From star abyss

Chapter 969 183 I have always been a warrior of pure love. I have always had a pure love for other p

This was because he had taken advantage. Whether it was qualifications or practice, the two of them had gone too far. Unexpectedly, the Golden Dragon Monk was directly chosen as his equal.

"It's such a small thing, it takes a little effort. You can help me get rid of the evil god Levi Si and restore tranquility. These achievements cannot be repaid in a few words."

Jin Long took a sip of tea, looked at Li Aozi, and said:

"To be honest, Brother Li Xian, I really want to ask for something from you this time."

Li Aozi nodded:

"You can say whatever you want, but I have some things to do recently and may not be able to help."

The Golden Dragon Monk is really different from other people. This dragon has a frank and straightforward nature and often does some righteous deeds as a kind of practice and experience.

Really a good guy.

Especially with Redby, no, you shouldn't do this, it's too insulting to the Golden Dragon Monk.

"I think so. After all, you are currently in a solid state of Cauchy level (14). In the East, you would be a giant in the integration stage. Being involved in affairs will only delay your progress. I am surprised that you are willing to listen. It’s unexpected.”

"Just say it." Li Ozi took a sip of tea.

The mission of the Golden Dragon Monk was actually a kind of pursuit for him.

The opponent was the first Kappa level (10) he had ever seen with his own eyes, and he had saved him during the Galaxy Eye War.

While in college, most people spoke highly of this martyr who volunteered to fight in the war.

In comparison, Li Ozi is completely a rising star. Although he ended the Galaxy Eye battle, his time to become famous is far less than that of the Golden Dragon Monk.

In principle, Li Aozi would help those who had helped him.

"I don't know if Brother Li Xian understands our Dragon Clan. In this level of the abyss, most of the Dragon Clan live dependent on the "Red Blood Alliance". The Alliance pursues a racial priority system, and each ethnic group must fight for the distribution of resources. Or athletics. "

"I've heard a little bit about this." Li Ozi nodded.

He actually knew what was going on behind this.

The narrative of the "Red Blood Alliance" is elite racism. Only the most powerful race can lead the entire narrative civilization. Although they are universal, they emphasize social competition between ethnic groups.

You not only have to be strong yourself, but you also have to lead your tribe to be strong. It is not enough that you can lead your tribe, you must make the entire narrative stronger.

This extreme elitism has given birth to many famous war gods. However, the consequences of long-term pursuit of strongman politics will cause extremely serious internal strife.

Internal friction will exhaust the potential of a race, and it will be difficult for a race to continuously and stably produce such cold supermen.

In contrast, the Empire seems to have chosen to sacrifice more people to achieve a system of philosopher kings, but instead allowed more people to live stably in the Empire.

In order to maintain its own racial diversity, the Alliance will continue to launch wars and annex more races to maintain its racial vitality.

"Now the Dragon Clan in the alliance has been depleted of talent due to long-term struggles. The ranking has also dropped to seventh place."

The golden dragon monk then said:

"Not long ago, I have received a letter from Sodoregolas Dumanigga, the chief of the dragon tribe within the alliance. They hope that for the benefit of the tribe, I can help them and participate in the annual meeting of dragon tribe every ten years. race among ethnic groups.”

"Ethnic ranking competitions strictly limit the age of candidates and place more emphasis on those with talent and potential."

"In recent years, many strong men from other ethnic groups have emerged, and most of the strong men from the Dragon Clan are old people. Suitable candidates are either in the dormant stage, have exceeded the age limit, or are immature in mind and prone to impulsiveness."

The golden dragon monk said helplessly:

"I would like to ask Brother Li Xian to come with me to the Alliance. If possible, come with me to Dragon Island to communicate with Chief Sodoregolas."

"I understand the truth, but." Li Ozi asked doubtfully: "Why do you want to bring me with you?"

"Eh?" The Golden Dragon Warrior Monk was confused: "Brother Li Xian, aren't you also a Dragonborn?"

"Am I also a dragon?"

"Aren't you a dragon?"

"Do I look like it?" Li Ozi pointed to his head: "There are no horns, scales or head, and the eyes are normal."

"This..." The Golden Dragon Monk hesitated: "Although you don't show any dragon characteristics, I feel that you are a dragon. I don't know what it is, but it must be!"

Li Ozi was silent for a while.

He can confirm that he has not activated [Hunter King] at this moment, and the golden dragon Archer insists that he is the first dragon clan.

So, he probably guessed what the reason was.

Li Ozi opened the system and jumped to the [Fate] column:

Currently available list of fates to choose from:

①[Desire] Leviathandar——Destiny cumulative degree: 1.9%

Fateful contenders: Red King (87%), Glena Whirlpool (12.1%), Lee Ozzie (1.9%)

How to compete:

1. Capture the [Gem Dragon King] Leviathandar Sublime.

2. Destroy life

3. Rule the entire dragon clan


②【Eternal】Astrola——Fate accumulation degree 1%

Fateful Contender: Li Ozi (1%)

How to compete:

1. Purify the earth.

2. Conquer the Star Abyss.

3. Slavery society.


"Has the 1.9% progress already begun to have an impact?"

Li Ozi pondered for a moment.

He hasn't figured out this fateful system yet.

Turning on destiny and getting the true ending should mean that you will complete the game "Star Abyss".

Speaking of the ending - the first thing that comes to mind must be Mr. Entropy's unique ability.

"If my life is a game, and Mr. Entropy has deleted all my good endings, then the endings that can be left for me can only be obtained from the fate system, which is not within Mr. Entropy's ability. The fateful ending.”

When the accumulation is complete, he will be able to obtain either [Desire] or [Eternity].

Li Ozi didn't care at first, thinking that this was just a game system similar to achievement rewards, giving you a trophy to commemorate, or giving you some attribute increases.

Isn’t this the case with all games? There are still two weeks after a level is cleared. In order to make players play over and over again and be unable to stop, some manufacturers will provide various levels of endings to encourage players to continue playing through the level, again and again.

However, "Star Abyss" is not just a game, it is a living world.

"Among these names, Levitandar is a real Destroyer. The system also said that you can unlock the destiny by seizing the power of the bloodline of other Destroyers. This is also in line with the character - the one who can surpass the power of Lord Entropy is There are only Destroyers.”

Gaia cannot kill the Destroyer, which just shows that the existence of the Destroyer is beyond common sense, beyond [society], and can even be said to be the true underlying code and mechanism of the universe.

Li Ozi touched his chin:

"But what is this [Eternal] Asdra? Is there also [Eternal], the fourth Destroyer? Or has it actually reached a secret deal with the Will of the Star Abyss?"

Really having no clue, Li Ozi had to give up.

"Currently, my cumulative destiny in [Desire] Leviathandal is only 1.9%, while Red already has 87%, and 'Death' Galina has 12.1%. From the perspective of competition, Lei Virtue perfectly fits these points.”

1. Capture the [Gem Dragon King] Leviathandar Sublime

——Red has not yet achieved it. He was about to get it from Gaia at one time and is now working hard for it.

2. Destroy life

——Dragon Falling to the Moon practice, Red wiped out all life on Haines.

3. Rule the entire dragon clan

——This point is debatable. After all, counting the dead Gelina and the transformable Li Ozi, the Dragon Clan's Emperor Glow Dragon now has three heads.

Even so, Reid is still the king who has ruled the Dragon Clan for the longest time, and is even the nominal leader of the Abyssal Dragon Clan.

However, when it comes to Jingyuan and below, the Dragon Clan is completely in disarray.

"The difficulty of [Eternity] is too scary, and the ending of [Desire] feels a little less difficult, but there are many competitors. If I choose the other two Destroyers, Dark Titan and Discerning Eye, I have to face the secretive Speaker, and The conditions are also unknown."

Li Ozi thought for a moment:

"Now just the 1.9% accumulation of destiny makes me considered a dragon. If I add it to 12%, will I be able to give orders among the dragons like Galina?"

If he were a little higher and his status in the dragon clan was getting higher and higher, would he be able to have the say in the entire Jingyuan Dragon clan?


"If we can get the power of the Dragon Clan, then fighting Le Anding will not be a problem. Let alone Le Anding, even if I become an enemy of Yuan Yuan in the future, Red King will help me."

This is equivalent to poaching Red's corner, and Red has to help himself.

After all, Reid has no system!

Li Aozhi suddenly became enlightened, and the situation suddenly became bigger.

"I still have to discuss what Brother Jinlong said. After all, I've been really busy recently."

As soon as Li Ozi said this, Jinlong Yaqi nodded. Although he was disappointed, he expressed his understanding:

"In that case, I'll leave first..."

"However, please also tell me the location of Dragon Island."

Li Ozi said with a smile:

"I will personally visit Dragon Island and lead the Dragon Clan to glory."

Dear Red King, you left at the right time.

As soon as Reid left, Li Ozi accepted the gift from the Jingyuan Dragon Clan.

Thinking about it this way, it seems to have a sense of déjà vu as a tauren.

Silverston plundered everything in the world to create his own inventions, but was finally stolen by the 'Goddess of Truth'.

[The Goddess of Truth] expanded her belief to the entire Haines world, and vigorously promoted the technology obtained from Silverston under Leoz - and was finally traveled to a thousand years ago by Red King to steal everyone. .

Red collected everything and included everything in his own exhibition hall, but was finally stolen by Li Ozi.

This is probably the fate of the [Plunder] path.

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