From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 199 Technical difficulties faced by smart home appliances

This kind of choice is a big choice in life, and you will definitely not be able to make any choice in a short time.

With their talents, Zhou Yi felt that they did not have the determination to burn the boat. Instead, they were hesitant and might as well turn to artificial intelligence as early as possible.

To avoid wasting time and losing good years.

Not long after, Zhou Yi called Chen Danqi in Chou Country. Zhou Yi thought for a while, Chen Danqi should not have slept at this time.

A researcher who doesn't stay up late is not a good researcher.

Sure enough, Chen Danqi, who was in Chou Country, looked at the call from Zhou Yi and couldn't help but wonder why Zhou Yi would call him at this time.

"Hello, Professor Zhou, hello."

Chen Danqi said very politely.

Zhou Yi also said very politely:

"Hello, Professor Chen, I am Zhou Yi."

Chen Danqi said:

"Professor Zhou, what's wrong so late?"

Zhou Yi said straight to the point:

"Yes, I would like to ask you to return to China and cooperate with us."

Chen Danqi said:

"Are you so anxious? Don't you have to wait a year or two?"

Zhouyi said:

"We have several cooperation projects with iFlytek, which are planned to involve the smart home appliance industry, the Internet of Vehicles industry, and the garbage recycling speech recognition industry."

Chen Danqi was silent for a moment and said:

"It seems that the three directions will take a long time. It will take a year or two anyway."

Zhouyi said:

"Absolutely. I estimate that it will take about a year. I have also contacted Fang Fei and Gu Quanquan. My three apprentices are currently quite good in theory and have experience in the field of artificial intelligence. Seven people form a core team and within a short time It can be made.”

Chen Danqi:.

A boss is a boss and can be done in a short time.

"I have to talk to my partner and explain the things at hand. It's impossible to come back right away. Our project is halfway through now, so it might be embarrassing for me to leave.

It means that our wealth and life are entrusted to you, Professor Zhou. "

Chen Danqi said with a heavy tone.

Zhou Yi immediately said:

"Don't worry, I won't treat you badly. The smart home appliances and Internet of Vehicles markets combined are huge. When the shares are divided, you will directly have freedom of wealth. And I think discussing artificial intelligence with me may be a better way to have a collision of ideas. ."

Zhou Yi said very confidently.

I have never shown any talent in artificial intelligence, but I just think mathematics is the most important.

If it weren't for the task of using Zhou's geometry to apply it, Zhou Yi wouldn't bother to apply it.

Now Zhou Yi is not short of money at all, and he doesn't even know how to use the money.

If you need anything, just tell me above and the best stuff will be sent to you.

However, Liu Qingfeng had previously said that he wanted to change people's livelihood, and the initial establishment of the Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies also needed gimmicks, so Zhou Yi was ready to brush up on the level of artificial intelligence.

Solve some technical problems so that the people above are not disappointed. When the Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies takes shape, there are enough talents in all aspects, and Zhou Yi feels that there is no need to take charge of the overall situation.

Then just give them a direction and let them study it.

Be responsible for doing the theory yourself.

In the next few days, Zhou Yi alone began to read the materials sent by Liu Qingfeng, and several apprentices were still studying the basics of Zhou's geometry over and over again.

But Chen Danqi and others have not returned yet.

Zhou Yi called the three of them every day, urging them every day, so as not to think that his side was not important.

But in mid-July, Zhou Yi received a call from Maynard and the others.

"Hey, Zhou Yi, I have some good news for you."

Maynard said excitedly.

Zhou Yi seemed to have guessed something and said:

"The second guess proves that the idea is feasible?"

Maynard said:

"Yes, it is indeed feasible. We are breaking through the biggest difficulty. The sieve method and density method plus Zhou's analytical method. I feel that the second proof method is likely to be born within 2 to 3 months."

Zhouyi said:


Maynard said:

"Haha, it's the idea you gave me, otherwise our method will definitely be thrown into the trash."

Zhouyi said:

"At the beginning, I was just making a guess. I'm not sure whether it can be done. The fact that it can be done is due to you and has little to do with me."

Zhou Yi is very polite. If he gives more now, it will be easier to poach Maynard and Harold Hoofgot later.

If you want to take it, you must give it to it first.

Zhou Yi can tell the difference very clearly.

Maynard on the other end of the phone was immediately in awe and said:

"Ou, Zhou, you are the most congenial person I have ever met, bar none. You know, when we use the second method to prove Goldbach's conjecture, the three of our names will be added."

Zhouyi said:

"Isn't that a good story? My name is already very famous in the history of mathematics. I am very happy to cooperate with my friends. I have always regarded you as my good friend. There is nothing wrong with sharing some ideas among friends. .”

Maynard was very moved, with a hint of sobs in his tone, and said:

"Zhou,..., I sincerely admire your broadmindedness."

Zhouyi said:

"Hey, friends, why are you talking about this? Keep up the good work. I'm waiting for your good news. I'm very optimistic about your work."

Maynard said:

"Zhou, you moved me so much...I..."


Nowadays, many people who are PUA people say that you are not good and that you are not good. This low-level form of PUA is not only visible to others at first glance.

It's also disgusting, and in the end it can only lead to a lose-lose situation.

Advanced PUAs will praise them crazily and then kill them.

Zhouyi vs. Maynard is this kind of advanced CPU.

A successful hunter takes the long shot and catches the big fish.

How could Zhou Yi, such a young genius mathematician and winner of the Fields Medal, not plan carefully?

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yi was very satisfied.

If a Fields Medal winner joins full-time in the future, the effect will be self-evident.

Just like Bill Carr, who joined Suimu University full-time, and Fields Medalist Effie Germanov, who joined Southern University of Science and Technology full-time.

It will undoubtedly take their mathematical prowess to a higher level.

What's more, there was Harold Hoofgot who specialized in analytic number theory.

Their connections and resources alone are extremely terrifying.

Especially the current Shuimu University, even without Zhou Yi, its teaching staff is very terrifying.

Yau Shing-tung, Bill Carr, Donald Rubin, the founder of the Department of Statistics at Harvard University, Leshetikin, the founder of the field of quantum topology, and others are all top experts in the field of mathematics.

Compared with going to Beijing University, Zhou Yi felt that he was only stronger but not weaker, not to mention that he still had himself.

Time passed very quickly, almost five days later, Zhou Yi's three students who specialized in pure mathematics had made their decision.

Zheng Keyu said:

"Mr. Zhou, I've thought about it clearly. I'm too old. I feel like I can't reach the top if I continue to do pure mathematics. I want to study artificial intelligence with you after I graduate from Ph.D."

Zhouyi said:

"Okay, just think about it clearly so you don't regret it in the future."

"Where are you two?"

Zhou Yi looked at Zhang Dugan and Shen Yiyu.

Zhang Dugan said:

“I decided to continue studying mathematics. Although artificial intelligence is very profitable, I want to continue on this path more than my original dream.

As long as money is enough for daily expenses, I don't have that much desire for luxury. "

Zhou Yi nodded. Zhang Dugan was able to keep his true intentions and was worthy of being recommended to Shuimu University by competition. His persistence alone surpassed many others.

That's not millions or tens of millions of money, but 1 billion+ money.

After asking Zhang Dugan, Zhou Yi looked at Shen Yiyu again to see what choices this student from the bottom would have.

Shen Yiyu said very decisively at this moment:

"Teacher, I've thought about it, and I want to continue studying mathematics."

Zhou Yi was a little surprised when he heard this. He thought that this apprentice would choose artificial intelligence.

After all, the poor students who climbed up from the bottom have seen the most ugliness and hardship in the world.

The pursuit of money should be stronger than that of ordinary people.

Zhou Yi asked rarely,


Shen Yiyu seemed to be expecting something and said:

“I did come from the lowest level of education, and my family was also very poor. Before I went to school, I had to work part-time jobs and save enough to pay for tuition and living expenses.

Logically speaking, my desire for money should be stronger. "

Zhou Yi and a group of disciples could not deny this.

"But I grew up in a single-parent family. My father favored sons over daughters. He sent my younger brother to a noble school and me to a poor school. He gave my younger brother all the good food and opportunities he had."

Hearing this, everyone was silent. Sometimes the world is so outrageous and fucked up.

"When I was in high school, my father asked me to work as a student to earn money for my younger brother to attend an aristocratic school, so I ended up attending a junior college."

Everyone was stunned, no wonder this elementary school girl looked so thin, short and skinny, it turned out to be like this.

"Rather than being obsessed with money, I want to make up for what I have lost. I know that money is very important. It is related to whether I can go to school, whether I can have enough to eat, whether I can put on warm clothes, and whether I have money. Going to the hospital to see a doctor and the opinions of my family members,

But the school provided me with a generous scholarship. I am no longer short of money. I am not that obsessed with money. I just want to make up for what I have lost.

Compared to money, I love mathematics more, and I want to be the best in the field of mathematics. Teacher Zhou, this is my reason. "

Zhou Yi nodded and said:

"Well, come on, the field of mathematics requires not only talent, but also decades of hard work and hard work. Talent does not play an absolute role.

You also have some talents, so work hard. "

Of the six apprentices, Shen Yiyu was the most tortuous and had experienced no less hardship than himself, so Zhou Yi felt some sympathy and said a few more words.

As a result, Zhou Yi found that among his six students, only two had master's degrees and insisted on studying mathematics, while the rest were moving towards artificial intelligence.

But this is also a common thing in the mathematics world. Who would like to learn pure numbers if they don’t really like it.

Isn’t it great for him to make money?

In the following days, Liu Qingfeng's large army arrived in Shangjing. Zhou Yi got the news. Chen Danqi and the others had completely handed over the work.

I will leave for home soon.

Zhou Yi has also made plans for the work that needs to be done these days. With 4 apprentices, 3 high-level talents who have returned to China, plus himself,

There are eight core people, and the rest are responsible for doing chores.

Fortunately, Zheng Keyu had learned programming, otherwise Zhou Yi would really not be able to lead him.

Late July.

Zhou Yi and others greeted Chen Danqi at the airport.

"Haha, welcome to return and serve the country!"

Zhou Yi walked up very enthusiastically.

Chen Danqi said:

"Professor Zhou, the wealth and lives of the three of us are entrusted to you."

The other two people also looked at Zhou Yi. It was obvious that they had made great determination, and with the promise of the current president of Shuimu University, they were able to achieve today.


Not long after, Zhou Yi took them back to Shuimu University. iFlytek had already provided better housing for the three of them.

Two days later, Zhou Yi took eight people, including Liu Qingfeng, to a meeting in the office and said:

"I have made a detailed analysis of the problems currently encountered in the home appliance industry. Here I will give you a brief introduction. There are technical problems and others. Mr. Liu, please help me supplement them."

Liu Qingfeng said:


The eight people listened attentively and saw Zhou Yi say:

“The first issue we face is the wireless communication technology used by smart home appliances. This is the first and most important issue.

If this problem cannot be solved, subsequent problems will become impossible to discuss.

However, this question is very simple for me, and the following problems may be more complicated. "

Zhou Yi's words shocked Liu Qingfeng and Chen Danqi. Daxia Kingdom's neck-stuck technology in this aspect is the most difficult.

He didn't know how much patent fees he paid every year, but he didn't expect Zhouyi to be the easiest for him.

Chen Danqi said lightly and said:

"Zhou Shen is awesome,"

The other two people also secretly listened to the principal's words and came back. Otherwise, Zhou Yi would arrange artificial intelligence later, and the direction of their own research would be in vain.

As for Liu Qingfeng, he had been very calm for a long time. He would have been shocked before. But now that Zhou Yi said anything about him, Liu Qingfeng secretly swore that no matter what he encountered, he would be calm and calm.

After all, he is also the director of the National Engineering Research Center for Speech and Language Information Processing, the chairman of the Daxia National Speech Industry Alliance, and the chairman of iFlytek.

We cannot be embarrassed in the eyes of these juniors.

To look like a master outdoors.

Zhou Yi immediately said:

"The second is accurate speech recognition. Take Daxia as an example. Different regions have their own dialects. Not everyone in every region speaks Mandarin.

The simplest example is my hometown Yuzhou. Everyone speaks Sichuan and Chongqing dialect, and the difficulty of machine recognition will suddenly rise.

In order to sell our home appliances to the whole country and even the world, this is also a technical problem that we have to overcome. "

Regarding Zhou Yi's second question, everyone agrees. Not only are there many dialects in China, but also abroad. If home appliances want to understand everyone's words, this technology also needs to be overcome.

Zhou Yi continued:

“Moreover, many people speak in a garbled way, and it is difficult for ordinary people to find the key information from their words.

Not to mention machines, so the intelligent system we build must also be able to accurately capture key information and give the most accurate judgment.

I feel that Zhou's geometry alone may not be enough for this content. Things from probability theory must also be used. "

Liu Qingfeng nodded while listening. He was indeed the youngest genius and got to the point.

Zhouyi said:

"If this content is solved, I think we will have half the success in the Internet of Vehicles. As for the smart system of garbage recycling bins, it can be integrated into home appliances."

"Mr. Liu, do you have anything to add?"

Liu Qingfeng said:

"Noise, under this kind of noise, our smart home appliances can also accurately capture the owner's needs. For example, if the TV is playing, we need to switch to the next station's program. At this time, the sound from the TV will interfere.

For example, when it rains heavily, smart curtains and windows may be disturbed. For example, if there are many people talking at family gatherings and the interruption of children, a lot of noise will be generated, thereby interfering with the recognition of our intelligent systems. "

Zhouyi said:

"Yes, that's about it. Now based on the existing data, we can allocate tasks."

PS: No one signed up? Generally speaking, the protagonist's apprentice is still part of the plot.

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