"

Zhou Yi said awkwardly:

"Be prepared in advance so that you won't be in a hurry when the time comes. You have to solve some things every time you go home, right?"

The village chief said:

"Then I will approve a 300-square-meter building for you. For you and Xia Xue, your grandparents, plus your unborn child, it will be almost 300 square meters."

Zhouyi said:

"Then I would like to ask the village chief to help you with the house repair work later. I will give you 10,000 yuan as salary every month."

The village chief said quickly:

"You can't do it, you can't do it. My grandson studied mathematics with a great mathematician, which is already worthy of bragging. My son even asked my grandson to keep your manuscript, saying that it will definitely be a cultural relic in the future, so I will help you..."

Zhou Yi interrupted directly and said:

"Repairing a house is no small matter, and I can't take up your time, village chief, in vain.

You helped my children make up for their classes, and you also helped me repair my house. One thing is another thing.

I, Zhou Yi, am not the kind of person who likes to take advantage. "

After discussing for a while, Zhou Yi finally decided. Of course, it is impossible to just leave the village chief to the task of repairing the house.

She also had to ask Xia Xue's parents to help watch. This two-pronged approach made Zhou Yi feel at ease.

When Xia Xue's parents heard Zhou Yi's remarks, they also expressed their approval.

Xia Huanian said:

"Okay, just prepare the money. I will be responsible for you when the time comes. I will help contact the village chief. After you leave, I will bring your grandparents to live with us for a while. The house will be repaired. go back."

Xia Huanian didn't care too much about where Zhou Yi and his daughter got married. It was most likely destined to happen when Xia Xue had devoted herself to filling Chongqing University.

As parents, they all hope that their children can achieve their own happiness. Zhou Yi has considered it so far, and there must be no reason to refuse.

"Then I'll trouble uncle."

Zhou Yi said very politely.

"Well, okay, let's have a couple of drinks?"

Xia Xue's father asked tentatively.

Obviously, this future cheap son-in-law has reached an incredible level.

He had heard about the Hundred Schools Alliance project in the mountains and forests, and one could imagine how popular it was.

Zhou Yi glanced at Xia Xue, and Xia Xue's mother said:

"Okay, what are you drinking so late at night? Zhou Yi should go back and rest early."

Zhou Yi felt as if he had been granted amnesty and said quickly:

"Uncle and aunt, I'll leave first. See you tomorrow."

"Xue'er, I'm going back."

Not long after, Zhou Yi returned from Xia Xue's home.

Zhou Yi spent the next time very relaxed, studying materials during the day and Goldbach's conjecture at night. As for the money to repair the house, Zhou Yi directly transferred 6 million to Xia Xue's father's account.

If it wasn't enough, Zhou Yi asked Xia Xue's father to call him.

During the New Year, people burn incense, worship ancestors, and worship the Peony Fairy until the third day of the first lunar month.

Zhou Yi discovered that the combination of nanosilica and SBS materials may be arranged in a new way.

"I discovered a new optimization method and material sorting method. Hilbert's 18th question is really awesome. It's a pity that this idea needs to be verified experimentally."

Zhou Yi murmured,

"It's fine at home anyway. Let's go to Dongda University and do experiments to verify it myself."

The next day, Zhou Yi and Xia Xue embarked on the journey back to school.

The project that Xia Xue is responsible for is also very time-consuming, and she has to go to Shuimu University in advance, so she won't have much time at home.

When Zhou Yi came to Dongda University again, he found that there were actually a few more people in Academician Cao's project team.

All of them came to Zhou Yi.

Moreover, the first few who led Zhou Yi had an exposed murderous intention, and the first impression they gave Zhou Yi was that of people in the army.

Zhou Yi looked confused and said:

"What can't be said over the phone?"

Academician Cao said:

"We have notified the people in the chemical team about the issue of asphalt road materials and can start it at any time. The other two are General Qian and General Li. They have something to ask you."

Zhou Yi looked at them and saw the two of them saying:

"We are members of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and we are going to invite Academician Zhou to participate in our project to go to Mars."

Zhou Yi looked embarrassed and said:

"I don't want to go to Mars yet."

"Sorry, we didn't make it clear. We have a project to prepare a rocket to land on Mars, but it involves signal transmission issues and needs to be improved.

We just happened to be recommended by Mr. Qiu, so we came to find you. I heard that you were celebrating the New Year in your hometown before, and we also disturbed you. Now we want to invite you to participate in our first project, I don’t know.”

Zhou Yi nodded and said:

"Other countries should be using it, right? For example, Chou Country?"

General Li said:

"Yes, that's right. According to our information, Hales has made progress using your paper. Shannon's disciples of information theory have also begun to apply it. Their speed may be faster than ours. After all, your paper is only as good as theirs. Only great applied mathematicians can use it.”

Zhouyi said:

"Okay, it will take me a week or two to complete the settlement. In addition, I need to go to Chou Country to win a prize during the Lantern Festival. There are many things to do. This matter will have to wait until I finish these two things."

Zhou Yi is doing many things at the same time, and now the project of going to Mars can only be postponed.

"Well, we can wait for half a month or a few months. Anyway, it will take 25 years for the Chou Country to prepare to land on the moon again, so we have enough time.

I come to you in advance to avoid being beaten to the spot. "

Zhouyi said:

"Okay, leave your contact information."

It takes about ten minutes for the signal from Aquamarine to be transmitted to Mars. Without technological changes, it would be difficult to accurately transmit the signal.

If the signal cannot be accurately transmitted, the login operations may be greatly compromised or even impossible to log in.

As for the project of manning a manned mission to the moon, they did not mention it, and Zhou Yi would not ask. It should not be difficult to achieve technological breakthroughs by then.

What Zhou Yi didn't expect was that Hales and the others had made considerable progress. The mathematical geniuses in this world should not be underestimated.

People who can leave their names in the history of mathematics should not be underestimated. They are still application-oriented talents, and their value in the world may be greater.

Oh my god, the author almost wrote the zero-point conjecture as his first conjecture. Fortunately, it was so scary to me. If one day the academic world recognized Mochizuki Shinichi’s ABC conjecture, the author would want to die.

I hope Mr. Zhang won’t hammer the Riemann Hypothesis to death, otherwise many authors of science fiction novels will have to get up all night to revise their manuscripts, hahahahahaha.

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