From star abyss

Chapter 1051 267 Imperial Line: Leading to the Ending of [Spiritual Deer] (62)

Chapter 1051 267. Empire Line: Leading to the Ending of [Spirit Deer] (62)

The roar of the explosion instantly resounded throughout the kingdom of God, causing a strong resonance in the surrounding space. The dimension was like a living muscle, constantly squirming, and the air was filled with an atmosphere of depression and pain.

This is not the typical kingdom of God of the Yuanyuan God Clan, but the kingdom of God that was transformed into the apostle of the gods after ascending to the gods.

It is actually very simple to distinguish between the innate and acquired kingdoms of God. The kingdom of God of the Yuanyuan God Clan has been with each other since the moment it was born as a god, and it has been with each other for life. This innate ability allows the Yuanyuan God Clan to choose to abandon the kingdom of God and escape when they suffer fatal injuries - although generally, enemies who can cause the destruction of the kingdom of God will not be able to let the other party leave even if they self-destruct the kingdom of God.

This innate kingdom of God is normal, natural, and has no burden. There is no pressure or consumption in summoning the kingdom of God to descend.

But the kingdom of God of the apostle Arthur is obviously acquired later.

Since it was given after birth, most of the gods like him can only hide the kingdom of God in their own bodies, constantly integrating with themselves. Over time, it replaces part of the body's functions and becomes part of the body's circulatory system.

Although it is difficult to say what the difference is between the gods of Xingyuan and the gods known on Earth, after all, the cultures of the two are very different. You can't let the creator of the Earth come out to fight with the will of Yuanyuan, right? What's more, the Earth seems to have no creator.

The understanding of gods on Earth is not the natural way of heaven, the laws of the universe, but the incarnation of the heroic spirit and the great power of creation. Even if some of them are extremely exaggerated, they can destroy the world with a thought.

I don't know how fragile their universe is.

But most of the "gods" on Earth seem to be born from historical images or natural phenomena that people on Earth have actually seen, which is almost the opposite of the Xingyuan gods.

The gods of Xingyuan were originally things without life. Don't look at the fact that Leoz and others are tens of billions of years old. In fact, time has no meaning to the Xingyuan gods. It's like a stone. It will be dried, eroded, and smashed, but it won't die.

But not dying doesn't mean not being afraid of pain. It doesn't mean not being afraid, not being cowardly, and even less so being able to grow infinitely. On the contrary, the upper limit of most gods is his lower limit.

In a castle far away from the scorched earth battlefield, a fire suddenly broke out. A moment later, the figure of the first apostle Arthur condensed into shape and fell heavily to the ground.

"These descenders turned out to be a group of gods and warriors who changed their skins. Not only are they experienced, but they are also getting stronger. Their growth rate is very amazing..."

If this continues, the kingdom of God will not be conquered, but for a god apostle like Arthur, continuing to support the kingdom of God to descend into the abyss is an irreversible harm to him.

Only in the abyss can the gods let go and fight to their heart's content. This seems to be the will of the source abyss to prevent the civilization of the latecomers from floating up from the deep abyss. After all, the universe above is the first line of defense against foreign enemies. The population is huge, and more strong people are needed to deal with it.

However, no matter what, it was unheard of before that the divine warriors came down in person in the skin of the descenders. Yuanyuan, who never interfered in Xingyuan, now almost tore their faces openly, unreasonable, and began to really interfere in Xingyuan's affairs.

But compared to those increasingly difficult divine warriors, what really shocked Arthur was Leoz.

"-Leoz killed me once."

Arthur raised his hand and brushed his neck, looking left and right:

"The sword was also taken away by him. His power is really strong. It is definitely not something I can defeat alone, but at least the purpose of this trip should be achieved. The poisonous blood man of the ether just wants to know how strong Leoz is, and he doesn't have to fight Leoz with real swords and guns in such a place."

Not only is Leoz powerful in force, his character is extremely decisive and murderous. Even if he has human nature, it does not affect his adherence to his own principles at all.

Well, adhere to principles?

No wonder he took the sword away.

"Without the magic sword, I can no longer be a match for Leoz."

Arthur shook his head:

"The enemy's strength has been greatly enhanced. It was originally a monster with strong vitality and almost unkillable. Now Leoz has got the sword... If he continues like this, his weakness of not being good at killing will be completely eliminated."

If that is really the case, Apostle Arthur doubts whether [Engineer] Zhang Fulong can escape unscathed.

He is naturally not worried about the other party's death.

After all, Zhang Fulong is also a highly active secret councilor in the past five thousand years.

Zhang Fulong, this person has an uncertain personality, speaks frankly and boldly, and is suspected to be schizophrenic. He often talks to the air and claims to be broadcasting live to all citizens of the [Secret Society], but in fact...

Well, in fact, He has only come into contact with this one.

Even so, even Red King praised Zhang Fulong's performance during the war outside the Houyuan as "much more cool than the previous [Engineer]".

Zhang Fulong claimed to be a figure from the Ether Civilization period, and seemed to be a template specially preserved by Gaia from the long river of history. After entering Xingyuan, he secretly encountered internal divisions, and the parliament was almost on the verge of dissolution.

The [Emperor] faction, led by Anpollo, was loyal to the Earth and Gaia, and always believed that Xingyuan should be conquered and devoured by force.

The [Scholars] faction is led by Lyle. They themselves do not support Gaia's actions. They also believe that Xingyuan is too big to be completely conquered. Peaceful coexistence is the kingly way.

Of course, this peace should be quoted.

[Scholars] Lyle has been committed to liberating more [society] citizens from the inside and gaining freedom. He seems to have made some connections with certain universes that can only communicate but cannot be touched.

But considering that if Gaia had not disappeared quietly, Lyle might not have had the opportunity to form his own faction. Therefore, it is difficult to say whether Lyle can still stick to this cause when Gaia really returns.

At least, Arthur does not believe it.

Although Lyle's position is obviously inclined to sympathize with Xingyuan, and Lyle himself has parted ways, this is meaningless to Arthur. His existence is to solve the problem of the identity and history of the goddess Xiaerqinia being stolen by Redkin.

And Lyle can't do this.

Even though Zhang Fulong's position was obviously on the side of Anpoluo's team, even though he knew that the Emperor was watching Lord Leoz because he was worried that this guy who was deliberately let go by Yinmi did not resist Xingyuan as they expected, but instead tried to drive Yinmi out.

Anpoluo's worry was obviously undoubted.

Because after Leoz reincarnated into Xingyuan, even when he was still a mortal, he began to slaughter citizens of the Society.

On the Azure Star, Leoz constantly mobilized various forces to completely clean up the forces of the Fake Society and the Secret Society.

You know, the race of the Azure Star was carefully selected by Yinmi, similar to the people on Earth, and the new generation of Homo sapiens with less serious reproductive isolation. Even if it is not a C3 Luca-type cosmic race, the probability of being corrupted by Yinmi is very high.

And what price did Leoz pay to eradicate the forces of Yinmi and eliminate all the influence of Yinmi...

This is unknown.

At least, Zhang Fulong mentioned that Yinmi lost three councilors in his last mission.

It can't be said to be a loss.

Most of the Speakers of [Society] are unique, but the members are almost all replaceable, with a large number of stocks, just to deal with the situation that one day the main body and the core Speaker are trapped outside and there are no members around, and they will be attacked by others. So they simply copy the absorbed members in advance. As long as they find a suitable body, they can generate an authentic old member on the spot.

This characteristic of violent reproduction like fungi is exactly the manifestation of [Society] as a biological organism.

Zhang Fulong has completed many secret tasks, most of which are to find members for secrets, but the last time not only did he fail, but he also lost 3 template members.

And that action took place during the Entropy War on Azure Star.

It should be said that Red King was highly observant, carefully studied and understood the growth trajectory of Leoz after his reincarnation, and gave a lot of guidance, and even often tried to consult them on how to do better.

But in the Entropy War, no one could see clearly what happened.

They knew that Leoz had at least two bodies, one of which faced the Lord of Entropy, and the other was blocked by three secret councillors on the ground battlefield of Azure Star.

Leoz's clone defeated the three councillors and took away the position of [Blacksmith].

Although Zhang Fulong did not say it directly, Arthur had guessed it.

I am afraid that even [Emperor] Anpollo was extremely shocked by this.

Leoz, who was still a mortal body, relied on an incarnation to take away the [Blacksmith], one of the two councillors who were best at attacking and killing in the secret.

This kind of news would shock anyone.

In the past countless years, the Secret Council may have declined and was on the verge of dissolution. It was once forced into internal strife by Leoz.

However, no one would question the powerful toxicity of ether blood and the assimilation ability of ether.

In the period of the outer universe, due to the confrontation between Leoz and the secret, almost most people were swept up, making class division meaningless. Therefore, for a long time, the world outside the abyss has not had a clear division of strength, and only the [society] side has introduced the "reforging" system.

Reforging is divided into ten times.

According to Arthur's understanding, Red King, An Po Luo, and Lyle, these three people have reached the level of reforging nine times in the period of the universe outside the abyss.

It's not that their talents end here and they can't go further, but the final reforging materials of the three of them, [Collector], [Emperor], and [Scholar], are the three destroyers who invaded Xingyuan.

Even so, the big figures who have reforged nine times have basically stepped into the "concept".

In fact, Zhang Fulong once revealed that after entering Xingyuan, the professionals of the [Secret Society] grow very fast. If they are in the cosmic environment, the ether blood proliferates very fast. It only takes forty hours to theoretically reach the level of eight reforging from a professional with a limit threshold.

However, even in the deep abyss universe, there is no upper limit, and it is the most suitable environment for the growth of professionals. Since ancient times, there are only a handful of people who can be promoted to reforge nine times.

The existence of nine times of reforging has become a concept, and conventional means cannot destroy them.

This is the same as the gods on the Xingyuan side.

After reaching the level of God's Embrace, the gods on the Xingyuan side also began to transform and merge into the concept, making it difficult to be destroyed.

Only with extremely strong beliefs can one leave one's own emblem in the universe of the Creator.

Although there are many factions in the various paths of Xingyuan, when they reach the level of God's Embrace, there will be traces of branding on the back of their hands. If individuals want to achieve greatness, they must leave a mark on the universe.

This is true for humans and gods. Citizens of the [Secret Society] have come. In this universe, any existence can only successfully enter immortality by leaving a mark.

The confidence of the Secret Society does not lie in their ability to provide 3 speakers, 13 members, 72 jurors, and 666 citizens at their peak, all of whom have reached the final reforging, no less than the upper limit of the Lord God.

Rather, they can reach this level while also having the ultimate ether blood of the final reforging level!

That is the strongest poison in the world. Even the dead can be killed again, and time and space will be corrupted.

On the battlefield outside the abyss, most of the divine warriors did not die at the violent hands of the secret councilors, but were affected by the poisonous blood, polluted the divine power, and then tainted the divine soul, the consciousness was infiltrated and confused, tortured and painful, and had to endure physical and mental torture forever.

But, what if there is no ether blood?

——On the top battlefield, the number of secrets is not enough.

Maybe the secret can pull out the combat power of quasi-main gods such as 3 speakers and 13 councilors, but how many people?

At most, there are only about 700 people.

There are at least hundreds of thousands of divine warriors in Xingyuan who have reached this level!

What if the power of ether blood cannot work on Xingyuan gods?

Or, the Xingyuan god that cannot be poisoned by ether blood is Leoz?

The thing that Anpoluo feared the most finally happened, and it was even worse.

Red King once said that Gaia chose to forgive and exile Leoze after winning, not because she underestimated Leoze's power, but because Gaia was absolutely confident in her own strength and firmly believed that Leoze could cause greater trouble in Xingyuan.

This is also true... right?

At least now, Leoze no longer serves Yuanyuan, but has set up a new mountain. Leanding is the real main god, and Leoze seems to want to get rid of Leanding.


Arthur suddenly noticed something wrong.

Since Leoze has already pointed his spearhead at Leanding, it should be said that Anpoluo should not be worried.

This is clearly a dog-eat-dog situation, why did he send Zhang Fulong to keep an eye on Leoze?

Or - Anpoluo believes that Leoze is a greater threat than Leanding.

When he thought of this, Arthur began to feel uneasy.

For a moment, He began to question whether his actions were correct, but was quickly suppressed by his loyal belief in the goddess.

Just like the characters in the mythology of the earth, Pandora's box was opened and some terrible monster was released.

It's not Anpollo, but Leoz.

Thank you to the leader of the Morning Wind Bell! Thank you boss, it's a pity that Scarlet's physical condition is really not good recently, otherwise I will definitely give more rewards.

I'm very sorry, I will adjust my condition well this month, and I'm taking medicine. I hope everyone will pay more attention to their health, eat more, drink more, keep warm, and don't be as weak and sick as Laohong.

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