From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 335 A large conference on controllable nuclear fusion!

The news that Chongqing High Court established a Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research Institute spread like wildfire.

There is no hiding or shunning.

Everything in the Chongqing High Court will attract huge attention, especially the establishment of a new research institute, or an institution like the Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research Institute.

Not only is the country paying attention, but the whole world is paying attention.

It can be said that there are waves that are rising again and again.

Island country, east longitude.

In a splendid room, all the key figures of power in the entire island country are here.

"How long will it take for Ugly Country to produce a sixth-generation fighter jet?"

Prime Minister Fumio asked in a serious tone.

Daxia's testing machine is too powerful, and it's still a testing machine.

If the data is collected completely and then adjustments and upgrades are made, wouldn't the final mass-produced fighter jets be able to sweep the world?

The official on the side said:

"The U.S. Air Force said it would be done soon, but the Congress demanded that the model aircraft be produced within one or two years."

Wenxiong snorted angrily:

"Liars! They are liars! It's absolutely impossible for Zhou Yi to do 6G and artificial intelligence for so long. It took two or three years for the sixth-generation fighter to come out.

Ugly country can’t do it within five years! "

Obviously, Wenxiong didn't buy Chouguo's paintings.

By the time the cake you drew comes out, we will already have G.

"Prepare envoys to go to Daxia to seek cooperation in all aspects."

Fumio said with a sad look on his face at this moment.

He knew exactly what it had to do with the Great Xia Kingdom.

It feels like bowing your head and begging for help.

At this time, the secretary came and said a few words to Wenxiong No. 2 Middle School,

Fumio's eyes were as wide as lanterns and he said:


The secretary said:

"it is true."

"You guys wait a minute. The envoy officials will take some local products to Daxia Kingdom."

Fumio suddenly shouted.

The remaining members of the cabinet looked at Fumio in confusion.

Bringing souvenirs with you will change the nature of the place.

This special thing is paying tribute!

Several cabinet members looked at Wenxiong unkindly,

Wenxiong just said lightly:

"Zhou Yi established the Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research Institute at the Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies."

Everyone present was silent for a long time.

Maybe ordinary people doubt Zhou Yi's ability and strength, but the world's top high-level dignitaries will not doubt Zhou Yi's ability.

This suffocating Zhou Yi, this damn Zhou Yi!

Everyone present yelled angrily.

Not only the island nation, but South Korea is also having a hard time.

Their country is stationed with Ugly soldiers, and if a conflict breaks out, they will be the only ones unlucky.

And even if it's not a sixth-generation fighter, a fifth-generation fighter is enough to sweep them away.

The plutocrats behind them just hope that Chou Country will calm down and not choose to confront Daxia Country head-on in their homeland.

Otherwise, it will always be them who will bring disaster to Chiyu.

In the game between big powers, the small country caught in the middle should be humble.

The leader behind Samsung and the leaders of several other chaebols in South Korea were planning something in a secret room.

Li Mou showed a glint in his eyes and said:

"Can we take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of the control of the Chou Kingdom, or at the very least, take back the command of the army."

The people present took a deep breath when they heard this and took back the command of their own army. Not to mention, the temptation was quite big.

But can they really fight North Korea?

This is a question worth pondering.

"Let's not consider the issue of taking back the command of the army. Let's first consider how to maintain diplomatic relations with Daxia. Should we send envoys to pay tribute?"

Everyone was talking to each other, and it was obvious that they were not optimistic about the issue of being able to take back the command of the army.

"It's been so many years since the word "tribute" has been used. I didn't expect it to happen now. I sent an envoy to express our friendly relationship and send some special products.

This is not called tribute, this is called friendly diplomatic relations. "

Li said weakly.

A bunch of pig teammates.

Taking back the command does not mean that the Ugly soldiers leave here, you pig brains.

Don't be afraid of this or that, just surrender.

Just when Lee, the head of Samsung, was speaking feebly,

The secretary came to their room and told them about Zhou Yi's establishment of a controllable nuclear fusion research institute.

Li Zairong instantly collapsed on the chair,

In the shadow of Zhou Yiren's famous tree, nothing he did failed to succeed.

"Bring more tribute items and make them richer in content. Also, prepare to discuss cooperation with Daxia."

Li Zairong couldn't bear it anymore.

I scolded damn Zhou Yi in my heart and prayed that the future would be okay.

Not only the countries to the east of Daxia, but also the entire Asia were panicked.

Is the country of the Han and Tang Dynasties coming back?

Is the country that has made seven voyages to the Western Seas going to reach the top of the world again?

It really complied with what they said from Daxia Kingdom,

For thousands of years, the people at the poker table in the world have changed one after another, but they have always sat high on the poker table.

Those former opponents, including ancient Babylon, ancient Rome, ancient Egypt, and ancient Greeks, have the most complete inheritance.

Daxia is a superpower with cultural and historical heritage.

The entire South Asia, Southeast Asia, and East Asia were influenced by the former civilization of Bactria.

Even writing evolved from Chinese characters.

They don't want to see the former suzerain country revive again, but they are powerless and helpless.

In Daxia, the Chinese are still immersed in sixth-generation fighter jets.

Unexpectedly, the Yuzhou Institute for Advanced Study suddenly announced the establishment of a Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research Institute.

In addition to the return of all staff of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project,

Researchers from the southwest region have also joined the Chongqing High Court’s Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research Institute.

Not only was the Yuzhou Institute for Advanced Study officially announcing the news,

Even the official account of Yuzhou’s scientific research assistant announced the news.

Soon after, all media outlets forwarded the news.

And expressed congratulations.

The news shocked the whole world.

Many people posted their opinions on the Research Assistant Forum.

"shock! After the sixth generation fighter jets, Academician Zhou Yi actually set his sights on...! 》

"Horror, another piece of science and technology in our country may surpass our country - controllable nuclear fusion!" 》

[Every day I see you shocked and your marketing account scary. I need support if I can go to the external network and have multiple lines. 】

[Wherever Academician Zhou sets his sights, PhD students in that direction must first prepare to postpone their studies or change their direction.

Unless your mentor is awesome enough to join Academician Zhou’s project directly. 】

On the external Internet, many netizens from island countries, South Korea, and ugly countries are still saying harsh words.

[Zhou Yi will never be able to achieve controllable nuclear fusion in his lifetime, as evidenced by this post! We will always be ahead of you in this direction. 】

[Zhou Sang, give up on controllable nuclear fusion. This is really too difficult, even more difficult than the sixth generation fighter jet. 】

[No matter how much you argue, I declare that Oppa Zhou Zhou is our Korean leader! ! 】

There are a lot of demons on the Internet, and their posts and messages are dizzying.

But except for a few people who are optimistic about Zhouyi, most people don't believe it.

No matter how evil a person is, he can't know everything, right?

Moreover, Zhou Yi made very few achievements in chemistry and medicine.

It will take more than ten years to achieve results.

A man who is only 22 years old, in his prime and full of youth,

Not to shine in the fields of mathematics, physics, or artificial intelligence, but to plunge into the eternal 50 years,

Not a wise choice.

You know, in the decades since controllable nuclear fusion was proposed,

There are countless people from all over the world who have participated, and there are even more geniuses among them.

Gathering the top wise men from countless countries,

Any big boss you dig out will have a name and a surname.

Zhou Yi wanted to use the power of Daxia to develop controllable nuclear fusion.

It is no different than some idiots talking about fantasy.

Chongqing High Court, a large lecture theater,

It is already filled with experts in controllable nuclear fusion.

All experts on controllable nuclear fusion from across the country arrived at the Chongqing High Court.

Experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shuimu University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Southwest Institute of Nuclear Physics, and the Institute of Physics of Chongqing Higher Academy of Sciences are all here.

Zhou Yi was thankful that he had originally designed such a large lecture theater, which could accommodate thousands of people.

Otherwise it would be really annoying.

Both sides of Zhou Yi are top academicians in the field of nuclear fusion physics.

Among them, Shuimu University and Southwest H Institute of Physics have the most academicians.

There were thousands of people present, and the total number of academicians could reach a terrifying thirty.

This shows the strong support for Zhouyi above.

Zhou Yi also had mixed feelings at this moment. If he really couldn't make any breakthrough contribution,

That would be a great disgrace to the country and the expectations of the people.

This kind of manpower and material resources can be called luxury.

In addition to experts and professors, there are also political leaders present, who need to keep track of the progress in order to report to the superiors.

Zhou Yi held the microphone at this moment and said:

“Energy is the material basis for social and economic development. With the development of society and the advancement of human civilization, humankind’s demand for energy is also increasing.

Judging from the energy provided by fossil fuels, fossil fuel resources on the earth are limited, and coal reserves are likely to last about 200 years.

Oil and natural gas can only last for a few decades, so in the long run, nuclear energy will be the main energy source after oil, coal and natural gas, and mankind will move from "petroleum civilization" to "nuclear energy civilization." "

"Nuclear fusion refers to atoms with small mass, mainly deuterium. Under certain conditions (such as ultra-high temperature and high pressure), only under extremely high temperature and pressure can the extranuclear electrons escape from the shackles of the atomic nucleus.

Allow two atomic nuclei to attract each other and collide together, causing the nuclei to fuse with each other to generate a new atomic nucleus with a heavier mass (such as helium),

Although neutrons have a relatively large mass, since neutrons are uncharged, they can escape from the constraints of the nucleus and be released during this collision.

The release of a large number of electrons and neutrons represents a huge energy release. "

After Zhou Yi finished speaking, he motioned to the military general Zhao on the side. General Zhao said:

"Academician Zhou is right. Judging from my country's huge energy demand, resource limitations, environmental pressure and nuclear fusion research progress,

Developing fusion energy is the fundamental way to improve the future energy structure and promote smooth energy replacement in half a century. "

Academician Feng, chief engineer of the Xinan Institute of Nuclear Fusion Physics and now deputy director of the Institute of Controlled Nuclear Fusion Physics of the Chongqing High Court, said:

“There are also many raw materials for controllable nuclear fusion, which can be said to be inexhaustible.

The raw material for nuclear fusion is heavy water, which can be extracted directly from seawater.

According to calculations, the mass concentration of deuterium in seawater is 0.03g/L. Therefore, there are 45 trillion tons of deuterium in seawater alone on Earth.

The deuterium contained in 1L of seawater can provide energy equivalent to the energy released after burning 300L of gasoline through nuclear fusion.

If all the deuterium in seawater were used in nuclear fusion reactions, the energy released would be enough for human use for tens of billions of years. "

Zhou Yi took the words and said:

"Although tritium does not exist in nature, it can be produced in large quantities by bombarding lithium fluoride, lithium carbonate or lithium magnesium alloys with neutrons produced by reactors, and seawater contains large amounts of lithium."

“The most important thing is that controllable nuclear fusion, as its name suggests, can be controlled.

As long as any one of the conditions for the nuclear fusion reaction is removed, the reaction will stop completely, and there will be no problem like the nuclear fission reactor in the island nation's F Island nuclear power plant that stopped operating due to an earthquake, but the nuclear fuel continued to heat up and cause an explosion. .

Moreover, the process of nuclear fusion and its products will not cause pollution to the environment, nor will they cause the harm of nuclear leakage.

Nuclear fusion is different from nuclear fission. The material produced after the reaction is helium, an inert gas. It does not produce radioactive substances and will not pollute the environment. "

Zhou Yi simply gave the senior management some popular science.

Let them understand the reason for going to such trouble.

Academician Feng Kaihuan said at this moment:

"We know from the scientific goals of the International Thermonuclear Fusion Experimental Reactor program that there are the following steps."

Not long after, a large paragraph of words appeared in the void.

① Integrated verification of advanced tokamak operating mode;

②Verify the physical process of "steady-state combustion plasma";

③Fusion alpha particle physics;

④ Combustion plasma control;

⑤Constraint scaling relationship within the new parameter range;

⑥Feeding and ash discharge technology.

“The engineering technology goal of the ITER program is to create and sustain deuterium and tritium burning plasma,

Test and realize the integration of various fusion technologies, and further research and develop related technologies that can be directly used in commercial fusion reactors.

The above-mentioned six core target tasks are necessary before designing and building a commercial fusion reactor, and can only be carried out on the ITER device. "

There is a lot of content about controllable nuclear fusion.

This meeting lasted for half a month and was barely completed.

The subsequent allocation of funds of 50 to 60 billion will also need to be allocated by Zhou Yi personally.

Achieve the best and most cost-effective results.

Don’t think that one or two hundred million dollars will be used as soon as it is used. That’s one or two hundred million dollars.

There are many things that can be done.

The establishment of a mathematical model to allocate savings requires savings.

Some of the funds saved can be used elsewhere.

Many scientific research projects cannot apply for so much funding in their lifetime.

Colonizing Mars in the future will consume more resources and funds.

Backward and poor areas also need a lot of funds to improve.

In short, Zhouyi will never allow lavishness in scientific research, regardless of the province or the flowers.

Even for the construction of CEPC, Zhou Yi allocated a large sum of money, but every sum of money was personally verified by Zhou Yi.

There is no waste.

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