From star abyss

223 Imperial Line (18)

223. Imperial Line (18)

KitKat Network Headquarters, Yuanshi Building.

As the largest network technology company in the world, the building has the best location and is well-connected. Hundreds of thousands of employees work here. It is bustling with people. If people with social fears come here, let alone If you go in and observe, even if you just walk around, you will feel suffocated.

As a guest who had received an invitation, Xufu did not have to wait in a long line to enter. Jiang Zhanguo drove into the garage and parked at the designated location.

[The molecular transmitter is being activated, please relax and wait quietly... 3, 2, 1. 】

Just a burst of white light appeared in front of his eyes, and the next moment, Xufu and his team came from the underground garage thousands of meters deep to the inside of KitKat Network.

Looking at the endless crowds of people coming and going, Mr. Xu felt a little dazed for a moment, as if he had not arrived at a high-tech enterprise, but at a popular tourist attraction.

"Welcome to the Origin Building, come with me."

The three of O'Sheen carried the box and guided him through the crowd to the turnstile. A dozen tall and strong armed security personnel with live ammunition stood in front of the turnstile with serious attitudes. They were obviously security guards of a company. It turned out to be like guarding a treasury.

O'Shon took out his employee card and pressed it on the card swipe port.

"Job number 2009556563, O'Schen, deputy director of the Liaison Department, please pass."

"Let's go."

O'Shon said:

"Take the second elevator on the right and go to the 98th floor. Ryan will be waiting for you there."

Xufu was surprised:

"Aren't you going over there?"

"It's still working hours, and we each have our own work." Yin Shuwen smiled knowingly: "Don't worry, Lai Anding is still easy to talk to."

"I will send your luggage to the hotel, and I will be responsible for your travel these days." Jiang Zhanguo said lazily: "Just tell me if you need a car later."

‘KitKat Network is quite interesting. Food, drinks, accommodation and transportation are all included. ’

Xu Husband thought.

The next moment, he followed O'Schen's prompts and walked to the second elevator on the right. This was a dedicated elevator entrance. After entering, he discovered that it only led to the 98th floor.

After pressing the button, the elevator began to run slowly, and the surrounding walls changed rapidly, and a promotional video for KitKat Network was played:

"In today's era, games have penetrated into every aspect of life, but we have to ask the world: What is a game?"

"All creatures can play, play, entertain, play, and train. Cheetahs will chase and fight to move their bodies, hippos will roll in the mud to avoid mosquito bites, and killer whales will play and chase seals to strengthen the idea of ​​collective hunting. Ability, every game played by young human beings is a training in destruction, construction and collective action - in the final analysis, we will find that play is a discipline, a sport."

“In the early days of the emergence of video games, they were criticized by some ignorant and conservative people as a scourge. However, people soon discovered that video games are far less harmful than short video self-media. The former requires players to use their brains and think quickly. , cooperate with each other, while the latter requires giving up thinking and being casually incited to listen.”

"Video games have only been around for 30 years, and humans have already used them in war. Just like airplanes have only been around for 20 years, and yet they are used to bomb mortals."

"First, we use shooting games to simulate training, and use simulators to train pilots to simulate the spread of biological and chemical weapons."

"Then the players control drones to blow up tanks, then they control robots to shoot in street battles, and then they simulate electronic attacks and use the computer computing power of players across the country to destroy the enemy's Internet..."

"We must admit that the emergence of games has diverted people away from actual violent actions, and instead made people tend to engage in war behaviors through virtual online sandboxes. It has created a brand new combat system."

"The origin of the game is for hunting and war. In other words, it is a rule of survival. No matter what disguise it is put on, the game is prepared in advance to simulate real-life actions."

"And "Star Abyss" is a progressive work and a master in the gaming industry. It truly provides the world with a comprehensive and realistic war simulation platform. No matter what troubles there are, they can be solved by fighting or fighting in the game. "

"Are you tired of battling rats in dank trenches?"

"Do you hate it when real weapons jam in real life?"

"Are you dissatisfied with the reality of war where you only have one life?"

"Now, these problems can be solved in the game."

“Whether you are a peace-loving ordinary person, a violent person who is guilty of crimes, a patriotic young man eager to serve the country, or an ambitious man who cannot bear to take life but desires to make achievements - or you have all the above mentality at the same time. "

"As long as you join "Star Abyss", you can promote your own values ​​​​to your heart's content!"

"Kill those terrorists who destroy peace, bleed the blood of others on the soil of other countries, choose to become an idler, witness and save those war victims, stand up and become a savior, or create your own hegemony, Show off your skills!”

"This is "Star Abyss". You are allowed to perform all actions. Heroes, heroes, and ordinary people are all decided by you."

“In the past, peace was based on nuclear weapons and the force of top hegemons, but now, peace comes from the redistribution of resources in the virtual world.”

“War creates the future, peace allows development.”

""Star Abyss" version 8.0 - [Earthly War] will be launched soon."

"Let the smoke of gunpowder permeate the virtual world and let the contradictions dissipate in reality."

"KitKat Studio - Juxian."

Ding dong.

The moment the video ended, the elevator reached the 98th floor and slowly opened outwards.

At the same time, Xufu felt that the headband he was wearing began to operate, and lines of information were projected on his retina:

[Activating exclusive filter...]

[Confidentiality Agreement: (2), (4), (15)]

[Some scenes have been kept confidential. 】

He tried to take off the headband, and received an electric shock as soon as his hand touched it. Xu Fu could not help but sigh:

‘He is indeed the second-in-command of KitKat Network. Even if he wants to have contact, he needs such strong confidentiality measures. ’

However, this also just illustrates the importance of Ms. Leanding to KitKat Network.

He adjusted his clothes, took a deep breath, and walked into the floor. Behind him, the elevator slowly closed.

Click, click, click...

O'Schen sat on a bench by the river, tapping the keyboard quickly and sending messages:

"The target has arrived at the designated floor, pay attention to the timing of capture."

After a while, the other party replied:

"Don't worry, I never fail."

"The situation is different this time. Laian Ding seems to have noticed that there is an undercover agent inside. If you feel that it doesn't work, just step back."

"I have my own sense of proportion."

After saying that, the other party showed that he was offline.

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