From star abyss

Chapter 1002 216 Empire Line (11)

The boy nodded:

"Okay, thanks dad."

"Oh, husband, look at how sensible our son is. Can the children of the Bielong family be so good at talking at this age?"

The wife proudly patted her son on the shoulder:

"When you were not at home, I took good care of the child."

"It can be seen that mom is very good at educating future generations, so I must reward mom today."

"Haha, I am taking advantage of our son."

"Look what you said, you and the child are equally important to me. What's more, no matter how good he is, it doesn't mean that you have taught him well."

"How do I know how to teach children? I have to ask professional teachers to come - Hey, dear, can I apply for the admission qualification you mentioned last time for my son?"

"I have already asked Mr. Dunstan, who is a pure-blooded red dragon. He promised me that for only thirty thousand crowns, he can send our son to Sodorei Public School - this is a school founded by the Chief of Long Island himself. , in the past years, only pure-blood dragons were accepted, but in the past few decades, due to insufficient student resources, quotas have begun to be decentralized."

"Great, son, do you hear me? After you go in, study hard and make friends with those pure-blood dragons. When you graduate, you don't have to be like your mother, who shoots and hunts during the day and spins the elf silk at night. I will be trapped in the great forest of elves for the rest of my life, and I will never be able to get out.”

"Don't worry, Mom, when I graduate, I will open a textile factory in Longdao, and recruit you and Aunt Yimo into the factory as employees. Everyone will come to Longdao to make money."

"Oh, look, the child's father, this is our son. He already thinks about his family at such a young age."

"Uh-oh wow..."

"Honey, please keep your voice down, you scared Nini awake."

"It's just in time to wake up. Come on, Nini, let's try some drinks from the big city. This is the milk of the blue-horned rhinoceros. It's a great supplement."

They are obviously not from a wealthy family, and the things they talk about are very mundane, low-end, and unattractive family matters. From time to time, they are also mixed with some vulgar jokes and unexplained giggles.

They don't understand the law, and for them, when they encounter problems, it seems that they can only find interpersonal relationships.

But I don’t know why.

Li Ozi looked at their family and felt that they seemed to lack nothing.

"Sir, your food is ready."

The waiter brought his order to the table, but Li Ozi didn't respond.

He looked at the family at the next table, listening to their chatter about their family's shortcomings, as if he were a thief hoping to steal something from them.

When meal time arrived, the restaurant was gradually flooded with diners. Before long, the whole restaurant was bustling with people and bustling, filled with the smells of cigarettes, wine, tea, oil, etc.

But more of it is the human touch.

Li Ozi was sitting at a round table by the window. There was bright sunshine outside the window. The naughty little girl was dragging a balloon through the crowd. There was noise and noise inside the window.

He used to feel irritable, but now, he feels a sense of comfort.

He listened to the diners at various tables chatting about their own affairs.

Wearing a simple camouflage uniform and a reflective vest, a troll migrant worker ordered snacks and beer. He had obviously just come down from the construction site. He was gnawing on peanuts, his eyes blurred with drunkenness, and he talked freely with his fellow workers about the glorious past of the troll empire. .

A radical carnivore tree man burst into the store to protest against the consumption of vegetables, shouting: "If you see plants being dug out of the earth, cut, washed, and cooked, no one will become a vegetarian. Stop being vegetarian." , eating meat is the environmentally friendly and humane way to do it.”

But soon, he was snatched away by the dragon-born policeman who had just gotten off work. Brother Tiaozi, with a dark face, escorted the tree man out while muttering, "The pickled vegetables and shredded pork noodles I just ordered. Not a bite to eat.”

Amidst the commotion, there was also a public school student. He put on headphones, ordered a simple meal, and began to work hard with the "Dragon Taxation Practice Case".

In the busy city, he still maintains a pure heart for learning.

However, he didn't study for long before he started taking out the magic crystal and watching cartoons, which was amazing.

"Sir, sir."

Just when Li Aozi was indulging in admiring the cultural scenery around him, a shout from the waiter brought him back to reality. He turned his head and saw the waiter saying with an apologetic look:

"I'm sorry to disturb you, sir. Business in our store is booming today. Many customers can only share a table to eat. Can you let a customer sit next to you?"

According to the past style, Li Ozi was not used to sharing seats with others. He only interacted with his acquaintances and friends.

but now.

"no problem."

As Li Ozi spoke, he moved his belongings and clothes from the chair opposite the table, and put his coat on the back of his chair.

"Thank you so much. We are really embarrassed to refuse that customer - we will give you a free drink later."

"Really? Then I won't issue an invoice."

Li Ozi is not surprised.

This shop tastes good. Although it is home-cooked food, it is quite exquisitely cooked and very tasty.

Just when he was about to continue admiring the various people in the hotel, a cold female voice suddenly sounded:

"Is this table 12?"

"Yes." Li Aozi said without raising his head: "There is no one across the way, you can sit here."

"Thank you."

A hooded woman nodded and sat opposite Li Aozi. Instead of using the menu, she directly said to the waiter who was following her:

"same as usual."

The woman's accent is a bit strange. It doesn't sound like an orthodox Draconic accent, but is somewhat similar to the accent of Haynes who dominates the universe.

This suddenly attracted Li Ozi's attention.

He subconsciously turned his head and met a pair of ice blue vertical pupils.

"...White Dragon?"

Li Ozi said unexpectedly.


The female dragonborn asked back.

"It's not common, but there are still some on Dragon Island."

Li Ozi said casually without thinking much.

The opponent's strength is not strong, not even reaching the Cauchy level (14).

This alone makes it impossible to be Ilesia Sunfeng, because the latter is an absolute genius.

The woman didn't seem to be very good at words either. She glanced at Li Ozi and said:

"And you?"

"I don't know what I am either."

Li Ozi glanced at the original dragonborn species currently being mimicked by [Hunter King]:

"Deep Shadow Blood Dragon."

Upon hearing this, the white dragon woman nodded slightly:

"Each other."

"Isn't the status of the Deep Shadow Blood Dragon high?" Li Ozi asked curiously.

"On the same level as us, white dragons are dragon beasts with generally low IQs and are not good at magic. Dark Shadow Blood Dragons are beast dragons. Most of them have no intelligence and cannot even use magic, but they are very good at fighting."

It seemed that because of the similar rank, the White Dragonborn spoke more relaxedly.

She had her hands in her pockets, her hood was not of a very expensive brand, and her financial situation was probably average. She looked like a college student in an unpopular major who was unemployed after graduation. Her eyes were clear, but she was not naive, but rather a bit world-weary.

Li Ozi was not in the habit of striking up conversations, but for some reason, he was particularly keen on finding people to communicate with today.

"You seem to come here to eat often?" Li Ozi asked.

“Cheap, served quickly, and delicious.”

The white dragonborn woman said:

“I like efficient restaurants like this.”

"I used to treat time like money just like you."

"No, if money is gone, you can still make it again. If time is gone, then it is really lost. Even if you do it over again, what you lost is destined to be lost."

White Dragon Girl shook her head and seemed to say something more:

"Sorry, I don't talk to many people. I don't mean to refute you, I just think that efficiency is the most important thing."

"It's nothing. We meet by chance, so we don't have to be afraid of offending anyone."

Li Ozi smiled:

"But what you said is very interesting - efficiency, of course efficiency is important, but no matter how high the efficiency is, if the result is already determined, what use is efficiency?"

"Nothing is destined. I believe everything can change."

The woman shook her head, her clear ice blue eyes reflected Li Ozi's face, and she said seriously:

"Even if I fail one hundred and one times, I will continue to start all over again and take on the one hundred and second challenge. As long as I can achieve my goal, I will never give up."

Li Ozi spread his hands:

"But what if everything is destined to fail? Even if you put in a lot of effort, you just go from waiting to die to being beaten to death by others?"

"Even so, I will continue to fight."

Bailong's eyes were like ice, cold and decisive:

"A star flying at high speed, even if it only tilts slightly during its flight, is enough to avoid hitting the original target. Sometimes, just such a small change can save many people. .”

"So, I don't think the situation you mentioned is that terrible - and it should be a big change."

Li Ozi looked at the other party and said:

"You have to know: Sometimes, you are going against nature, defying destiny, fighting against natural laws and objective laws, and there is no good end."

"Having come to the point of confronting nature, do you still care about how tragic your ending will be? Which civilization and which narrative has not struggled with the laws of nature all the way, learned and progressed from nature, and developed to the present."

"This is just survivor bias." Li Ozi shook his head: "Some things are destined, it is fate. Destiny is destruction, and the end will come sooner or later. Everything in the world will be destroyed."


This word fell on Bailong's ears, and seemed to have some subtle touches.

"...Are there not many species and civilizations that have perished? In this process, losers will naturally be shattered to pieces. However, if you know you will fail but don't resist, you have failed from the beginning."

Bai Longyi put his hands on the table, leaned forward slightly, looked at Li Ozi, and said seriously:

"I don't believe in fate or doomsday. I only believe that everything depends on man, and man will conquer nature."

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