From star abyss

Chapter 975 189 Dragon Island (6)

Although he had heard about the discrimination problem within the Dragon Clan for a long time, Li Aozi was still quite ashamed after actually experiencing it.

Generally speaking, the root cause of discrimination comes from differences in property, status, appearance and culture, or simply unequal, but the discrimination within the Dragon Clan comes from origin.

What does this system resemble?

Discrimination between orthodox god warriors and cannon fodder gods.

After coming into contact with the earth's culture, Li Aozi can definitely summarize this discrimination law in an accurate term:

That is, caste.

In the pedigree of the dragon family, the glow dragon is supreme. Innate aristocratic dragon species such as silver dragons and gold dragons belong to the ruling class second only to the glow dragon. Whether you want it or not, as a gold and silver dragon, you must follow the rules. This rule exercises power.

Even in some remote places, dragons from humble origins, even if they have evolved along the way, are expressly prohibited from looking directly at or touching high-ranking nobles.

It's not that Li Ozi doesn't want to pretend, he's just curious whether this rumor is true. After all, if he plans to take advantage of Red King in the future, he must understand the social foundation.

Now it seems that the rumors are not only not exaggerated, but also too conservative.

Just because he was too lazy to mention his origin and race, the two high-level dragon clans from the Empire and the Temple began to be aggressive, and there was a strange atmosphere here, and there was no sense of stiffness or hindrance at all.

Obviously they have even changed their nationality, but they still look down on a 'Dragon Clan' who can't tell their origin.

Jinlong Archer helped him to stand up, but was instigated to condemn Li Ozi together.

[It seems that when the Doomsday Judgment comes, the Lords of the Void will still be slaying dragons and killing less. 】

Li Ozi shook his head.

He would rarely use the word "deserved" to evaluate a civilization or race. After all, every race will have one or two heroes who are constantly striving for self-improvement and unwilling to be destroyed. However, judging from the situation and performance of the Dragon Clan, it definitely deserves the word "deserved".

The golden dragon warrior monk Archer laughed at the popularity of these two people. After a few words and found that the other party was completely unreasonable, he simply didn't bother to respond and returned to his seat.

He raised his head and looked at Li Ozi holding his chin with a calm expression on his face, as if the whole matter had nothing to do with him, and then he said:

"Sorry, I didn't expect the environment in Jingyuan to be so..."

"Each place has its own folk customs, which is understandable."

As Li Ozi spoke, he took Fetris' hand off, took off the fingers, and oiled and maintained the ball joints one by one.

"The more uncivilized a place is, the more emphasis is placed on things like blood, origin, and interpersonal relationships. We civilized people generally adhere to laws and ethics - but when it comes to some people, they get impatient."

As soon as he said this, [Western Demon Seed] Opreli immediately realized that he was scolding himself, sneered, crossed his arms and said:

"This is strange - Ms. Sissi, I'm curious about one thing. You said, if the narrative civilization is not civilized, then can a wanderer who doesn't know the basics be considered civilized?"

"Mr. O'Prayley, it's very rude of you to say that."

The Silver Dragon Female Pope blamed:

"This is my fault. If we target a person because of his bad background, then we are not considered civilized people."

"I didn't mention it by name, so how come someone picked it up?"

Li Ozi put his palm back on Feitris, took off Feitris's head, raised his eyes and looked directly in the direction of the two of them, without losing any momentum.

"Or are you just in a hurry?"

[Midnight Lord] Naijia watched the tit-for-tat exchanges between the young people with cold eyes, and drank tea by himself.

As an old man who came from the troll empire, he has no patience or interest in these trivial matters.

Seeing that the situation was becoming increasingly tense, Li Ozi suddenly turned his head and asked:

"Are you at 107 Megan Street?"

The Golden Dragon Monk was stunned and glanced outside:

"Just arrived."

"That's good." Li Ozi nodded and threw his head to Feitrice: "Take your head and luggage and get off the car."

"Hey, wait, Li Ozi, where are you going?"

Before the Golden Dragon Monk finished speaking, O'Preli immediately said with a strange tone:

"Yo? You gave in so quickly."

"It's all my fault." The female pope said regretfully: "I didn't expect things to develop to this point..."

Li Ozi ignored them.

In fact, what can you say to a group of dying people?

He packed his luggage, threw it to Feitrice, and came to the car door. When he was about to get out of the car, O'Pureli, who had never heard anything before, sarcastically said:

"I have long seen that you are not a good person. Fortunately, you are self-aware. A low-end and low-end reptile should be content to climb this far by riding on the glory of the golden dragon. A low-level bastard dragonborn like you has been around for generations. Life is to be cannon fodder."


Li Ozi turned around, pulled off his coat, handed it to the puppet carrying a bunch of luggage, and said gently:

"This coat was given to me by an old Taoist from the East. It's quite expensive. It's hard to wash if it's dirty. Please help me take it."

"Understood, Lord." Fitris took the coat.

Li Ozi smiled and praised:

"So good."

The next moment, Li Ozi's figure instantly appeared in front of Opryli.

"Oh, you still have some backbone -"

Opryli watched Li Ozi move, his eyes lit up, and he stood up:

"The speed is pretty good. Come on, you dirty bastard, let me see what else you can do!"


Opreli just stood up, and a big slit opened in the middle of her crotch, revealing her festive red pants.


The golden dragon warrior monk Archer was happy, but as a decent person, he tried his best to keep his expression calm, coughed twice, and pretended not to see it.

The silver dragon female Pope Sissi covered her mouth and nose and chuckled a few times.

When he arrived at [Midnight Lord] Naija, he spoke bluntly and said casually:

"Hey, your balls are exposed, kid."

Opryli's face froze when he was about to take action. He lowered his head and covered his crotch. The anger of being humiliated rushed into his heart, and he yelled at Li Ozi:


As soon as these words came out of his mouth, he realized something was wrong:

"When did this guy take action?"

Before he could react, and without even being noticed by so many people, the guy stabbed him in the crotch.

Forget it if they were ordinary people, but there were also powerful men like the Silver Dragon Qianqian who came from the temple and competed with the demigod level, and there were also peerless men like the [Midnight Lord] who had fought all the way from the troll era to the modern era.

These two people are experienced in many battles.

In other words, if the other party had the intention to kill just now, it would not be to chop off his crotch, but to take his lifeblood or even his head...

Opryli was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

In front of so many people, this kind of speed and accuracy, without even any murderous intention, within the empire, only the demi-gods who have ascended to the throne can achieve it.

‘Wait, where is that guy’s figure? ’


The carriage door suddenly closed, and people looked at the carriage door, where Feitris and her owner were no longer there.

"While leaving, there was not even the slightest movement." The female pope held her chin and said, "It seems that this is no ordinary person. Only those who have converted to the path of [Destruction] can achieve such speed."

"Ms. Sissi, didn't you notice?" Opreli turned around and asked.

"It's a pity that even I didn't find out when he left." The female pope shrugged and looked at the Golden Dragon Monk: "Your Excellency Archer, where did you know him? What is this person's background? ? It shouldn’t be some low-level dragon clan, right?”

"That's a good question because I don't know either."

The golden dragon monk smiled:

"He introduced himself as coming from the Abyss. He has no background and is just an ordinary person who ascends to the gods."

"Ordinary? With this kind of speed and accuracy, you can do it openly in front of a few of us, but it can be guaranteed to be silent. It's not even an assassin who is proficient in assassination."

Opreli subconsciously touched his neck:

"You call this 'ordinary'?"

It was just a lesson. If Li Ozi was in a bad mood, he might be killed...

What kind of empire, bloodline, or origin? At this moment, O'Pureli couldn't think of anything. Death had just passed by him.

Under the overwhelming power, everything is a joke.

But even so, Opreli did not think about other aspects. Instead, he believed even more firmly:

"That guy, no, that Mr. Li Ozi, is definitely not an ordinary dragonborn. He must have an extremely noble bloodline. He was able to hide it from everyone present when he did it."

"Cover your panties before you say this!"

[Midnight Lord] Naija said impatiently:

"I never thought that today's brats are so frivolous. During the Patya Empire, a fool like you wouldn't have been able to survive even a month."

"Hmph, it's not your turn to preach like an old antique——"

Opryli sat back down, covering his lower body with the back of the chair, and did not forget to sarcastically say:

"Speaking of which, your new catastrophe should be coming soon. No wonder you came back to help Dragon Island uncharacteristically. Is it because you are afraid that the Blue Witch's catastrophe will kill you again?"

"Mr. Opreli, please show respect to your senior." Silver Dragon Sissi said sternly: "After all, Senior Naija is a black dragon who came of age thousands of years ago. Whether it is rank or bloodline, the purity is not between you and me. under."

"Having been the prime minister of a group of trolls for more than a thousand years, is there any purity left in terms of appearance or thoughts? It seems that he has become the shape of a troll."

Opryli scoffed.

"Mr. Opryli!" the female pope said dissatisfied.

Naijia glanced at him coldly, her dark golden vertical pupils seemed to melt the whole world, and a majestic and ancient aura instantly enveloped the entire carriage.

But after a moment, Naijia looked away.

"Hey. I knew this would happen."

Sure enough, compared to Li Aozi who didn't know the basics, this kind of old antique who knew and didn't dare to do anything casually was easier to bully.

Opryli laughed and joked:

"[Midnight Lord] Naija, I heard that you were saved by the Troll Emperor Parthia Romulus in your early years, so you assisted him throughout your life and helped him extend the kingdom for thousands of years, but you also offended the Blue Witch because of this. ——In the end, you were cursed by the witch group, and not even the Shadow God's Throne can protect you."

"Originally, as a dependent of the gods, you were able to ascend to the gods, but now you have to face disasters every hundred years. The imperial prime minister who used to be aloof, now has to ask for help everywhere. Otherwise, you will not be able to withstand the disaster that happens every hundred years, and each time is more and more dangerous. Fatal disaster."

"This time, the request has been made to the chief of Dragon Island, Sodoregolas. You must obey Dragon Island's orders unconditionally. Otherwise, this time will be a 400-year-level disaster. If you can't bear it anymore, you will have to return to the shadows. Has he been reincarnated under the throne of God?"

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