From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 336: Iron Cavalry Charge

The plain is a battlefield suitable for cavalry ravages!

Moreover, the 5000 Xiliang iron cavalry was armed according to the standard of assault cavalry, and the whole body was covered with iron pieces. Although it was not as exaggerated as the heavy armored cavalry, it could barely be counted as a heavy cavalry.

The Xiliang cavalry with a spear in his hand made three waves, and the cross-section was very wide, just in line with the scattered green-skinned army without formation.

Afterwards, the green-skinned goblin's terrifying cry and the green-skinned fart's unconscious whining sounded fiercely in!

The petite green-skin goblins and green-skinned farts are not enough to make Xiliang Iron Cavalry give up the spear in his hand and fly out one by one like wearing a gourd!

After the horseshoe stepped on, all the green-skin goblins and fart spirits blocked in front became a mass of incomprehensible paste...

In the eyes of Xiliang Iron Horse, these green-skinned farts and green-skinned goblins are not obstructive at all!

Not enough green-skin goblins and green-skinned farts are living creatures after all, the speed of the Xiliang cavalry rushing into the green-skin group is still slightly reduced, but that's all.

After a wave rushed in, another wave followed, pear the lucky green-skin goblin and green-skinned fart again!

After the three waves passed one by one, there are not many green goblins and farts who can stand up again...

Of course, there is no shortage of green-skinned goblins lying on the ground pretending to be dead!

The green-skin goblin is the only species in the green-skinned race that can play dead!

There were even cases of the green goblin defeated and surrendered in the past, and the green goblin who surrendered found a chance to attack and kill the human soldier guarding him...

Since then, no one is willing to accept the green-skinned goblin as a prisoner, and humans would rather capture the green-skinned goblin!

At least these green-skinned farts can also be used as feed for domestic animals. Because the green-skinned farts are weak in combat power, they are very easy to be captured. They can be knocked out and taken away to maintain their freshness. They can be killed and fed in the livestock breeding area...

Green-skinned meat is very unpalatable to humans, but livestock don’t care...

The Xiliang cavalry who rushed into the green-skinned army were not trying to fight the green-skinned army against each other. It was unrealistic. The green-skinned orcs in the central area were tens of thousands. Goblins and green-skinned farts!

Xiliang Iron Cavalry only inserted obliquely from one corner of the green leather army, and then chiseled out from the other edge.

Along the way, they will naturally pass the area where the green-skinned orcs exist. They are the main targets of the Xiliang cavalry, and the spears are also sent into the green-skinned orcs!

Thanks to the looseness of the green-skinned army, the Xiliang cavalry's penetration was very successful. All three waves rushed out. Although hundreds of Xiliang cavalry remained there forever, they killed several times. Own green-skinned orc!

As for the number of green-skinned goblins and green-skinned farts, there is no way to count them!

Obviously, the green-skinned orcs were enraged. Under the roar of the green-skinned warlords, the green-skinned orcs screamed waaaa... and followed the Xiliang iron cavalry who had just rushed out.

Chased without a formation...

Then, Xiliang Iron Cavalry used horsepower to easily fish out the green-skinned orcs from the central area. Although there were a lot of green-skinned fart spirits who liked to follow the green-skinned orcs to run around, but at least most of them were green-skinned. The goblin did not rush out!

In this way, Xiliang Iron Cavalry slowly separated from the team of green-skinned orcs and green-skinned goblins, suddenly split into two, rounded to the sides, and then turned the horse's head to the left and right to the loose green-skinned orc who was persevering in pursuit. The troops rushed over!

The spear pierced and the saber flew. The facts proved that even the green-skinned orcs could not break the iron proof that the infantry could not resist the cavalry charge without a dense array...

However, the undaunted green-skinned orcs actually caused considerable casualties to the Xiliang cavalry.

I saw a big green-skinned orc rushing to a human cavalry directly in front of him. Without using a weapon, he banged his forehead with the horse's head and smashed the Xiliang iron cavalry horse to the ground!

Of course, under the impact of the high-speed inertia, the big green-skinned orc’s brain went straight...

However, the Xiliang cavalry riding on it flew out from the dead horse by inertia. After landing, it was surrounded by a group of waaaaa green-skinned orcs and smashed into a ball of mosaic brand meat sauce. People with armor and horses turned into black light and disappeared...

Green-skinned orcs have become accustomed to this phenomenon. Richard’s system soldiers often go to the front to fight against the green-skinned army. Green-skinned has long known that there is a special kind of "dao soldier" in the Ming army, which will turn into black light and disappear after death. Including armor and mounts!

This annoys Greenskins, because they cannot obtain delicious human flesh and blood and seize human weapons and equipment...

Therefore, after seeing his opponent's body disappeared, the green-skinned orc became even more angry!

In this way, with the green-skinned orcs' fighting against death, the cavalry with very low damage in the classic battle of the loose walkers, on the contrary, made the Xiliang cavalry pay the price of hundreds of people!

However, their results are even more directly wiped out a third of the green-skinned orcs!

After all, it is not so easy for a high-speed horse to hit it accurately. Xiliang's iron cavalry is not stupid. Wouldn't it be possible to control the horse to avoid it?

Even the Xiliang Iron Cavalry can take advantage of the green-skinned orc's initiative to move forward, deflect the horse's head and cut it down, and easily harvest the green-skinned orc's head!

Xiliang's iron cavalry was so brilliant, that's how it was made!

Changing to a human army, the infantry group should have been completely disintegrated by this time, oh no, to be precise, it should be disintegrated when the Xiliang Iron Cavalry rushed in to kill and kill!

However, facing the fierce and undaunted green-skinned orcs, they followed the Xiliang iron cavalry and turned around, and no matter whether they could catch up with the four-legged physiological mechanism, they screamed and trailed in the west. Behind Liangtie...

At this time, Xiliang Iron Horse, who had just broken through the crowd of green-skinned beasts, plunged into the mixed group of green-skinned goblins and green-skinned farts, and then trampled and slaughtered...

Compared to the tragic casualties caused by the green-skinned orcs, neither the green-skinned goblin nor the green-skinned fart-skinned the Xiliang cavalry pulled off their horses. The only Xiliang cavalry that was damaged was because he did not pay attention to the ground and stumbled and tripped in front of the horse... …

The unlucky Xiliang cavalry fainted on the spot, then was hit by the green goblin while the iron was hot, stripped and stabbed to death...

The Xiliang Iron Cavaliers who rushed out of the crowd quickly regrouped, turning their horses again and rushing to the oncoming green-skinned orcs!

Because the generals of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry have discovered that this is a battle with more damage than gains, and they can completely wipe out this green-skinned army in the plain terrain!

Thanks to the fans of Xinghai for rewarding 10,000 starting coins as the master of this book


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