From star abyss

Chapter 987 201 Dragon Island (18)

"Are you looking for Mr. Raymond?"

Li Ozi raised his eyes and glanced at the woman with a basket of potato flowers in front of her:

"Then you have to put in some effort. He is now more broken than a corpse."

"Oh, Mr. Raymond... I should have expected that you would end up like this."

The woman carrying the potato flowers wiped her tears and said regretfully:

"He told me for several years that he would redeem my life. He didn't mind drinking with me at all, and he was wronged to work for a bad boss and sacrifice himself. I was already in ruins, and he still wanted to give me a life of my own. But who Everyone knows that the work he does is so dangerous and he will be finished sooner or later."

"Wait a minute... aren't you a battle puppet? Logically speaking, you should be the private property of that boss, right?"

"How can you say that! I am someone else's private property≠I cannot pursue my own life. I have endured that bad guy for more than 20 years, being exploited day and night, wuwuwu..."

"But you have to be a human being first, not a human-shaped machine. Besides, I see that you are round and round, fair and beautiful, and you wear better clothes than me. Are you here to exploit me, the boss... or are you here to exploit me?" A tribute?"

"Even if I am not exploited, can't I speak up for myself?! You are ignorant and prejudiced! The lives of our fighting puppets also matter!"

Li Ozi waved his hand and asked someone to drag this crazy puppet away. He lightly fanned his nose with a handmade fan and muttered:

"The air smells like second-hand smoke, which is really annoying."

At this moment, Feitrice limped over. She stood still and reported:

"Lord, the underground power of Dragon Island has been integrated."

"Thank you, Featrix - but what's wrong with your legs? I remember that I should have taken care of you."

"Lord, Feitrice encountered a green-furred turtle on the road. She tripped and fell, and her balance instrument became crooked."

"It's so miserable." Li Ozi shook his head.

"So, according to the agreement, Feitrice crushed the green turtle."

"It's so good." Li Ozi nodded.

On Long Island before the war, the underground forces were much smaller than after the apocalypse. This is not surprising. In a sense, gang forces are the takeovers of order. When the ruling class loses part of their power, this will naturally breed. A group of forces that foster order.

Before the war, Longdao could rely on its abundant funds, as well as the reputation, lineage and status of the Dragon Clan to maintain a stable situation and combat these underground forces, but the Dragon Clan itself was not an ethnic group that had control over the grassroots.

Kobolds, dragonborn, half-dragons, dragon-blood elves, dragon-orcs, dragon-veined warlocks, lizardmen—a miscellaneous bottom-level dragon race exists, and their number is hundreds or thousands of times greater than the dragon race itself. They need management, but the Dragon Clan has no management or neglects management.

As for the reason... cost is one aspect.

Within the Dragon Island managers, we can see what they are thinking from the fact that they chose to join an alliance that uses 'superior racism' as a narrative.

Without upper-level control, in addition to these dragon bastards, there is intrigue among the dragonborn at the bottom. Low-class people like Raymond who are not even bastards will take advantage of the chaos to take advantage of the chaos and try to get a piece of the pie.

Before Li Ozi arrived, Mr. Raymond still received a lot of benefits.

As for now... Mr. Raymond should have turned into flower fertilizer.

Thinking on the bright side, what if it's the flower fertilizer for the potato flowers he loves?

"Now that the forces have been integrated, Ilesia Xunfeng's information should be ready and brought up quickly."

However, Feitrice tilted her head and said:

"Lord, the major forces did not search for Ilesiya Xunfeng. Even similar keywords were not found."


Li Aozi was surprised:

"That shouldn't be the case. Even the golden dragon warrior monk Archer knows about it, but the people on Dragon Island still don't know about the great traitor Ilesia Xunfeng?"

According to the old timeline, Ilesia Xunfeng was a talented dragon known far and wide. As a white dragon that even dragon beasts look down on, Ilesia Sunfeng's performance and growth rate completely refreshed people's understanding of white dragons.

What kind of existence is the white dragon? Generally speaking, it can be summarized in two words:

Mentally retarded.

It's not a curse, it's really retarded.

White dragons generally have very low IQs, and many white dragon species even retain the bad habit of cannibalizing their relatives. If the white dragon is an inbred white dragon, then it will basically be a 100% degeneration problem, that is, animal nature will overwhelm rationality, and the dragon will degenerate into a beast.

The point is, just being mentally retarded doesn't matter.

White Dragon is not only mentally retarded... he is also mentally retarded!

White dragons have lived in cold zones for a long time. In the ice fields, they may even be the 'last white knights'.

Not only is it extremely difficult to learn magic if their brains are weak, but in temperate and subtropical areas, they will suffer from the same problems as huskies. Their brains are overloaded, their physical strength plummets, and their heavy bodies make it difficult for them to move flexibly.

In the dragon family pedigree, in addition to gold and silver dragons, the upper-class dragons include black, red, blue, and green monsters that are physically powerful enough to destroy stars with a single dragon. At the same time, each of them is a master of magic.

The ice magic that Bailong is best at is not as good as the tricks humans play. While Bailong is still wondering which one flies faster, the ice cone or the ice gun, the human ice and snow magician has already mastered the second law of thermodynamics by heart. .

In such a group of people with a cerebellum as developed as Hawking's all year round, an outlier like Ilesia Xunfeng emerged.

How to describe the level of shock?

For example, when Xing Daorong passed five levels and killed six generals, he killed the Five Tiger Generals plus one Lu Bu.

"This is a bit strange. Logically speaking, the time should be quite different. At this point in time, Ilesia wants to become as famous as she will be in later generations. It is time for her to rise."

Li Ozi couldn't understand the reason.

He was indeed not very familiar with Dragon Island, living NPCs, plots and life details.

He is more familiar with their functions and uses after death.

"Forget it, it seems that it may be because of my early participation that a traitor like Ilesia chose to remain anonymous. The butterfly effect is understandable."

Li Ozi couldn't understand it, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

The world is changing rapidly, and we must remain unchanged to cope with the changes.

The more he understands the thoughts of people on earth, the more Li Ozi is in awe of these terrible creatures.

For Xingyuan, the people on earth are a being that is comprehensively superior to the creatures in Xingyuan. They have extremely high philosophical ideas and know how to integrate them into life and war.

Such a race is an excellent race.

It is precisely because of their excellence that they threaten the living space of various races in the Star Abyss.

We must learn from them and destroy them completely.

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