From star abyss

Chapter 1019 235 Empire Line (30) Happy New Year, two in one today, I wish everyone all the best

Chapter 1019 235. Empire Line (30) Happy New Year, two in one today, I wish everyone all the best

The salute roared and the pale flower petals scattered in the wind, adding a touch of beauty to the coronation ceremony.

Compared to the various emperors in Jingyuan, the coronation ceremony of Oshuria's emperor was much simpler and low-key. It only gave the people of the country three days off and then arranged a delicious banquet for the guests. Such a move made ordinary citizens simply Take to the streets, take advantage of the ceremony to celebrate, and then set up stalls to do some business.

The atmosphere of the ceremony was filled with joy, and the enthusiasm of the people of Oshuria was so strong that it even made the three battle-experienced Long Yuqiong feel a little bit of social embarrassment.

The atmosphere that fills the streets is definitely not something that can be achieved in one day. Compared with the military empire that the waiter mentioned before, it seems that this is not the first day for the citizens of the empire to enjoy such a joyful life, even if they are street vendors and lackeys. , and enjoy life comfortably. If you want to buy something, you can buy it. If you don’t buy it, it will be given to you for free.

"Isn't it too happy here?" Yu Tianxiao murmured.

"It seems that we are not in the abyss of stars, but in the sea of ​​flowers."

Ye Zhanjian somehow had some small flags and marshmallows in his hand. He didn't even know where these things came from. Maybe a passing student saw that his hands were empty and gave them to him.

"They are so enthusiastic, they are so happy, everyone enjoys life from the bottom of their hearts..."

Long Yuqiong pushed away the crowd. He was wearing shabby armor, but looking around, the people of Oshuria were all bright and beautiful. Even the poor people had brand new clothes.

He looked around the streets, but he couldn't see a single homeless person or idler.

For a moment, Long Yuqiong didn't know what to say.

Originally, he thought that Leoz would use a militant approach to build barracks and weapons and equipment factories on the conquered land, and then impose a heavy tithe on the people on the land - just like he did in Haines in the past. Same as usual.

However, what you see is a land full of vitality, hope and enthusiasm, even far beyond the appearance of an ordinary country in Jingyuan.

During the days when they were working under Laian Ding, the three of them traveled almost half of the abyss, the four major narratives, and dozens of kingdoms due to various busy affairs. However, even in the narrative civilization, they did not I have never seen such pure happiness.

It's as if this kind of culture shouldn't have come from the origin, but was imported from the outside world.

Long Yuqiong had no time to savor it because the coronation ceremony was about to begin.

"Let's go."

Taking advantage of the bodies of the ascendants, the three people easily squeezed into the huge square where the ceremony was held. The square was like a wonder, completely white and made entirely of marble carvings. The conquests of the empire and the history of the nation were written in murals. The myths and legends of Xingyuan, the carved characters and heroes are even more lifelike.

Long Yuqiong even saw the image of himself and others.

""Haines Blocking War". The divine warriors headed by Leoz fought to the end on the last line of defense in the war outside the abyss, and were finally defeated and exiled. The [Society] army then invaded the star abyss..."

Ye Zhanjian pointed at the relief above and said in surprise:

"Look, Shen Shen, you're in there too. Did you also participate in the Haynes Blockade?"

"...So be it."

Long Yuqiong looked at the figure of the divine warrior wearing sea beast armor:

"I was still the evil god at that time. I had a fight with several members of the [Society], but was finally killed by the [Goddess of Truth] in a sneak attack and dedicated to Leoz."

"Huh? But inside, you clearly look like a true god, right?"

"Leoz didn't demonize you, this is really..."

"It does not matter."

Long Yuqiong shook his head:

"The ceremony is about to start. Do you hear the cheers? The emperor has already walked onto the red carpet. If he were a step too late, he would have missed it."

"Are you sure that must be Leos?"

"I'm sure that Li Ozi, Li Ozi, Zhen - these are all the same person, and this is what he said personally."

Long Yuqiong was in a complicated mood. He led the two warriors through the long corridor and entered the audience seat in the square.

The bright sunshine was accompanied by the roar of people. It was more solemn and joyful than the ordinary festival celebration. It was obviously a coronation ceremony, but there was no serious atmosphere at all. The seats were filled with vendors selling snacks, melon seeds and mineral water, as well as college student volunteers responsible for maintaining order. By.

People were eating melon seeds and laughing and chatting, as if this was just a ball game with big stars appearing. As long as the stars play on time, no one will be dissatisfied. This is really a wonderful relationship. In the eyes of Long Yuqiong and others, the emperor should always remain mysterious and majestic, and should not be turned into entertainment, civilians, or The object of casual ridicule.

But in this peaceful and jubilant atmosphere, the coronation ceremony went on in an orderly manner. When [The King of Killers] Merston and his wife Anjuli Merston entered the venue together, they appeared at the venue as the Lord Protector. At the middle of the performance, the 100,000 spectators instantly fell silent.

[Ao Sha Qing] The name of Merston has already resounded throughout the Jingyuan Continent along with the expansion and conquest of the empire. Her wife, Anjuli Merston, is not an ordinary person, but a twin of the underworld. They are close relatives of the Adun Hades. The difference is that the Adun Hades are divided into men and women, while the Twins are hermaphrodites.

In order to set off the status of the Lord Protector, Anjuli Merston appeared in the female form at this moment, with light gray skin and a neutral gown, like a pure priest. She held a bright and gorgeous laurel crown in her hands. This crown was made of fine gold. It was not only expensive to make, but also an excellent spell-casting prop.

An Juli looked at his lover, who had a tense face and was covered in heavy armor of thorns, and said jokingly:

"Tell the truth, my dear, how long have you been waiting for this moment?"

"37 years."

Mrs. Merston said calmly.

"Isn't that the same age as His Majesty?"

"I have been looking forward to this day since the day His Majesty was born."

Merston said:

"My sister longed to give birth to a powerful child and revive the glory of the Dawnbreaker family, so she did not hesitate to use some evil magic... although this method brought her death."

"Are you talking about Obeliana, who planned to let the strong child absorb the weak one..."

"She went down to the Star Abyss once."

Merston sent a message to the other party:

"During the pregnancy, the mother descends into the abyss and uses the mark of the curse and the mechanism of sharing the curse on the same path to transfer all the curses to the eldest son who is still in the embryonic stage and has no consciousness."

An Juli frowned: "Isn't this a life sacrifice? Obelia has been a devoted lover all her life, how could she do such a thing..."

"She was afraid. I think that since she was pregnant, people have been eyeing her and the child in her belly. So she planned to seize the time to give birth to the child, but who would have expected that the number of people would continue to increase. Helpers, from miscarriage, poisoning and even directly setting fire to killing people in the end - after so many years, I still haven't caught them."

When Merston said this, he suddenly changed the subject and asked:

"No one knows about His Majesty Leos and his younger brother, right?"

"The only people in the world who know about it are you, me, Leos himself, and Dr. Jin who is responsible for taking care of Obeliana."

An Juli comforted:

"So what if they kidnapped the little one over the years? Now that His Majesty has grown up and is a master of civil and martial arts, even if they plan to support the little prince to rise to power, what can they do if you are here?"

Merston was silent for a moment. Facing the cheers of the crowd in the audience, she felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

"So Leos, how many people know about the fact that he has no talent?"


Anjuli hesitated for a moment:

"The maids and knights in the capital know a lot about it, and many civil servants and military officers can probably guess it."

"Oshuria laid the foundation on the path of [redemption], gave charity and righteousness, and used magic to save people. This is proof of the excellent bloodline passed down from generation to generation in the royal family. It can be said that the Oshurians have long believed that the king and the monarch must use [redemption]. 】The power of the road saves people, this is a traditional art."

Merston moved his fists and said uneasily:

"Although Leoz has expanded the territory and won the hearts of the people for so many years, the rules are the rules. Leos does not have the talent for the path of [redemption]. I concealed it for decades, but once it is made public, those civil servants Will the generals and people still respect Leoz as their king?"

"Or so."

"Can a king who cannot save, heal, or resurrect the people really win the trust of the Oshurians?"

Speaking of this, even An Juli had to fall silent.

Although she wanted to say that this was a groundless worry, after all, it was Leos who had been ruling the empire for so many years, but in the process of continuous reforms, Leos also offended quite a few civil servants and military generals.

Many people lost their official positions because of his reforms, and some people became ordinary citizens from big landowners. Years of wars also made financial personnel extremely dissatisfied. Some people were worried that the expansion of the empire would cause the wrath of narrative civilization, and tried their best to persuade His Majesty. Reflect on their own.

Internal dangers always exist.

Among Merston's worries, there has always been an outcome that she is unwilling to face:

If one day, the little prince who was abducted suddenly appeared and showed the redemptive skills of resurrecting the dead, self-healing of patients, and regeneration of broken limbs.

At that time, who will be the real legitimate king?

You are willing to accept a monarch who can keep you safe and healthy, free from pain and fear of death.

Or, what about a master who has been fighting for years, constantly implementing reforms, and becoming more and more radical?

The answer is obvious, not many people are willing to keep fighting for the king.

Merston can wipe out all enemies for his nephew and massacre others for him.

However, what if the object of the enemy's nephew is another nephew?

Merston admitted his thoughts frankly:

She can't do it.

Not only was she unable to do it, she couldn't help but watch the children killing each other and the tragedy of brothers fighting each other. Mrs. Merston, who had been unruly and wanton in killing all her life, also had her weaknesses.

She became a demigod too early and has lost the ability to give birth to life. And due to the characteristics of her godhead, she can never have healthy offspring. Even the offspring obtained through other means will become deformed and twisted.

Because of this, after Merston heard about Obeliana's accident, she rushed to Osholia almost immediately. Seeing Leos' young and lonely look, she expressed her failure to get her mother's love as she wished. All of it was instilled in Leoz.

However, on one side was Leos, whom she had raised with her own hands and who had grown up with care and love, and on the other side was the little prince who also shed the same blood and was even more pure (talented).

She couldn't protect Leos, but in this matter, she didn't want to make a decision.

"You are thinking too much." An Juli comforted him: "I specially picked a good weather to hold the coronation ceremony. Don't worry, the child has a smooth journey without any setbacks until now. Xingyuan must be caring for him. of."

"If Xingyuan really favors Leoz, why is it reluctant to give him even basic talents?" Merston murmured: "I feel uneasy today, very uneasy. It seems that Leoz gave up his surname. Also aware of the life sacrifice his mother made...I just hope that through my sheltering over the years, Leoz can let go of his prejudices against his biological mother."

"Don't worry, Leos is not a narrow-minded villain." An Juli patted Merston on the shoulder: "My dear, don't be so suspicious today. If you are worried, find an opportunity to investigate everything in the future and find out the little prince. Just find the secret."

"Leozi is now 37 years old, and I have been looking for him for 37 years."

Merston had mixed feelings:

"I don't know what kind of attitude that child has grown up to now, and what purpose those people have. Maybe they want the throne..."

"Stop, honey, stop, stop, stop."

Anjuli stopped Merston's worried speech and said:

"What you should consider now is to work with me to hold the coronation ceremony properly."

As soon as he finished speaking, the stage immediately erupted with excitement. The 100,000 spectators chanted one word like a roaring mountain and a tsunami:


An Juli glanced at the direction of the door and smiled:

"Here he comes, your good nephew, waiting for you to place the crown on his head."

"...You're right. I need to cheer up."

Merston took a deep breath and stopped thinking about miscellaneous things. She tensed her nerves, looked at the figure slowly walking in front of her, and said:

"Welcome to the supreme ruler, the dragon khan of the steppe herdsmen, the conqueror of deserts and glaciers, the man who opened the eastern route, the victor of sixteen wars, the most valiant in the western continent, the holy reformer, the beloved monarch of the people ——Your Majesty Leoz.”

Click, click, click...

Stainless steel combat boots stepped steadily on the granite brick road, and the expeditionary troops filled with murderous intent filed in through the front door. They lined up neatly and maintained a strict posture.

Two teams of hussars galloped from the side, dragging trophies conquered from the desert, including expensive jewelry, rare crops and real gold and silver. They circled around the field and threw exotic coins into the audience.

A dull thunderous roar came from the sky. People had no time to pick up the coins and raised their heads one after another. They saw that the sky was covered by huge wings. Three huge flying dragons passed over the square at low speed, without even causing a sonic boom. The flying dragons They lowered their bodies so that people could clearly see the reverse scales under their armpits.

Just when people thought this was the limit, a roaring explosion came from the canal not far away.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

The fleets of the Imperial Navy lined up and projected paintball fireworks over the square. The bullet marks dragged the smoke and criss-crossed in the air, depicting an exquisite national emblem of Oshuria: a three-headed dragon with spread wings and four claws. Hold the shield.

After the national emblem, the orchestra started playing just right:

The empire stands among the stars

Guo Zuo will last for hundreds of millions of years

People of all ethnic groups gather together

Farming to protect the Qinghua Year

I wish my mother would smile

May peace last forever

Who dares to invade my home

The people will teach it to perish


This simple and straightforward national anthem is actually Jing Yuan’s first national anthem in the true sense.

While Long Yuqiong and others were still watching from their seats, the men, women, old people and children around them stood up straight, raised their heads, and sang proudly.

As the national anthem was played loudly, the national flag was also raised from the highest point of the arena.

It wasn't until he saw the national flag that Long Yuqiong truly confirmed in his heart that his guess was correct. That emperor must be the former Leoz.

The red, white and black tricolor flags fluttered in the air.

Shen Shen was silent for a long time before speaking:

"This is Haines' flag."

Red and black are the colors of the skin and armor of the dominant protoss, and white is the praise of the hometown of the Haines regime.

Haynes means dream.

Dreams are pure white.

"My hometown, Haines."

Long Yuqiong murmured and stood up.

"Haines, you still exist in this world."

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