From star abyss

Chapter 972 186 Dragon Island (3)

"I thought that the unparalleled chief in the world could not resist the power of the doomsday."

"The noble Princess Gelina, she can only watch the end coming, helpless."

"I prayed to Lord Entropy for strength and asked him to change the future, but he asked me to do it again."

Ilesiya opened her eyes, and her ice-blue dragon eyes showed the indescribable vicissitudes of time. This was definitely not something that would happen to a young dragon clan.

She sat up and took Wawa off her head. Her plump chest was covered with white dragon scales. She removed the dragon scales with one hand and turned into a human hand to gently support Wawa. The sharp claws of the other hand were placed on her legs.

"It can never be changed by outsiders. Only my own efforts will not deceive others."

Ilesia said softly:

"It's enough for me to tell you, Wawa, you are the only one in this world who will not betray me, worry about me, love me, and understand me."

"But there's nothing Wawa can do."

Wawa lowered his head and said in despair:

"Wawa needs to grow up to be useful. Elf dragons need hundreds of thousands of years to grow. And if you go by your statement, the dragon clan will be extinct in a few hundred years."

"Wawa, there is no way to grow up."

"Wawa really wants to help you, Azafina. We are best partners. I don't want to just massage you and listen to your nagging. Wawa also wants to save the dragon clan with you."

"Don't be sad, darling."

Ilesiya kissed Wawa's forehead, and the paw of her left hand turned into a human hand, gently stroking Wawa's butterfly wings:

"I will solve all this and watch you grow up with my own eyes. The Fairy Dragon will be very powerful when it becomes an adult. Even Princess Galina said this: 'The Fairy Dragon has great potential, not even worse than the Dragon Emperor.'" You will definitely become a great dragon, and you must grow up well and protect everyone."

"Like you, Azafina? Sacrifice yourself, even at the cost of notoriety."

"When faced with a crisis, someone from every ethnic group should make sacrifices and sacrifice themselves for the continuation of the ethnic group. The other dragon tribes all have ideals and families. Since I have nothing and no dreams, who else would I be?"

Ilesia said this with a smile:

"Someone has to sacrifice for the greater good, so why can't it be me? Anyway, I'm just a white dragon who is being discriminated against."

Wawa swung her tail, this topic was too heavy for her:

"Azafi - Ilesia, you said you have met Princess Galina. What kind of dragon is she? She has been living in the Abyss. She is very popular in the narrative civilization and has been working for reform. Is this how we work hard to maintain the internal system of the Dragon Clan?”

Ilesia's eyes darkened:

"...I can only say that she is a more miserable little girl than me."

"She seems to be older than you. She was alive before I was born."

"Yes and no. The time she truly lived as an independent and free being was probably only 18 years. The rest of the time, she lived as a puppet and a substitute."

Ilesia shook her head:

"These topics are a bit sensitive. The princess is a very good and kind-hearted dragon, but it's just a bit too ideal... Let's be more realistic - by the way, have Quatro and Manaria ever bullied you again?"

"No, they haven't dared to come since you beat them all away."

Wawa said proudly:

"These two guys who bully the weak and fear the strong will bully other young dragons casually because they are high-ranking dragons like the black dragon and the red dragon. After you beat them up, they became honest. But... now I heard that their parents I’m going to participate in the competition, and I’ve already restrained myself a lot.”


Ilesia murmured:

"Yes, it's time for the racial ranking competition within the alliance."

"According to history, the Dragon Clan will lose the top ten rankings, then fail to recover, and will eventually be squeezed out 100 years later, and will be enslaved and corrupted by [Twilight Lord] in the Ninth Void War."

"The chief was turned into a void dragon, and was eventually slaughtered by a [Starfall Master]. All of them were made into terrifying planetary weapons. The man was even wearing a robe of void dragon skin, holding a dragon bone staff, and was fighting against The road to emptiness is getting farther and farther, and we are just sacrifices for this man’s success..."

The tragic origin of all this comes from this game.

The racial discrimination within the dragon clan was already obvious. After joining the alliance, it did not become united and united to the outside world. On the contrary, the internal discrimination became more serious.

The high-level dragons were discriminated against outside and were ridiculed as 'winged lizards' and 'scaly chickens' by the high-level allied tribes. After returning home, they vented all their anger on the low-level dragons.

Princess Galina doesn't want to see this happen.

In many reincarnations, Ilesia has seen Princess Galina, who is fair, ideal, clear-cut and innocent. Her fragility makes people love and protect her, but her strength can surpass diamonds and stand out from the crowd. Meeting to accomplish that sacred goal:

Build the path of the Dragon Clan!

It should be said that only by completing that step of reform can the Dragon Clan have a future.

Completely break the concept of dragon clan, redefine what dragon clan is, everyone is a dragon, any dragon can be emperor, every dragon clan has the opportunity to become a glowing dragon, and let the dragon clan belong to everyone and every dragon. Only then can we save Dragon clan.

However, this result is no less than the emperor rebelling and taking his own life. Even if Princess Galina tried her best and did her best, the stubborn ministers and the old high dragon clan could not accept it.

Although they cannot attack Galina, they can join forces with external forces to attack and crush the lower dragons who will liberate their own destiny through reform.

Sometimes, Princess Galina will succeed, and sometimes, Red Crown will personally go out to complete the reform, but Red never pays attention to the fate of the dragon family.

His Majesty Red is a god born from the dragon clan, but he is not a god of the dragon clan.

His belonging is not to the Dragon Clan, not even to the God Clan. Even after 1009 reincarnations, Ilesia still doesn't understand what Red Gold Crown wants.

She could not forget that when she came to Red King with scars, she lowered her head and cried to the Mother Goddess about her tragic experiences for so many years, telling him how the suffering race of dragons had been destroyed and disintegrated, and begging him to help them. How did Red reply?

"Okay, I know."

The goddess trimmed her nails casually, without even looking at her, and said:

"Get out, the next one is Odyssey, the Lord of Outland, remember to call him in."


The dragon clan perished, everything was destroyed, even his flesh and blood daughter was eaten, but the goddess did not pay any attention to it.

Even to Him, it’s not as troublesome as getting your nails done.

He obviously has his own clan, and the dragon clan are all his descendants, so why does he turn a blind eye to the demise of the dragon clan?

The Creator, abandoned them.

There is only this point, no matter how much time passes, Ilesiya can never let it go.

However, since the Dragon Clan has even abandoned its own creator, it cannot complete the reform from top to bottom with the sacrifice of Princess Galina.

In this world, you can’t rely on anyone, and no one will help you unconditionally.

Ilesia's heart has long since cooled down, and she no longer believes in anyone trying to help her.

Only by relying on your own strength can you save the Dragon Clan.

The two dragons fell into silence, and Vava didn't know what to say. For Ilesia, she must have experienced countless incidents.

Each time, she was unable to change the outcome of the game.

Even if she becomes very strong, stronger than anyone else, she still cannot win in this game.

"I will participate." Ilesia said: "Even if I lose 1,008 times, I will still participate in this game."


"Anyway, the worst case scenario is that I will commit suicide again, be reborn 40 years ago, and be reincarnated again."

Ilesia chuckled and said:

"Since I have such ability, I will not sit still and wait for death. Don't worry, Wawa, I am in good shape this time and I probably won't lose."

Having said that, Ilesia glanced at the alchemy workshop nearby.

Her luggage had already been packed there, and she had been ready to move from the first day of her rebirth.

The dragon tribe cannot defeat other allied tribes.

"However, maybe we can succeed this time."

Wawa suddenly said:

"Ilesiya, the patriarch said that he has received a reply from the golden dragon warrior monk Archer, and he will definitely come to join the battle to help."

"Well, maybe..."

Ilesia said perfunctorily.

Archer? He is a very capable player, but it is useless and cannot change the overall situation.

In history, she even found Princess Gelena's bodyguard, the fire dragon Vulcan, at one point, but there was no way to change it.

Facing the one who ranks first in the tribe is simply not something that can be defeated by anything.

"It'll be here in two days anyway, let's take a look and talk about it later."


Ilesia sighed:

"I can't change this, Wawa, do you still remember what I said? When the game is over, you go and take the gem, and we fly away quickly."

"But this would be a betrayal to the tribe..."

"There is no other way. No matter who comes, it is impossible to defeat the strong man who is the first in the alliance tribe. Have you seen the scars on my body? That guy is different from Chen Shen who was devalued as an evil god. Anyone who can compete at the same level must be a demigod, but how can a demigod appear in this game?"

Ilesia said in a deep voice:

"If the Dragon Clan wants to survive, we have no choice but to do this. Even if we are accused of being traitors, we must do it."

"For the future of the race, there must always be young people who stand up and stay alive even if they are running away, betraying, or living an ignoble existence."

"We will be wandering for a long time, but don't be afraid. I have been a test subject and a slave in the past. I have suffered all sorts of hardships. But as long as I persist, I believe there will always be reincarnation and I can save the Dragon Clan."

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