From star abyss

Chapter 1035 251 Empire Line: Leading to the Ending of [Linglu] (46)

Chapter 1035 251. Empire Line: Leading to the ending of [Linglu] (46)

He raised his head and looked forward confusedly, only to see that the flame-haired girl's beautiful face instantly transformed into that of Li Ozi.

Long Yuqiong's pupils shrank, pointed at Li Aozi, and said in disbelief:

"Leoz, how can you be a bitch..."

"If you continue to talk about patriarchal stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination against biological fathers, I will send you to the second dimension to accompany Uncle Cangyue."


A few hours later, the three of them sat down in a secret conference room.

"The meeting is ready and can begin."

Long Yuqiong spread out his notes and said:

"Meeting Minutes: "The First Discussion of the Possibility of Yuanyuan Revolution""

"The purpose of this meeting is to discuss overthrowing the old order system headed by the Laian Ding Group and establishing a new Yuanyuan narrative in the new era, led by the Yuanyuan Gods and advocating the concept of republican unity."

"In order to ensure that the new narrative can be stable and prevent the resurgence of the old forces, we must create a political entity united by the divine warriors and all Yuanyuan citizens, and unite as much as possible all warriors, participants in the "From Star Abyss" project, and neutral people The masses. Tentatively named: Yuanyuan United Front."

"Abbreviation: Source Unified Formation."

"The Yuan United Front is currently mainly composed of two forces: one is the 'True God Clan Warrior Party', which is dominated by the local forces of the Yuanyuan God Clan, with Shen Shen as the party leader, referred to as the Zhenwu Party. The main task is to carry out sabotage and infiltration in Yuanyuan, and continuously Spy on and awaken more fellow Protoss and accumulate group strength."

"Second, it is a huge political entity and combat force composed of Leoz and the Oshuria Empire, as well as the group of followers of Leoz. It is larger in terms of force and influence, but it lacks the participation of truly awakened players. Therefore, The main task is to fight a direct decisive battle with Laian Ding Group on Jingyuan, Layer Abyss and even more battlefields in the future."

"One light and one dark, fighting on two fronts, the true emperor unites, and a new republic is founded."

"Currently Yuanyuan is completely controlled by Laian Ding. In order to maintain the strength of the front, we need to build an online player group and offline protoss forces at the same time to fight against the forces created by Laian Ding."

"The above are the proposals proposed at this meeting based on the analysis of the current situation."

As soon as Long Yuqiong finished speaking, Li Aozi spoke:

"I believe that our current strength is extremely weak, and the number of awakened players among the players is seriously insufficient. The Yuan United Formation should be reduced, or even avoid sabotage operations in Yuanyuan, and focus on infiltration and intelligence collection."


"I agree, but we cannot completely give up force. We must be given the right to act in emergencies."

"Agreed, but some weapons should be kept."

"Everyone agrees," Li Aozi nodded: "The proposal is approved."

"Due to limited time, the issue of building the army will be left to His Majesty Leoz. We will discuss the next action plan."

Long Yuqiong opened the presentation, pointed at the information on the projection and said:

"His Majesty Leoz asked before if there was any gain from Shilovikin's sacrifice. Now I can answer."

"Xi Luo Wei Jin Qing has most likely destroyed some server data. It can be seen from the recent forum information that many players have experienced network fluctuations and lost character cards. However, because there are too many discussions, the number of "Star Abyss" has increased. "The popularity of traffic caused a temporary loss of game players, but then it quickly increased a lot."

"The good news is that Sirovi Jinqing has also captured the character card information of more than 300 million players."

Long Yuqiong looked at Li Aozi:

"We really haven't found any results on this point. Mr. Leoz, do you have any opinion?"

"If it were information collected by others, I wouldn't be able to figure it out and would just throw it away casually."

Li Ozi stepped forward, retrieved more than 300 million pieces of player information, and continuously screened and investigated:

"However, this is Shilovikin, the legendary hero of Xingyuan. The information she brings will have a distinctive feature."

"Actually, you may not realize that the gods who can make a name for themselves on the battlefield outside the abyss all have one notable feature: high efficiency."

"The number of Destroyers is endless, especially Leviathandar's troops. They can attack across the timeline at will. Often the troops are wiped out by dragons from the future before they even set off."

"In order to ensure the confidentiality and reliability of the information, heralds like Shilovikin will choose to hide the information in subtext that only the gods can understand, and will only provide the information with the shortest time and the highest profit."

Li Ozi scanned the information and real names of these players, and suddenly had an idea and said:

"Have you noticed? If you are a player reincarnated as a divine warrior, most of their real names and IDs are homophonic to the names of gods in their previous lives."

"Isn't this normal?" Long Yuqiong said: "Except for Yu Tianxiao and I who have IDs given by the club, most of the divine warriors will instinctively choose words that are similar to their own names."

"In this case, on the other hand, if these players' IDs and real names are not homophonic, doesn't it mean that they are not divine warriors?"

Li Ozi threw out a column of data:

"The Chosen Social Animal Naughty Cat # 10901 - Real name: Aida Gong."

"Super Tyrannosaurus War God # 333110 - Real name: Ali Moramo Iprasin."

“Hot girl Joan of Arc # 78320912——Real name: Wang Ran”

"What the hell kind of name is this?" Long Yuqiong frowned: "It doesn't look like he was born as a divine warrior at all."

"So, he is not a divine warrior."

Yu Tianxiao suddenly slammed the table, stood up, and suddenly realized:

"Then isn't this...the cannon fodder god?"

"And there are slave labor gods!"

"These 300 million people have a common characteristic - their IDs and their real names are not homophones. Some even use their mobile phone numbers and their initials as IDs."

"They don't have any divine warriors or orthodox gods, but their level and training are not low at all?!"

"This is simply unbelievable..."

"Except for Leos, it turns out that all the cannon fodder gods can reach a similar level as the divine warriors."

"Doesn't that mean that whether they are cannon fodder or samurai, they are just the result of uneven distribution?"

The meeting quickly descended into chaos as this huge reality shock shook everyone.

Even Li Ozi was a little surprised.

"Your Majesty Leos." Long Yuqiong asked: "You are born as a cannon fodder god. Do you feel that you are any worse than ordinary god warriors?"

"No name, no authority, no exclusive weapons, no Kingdom of God, no basic welfare benefits, no self-awareness, no talent, you should all know."

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