From star abyss

Chapter 994 208 Empire Line (3)

[Fresh Demonic Iron King]!

Scarlet thunder fell from the sky, splitting open the Seger Huating Hall where the elite gathered, revealing the steel frame structure, just like a giant exposing its skeleton.

People in the open-air venue outside were shocked and didn't know what was going on. The scene was in chaos and people couldn't tell what happened. Even the security personnel became confused. Fortunately, they had excellent business skills and sounded the alarm in time. An evacuation warning was issued and a request for assistance was sent to the Alliance.

"Contact the Alliance! Our Chief Tribal Council is under attack!"

Although it is outside the inherent time domain, at this distance, it only takes a quarter of an hour for the demigods of the alliance to arrive.

For [Blacksmith] ‘Sharp Tooth Peak’, the time he can really take action will not exceed a quarter of an hour.


Rumble, rumble, rumble...

The red thunder was like a dragon, stretching for millions of miles. The originally clear sky turned into dark clouds in an instant. The sky and the earth were cold, the wind was bone-chilling, and the violent sand and dust rolled up on the ground.


The cruel laughter of the Fresh Demonic Iron King Karachia echoed throughout the world. All those who were bleeding felt faint and fell to the ground. Their skin gradually lost its blood color, and black fluid emerged from their bodies. That was the body. All necessary metal elements are collected in Karachia.

"There's no need for a quarter of an hour."

Li Ozi's voice sounded faintly among the ruins.

He held a long sword similar to the Sword of Awakening of Destiny in one hand, and reached out to the mouth of Karachia behind him with the other hand, and continuously fed the metal absorbed by Karachia into the furnace on his chest.

The furnace in his body was burning with flames, and his heart became the most perfect forging hammer, beating, hitting, rolling, stacking, squeezing open blood vessels, cooling with his blood, and a large amount of shaped high-quality metal was given to his hands. That sharp sword.

[As I understand and recognize the earth, the levels of reforging are also increasing, and the advantage of [Hunter King] is that I can improve and acquire the abilities of high-level [Blacksmith] without any reforging materials. 】

Li Aozi picked up the long sword, and in the furnace of his mind and heart, it was constantly reorganized, deformed, and sharpened.


The rubble was pushed away and scattered, and several figures jumped out.

"Damn, I actually met a secret councilor, haha, what a ghost."

The representatives of the Rising Sun Clan showed true gods. Their heads were not exposed, and they looked like a sun with well-developed and strong limbs. Their legs were like a combination of elephants and dinosaurs, and their big hands were as ferocious as excavators.

As the representative of the third race in the alliance, Alfonso, the representative of the Rising Sun Clan, is not an easy man. With his fists wrapped with dense and thick strength, he is clearly a close-quarters warrior of the Pure Crane Sect.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. There is only one person with this guy. As long as we go together, we will definitely be able to defeat him!"

Gordon, the representative of the Baiyun tribe, is half-floating in the air, with his body covered in red and black. He is obviously following the path of [Mystic] from the [Dominator] system, or he has changed his profession to become a [Filth Warlock].

He held a slender three-pronged fork in his hand, and his voice echoed:

"My arcane power [Closed Space] has spread. No one can escape, not even demigods."

"Don't worry, hold on slowly, our demigods are already heading here."

Minami, the representative of the people of the moon, said calmly, then untied her cloak, revealing a pale dancer's costume.

Although her figure is extremely sexy and enchanting, the large number of bones adorning her body also make people shudder. Each of her hands held up a moon-like revolving blade, as if to warn others that she was not a vase.

The third transformation of the [Weird] path [Psychic Medium] - [Dancer of the Styx].

The beauty who looks as quiet as a virgin is actually very powerful, reaching the peak of the Cauchy order (14).

"If you can capture a congressman alive... the value is immeasurable."

The representative of the Time Domain Angel, Jaynt Avar, is an angel with blond curly hair and a righteous face. He slowly unfolds the six wings on his back like a clock hand, and his face is gradually covered with a clock:

"In the name of heaven, justice, and time! The world and time here are frozen, and you are not allowed to make any jumps!"

The Angel of Time has the most powerful dimensional anchor in "Star Abyss". As long as it is blocked by the Angel of Time, even the True God cannot escape immediately.

For such a strong team, its leader cannot be underestimated.


The dark blade was stuck in the ground like obsidian. The fire kept swaying, and the shadow reflecting it also swayed. The shadow stretched out a big hand from it, holding the blade as if it was an anchor, pulling the thin and tall ghost from the underworld. Pulled out of the river.

【Walking in the Underworld】

The innate abilities possessed by the Adun Nether Clan from the Abyss are already more than the result of hundreds of years of cultivation efforts by many [weird] god-goers.

As of version 14.0, [Walking in the Underworld] is the only teleportation ability known to players and in the game's plot that is immune to all attacks and can truly achieve 'travel without injury'.

It's not because it can't be attacked, but as long as it enters the walking state, the underworld will continue to heal the injuries of the underworld.

Moreover, this skill has a small advantage when used on the Adun Nether Tribe.

It's not that outrageous, but this skill has no cooldown time, ignores all control conditions, and can be released at any time.

"You are very strong."


Ashiel Shiyue pulled out the pitch-black blade and pointed it at Li Ozi. His black crystal-like eyes burst out with unprecedented excitement, but his voice was still cold and ruthless:

"I want--to have you."

Among the ruins, the top young talents of the entire alliance's younger generation gathered here. Under the leadership of the genius of the Adun Hades, Asheer Shiyou, they faced the members of the "Hidden Society".

Just like a team of brave men fighting against a dragon.

This is simply a war that would only be staged in a legendary epic.

"Aren't you curious why I came to attack you?"

Li Ozi asked calmly.

"As long as I defeat you, there will be plenty of opportunities to torture you."

Aixir responded fiercely:

"The River Styx is surging, my heart is calling, I will knock you down!"

"Acil, we only need to hold on for 15 minutes..." Time Domain Angel representative Jaente reminded.

"No, I have to defeat him!"

Asiel raised the long knife, and the mask automatically closed. The strong wind blew up, lifting the hem of his clothes, like a black dragon spreading its wings that covered the sky. The shadows continued to spread outward, extending to every corner like tentacles.

"[Blacksmith], how about a duel! Apart from [Twilight Lord], I haven't encountered an enemy who can make me feel dangerous for a long time!"


Li Aozi nodded:

"let's go."

"Your Excellency Aisil... are you kidding me? That guy is a secret councilor, and he doesn't talk about dueling rules."

Gordon, the representative of the Baiyun tribe, reminded.

"Styx told me that if I defeat him, my path will become even more advanced."

Aixier’s eyes were burning:

"I will definitely win this duel!"

"You have misunderstood."

Li Ozi turned around the exquisitely crafted blade that had been attached with magical power, pointed it at the five top players present, and said:

"I mean you come together and I'll duel with you."

Aixier and others were stunned.

The next moment, the five people immediately tore apart time and space and arrived from five angles.

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