From star abyss

Chapter 980 194 Dragon Island (11)

Levi Si said leisurely:

"We have been humiliated, demonized, and sealed in the depths of the abyss for a million years."

"I have no intention of justifying my history, just because we have never done anything wrong."

"It's you who are wrong. All living beings in the entire Star Abyss are assisting the rule of the Yuanyuan God Clan. All of you are servants and eagle dogs of Yuanyuan."

"Your ascendants continue to challenge the abyss, killing my sisters and brothers, trampling on our porcelain flesh and jade bones, plundering our godhead and crown, and even taking away the god's throne."

"We are not criminals, we are innocent people who have been slandered. Unfair treatment comes fairly to everyone who is accused of being an 'evil god'. Today it is me, Levi Si, and tomorrow I will be a great and upright person like Shen Shen." , Xingyuan refuses to change his attitude, because it represents weakness and surrender!"

Levisi raised his hand and pressed the roses growing in his eyes. His roar was not loud, but it was shocking. It was filled with millions of years of hatred and grievance, and it could not be performed.

It is a sorrow that can transcend racial and cultural barriers and touch people's hearts directly, making those who hear it cry and those who see it feel sad.

"For countless days when the sun withered and went out, we suffered endless humiliation and abuse, but above the high hall, the Yuanyuan Divine Clan still exists in the world!"

"Traitors, traitors, traitors! You label us as traitors of course, thinking that we betrayed Xingyuan, colluded with [society], and betrayed Xingyuan's interests."

"We never thought about betrayal, we just wanted to use our own means to change this decadent, backward, poor and weak universe!"

Levisi clenched her fists, her emotions reached the extreme, and she exploded with all her strength:

"Reluctance, pain, and anger! My overwhelming hatred turns into flames and burns all these stars!"

"Since Xingyuan thinks we are traitors, then we will completely rebel!"

"Gods of the Star Abyss, grand narrative, just watch your country fall apart, your civilization be burned to the ground, and your home be reduced to scorched earth - that is the price you deserve!"

“In the past, we were slandered as being complicit with [society], but now, we fight side by side with [society]”

Qi Xilei pulled back the camera, and it was only at this moment that the audience discovered that there were more than just the Speakers and Evil Gods behind her.

The shadows behind, the stars, are shining in the distance.

"I've said too many unnecessary words. Let me tell you, the evil god and [society] have actually formed an alliance."

The corners of Qi Xilei's mouth were split to the base of her ears, revealing a horrifying smile:

"In the name of [Doomsday Speaker] Qi Xilei, I would like to convey the following message to you:"

"Declare war on the "Empire of Heroes" and order the empire to hand over all civilizations in the Fairy Nebula and Balk Demon Nebula. "

"Declare war on the "Temple of Annihilation", issue a sacrilegious order to the Temple of Annihilation, and require all civilizations under the temple to convert to a belief in personal heroism. "

"Declare war on the "United Group", targeting only [Plundered Soul] Red King and his followers, with a total war compensation of 29 million standard suns. "

"The main combatant is——"

"[Epic Society] Regedori, [Dream Society] Delilem, [Ruin Flame Society] Satan Jima."

"as well as……"

Qi Xilei paused, raised her eyes, looked at the camera sympathetically, and declared word by word:

"[Hidden Society] Gaia."

"A special reminder, in addition to the three major narratives of the Layer Abyss, we will launch special operations for other Star Abyss and narrative members to prevent you from assisting and interfering with the Layer Abyss."

"Thank you for listening and I wish you a happy death."


The TV is turned off.

Cynthia turned her head, looked at Di Yalan, and said bitterly:

"That's pretty much the situation."

"...White Candle Star, has it ceased to exist?"

"Yes, luckily Sonia, the Fairy of the Lake, came to help and summoned a large army of heroic spirits to help the refugees leave. We just lost our home. At least we are still alive. Not many people died."

Cynthia said:

"The planet has been eaten by several [society], and the White Candle Star no longer exists from an astronomical point of view or a social point of view."

"My home."

Di Aram said:

"My father's tomb is on that planet."

Cynthia was stunned, turned her eyes to the side, and said:

"...Sorry, I'm sorry, Your Excellency Prime Minister."

"I was born and grew up there. I am not a human from White Candle Star, but I am indeed a person from White Candle Star."

Di Yalan pinched the clothes on his chest.

There should have been no wavering here, and after surgery, the doctors should have removed all her ability to perceive emotions.

But now, a strong emotion came over me.

"...I can't cry."

Di Yalan raised her head, looked at Cynthia, and stated her despair in an extremely calm tone:

"My home is gone, I have nowhere to go, my father's grave can no longer be worshiped, and I don't even have the emotion to let go of all this."

"Cynthia, this is my home. I received education here, became a national civil servant, and then reformed along the way to help more people come out of the despair after leaving the protection of the Crystal Tower civilization. Leoz, Leoz personally Leave it to me and let the White Candle Star people manage White Candle Star themselves, and we can take good care of our home..."

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, don't get excited! You are still injured——"

"I can't get excited."

Di Yalangan stared, her eyes full of bloodshot eyes. She said dryly, like an outdated machine, slowly and coldly:

"I can't cry over it."

"Maybe, that's not a bad thing."

Cynthia lowered her head guiltily and said:

"You are now the prime minister and head of state of the White Candle government in exile. According to the declaration of the National Emergency Committee, you are the supreme legal ruler of the White Candle."

"I'm sorry, but our current citizens have actually been entrusted to the group. Those who descended saw that our camp was actually destroyed, and they left everywhere."

"To put it mildly, you are now a polished commander, but even so, we can still only survive under your protection."

"Please, even if it is for the survival of our compatriots in the end, you must shoulder the responsibility of the head of state! Ms. Dialan!"


Di Yalan shook her head. She instinctively wanted to give up and feel uncomfortable for a while, but her body forced her to be rational:

"I want to meet the philosopher king, or the CEO of the group."

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, this is a bit..."

"They will definitely meet me."

Di Yalan was forced to calm down and said:

"I have enough information to change the current situation. As long as I can meet the Philosopher King, it will definitely be of great help."

"I will try my best, but it may be difficult to see the Philosopher King. He has already taken action to control the [peasants]——"

Before Cynthia finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded at the door:

"It is indeed difficult to see the Philosopher King, but as for the Prince, you can see him now."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door was gently pushed open, and a young man came into view.

He was wearing a leather jacket, a blue shirt, and a pair of brown leather sneakers. He looked like an ordinary civil servant. He was none other than the Imperial Crown Prince Mistofin Alan.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince." Cynthia quickly stood up and saluted: "Why are you here... Your Excellency the Prime Minister is still recovering and has just woken up."

"I have timeline access to the entire empire, and nothing can escape my eyes."

The imperial prince waved off his courtesy, walked to the hospital bed, and glanced at his surroundings:

"I'm sorry, Prime Minister Di Yalan, the environment in the war zone is indeed not very good, so just make do with it."

Di Yalan did not answer, but said directly:

"It's not impossible to communicate with you. Anyway, if you have spoken to the prince, the philosopher king will know about it sooner or later, right?"

"Pretty much. His Majesty the Philosopher King will still refer to my opinions sometimes."

Mistofin carried a thermos cup and a folding chair with him. He was really no different from an ordinary civil servant. He opened the folding chair, sat in front of the bed, and asked:

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I am a person who can speak a few words. Can you tell me exactly what you mean by 'a big help'?"

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