From star abyss

Chapter 1024 240 Empire Line (35)

Chapter 1024 240. Empire Line (35)

Reid was silent for a long time, and the believers below speculated on her thoughts and did not dare to say a word.

Dozens of seconds, minutes, and moments passed.

Finally, Red himself took the lead in breaking the silence.

"Once upon a time, there was a man named Van Gray Stan. He was the illegitimate son of a nobleman and a village woman. He was ugly and had only one left leg. He was extremely handicapped and unable to do farm work. Until one day, his mother finally couldn't do it anymore. Now that we have a job, tell him the truth before he dies and let him find his biological father."

The apostles faced each other and did not dare to say a word. They only listened to the goddess Youyou said:

"The other one, Red Traecky. He stole Van Gray's true identity and status, took away his father's love and property, and used his personal and financial connections to make a big move and gain power."

"As for Red, he felt guilty about Van Gray and was afraid that he would make the truth public, so he gave him a sum of money to let Van Gray learn the art he liked. This could also stabilize his mood and avoid his suspicion. .”

"In this way, Van Gray Stein, or Van Gray Teleki, lived less than 200 meters away from his house. He lived at the Art Institute of Heiners for 30 years and never really stepped into the door of his house. That Red Trailkey, however, had no worries about food and clothing, sold off his property, and hoarded land overseas. He became a well-known landowner."

The goddess said, pacing.

"But what is the result?"

"That Red spent his whole life fighting for fame and wealth, playing tricks everywhere, trying to take shortcuts, but taking a big detour, and finally he was so depressed that he had to rely on stealing and robbery to survive. What's even more sad is that... Even if he is reincarnated, he still won’t be able to leave a name.”

"And Van Gray."

Reid stood there and said in a deep voice:

"Van Gray studied, created, and taught diligently throughout his life, and became a great master of art. The people he saved during the war either flourished or made a comeback in the future. People came one after another to support Van Gray and praise his artistic achievements. , wrote a book and biography for him, and built an art university for him that is several times larger than the collection of the Lakei family!"

"I have come to Xingyuan, and I can still see Van Gray's "On Realist Art", and there are hundreds of billions of art students studying his deeds and teaching materials."

"Van Gray has left his name in history, and Red has been swept into the corner of history. I thought that when I came to Star Abyss and destroyed everything in Haines with my own hands, I would no longer be affected by Van Gray."

She raised her head and turned her back to everyone.

"I was wrong."

"Leoz, Van Gray, those hard-working, stupid, clumsy idiots, they're going to stand up again and again and slap me in the face and tell me: Look, Red, you're wrong."

"I was wrong, I was right."

She turned around, her platinum dragon eyes shining with a breathtaking brilliance, just like the lightning that tore through the curtain on the stormy sea surface.

"I was wrong. I should not have let Van Gray go, nor should I have sympathized with Leoz. These talentless guys should have been eliminated, eliminated, and completely rotted away."

"I'm not wrong, I've never been wrong. After coming to Xingyuan, I know better how to make more money. Everyone is diving into Xingyuan, everyone is ascending to the gods, and everyone desires immortality - —Everyone is an eternal slave!"

Reid grinned:

"Leoz wants to poach me, so let him do it."

At this time, the tallest and strongest apostle stood up and faced the goddess.


The chief apostle, Arthur, said calmly:

"Judging from the recent developments of the Dragon Clan, Leos has never been on our side. He has been allied with us for so long and has not brought us any benefits. Instead, it has made you feel uneasy and humiliated."

"What do you want to say, my dear Arthur?"

Reid raised his chin and looked at the other person:

"I have a feeling that you will give me a surprise. Did you know the result a long time ago? Arthur."

"...Thirty-seven years ago, I hid it from everyone and interfered with Leoz's affairs before the goddess took action."

Arthur said slowly:

"Leoz, he thought he could deceive the Star Abyss through reincarnation, but he couldn't deceive me, who has been monitoring the Star Abyss all year round. I watched Leo's soul enter the belly of the Grand Duchess Obeliana of the Dawnbreaker family. In addition, you kept urging us to monitor Leos at that time - so I did a little manipulation and found a weak spot in Leos. "


Reid suddenly understood, smiled relievedly and said:

"It turns out it was you. Arthur, what did you do? Did you kill the Grand Duchess and take away Leoz's reincarnated twin brother?"

"I am the sword of the goddess, serving you only. Always loyal to you."

Arthur knelt down on one knee, lowered his head, and said in a deep voice:

"Originally, I planned to let go, but I couldn't bear to see you being charmed by Leos's rhetoric, and you kept giving resources to Leos - this is not fair, your beauty and status are far away from Leos. As cannon fodder, Leoz can only kneel to you, instead of you accommodating Leoz over and over again."

"So? You have been secretly taking care of the little prince that was taken away?"

"More than that, goddess."

Arthur raised his head and looked at Reid:

"I brought him to Osholia. I planned to let him show his face and teach Leoz a lesson."

"... If Leoz's lack of Tao talent is revealed, it will really be enough to make people unconvinced of the legitimacy of his throne. Even if he took away a [Destruction] Tao cultivation talent through my power, There is no way to compare with the legitimacy of the orthodox Dawnbreaker family talent."

Reid nodded:

"Just, when did this happen?"

"Just today."

Arthur said:

"Just now, I saw that Leos made you uneasy, so I gave the order to send the little prince out."

"I want him to see the price he will pay for humiliating the goddess."

"I only need one word to take away the empire that Leos spent forty years building. And I will give this gift to you as an afternoon tea gift after you wake up from a nap. .”

"Your Majesty Red King, please forgive Arthur for taking the initiative. All the blame for this is on me - and you, still stay out of the matter and can still continue to act as an ally with Leoz. Even, if you Choosing to intervene and stop it will also make Leos thank you."

"Those mortal beings will never understand that the majesty of the superior is unshakable, and Leoz's behavior will definitely be punished!"

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