From star abyss

Chapter 991 205 Dragon Island (twenty-two)

It was already late at night when Archer was sent away. Feitrice came to clean up the room. She picked up two slender wooden sticks and subconsciously planned to throw them into the trash can. Li Ozi quickly stopped her:

"Wait a minute, that's not garbage."

"Isn't it?" Feitrice tilted her head and looked at the two slender sticks: "Lord, what are these?"

"This is called '箸', commonly known as chopsticks. It is one of the various tableware used on Earth. Although it is a bit troublesome to learn, it is much more elegant and convenient than the knives and forks we use in Xingyuan. Look - "

Li Ozi walked forward with a smile, took the pair of chopsticks, and deftly picked up sesame balls, quail eggs and even slippery taro balls:

"The things of the people on earth are really wonderful. Two small chopsticks actually contain rich philosophical and scientific thoughts. There are millions of civilizations in our galaxy, and none of them has ever thought of making such a convenience. Clever tableware.”

"Chopsticks - entered in the archives, Featrix has finished."

Feitrice's eyes lit up and she nodded.

"What seems like a simple tableware is actually a huge gap between the Earth and the Star Abyss. Perhaps the Star Abyss civilization is inherently an inferior race, so it is so weak when faced with the impact of the Earth's culture and strength."

Li Ozi put down his chopsticks and sighed:

"Although I have never been to the Earth, judging from the various knowledge and descendants of the Earth that I have come into contact with, they are indeed smarter, more civilized, and more powerful than us, and their food is more delicious than ours. This is an established fact. It's really ridiculous, Earthlings They are obviously so good, why do they continue to expand? Their own universe is obviously not small at all, and they still want to invade the living space of our star abyss."

Although he was extremely dissatisfied with Xingyuan's appeasement of Li Ozi, and Li Ozi was not a cruel person by nature, when facing the people on Earth, the more he marveled at the progress of Earth's civilization, the more he was shocked by their cruelty.

Feitrice blinked:

"Lord, do you love Xingyuan very much?"

"It's not a love, but this is my destination after all."

Li Ozi shook his head:

"I never got married, nor did I have an identity card from any country. In my early years, I regarded this as my advantage. But when I reached middle age - at least in my forties in the short-lived sense, I became more and more sentimental. stand up."

"People on Earth say: You can start a family and start a business by the age of thirty, you won't be confused by the age of forty, and you will know what you were born to do by the age of fifty."

"Now I seem to have reached the point where I won't be confused. My home is not anywhere in Xingyuan. Anywhere in Xingyuan is my home."

Li Aozi leaned on the railing and overlooked Long Island from the tall building.

This high-rise building is not the original asset of the underground industry, but a building that he specially paid for to operate his underground empire in Longdao. The white-clothed warrior continued to work hard to shape his grassroots establishment in Longdao. Influence.

Unfortunately, it will take another week for the player to arrive, and the level of Dragon Island is a bit too high for the player. He needs all kinds of helpers now, and he can only do it by himself.

Feitrice didn't understand what Li Ozi meant. As a spirit puppet, her thinking was simple and she asked directly:

"In that case, why doesn't the Lord start a family or seek support?"

"It's very simple. I have no weaknesses. Once I have a family, I will have weaknesses."

Li Ozi shrugged:

"As for reliance, first of all, there is no need. Even if I only count this body, I am already in my forties. Secondly, the people who were too close to me in the past are basically dead. Even if I go to find the Origin Seed, it will be too long. My life is also a problem, if it blinks, I will be gone."

"I see, it has been included in the Lord's daily code of conduct."

"There's no need to record everything."

Li Ozi said casually:

"My desires are very low. As long as I get what I need from Yuanyuan Isshi, it doesn't matter if I go into seclusion and leave. As for what happens next... let him go. It's getting late today, so prepare to rest."

"Understood, hot water has been prepared for you. Your Lord can take a bath and go to bed at any time."

The days on Dragon Island passed day by day, and Li Ozi kept sending people to search for the whereabouts of Ilesia Xunfeng, but there was still no news.

On the other hand, the Golden Dragon Archer basically brought him the news of the dragon clan's internal training every day. Chief Sodorei was bleeding a lot. Under the heavy reward, there were indeed brave men, and some young dragon warriors with good strength joined the team. Come in.

According to the internal regulations of the alliance, each race must send 64 players to participate in the qualifying competition. The competition lasts for a month. With such a large team and a long time, it is simply impossible for every team to be composed of combatants.

There is an old saying on earth: Before the three armies of land, sea and air are dispatched, the supply of food and fodder must be arranged first. Translated, it means that the logistics of military operations are even more important than the army itself.

Because of this, logistics personnel will become the enemy's key targets.

In a sense, it can also be said that each team must compress the proportion of logistics personnel as much as possible and transfer logistics to everyone, so as to avoid being attacked by other teams on logistics personnel and win points.

This is why the dragon clan wants to start void experience to improve everyone's survivability and increase the proportion of combatants as much as possible.

Because the Dragon Clan itself does not have enough combatants, instead of bringing a bunch of support personnel and giving the opponent dead lives in vain, it is better to directly reduce the number of people and use all the good steel on the blade.

Of course, this will protect the dragon clan from losing points quickly, and it will also encourage other teams to join forces and work together to suppress you, this tough guy.

It can only be said that there are advantages and disadvantages. Chief Sodorei obviously does not want to die. Even the upper-class dragon clan involved in logistics cannot afford to die now. The core elites of Dragon Island who have been cultivated by himself do not dare to waste in such a place, otherwise Who will take over the future of Long Island in the future.

"An ancient, pedantic but effective approach, completely serving the continuation of the Dragon Clan's own old order system."

Li Ozi listened for a while and roughly understood the plan of this void experience.

To put it bluntly, it is to send Archer and other foreign players to the void to conduct a period of stress-resistance training in a harsh and unfamiliar void environment, and it will be much easier during the game.

These foreign aids are purely on the fighting path, and only Archer, who is a [Monk], and Naija, a [Midnight Lord], have strong survival abilities in the wild. The rest are all dragons who grew up in a civilized society. In terms of survival, they don't have to compare with wild dragons, they are far behind players.

As for why not just find a few wild dragons who climbed up from the bottom... Save it, this is the dragons.

Li Ozi is already used to this situation.

Dragon Island is still a dilapidated and decaying house. Sodorei just tried his best to decorate the house, but he could not hide that the building was about to collapse.

In this way, half a month passed, and when they found nothing about Ilesia Xunfeng, Archer and his party secretly left Dragon Island and went to the void to practice.


Feitrice made a pot of hot tea, and Li Ozi, dressed in white, was half-lying on the bed, leaning on the table, seemingly closing his eyes to rest, but in fact, he was browsing the cultural knowledge of the earth in one direction through the blood of ether.

With the fusion with the blood of ether, his face has almost lost all its coldness, and there is no longer a trace of the 'skull face' characteristic of the Red Arrow nation. It has become closer and closer to that of the East Asian race among the earth's people. His face, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, are full in the sky, with tall mountain roots, and his withered white complexion has become healthy. His color is like jade, and its luster is like a jade. His long hair is half bunched, and he wears a purple gold crown, fixed with a hairpin.

“In the Victorian era, the Great British Empire unified the entire world, which was called the Era of Victory. Since then, for five hundred years, the empire has been busy suppressing rebellions everywhere. In order to stabilize its rule, it moved a large number of people from their homeland where they had lived for generations. .…”

"... However, in this process, billions of people were killed and injured, and the black race of the original earth people perished. Africa became the world of Indians and Rakshasa people. A large number of yellow people fought desperately, despite The core land habitation rights of East Asia were retained, but the number was greatly reduced. Fortunately, with the help of Irish Governor Beasville, California, located on the west coast of America, turned into a new home for East Asians, and people were separated by the Pacific Ocean. Looking at each other, under the blockade of the Royal Navy, I am separated from my relatives and cannot return home."

"In 2608 AD, Queen Victoria XIV was finally overthrown. With the cheers of people around the world, the British Empire carried out an unprecedented revolution. The Earth Federation was proclaimed, and the Lunar Defense Department, the Autonomous Province of Mars, and the Jupiter Empire were all included in the federation. Within the territory, a huge empire that controls the entire solar system has entered the stage of history.”

"The subsequent process is a history that we in Xingyuan are very familiar with——"

"The Earth Federation is not satisfied with the current territory. Their curiosity drives them to continuously explore the stars. They send out a large number of immigrant ships. The indigenous people of Centauri are made into dehydrated specimens by them. The giants of L77 are enslaved by them. They are the descendants of immigrants. The etheric civilization has evolved into a [hidden society] in the Haines Universe. At the same time, the technology of the Earth Federation is still making leaps and bounds."

"How powerful is Earth's technology? Let's put it this way, all the worlds outlined and depicted by Earth's artists, writers, film directors, game producers and other creators are derived from the constant friction and collision between the star abyss and the Earth. Among the thousands of universes, it accounts for 97%, the world created by Xingyuan only accounts for 1%, and the remaining 2% was created by the [Secret Society] alone during the exchange between Earth and Xingyuan."

Li Ozi sighed.

I have to admit that the people on earth are really too strong.

It only took them three thousand years to complete what the six star abyss had not accomplished in tens of billions of years.

Even from the bony fish to the interstellar overlords - the people on earth, it only took 200 million years.

Its efficiency is a hundred times that of the Star Abyss Civilization.

The more I get to know the people on Earth, the more I feel they are almost invincible.

Unless, become an earthling.

After reading the history, Li Aozi opened his eyes, brought tea, scraped off the foam, looked at the face reflected in the cup that was more and more similar to those on earth, nodded slightly, imitated the pronunciation of those people on earth, and said:

"(Chinese) The sky and the earth are dark and yellow, and the universe is vast. The sun and the moon are full, and the stars and constellations are arranged. The cold comes and the summer comes, the autumn harvests and the winter hides. The leap year is over, and the law regulates the sun..."

He spoke very slowly, trying to make his pronunciation standard and closer to the knowledge recorded in the records of the etheric civilization.

English is simple. For Xingyuan, the format and grammar of English are very similar to most civilizations in Xingyuan, but the earth is not the only English culture.

"(Russian) On the vast sea, strong winds are gathering dark clouds. Between the dark clouds and the sea, petrels are flying proudly like black lightning..."

"(Arabic) Don't be angry casually, because once you are angry, you will use your true skills, so others will know that you have no skills..."


He was like a child who had just entered kindergarten and was taking enlightenment courses. Hundreds of cultures from the earth were pouring into his mind. He learned these words awkwardly. Some things were abstract and difficult to understand, while others were simple to understand. He was puzzled. Only by constantly comparing it with the historical background could he understand the meaning.

Perhaps because of the similarity in name format, Li Ozi prefers to read Eastern poetry than the most mainstream English culture on earth. The gorgeous and romantic rhetoric and cold and bitter irony often make it difficult for him to extricate himself.

"It's unimaginable... How could the earth, which could write such beautiful poetry and possess such a splendid civilization, give birth to butcher villains like Gaia, Red King, and Amcharo?"

Li Ozi looked at these poems, the brilliance of their talent, and the warmth and warmth of humanity contained in them. He really couldn't understand why the people on earth with such a magnificent culture wanted to cross time and space and come to their star abyss.

In Xingyuan, even the aggressive Void only has a sense of world-weariness due to nihilistic thoughts, hoping to overthrow everything existing and let the Void take over.

But the people on earth obviously have such a romantic culture and such a powerful empire, so everyone should be rich.

What are they planning?

If they were evil in nature, how could they write such beautiful works?

Great artists like Baudelaire, Romain Rolland, Shakespeare, and Li Bai would be worshiped as saints if placed in the Star Abyss, and would become symbols of people's friendship.

"...Forget it, maybe this is just a way for them to cover up their atrocities through constant war."

Li Ozi turned off these literary and artistic works. He said this, but he had mixed feelings in his heart.

He couldn't help but admit that the people on Earth were much more civilized than them, which made him feel a strong sense of inferiority.

In fact, for a moment, he even felt that 'Xingyuan has no history at all. Xingyuan is an inferior universe. It can only become a civilized universe if it is annexed by the people on earth and well transformed. ’

But immediately, he calmed down.

Tens of billions of years of blood feud in the war beyond the abyss, Red King causing the dragon to fall into the moon, those secret citizens, even if Leos intends to arrest them, still feverishly pursue the arrival of Gaia...

Now, in the face of Gaia, Yuanyuan continues to adopt appeasement and allows the [society] led by Secret to expand in the Star Abyss.

Yes, Xingyuan is indeed rotten, but no matter how rotten it is, it is still the home of the people of Xingyuan.

"It's not the turn of outsiders to interfere in our affairs. No matter how civilized the people on earth are, they can't change their atrocities."

Li Ozi took a sip of tea and looked at the time:

"The Void Training team should have all set off."

"I just entered the teleportation array half an hour ago." Feitrice replied: "Lord, the investigation you ordered has been confirmed. The top five tribes in the alliance launched a training and exchange outside the inherent time zone today. forum."

"The first five have gathered together. It seems that they are determined to drive out the Dragon Clan."

Li Aozi put down his tea and walked to the railing:

"Send me the location."

Feitrice glanced at the table:

"Lord, you haven't finished your tea yet..."

"No problem."

Li Ozi raised his hand and made a spell.

[Dragon Sect·Sword Controlling]

A gap was torn open in the void, and the City Burner's sword flew out instantly.

Li Aozi transformed into fluctuating light and merged with the sword body, leaving only a faint sentence:

"It's just five tribes, I'll come back as soon as I go."

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