From star abyss

Chapter 106 105. Uniform

Du Zexin calmly switched to the secondary monitor. Fortunately, he had taken away the permissions of the previous cameras on Mingji Humanity, which gave him time to fish.

"If that guy is really an accomplice of the Devlin faction, he should choose to clear out the other Law Three agents first to create opportunities for conversation."

Sure enough, he was not attacked for a long time, and the enemy detection radar also showed that Li Ozi's direction deviated from this position.

But this was not enough for him to completely believe in the other party's identity.

——Imagine that you go out to the wilderness with the company team building, and suddenly a wild man comes out and says to you: Hey, I am your cousin.

Instead of attacking you, he killed all your colleagues in the company. What would you think?

‘Even if you are a member of the same party, you cannot take it lightly. ’

Du Zexin picked up the Magnum blaster and began to make calculations.

Li Ozi had no intention of killing him, but obviously this was not the time to talk.

The only thing to blame is that neither of them is a [spiritual medium] or [shaman]. There is really no way to communicate in a secret way and gain trust.

What's more, it was the first time for Du Zexin to face such an opponent, a quasi-Beta level arcana user. He was familiar with it the first time, and there was no harm in fighting him once.

It would be best if you could subdue the opponent and take the initiative in your own hands.

Tweet, Tweet, Tweet——

As soon as the sub-monitor was activated, a locked warning sounded from the radar.

"he came."

Through the footage transmitted from the Mingji Humanity camera, Li Ozi held a long knife and quickly killed beside him as if he was almost flying close to the ground.

"The bionic muscles are charged, and the power can reach up to 7.8 tons. I actually have an advantage in close combat!"


The crisp sound of drawing the sword was like water droplets splashing on the mirror, and Li Aozi slashed out with the sword, directly hitting Du Zexin's chest and abdomen.

Even the back of the blade is accelerated several times by gravity, and is wrapped with a ferocious murderous aura like an evil ghost, creating a surging momentum!


Du Zexin raised his left hand, the palm of his hand cracked open, and the firing port stirred up the electric light to penetrate the air. The bionic muscles charged up and swelled up instantly, pushing straight towards the back of the knife swung by Li Ozi.


The solid impact sound was like a bomb, and the shock wave swept across the ground, stirring up Li Ozi's coat and causing Du Zexin's steps to falter slightly.

In just a blink of an eye, the two bodies collided with each other again, and they were slightly intertwined. Du Zexin raised his hand, and a bayonet from the Magnum gun popped out, which collided with the sharp edge of the long knife one after another, causing sparks to fly.

The long knife flew up and down, like a butterfly passing through flowers. Li Aozi slashed horizontally and vertically one after another, and Du Zexin took it calmly. Suddenly, he raised his kick and hit Du Zexin hard on the chest, with the blessing of gravity. This time, Du Zexin was pushed away.

Immediately afterwards, the blade glowing with brilliant white light struck down from the top of his head. Facing this thunderous blow, the artificial intelligence reacted faster than him and directly raised the shield held out by his left arm to block it.


However, the computer made an error.

The long knife pointed against the edge lightly hit the shield, and it was indeed as easy as 'smearing'.

——This turned out to be a fake move.

The blade grazed along the shield, tilted and suddenly hit his ribs, and opened a clear crack along the gap in the armor.

Thorn - sting -

Du Zexin's heart tightened, and the evil blade was about to leave an indelible mark on his ribs.

"Even if you are at the quasi-Beta level - this sword skill is too outrageous!"

Li Ozi looked nonchalant, but his attacks were skillful and sophisticated, like a violent storm. Du Zexin soon discovered that his auxiliary computer's learning and analysis speed could no longer keep up with the frequency of the opponent's attacks.

"Don't let your eyes wander."

Under the heavy pressure of gravity, Li Aozi raised a knife and smashed it on the ground like a war hammer. It seemed to hit the ground empty, but then he kicked up the broken cement and floor tile fragments, disturbing Du Zexin's vision. Oz strode forward dragging his long knife, pretending to bump into his shoulders, but suddenly activated [Iterative Movement], went around to the blind spot of the opponent's field of vision, raised the knife neatly, and slashed diagonally upward.


Du Zexin's shoulder armor was blown away, exposing the electronic muscles underneath. As a Beta-level [Mechanic], Du Zexin's reaction was very sensitive with the assistance of AI. He immediately twisted his waist and activated the armor's combat system.

[Rush Hour Military]

The micro jets all over his body were activated, and his figure accelerated instantly, dragging out a series of afterimages in the space.

As a [Mechanic], the advantage of using military-grade plug-ins is far greater than that of a [Warrior], and the effect is better.

The continuous fighting aroused Du Zexin's interest, and he clearly felt that the other party was not an ordinary transcendent.

With superb swordsmanship, a beast-like fighting consciousness, and the force field type of arcane energy, if [Better Wishes BETA] had not recently been equipped with an experimental anti-gravity system, he would have been crushed in the face of him.

Moreover, since just now, he has been counting down, white light, explosions, force fields, accelerated movement - it is simply unheard of for a human being to possess so many arcane powers.

"However, modern technology has long been able to replace just accelerating arcane energy!"

Du Zexin had just raised the Magnum blaster when Li Ozi's whisper suddenly came to his ears:

"--Is it?"

Li Ozi was leisurely and calm.

The speed of [Iterative Movement] can reach up to one-third of the speed of light. The early mobility of [Mechanic] comes entirely from rocket thrusters and special plug-ins.

With this method, it would be great if it could reach 4 to 5 times the speed of sound.

Du Zexin's pupils shrank and he hurriedly lowered his head and curled up. The blade of the blade had already scraped against his helmet.

[Rush hour——


Li Ozi swung his sword away and used a fake move to trick Du Zexin into raising his arm to block, causing the middle door to open wide.

The blade turned sharply and hit Du Zexin's belt buckle accurately. There was an explosion and smoke filled the air.

"I know you are in a hurry, but listen to me, don't be anxious yet."

Li Ozi picked up the blade with a smile, and it fell instantly under the weight of gravity.

As the anti-gravity device was destroyed, the horror of gravity was instantly revealed. Even though he had class advantages, Li Ozi's attributes were too high. Under thirteen gravity, Du Zexin could not lift his arms at all.

Unlike the [Biochemist], the [Mechanic] does not have such a solid physique, and the heavy metal armor is immediately crushed by its own weight under the high gravity.

The life support system immediately applied pressure to his legs to push Du Zexin's blood back to his head, but in this way, he could only hang on to his life.

[warn! Vital signs are weak! Vital signs are weak! ]

The ruptured blood vessels allowed blood and water to enter the lungs. Du Zexin's pupils shrank suddenly, and a mouthful of blood sprayed on the display screen inside the helmet.

The machine body was not damaged yet, but the [Mechanic] as the operator could no longer bear the pressure and passed out.

"I really don't know which [Mechanic] is the bad guy. These roll kings are obviously magic masters with very fragile bodies. Why do they always want to fight in close combat?"

Monk Li Aozi was confused.

He didn't know why Du Zexin, a [Mechanic] wearing armor and at least two meters tall, had to compete with him for reaction speed against a lightly-armed [Mutant]?

Li Ozi speculated that Mobi might feel that he was powerful. After the armor, as long as he touched Li Ozi in close combat, he would have won.

It can only be said that Luck is indeed unlucky. The arcane power of gravity ignores armor.

[Target is unconscious]

Once the anti-gravity system is destroyed, it's hard to say who has the lower health bar between Li Ozi and Mobi.

Li Ozi touched his chin. To be honest, Mubi was really unlucky to meet such a powerful person like him.

If he had used another Omega-level arcane power...he wouldn't have lost so quickly.

"But fortunately, B-level tasks are not that difficult. Now I only need to interrogate them, and they are all done."

Li Ozi symbolically disarmed Swifty. This guy will have to have a good chat in the future. It's a good thing to beat him just now. At least he can take the initiative in the next conversation.

Then, he took out two packs of compressed biscuits, raised his hand, and used gravity to drag the tied up Dr. Anna over.

Facing Du Zexin and [Beautiful Wishes] Armor who were collapsed on the side, Dr. Anna's eyes were dull.

The three secret agents of Law, who were all powerful just now, and the frost-plated mechanism that had always been powerful and mysterious in her heart... were down at this moment, falling to the ground and unconscious.

This is a strong man of Beta level - how could he be so weak?

As an ordinary person, although Anna didn't know the difference between extraordinary people, she still heard about the division of power system and the intimidating power of Beta-level strong people.

While Li Ozi was eating to restore his arcana, he happily looked at the collapsed and confused look on Dr. Anna's face.

"Long time no see, Doctor Anna." Li Ozi said leisurely: "Did you miss me? What a pity, I did not die in the outside world, nor did I die in the hands of your evil spirits."

"Li Ozi..."

Doctor Anna calmed down and said quickly:

"This is all a misunderstanding. You suddenly came to the underworld and started killing people. You activated the automatic security system of the Esha Arms and——"

Qiu Ran and Jian slowly walked out of the bunker. When they saw Doctor Anna being interrogated here, they immediately quickened their pace and approached.

"Really? So Nomi's death was also a misunderstanding?"

Li Ozi leaned down, untied the chains on her body, picked up her palm, and asked gently.

Dr. Anna's eyes wandered for a moment, and she said in confusion:

"Nomi? I don't know who she is. This is all a misunderstanding-ahhhhh!"


Before Dr. Anna finished speaking, Li Ozi suddenly broke off one of her fingers. The severe pain made Dr. Anna scream:

"Stop! Stop—my fingers, my hands—"

"I am a person with double standards, Doctor Anna, please don't, only I can lie to you, you are not allowed to lie to me."

Li Ozi stepped on the back of Dr. Anna's hand to prevent her from escaping, and then continued to say in a light tone:

"Why don't you admit it? Killing means killing. I even bombed a planet in my previous life."


A flash of red and black flashed in Anna's eyes, and the resentful look disappeared in an instant. She turned her head away, not daring to look at Li Ozi's eyes.

"That's enough, Li Ozi. Let me talk to her."

"you sure?"

"At least I did something for her..."

Doctor Anna wanted to say something else. Qiu Ran stepped forward, knelt down, helped her up, and said in a deep voice:

"Is everything okay, Doctor Anna."

"How can I be fine when I'm like this..."

Dr. Anna couldn't bear the pain. Li Ozi kept grinding the back of her hand with his boots, shattering her hand bones inch by inch. She was in unbearable pain, her voice fluctuated violently, and her whole body twitched.

"Really?" Qiu Ran's eyes turned red and black: "You asked me to help Li Aozi on your behalf. Do you remember who I am?"

"You..." Anna glanced at her with tears in the corners of her eyes. Pain and tears blurred her vision. It hurt so much that she couldn't weave lies:

"I don't know, there are so many people infected with Esha, I forgot-"


Qiu Ran punched Anna hard on the face, and the hot fist burned half of her face that was not destroyed.

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