From star abyss

Chapter 1049 265 Imperial Line: Leading to the Ending of [Spiritual Deer] (60)

Chapter 1049 265. Empire Line: Leading to the ending of [Linglu] (60)

aggressor? The invaded?

Li Ozi quickly calmed down.

This is really a ridiculous question.

If it is true what Meganiobium Ross said, the war between Xingyuan and [Society] is completely meaningless. It is completely the result of slave owners being counterattacked by slaves.

Mephidria uses civilization as a carrier, lets them raise insects and fight with each other, selects outstanding individuals to transform into [society], and while fighting against the Destroyers, claims that these monsters are acquired, and sends divine warriors to kill them.

Let me ask you, if [society] comes together and directly attacks Haines, can it still be called an invasion?

No, this is simply the inevitable end result of the accumulation of anger and hatred. Mephidria brought it to an end with his own death, and the revenge against Xingyuan should also end here.

But after that, [Society] still chose not to let Xingyuan go.

They crossed the Phlogiston Sea and invaded the Abyss, then the Realm Abyss, and the Void. They pursued and killed the defeated and fleeing coalition of divine warriors, and even pursued them all the way to the Abyss, almost breaking into the Yuan Abyss. During this period, [Society] had no control over the rest of the world. Can the burning, killing, looting, devouring and enjoying of Xingyuan Civilization be ignored?


Li Ozi suddenly laughed.

"Who is righteous and who is evil? Does it matter?"

"If in this vast universe, it is just for the people of Earth to fight back when they are oppressed, then the people of Star Abyss cannot fight back when they are oppressed by people on Earth?"

"Because I am a victim, you cannot accuse me, otherwise you would also be butchers and accomplices. Because your compatriots have oppressed me, so even if I oppress and enslave all of you in the future, you cannot fight back."

Li Ozi raised his head with cold eyes:

"How can there be such nonsense?"

"The question is full of blood and tears, and the persecution they have suffered - don't other nations and civilizations have a history of blood and tears? They are all for their own grand narratives. Who has not been harmed by massacres? You will be allowed to obtain the land under the sun, Are we not allowed to have our own living space? Are the citizens of your [society] the only ones who are human? We, the trillions of people in Xingyuan, can only be killed by you!"

Li Ozi threw the holy sword into the dimensional space, and a strong killing intent surged through his body.

He laughed angrily.

Unlike Shen Shen and others, as a person who truly understands and appreciates Earth's culture, Li Ozi knows the double-standard logic and moral constraints of Earth people.

Yes, Mephidria is indeed the oppressor.

But it’s not just [society] that He oppresses!

Leoz and a large number of protoss warriors are also victims of oppression.

Every grievance has its owner, every debt has its owner, and if you have a grudge, go to Mephidria.

After Gaia killed Murphydria, she directly dived into the star abyss. What does this mean?

What does the general public of Star Abyss have to do with Mephidria? They are not even gods!

So many [society] have devoured one civilization after another in this way. Such crimes are even worse than what Mephidria did originally.

"Who is pretending to be a victim? Because he is a vulnerable group, a sexual minority, a descendant of a hero, an old and weak woman and child, can he be above morality and order, and can commit crimes and do illegal things wantonly? This Even frost plating would be disgusting if you look at it like this!”

Li Aozi smiled. He pushed past Shen Shen, came to the front of the formation, and shouted loudly towards [Engineer] Zhang Fulong:

"If you fight for hegemony, fight for hegemony. Don't pretend that you are aggrieved - pick up your weapons and fight against me!"

"Family, he is anxious."

Zhang Fulong tilted his head and laughed, then looked at Li Aozi seriously:

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Leos, [Emperor] Speaker Amparo has noticed you. But Speaker Amparo is a person who cherishes talents. He knows that you have obtained the status of [Blacksmith], but I don’t know why, but I can still keep my heart steady.”

"So, you were ordered by the [Emperor] to come here to corrupt me?" Li Aozi said.

"Losing is called corruption, winning is called liberation."

Zhang Fulong confessed:

"I am a worker, a former director of the Engineering and Construction Bureau of Ether Civilization, the best labor model, three times model of the times, the title of human hero, and the recipient of the Civilization Construction Medal. I know very well who you are."

"The fact that you can be attracted to secrets means that you are also a marginalized person who has been excluded by Xingyuan. You are also a member of Parliament, which means that you must have been bullied by Xingyuan. Not to mention that you are still a [Blacksmith]! You know that the [Blacksmith] has How rare is it? [Blacksmith]’s qualification requirements are extremely high, there are only five generations in total, and you are the sixth generation!”

"If you really have enough ideological awareness, you should give up the decadent and backward narrative of origins, join the truly equal and just [Secret Society], enter the sacred group of the Secret Council, and strive for a lifetime to truly improve people's livelihood and plan for the country. . Instead of becoming an oppressor, even though he knew that Yuan Yuan had decayed and collapsed, he still tried to continue the hegemony of Xing Yuan, and even participated in it, becoming a warlord, causing trouble to all parties and preying on the people. "

Zhang Fulong's words are sonorous and powerful, and it can be seen that he is highly firm and passionate about his beliefs.


If there is true equality, why is there still a distinction between the Speaker and the civilian ranks? Don't ordinary [social] citizens still have to fight for the upper-level leaders?


If it is really fair, a villain like Red King can still survive in the secret system and is still the unshakable Speaker.

"... If, this is your equality and fairness."

Li Oz's face was on fire, and his skin gradually lost its flesh and blood. His body continued to emit visible and invisible high-energy rays, and the radiation value soared!

"Then I am the butcher, I am the executioner who oppresses all living beings. I want to show you what real hegemony looks like!"

[Warning! The surrounding radiation index is rising, please wear protective equipment. ]

[You are in the radiation wasteland area, and you will suffer radiation damage of 3% of your current maximum health value every second. ]

[High-energy rays penetrated your genes. Even if you are a god, you still cannot stop this disaster. ]

[You have obtained the status: 'Gene mutation', and perform 20 [Constitution] attribute checks every second. If the check fails, you will get a genetic disease and a random attribute will be permanently reduced. 】

Fu Shen's system popped up messages one after another, but before he could react, another piece of heavy news came into his eyes.

['Li Aoz' pulled your team into the same camp and obtained friendly protection. ]

['Li Aoz' issued a main mission to you and your teammates: "Kill to Earth\

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