From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 327 When the white-clothed angry horse was a boy, he climbed to the top several times and ea

Zhou Yi had just appeared, and the entire academic lecture hall fell silent.

Everyone looked at Zhou Yi in unison.

I don’t know why, but everyone always feels that Zhou Yi is more handsome than before.

Maybe it's an illusion that I haven't seen him for a long time.

Zhou Yi held too many press conferences, and every conjecture was so valuable that it caused a sensation in the mathematics world.

So everyone who comes here knows almost everyone.

Looking at the huge crowds of top mathematicians and the world’s top media,

Even though Zhou Yi experienced many similar situations,

It is inevitable to feel turbulent inside.

This is an epoch-making press conference, and it is our own mathematical era!

An era of prosperity for mathematics begins.

Xia Xue and Xiao Wanyi in the audience clenched their fists.

Bao Jingnan, deputy director of the Institute of Literature and former director of the Institute of Literature of Yuzhou University, looked at Xia Xue and said:

"Relax, he has never made a mistake since his debut."

Xia Xue nodded and said:

"At home he told me there was no problem at all, but when we arrived at the scene, I couldn't help but worry."

Just then, a bell rang,

Nine o'clock sharp.

Zhou Yi sat upright, and under the gaze of everyone, a big headline appeared in the air.

[BSD Conjecture - Understanding Problems with Indefinite Equations]

There was no need for a screen. Everyone was surprised and calmed down instantly.

The maturity of 6G technology is enough to support such complex technology.

This time is not only a journey into the vast ocean of mathematics, but also an experience of technology.

Zhou Yi glanced at the guests present and saw many acquaintances, as well as Xia Xue and Xiao Wanyi.

Then he began to say slowly:

"Mathematics is a subject with a long history, and number theory is an ancient branch of mathematics, with a history of at least two thousand years."

As Zhou Yi slowly explained, the letters in the air also changed, and the video screen of that era appeared.

Everyone was shocked and at the same time did not dare not to listen attentively.

“For more than two thousand years, the distribution of prime numbers and the understanding of indefinite equations with rational coefficients have also been perplexing people.

As early as the 3rd century BC, Euclid used proof by contradiction to prove that there are infinitely many prime numbers and sought a general solution to the Pythagorean theorem.

Five or six hundred years later, around the time of the Three Kingdoms, Diophantus concentrated on the study of indefinite equations composed of polynomials with rational coefficients and discussed their rational number solutions.

His "Arithmetic" is the first human work to systematically explain algebraic equations. It discusses many related issues, so indefinite equations are also called Diophantine equations.

In the nearly two thousand years since then, people have used various methods to try to solve these problems and achieved some results, but there are also many limitations.

In modern times, mathematicians have gradually proposed more complex and profound methods, borrowing tools from many other branches of mathematics, and have advanced the understanding of related problems to a certain extent, but there are still many unresolved problems.

The BSD conjecture is an example of an indefinite equation problem. "

Zhouyi still briefly introduced the ins and outs of it first.

"With the advent of modern elliptic curve theory, this isolated ancient problem became an example of a more profound modern theory, although it remains unresolved to this day.

However, many long-standing number theory problems and higher-order Diophantine problems can be transformed into problems of cubic indefinite equations such as elliptic curves.

It is precisely because of this universality and the profound structure of its solutions that we are deeply attracted to study it persistently. "

"In a sense, it can be said that this is a problem that spans more than two thousand years. Today, I think we can loudly tell those mathematical ancestors that this problem has a specific result."

Speaking of this, countless people felt very excited. The moment to witness history may be today.

An ancient number theory problem that has lasted for thousands of years is today!

Everyone present had solemn expressions, and they did not dare to take a breath or make any sound.

This is the spirit of mathematics!

This is mathematics culture!

This is a mathematical heritage!

This is the sacredness and solemnity of mathematics!

When the video screen in the air finished playing, Zhou Yi's paper quickly emerged slowly.

"More than a month has passed since the paper was published. I believe many friends have read it and have a deep understanding.

Therefore, we will not go into details here on some simple basic issues. "

Zhou Yi's voice was loud and he spoke unhurriedly, as if he was describing a trivial matter.

At this moment, you could hear a pin drop under the stage, and it was extremely quiet.

Everyone was listening attentively, fearing that they would miss some details and not be able to understand the rest of the content and not be able to keep up with the progress.

"We may be able to give a new definition of Selmer group in the language of Galois cohomology."

[Sel_K(Q_p/Z_p):=Ker{H^1(K, Qp/Zp)→∏_v(H^1(K_v, Q_p/Z_p)/(H^1)_f(K_v, Q_p/Z_p)) }. 】

As soon as Zhou Yi finished speaking, these lines of blue light curtains appeared in the air.

Countless people saw it clearly.

"Here v runs through all prime ideals of K; H^1 is a first-order Galois cohomology; the Galois group action on Q_p/Z_p is defined as a trivial action;


(H^1)_f (K, Q_p/Z_p):= Ker{H^1(K_v, Q_p/Z_p)→ H^1 (I_v, Q_p/Z_p)},"

where I_v is the lazy subgroup of v.

According to the basic theorem of class field theory, it is easy to see that the Selmer group canon defined above is isomorphic to the dual of the p-part of the ideal class group.

With the assistance of holographic technology, Zhou Yi sat on the podium and said calmly,

You don't even need to move your fingers, it's very comfortable.

The previous part is the Selmer group, which is part of the original content of Ye Ye and his partners. It is quoted here by Zhou Yi,

Zhou Yi narrates slowly, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry, unlike before when he had to write on the whiteboard.

Writing on the whiteboard is very tiring. There are so many lines of formulas and calculation steps.

Even if they are streamlined, they will write a lot of whiteboards.

The advantage of holographic technology is that the Book of Changes does not need to be written, only the words need to be spoken.

"Then we quoted Iwasawa theory, which studies the properties of the relationship between L-functions and Selmer groups under the domain expansion tower of pro-p, or more generally, under the p-adic family."

"The next step is the core part of our argument. The previous content is simple and easy to understand.

Next is the variant application of Zhou's analytical method! And the connection to geometry! "

The application of Zhou's analytic method in the field of number theory is similar to the original circle method and sieve method.

It is currently the most handy tool in the direction of number theory.

If someone is studying number theory now and doesn't know Zhou's analytical method, then he is basically an unqualified mathematician.

Can't even be called a mathematician.

Algebra, geometry and number theory, the three directions will have a strengthened connection in this paper.

Zhou Yi spoke eloquently on the stage and spoke very fast. Xu Chengyang asked Zhang Wei in the audience:

"Lao Zhang, you studied the BSD conjecture. How is the situation now?"

Zhang Wei ignored Xu Chengyang and waited until Zhou Yi stopped drinking water before he had time to say:

“What I didn’t understand at the beginning, I now understand. Academician Zhou’s argument is most likely correct.

And the further we get to the back, the harder it becomes for me. "

Yun Zhiwei sighed:

"Lao Zhang, you partially proved the Kolyvagin conjecture under some prerequisites. At the same time, you used the theory of Eisenstein series and the method of level-raising of modular forms to prove many conclusions.

Now I can’t even understand it! ? "

Zhang Wei was a little embarrassed and said:

"I'm not God. God is giving us a lecture up there."

Zhang Wei’s words silenced the golden generation of Beijing University.

"There is also a little god sitting in the first row next to those math masters."

In fact, in 2014 Skinner and Zhang Wei proved a theorem of the Gross-Zagier and Kolyvagin inverse proposition cited by Zhou Yi in their paper.

It can be regarded as using the conclusions and methods of many people before.

That's why Xu Chengyang was curious about this.

Farjens, who was in the front row, squinted his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

He was also involved in the field of number theory. Xiao Wanyi on the side looked thoughtful.

Number theory is also her stronghold. So far, there are no big problems.

Taking advantage of this gap, Xiao Wanyi also reviewed the before and after of Zhouyi's paper.

See if you can find errors.

It is true that I love Zhou Yi, but this is two different things from my career and my hobbies.

Mathematics is rigorous and solemn, and no mistakes are allowed.

No mistakes are allowed, otherwise you will destroy your own brand and job.

So once there is a problem with Zhou Yi, the people sitting in the first row will point it out without hesitation.

They will not take into account the friendship between fellow students, nor the friendship between teachers and students.

Wrong is wrong and right is right.

No room for fraud!

Obviously, no one found any mistakes.

At this moment, after Zhou Yi finished drinking the water, he continued to say,

The tone is much slower than before, because the content in the second half is the core and the focus of this time.

The introduction of various theories is like a sharp sword thrust into the fog.

Unifying the originally chaotic situation, countless people held their breath and did not dare to breathe louder.

I was afraid that the little noise I made would disturb me.

As the final steps come,

The entire lecture hall reached a climax.

Xiao Wanyi in the audience showed an extremely beautiful smile at this moment. This evil junior brother of hers had finally opened the door to a new era.

Many top-notch number theorists present said at the corners of their mouths:

"That's it, that's it. It's really terrifying!"

Mochizuki Shinichi couldn't help but applaud at this moment, his eyes were full of excitement, Zhou Yi was really stunning and astonishing.

"It turns out you can still do this. Zhou Yi is really a super genius!"

But thinking that he was here to find fault, he immediately blushed and suppressed the words of praise on his lips.

Countless reporters were snapping photos at this moment. This historic moment was in this scene.

This scene will surely go down in the history books of mathematics, even for a long time to come.

Occupying the headlines of various media outlets around the world.

Xia Xue seemed to feel the atmosphere at the moment, clasping her hands together and silently praying for Zhou Yi.

The cloudy eyes of the old Jean-Pierre Serre burst out with endless light at this moment,

Thinking back to when I was young, who was not a peerless mathematical genius?

When you are high-spirited, who doesn’t look down upon the world and regard the world’s heroes as nothing?

When Jean-Pierre Serre's paper that shocked the mathematics world was published, he was only 24 years old.

Now I see the high-spirited Zhou Yi looking back over the years and sighing,

After all, time turns cherries red and bananas green, and it is easy to throw people away.

"This boy has the same style as I did back then!"

Jean-Pierre Ser said to Deligne and Faljens and several old friends.

Deligne twitched his mouth, why is this old guy so close to Mirno and Farjens?

Is this really in line with the ancient saying of Daxia?

Deligne looked disdainful and said lightly:

"Zhou Yi seems to be less than 22 years old. Don't you think he's a lot behind?"

I just have to tell you where your special face comes from.

Jean-Pierre Serre pretended to be dumbfounded and pretended not to recognize anything from Deligne, and said:

"Huh? He's only one or two years old. What does it matter?"

Xiao Wanyi narrowed her beautiful eyes and said lightly to her mentor:

"You're one or two years old, and you can't surpass it, teacher!"

When Jean-Pierre Serre heard that his direct disciple was arguing with him, he was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

"Traitor! I taught you so much in vain!"

Xiao Wanyi stuck out her tongue naughtily, winked, and made a face, very naughty and cute.

At the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, Jean-Pierre Serre had actually been teaching Xiao Wanyi.

And of course Faljens.

Just when Jean-Pierre Serre and Xiao Wanyi were fighting each other,

The even more talented Peter Schulz also looked confused at this moment.

"Wiles, the old saying of Daxia is indeed true. There are people outside the people, and there are mountains outside the mountains. Today I am convinced."

Wiles didn't dare to accept what this genius said.

Schulz's concept of perfectoid space was published in 2011.

But the rumors were created a year or two earlier.

That is 2009, and 2010 is the International Congress of Mathematicians.

It is a pity that no one understood his theory at first. After accompanying him for one or two terms, he won the Fields Medal in 2018.

Otherwise, the youngest Fields Medal winner would be Schulz.

In just these eight years, Schultz received one award a year, or even one award every six months. The speed at which he won awards was unparalleled.

However, these records were ended by Zhou Yi.

Even future Wanyi Xiao can end Schultz's record.

Wiles wanted to mention Fermat's conjecture, but after thinking about it, it was better to remain silent.

I was already in my forties at that time.

Wiles roared wildly in his heart: You are amazing, you Versailles, you are all super geniuses, I can just keep silent!

At this moment, Zhou Yi's voice gradually reached everyone's ears,

“So in summary, the result is very obvious.

Algebraic rank and analytic rank, they are equal.

And when R(E)=0, that is, L(E, 1)≠O, we can definitely conclude that this equation is equal:

L(E,1)/R(E)=M丨SH(E)丨/丨E(Q)_t丨^2. "

At the end, Zhou Yi's voice was clear and loud,

With a confidence and arrogance that looks down on the world!

At this moment, Zhou Yi seemed to be standing on the top of mathematics and became the supreme god!

This high-spirited look is deeply engraved in everyone's soul.

Qiu Chengtong seemed to have thought of two lines of poetry and unconsciously said them:

"When I was a young boy wearing a white coat and an angry horse, I climbed to the top of the mountain several times!"

This scene, no matter how many years have passed, the people present will probably never forget it in their lifetime.

The young man in white scolded Fang Qiu, he was full of energy and taught most of the math!

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