From star abyss

[Ending 1]: Spiritual Deer (Part 1)

Li Oz listened to Silverston's words. The words he said flowed through his ears like water, but left no trace. His mind had already shifted to the world in front of him, and his blue eyes stared at the information on the system panel.

[Player] Prior's personal letter was obviously well prepared.

From the wording, it is impossible that he knew nothing. He just found the data changes and played on the spot to try to save the last leeway.

Prior rarely played in person. As a game producer and member of the operation team, he did not interfere too much in the game process. In fact, he did a good job, which shows that he has a very professional ethics - it is also possible that it is one of the qualities required for him as a [player]. That's it.

Not everyone can become a member of the secret. Different professions must have matching qualities.

For example, the [Blacksmith] he wore, the required quality is called "firmness". Only those who will not violate their original intentions at any time, regardless of right or wrong, regardless of any external public opinion, can have the qualifications of a blacksmith who forges magic weapons and is loyal and dedicated to society.

For [players], its quality is not "joy" or "enjoyment", but "experience". They devote themselves to every game and entertainment, and try their best in the competition, quietly experience it, and leave no regrets.

The promotion of the secret side is not the internal and competitive upgrade system of the Xingyuan side, but focuses on understanding and transforming themselves.

This may be related to the culture of the earthlings. Compared with Xingyuan, who only knows class transition and is willing to do anything to become a god, the earthlings pay more attention to the individual's contribution to the family, nation, society, country, and the community of human destiny.

However, because of this, the fact that [players] are willing to violate their professional qualities and persuade Li Aozzi is enough to show the seriousness of the situation.

[Players] knew all this from the beginning, and Li Aozzi knew that [players] would not tell on the secret society through his understanding of the [secret society].

Even though the [player] witnessed Lioz killing and possessing [Star Abyss Seed] Siddes, he did not say a word, and saw him make an alliance with the divine warriors such as Fu Shen, and did not report to Leanding, even though Lioz personally sacrificed the Oshulia Empire to provoke the conflict between Hidden Secret and Star Abyss, which seriously interfered with the [player]'s game design, he still endured it.

Until he found that Lioz had found Silverston, especially after finding Rand Lord, he could no longer wait in silence.

[After saying so much... [Player] Prior and Silverston had already completed the communication before I arrived. No matter what I did, he had a response. ]

Prior was not simply showing weakness, although his words seemed pitiful, as if there was no way to stop Lioz.

But it was because of his attitude that Lioz's suspicion was aroused:

[I haven't expressed my position yet, how can he be sure that I will kill Rand Lord? 】

He didn't know the specific authority of [Player], he only knew that it was a manipulative trick with games and rules. This kind of profession was not strong in frontal combat in the secret social system, but it was particularly disgusting to make trouble behind the scenes.

It is not ruled out that [Player] may have the terrible calculation power of Philosopher King, or the deduction ability similar to Entropy King. After all, game player is a polysemous word, which can refer to athletes, entertainment enthusiasts and video game players at the same time.

This is a bit disadvantageous for [Blacksmith]. His ability is limited to controlling metals, alloys, heat energy, electromagnetism and forging.

Li Aoz didn't consider Prior's ability. In fact, at this point, the other party had given him enough face.

'Return to the countryside, Li Aoz. I will give you the compensation that Xingyuan didn't give you. Don't you just want fair treatment and an attitude? '

'Lian Ding will collapse sooner or later. Push Rand Lord up, and you can get out of this political struggle. Anyway, you are not a participant in Xingyuan's political circle. Even if you have come this far, to Yuanyuan, you are just a warlord, you have never been recognized, so why do you still hang out with these Yuanyuan guys who look down on you? '

'It's time to end it all. '

From Li Aoz's perspective, it is easy to understand.

For an earthling, Prior can be said to have done his best.

While maintaining his principles as much as possible, he also took care of the situation in Xingyuan and decided to appease Li Aoz himself.

Even from the perspective of a game NPC, the game design has already told you that the best ending has been written for you. You no longer have to let others control your fate and be swept away by the torrent of the times. In the future, you just need to live a peaceful life and watch those players toss and turn.

This is no less than the Creator coming to the world in person and promising you wealth and glory.

Isn't this good?

Li Aoz stood in front of everyone, pressing one hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, his eyes downcast.

He fell into a fierce ideological struggle.

Why do you have to do this?

Li Oz was certain that he had no connection with [Player] Prior. Even if the other party had been observing him for a long time, he could not have clearly determined that he would definitely kill Rand Lord.

Moreover, he had never thought of killing this guy.

After all, it seems that he and Rand Lord have no life-or-death hatred. Not to mention that the other party has been tortured for decades. He has also deeply reflected and repented, and was reformed through labor under Silverston, and he has become a new man. .

If it was because of his past behavior of killing people, provoking troubles, or bullying men and women, then the lives he, Li Ozi, killed indiscriminately and just for the sake of his purpose were enough to go to hell a million times - if Xingyuan had such a thing if.

However, Pryor confirmed this.

Rather than saying that he was persuading Li Ozi to take off his armor and return home, it was more like he was tempting Li Ozi to kill Rand Lord.

It's like, when trying to persuade a criminal, no one would specifically tell the other person: 'Don't hide behind the window, as this will make it impossible for a sniper to shoot him in the head. 'Same.

Pryor, that's what he said.

Even though he had no contact with Li Ozi at all, he was very sure, certain, and convinced that Li Ozi would kill Rand Lord.


Why does he think so?

Why does he lead himself this way?

Li Ozi fell silent.


It had been a long time since he had felt such a strong sense of fate.

A big hand named fate hangs down the threads of fate and prophecy, pulling him like a puppet to perform and dance on the world stage, just for the audience's laughter.

Li Ozi is not averse to talk about fate.

No matter what fate, at least it would be better than being a cannon fodder for Murphy, or working as a bank security guard after graduating from Frost Plate Technical High School.

If he were an Earthling, he wouldn't have to be as talented as Red King or Ambros, nor would he have to be favored by Gaia. It would be enough for him to just go to work from nine to five, work hard, and live an ordinary life.

It's a pity that not only did he not be reincarnated on the earth, but he still struggled with the earth for most of his life. Even after he died, he had to get up and continue fighting.

If he were an Earthling, he would definitely be much happier and contented than he is now, and he would also respect and even love secrets...right?

For a moment, a thought even passed through Li Ozi's mind:

[Do people on earth think so too? 】

——Could it be that, from the perspective of earthlings, living in the Star Abyss would be interesting?

Li Ozi suddenly laughed.

Absolutely not.

Just ridiculous.

No matter how bad the Earthlings are, life is worse than death.

After coming to Xingyuan, even if he died, he would still have to be dragged back by Le Anding to continue working in vain.

He, and the conscripted divine warriors, why have they been fighting until now?

Half of the reason is that I am still forced to do nothing.

The main god appeased, the country fell, and the princes of the Star Abyss were deceitful and intrigued for their own interests. However, Laian Ding allowed foreign enemies to invade, and even wanted to use foreign enemies to suppress the forces of various levels of the Star Abyss.

They came to this world as 'players', ostensibly to save Xingyuan, but in fact they were working in vain for Laian Ding's personal ambitions. They didn't say anything. In reality, Laian Ding was still using the filter of recognition. deceive them.

After thousands of years of defeat in the Yuanyuan War, Yuanyuan is still a piece of white sand.

There is no time to build his own home, no labor output, and no communication with the outside world. He still wants to rely on his past reputation to maintain Yuanyuan's rule.

Everyone can see that he is deceiving himself.

As long as there is a slight change in the source, a few people with lofty ideals will stand up, shatter the cognitive filter, wake up everyone, let people see internal and external troubles, see [society]'s wolfish ambitions, and take action.

It was not his turn to shout the name of expelling foreign enemies and restoring Xingyuan, and there was no need for him to sacrifice the power he had built, just to let Xingyuan see how powerful and cruel the secret was.

Why doesn't anyone do this?

Those redeeming protoss would rather cooperate with secret traitors to launch a "From the Star Abyss" project, spend a lot of resources to awaken those protoss warriors who have died once, and deceive them into fighting, rather than give up the power in their hands. Transfer resources and share them with all the gods, and announce the crisis to everyone.

Why does Mephidria have to be so proud of its achievements, support its bandits and respect itself, and cultivate this damn [secret society] alive?

Why can't anyone count on it, but it's the turn of a cannon fodder god to do this?

They obviously had many opportunities to save themselves, but they had to wait until he, the cannon fodder, came to the stage.

"...This way, when they fail, they can blame you."

Li Ozi raised his head, Silverston was looking at him calmly:

"You have not received a serious education from the gods, but you should also know that power is only responsible for the source of power. When you bear enough responsibilities, you will also get the power given to you by people."

"You are the agent, Mr. Leoz. Mephidria chose you for the same reason as others. I will leave all the responsibilities to you and see how long you can go."

"If you stay away long enough, then you will be a usurping tyrant and a bad guy who has an unfair position. If your policies are in a mess and the war is not going well, then people will have enough reasons to blame you alone, so that they can look like they are It’s all right, they’re innocent, and it’s right for the whole group.”

"Groups are numb, helpless, and blind. They are waves. If no one gives them guidance, even the mothership will be shattered. If someone gives them the right guidance, the waves will lift up a wave." Every hero marches to the other side of victory.”

"[Society] needs the supreme will, the narrative needs the expounder, and the gods need the main god. They are the highest power and the bearers of all responsibilities. That's why you can't cross this gap."

Li Ozi opened his mouth and laughed hoarsely.

"...I understand. I finally understand, ah, it turns out it's my fault. That's how you treat me!"

He shook his head and looked at Silverston, his blue eyes full of jest. He pointed at the skinny Rand Lord in front of him, his throat surged, and he smiled:

"Even the worst and most mediocre successor to the Lord God is better than cannon fodder crawling out of the dead. His mistakes can be forgiven, but he will not be driven away because his mother is the Lord God. And cannon fodder If you make a mistake, you will be kicked out and replaced with a new one - this is a symbol of instability, fragility, and turbulence in the structure of the Star Abyss!"

"(Original Divine Words) Only death and class are insurmountable."

Silverston's eyes flashed with a faint golden light.

Even though his history was stolen, his divine power was taken away, and his strength and status were robbed, Silverston was still Silverston.

His class has never been erased. When Shen Shen and other divine warriors see him, their knees will become weak under their porcelain flesh and jade bones, and they will kneel down involuntarily.

Li Ozi looked at Rand Lord, then shifted his gaze to Silverston, and then looked at the other people behind him.

"Kneel down."

Li Ozi said:

"Kneel before me, warriors."

The warriors such as Shen Shen were silent. They tried their best to show their respect and recognition to Sir Leoz.

But instinctively, they refused to surrender to a cannon fodder.

Shen gritted his teeth and bent down hard, but his knees were still straight, as if they were half rusty and unable to shake.

"Kneel down, haven't you done this before?! Kneel down to him, damn it!"

Shen Shen cursed himself, pressing his knees with both hands, his fingertips piercing the porcelain skin, bleeding profusely, but his knees still could not bend.

Seeing that He was about to break the bones, Li Ozi shouted impatiently:

"That's enough. If you're lame, you still have to waste resources on treatment!"

"If you give me some more time, I can definitely kneel down——"

"No, it's not necessary. What I want is not for you to bow your knees to me. The doubts I had in mind have already been resolved."

He turned away and took a deep breath.


At this moment, Li Aozi's doubts finally dissipated.

"I am now a Sigma-level demigod, ranked 18th in the hierarchy of Xingyuan. If calculated in proportion, less than 99.999999% of people who can reach this level..."

Li Ozi suddenly said:

"But even if I surpass those 99.999999% of people, there are still 0.000001% of people in front of me. Over the past five thousand years, that small group of people in the entire star abyss has at least tens of billions."

"I was born as a cannon fodder god, numbered 10752. My strength surpasses all mortals, and I was born to be the ultimate Omega level. In the past few thousand years in the Star Abyss, there have been a total of billions of people who have reached or have reached the Omega level."

"On the battlefield outside the Yuan, 10,000 Omega-level cannon fodder gods die like dogs every day, and more than 10,000 cannon fodder are produced in time and sent to the front line to die."

"In terms of talent and consciousness, I am one of the few geniuses in the world. But in the face of a huge base, there are more than a billion spiritual warriors, mortals who have ascended to the gods, and six main gods ahead of me."

"I lived to the end, I survived it all, I kept fighting, I never stayed in Yuanyuan for a moment, I didn't take a penny from Xingyuan, I didn't receive any benefits from Yuanyuan, I worked for Yuan Yuan fought and paid the blood tax with his death. When I was working as a substitute, I even had to pay myself a salary. In order to push the battle line forward one centimeter, I didn’t even ask for a salary. I never enjoyed myself or occupied any resources. Even this system had to be obtained by myself.”

"I haven't asked for any mercy or favor, and I've been doing my duty for you like an AI until now. What's the result?"

Li Ozi smiled, squatted down, and looked at Rand Lord pitifully:

"Actually, what you need is not a leader to lead you to restore glory, a general to lead you to defeat the invaders, or even a guide to help you see the situation clearly."

"You always just need someone to take the blame."

"Yes, I should have realized the fact that the "From the Star Abyss" project went so smoothly."

"I, Lian Ding, Rand Lord, etc. are all sacrifices to cover up the corruption and failure of the Star Abyss system. The failure of the entire Star Abyss must be attributed to one individual, so that all of your responsibilities can be fully If you pick them cleanly, no matter who leads you in the future, you will end up like this."

"we lose."

"It's not that the divine warriors lost, it's not that I lost, it's not that you lost, it's that the existence of Xingyuan completely lost to the [Secret Society], and the people of Earth won."

"They are more civilized, more advanced, and stronger than us, so victory is inevitable. They are the beacon of civilization that illuminates the universe, the light that illuminates life in darkness, and the hope of the world - we will not be ashamed to lose to them."

Li Ozi's tone became more and more indifferent, and he said jokingly:

"It's just that I didn't expect that after killing people on Earth all my life, in the end, the people who really sympathized with me and gave me compensation would be the people on Earth I had struggled with all my life."

The gods remained silent.

"...I don't want to say anything else."

Li Ozi stood up, took off the sword, turned around and handed it to Shen Shen. Countless vicissitudes of life suddenly appeared on his young and handsome face. He sighed, and only numbness and exhaustion remained in his eyes:

"In the past, I had no choice. I could only serve Xingyuan. I was born in chaos and came from fire. I dedicated my life to Yuanyuan, which I had never met before. I resisted the invasion of foreign enemies. Although I failed to win in the end, even at the lowest point, , and never thought of betraying and surrendering to the enemy.”

"In the words of the people on earth: (Chinese) I dare not forget about my country even though I am in a humble position. The matter is determined and I still have to wait for the coffin to be closed."

"I have no reason to continue fighting. I have already sacrificed enough for a war that is destined to fail. But even if I win, Xingyuan will be destroyed sooner or later in your hands."

"But we can change all this!" Elevente said hurriedly: "We can't do without your cooperation, Mr. Leoz. As long as our revolution is successful-"

"What will happen after this success? Has the Lord God disappeared, or been secretly driven away? How many times will you have to reform before you succeed?"

Li Ozi poked his heart and said in a deep voice:

"You also know, and I know better than you, that the main god of Xingyuan's combat power has been exhausted. Without Le'anding, Silverston and Rand Lord are just trying to maintain their appearance and have no fighting power."

"Even if Hidden is driven away, do you still plan to rely on the "From Star Abyss" plan to maintain Yuanyuan's rule? To be honest, [player] cooperates with you out of conscience. If Hidden leaves, then he will We’re back home on earth. Without [players], do you still want to continue running the game?”

"There are still a lot of problems. After you seize power, the issue of the treatment of slave workers and cannon fodder gods. As long as the Star Abyss exists for one day, those low-level gods will not be able to get ahead. This is the case for you, and the same is true for other Star Abyss and narratives, because you are all the same... I won’t say anything else.”

Li Ozi let out a long breath and vented all the anguish in his heart.

"I've worked for long enough, and now I don't even have a third of an acre of land, and even my wife and children have been put on the hot bed by Xing Yuan. Okay, boys, let's say goodbye - next, it's up to you. ”

"Then, what should we do?"

"I have no idea."

"Don't know? But you are—"

"I don't need to be responsible for you. Apart from the fact that this life was given to me by Xingyuan, I have never taken anything else. Since I have died once for Xingyuan and have fought until now, I no longer owe you anything. "

Li Ozi glanced at Rand Lord on the ground, but said something meaningless:

"It's just a pity for the Oshuria Empire. Those are the few things I have, and they are all given to you for charity."

"Sir Leos, without you, who will fight against Gaia..."

"Okay, stop being pretentious, I know what you think."

Li Ozi patted Chen Shen on the shoulder and said meaningfully:

"It's not the brave men who save the world, but yourselves. If you always think that you can save the world by someone standing up, then what's the difference between you and the past? Aren't you still leaving your destiny to others?"

"But that's different, Mr. Leoz, your efforts are obvious to all. As long as you persist, you will definitely get what you want-"

"Do you still think that what I want is power?"

Li Aozi's words blocked Qing Shen to death.

Li Ozi held the opponent's neck and aligned his eyes with his own:

"If I only pray for power, then I will not destroy the Oshuria Empire at all. That is my most satisfying work, and it is everything that belongs to me."

"Without you, our strength will be greatly weakened. Before we find Gio Skua, we will have no warriors who can take action..."

"Didn't Pryor engage in cheating? It's so simple. You can all cheat in the future."

Atreya Night Breeze muttered:

"But games with a lot of cheating players are not far away from being shut down..."

"Then it's none of my business, you are the players, I'm just an NPC - oh no, in fact, I even stole the identity of the NPC from [Seed of the Star Abyss] Sides . Strictly speaking, I’m not even a game NPC. I was exiled from outside the abyss.”

Hearing this, Elavent blurted out:

"Game BUG?"

"Uh-huh... It seems, that's about it."

Li Aozi was stunned for a moment, then smiled:

"I am a cannon fodder, and you have hundreds of millions of cannon fodders. Instead of trusting me, it is better to trust them. Anyway, we are equally loyal and will never betray."

Shen Shen wanted to say something else, but Li Ozi had given up communicating with him, patted his thick shoulder armor, and said:

"Take care, Qing Shenqing. The power I usurped will be handed over to you in the future."

Without giving Shen Shen a chance to react, he walked up to Silverston and said:

"Thank you for giving me a choice, Silverston."

"This is nothing compared to everything you have done for me, dear Mr. Leos."

Silverston nodded:

"Do you remember Turrivis?"

"Let me think about it - the home planet of [Plunder the Universe]? I remember that place. It was much more beautiful than Haines. I couldn't come up with a beautiful city plan like you, even if I tried hard, really, the first sequence Turrivis is the best in town.”

"At the end of the Abyss War, Gaia, with her discerning eye of surrender, defeated Leviathandar's main force. Those dragon deserters stepped on the timeline and fell. The incident happened suddenly, and the fragile defense line of Tulivis was instantly destroyed. Defeated. All my lieutenants died in the hands of the Glow Dragon Emperor - she carried the sword of Light Weaver, trampled on the corpses of my people, and walked towards me step by step. She didn't say anything, just raised the The unstoppable light is ready to kill me like a rabbit."

Silverston looked at Li Ozi:

"...I will never forget that a silver-blue star came through time and space. It was as silent and cold as steel. It smashed the sword of the Glow Dragon Emperor with one kick and raised the black flames of chaos. Using an ordinary-looking long sword, he beheaded the twenty-eight golden dragon guards present. He grabbed the Dragon Emperor's sword horn and was burned by the chaos on his porcelain skin. He was unscathed by the dragon's flames. , He punched the opponent's chest one after another, ruthlessly tearing out her lungs and internal organs like a wild beast. This is not the fighting method of a divine warrior, it is the most brutal, efficient and practical tactic that has been honed in battles. "

"There's no need to go into detail, right?"

Li Ozi said casually:

"You are my compatriot. No matter what happens to you, I will save you."

"But among the gods of the Star Abyss, how many of them regard you as a compatriot?"

"That's not important. What's important is that I can save it, so I went to save it."

Li Ozi confessed:

"I never really want to save anyone from my heart, but I only save what I can - and if they are hopeless, I have no choice but to let go."

"You're right, Leoz, there's no need to push yourself so hard."

"I've never had it either... Anyway, it's whatever you say it is."

He didn't want to argue with Silverston anymore.

"In three days, I will communicate with Di Yalan and Pryor to discuss my compensation in detail... After this separation, we may not be able to see each other for a while."

Li Ozi touched his nose and said to Silverston:

"I have retired, and I will leave the rest of my affairs to you."

"I will handle it." Silverston asked, "Don't you feel sorry?"

"You advised me to retire, why are you still asking me this question?"

Li Aozi was happy and shook his head:

"I don't know, Silverston. But if Le Anding personally handed over the pension to me, or if the will of Xingyuan was willing to add a Yuanyuan account for me and transfer my cannon fodder god to the establishment, I might feel a lot better. , and there are still many things that I have not completed. Oshuria is destroyed. I originally wanted to see if other narratives were aware of the crisis. There is also Twilight Queen. If the problem of Twilight Queen is not solved, Void will not be able to join. If we come to the front to resist the Star Abyss, we will lose the passage to the Abyss..."

"These are not your regrets, Li Ozi, these are Xingyuan's regrets."

Silverston asked:

"Have you ever asked yourself about your dreams?"

Li Ozi smiled and said, "I don't have that thing."

"What about the person you love, or the connection?"

He shrugged: "I was too busy in the past to take care of it."

"So, what is your personal regret, Li Ozi?"

Li Ozi, who was originally nonchalant, suddenly hardened his expression.

He lowered his head in silence.


"Lee Ozi?"

Objectively speaking, he has no regrets. From an ordinary person's perspective, although his life is not perfect, it is legendary enough.

"Hey, wake up, Li Ozi, we are talking about you."

Li Ozi raised his head.

The wind from the river valley had a slightly moist coolness, and there was a gentle whisper blowing against his face, like the fragrance of a flower, hitting his heart warmly.

He collected himself.

The first sequence of towns is no longer in front of us. There is steaming black tea on the white dining table, and the brightly colored biscuits are mouth-watering. Several thick piles of information are spread out aside, with dots on them, marked with various information. Bai's explanation can be understood even by illiterate people who have not graduated from prenatal education. These are project terms that describe special rights and preferential treatment.

Silverston and the divine warriors had receded, replaced by a figure with long golden hair blowing in the wind, and she only had herself in her eyes.

Li Ozi looked into her eyes, not knowing whether he was looking at the other person or himself.

But there is no doubt that he can see that in the eyes of the other party, he looks twenty years older than when he was the emperor in Oshuria.

Not twenty years old in the biological sense.

Just from the other person's eyes, he still looks handsome and young, his skin is as soft as a baby, without a trace of wrinkles. In the eyes of women, he is still beautiful and bright.

But in Li Ozi's mind, he must have changed.

"Lee Oz."

Di Yalan called his name softly:

"Are you feeling unwell? Is it because of the curse on us?"

Only then did Li Ozi realize that three days had passed since he left Silverston and chose to let go of everything.

Now, he is sitting at the negotiation table, discussing with representatives of Di Yalan and Imperial State what Pryor has fought for him..."Proposal on Compensation and Care Treatment for Special Contributors".

"I'm distracted... continue."

Li Ozi shook his head and motioned for the other party to continue.

The representative of the Empire State was a gentle boy. He was serious about his work and spoke clearly, just like an AI. However, he sounded quite comfortable. Seeing that Li Ozi was fine, he continued:

"Okay, regarding your labor value compensation, Mr. WanJia's suggestion to us is: based on the surface area of ​​Haines Planet + Oshuria, 10 million ammonium per square kilometer, all deposited into the Empire account , with the maximum annual interest rate of 5.7%, continue to be stored until all your descendants are extinct..."

"Theoretically, it is impossible to spend all this money, and we can't pay it all. Of course, according to the agreement, you cannot participate in the specific affairs and operations of any armed groups and violent groups. The most you can do is invest in shares."

"Then there is the housing issue that Miss Dialan is more concerned about. You can purchase unlimited real estate and land in any empire and imperial vassal country. If you live long enough, for example, if you live to four or five million years, you You can even buy 12% of the Empire's star territory - of course, the premise is that the Empire is still as small as it is now."

"Then comes the identity and power status. Mr. Pryor thinks that you may prefer to go to the lower star abyss, so you have been assigned to be the special executive officer of the Deep Abyss Bureau of the Empire. You do not need to work, and you can apply to use the Hidden Abyss Bureau at any time. Yuan Port, as long as there is no diplomatic dispute..."

"Then there is the right to avoid prosecution for murder. There are five quotas every year, but they are limited to you personally. Although the empire does not have a nobility system, as far as this is concerned, you are actually a noble of the empire, but I have to remind you, We can't start a war at will, otherwise we will also have a headache. After all, conquering too much territory at once is not easy to distribute..."

"Priority in the allocation of rare resource information. The Empire will notify you immediately after discovering rare resources. You can ignore it or choose to announce it..."

"Then there is Mr. Pryor's gift. This thing called a 'logout device' can 'log out a player's account'... I don't understand what this means, but it seems that after doing this, Mr. Pryor is with you. Draw a clear line and I won’t pay attention to you anymore, and naturally I won’t monitor you.”

Every privilege, every asset.

Endless power and endless money.

Li Ozi didn't know how much Price Pryor had to pay to make the proud empire accept these things. Many of the terms were just like what the representative said. Except that he had no power to decide the disintegration of the empire, other places No worse than the Philosopher King.

In theory, this special treatment and power will continue as long as he has one descendant to continue.

Moreover, this is not the final decision.

The representative has hinted more than once and almost made it clear to him: This can still be discussed.

There's nothing wrong with that, right?

"Is there anything else you are dissatisfied with?"

"……So be it."

Li Ozi said casually.

The empire gave him a lot, more assets than he had ever earned in his life.

The representative of the empire was a little surprised. His expression seemed very strange. As long as Li Aozi received such a small amount of treatment, a normal person would take the opportunity to speak loudly, especially asking a ruthless monarch like Li Aozi to give up his arms and political status.

But no.

Li Aozi didn't care about the specific regulations. He was distracted the whole time, but Di Yalan had been studying these.

"We will submit these revised parts to His Majesty the Philosopher King for review."

The representative nodded and put the documents away:

"You two haven't seen each other for a long time, so we won't disturb you for now and say goodbye."

The representative of the empire left.

Di Yalan sat next to him and entertained, or rather...served, him warmly.

She really hadn't seen him for a long time. He had almost forgotten this former classmate and colleague. She told him about her past experiences.

"The White Candle Star was destroyed not long after. [Society] destroying my home is like crushing an ant."

"I was taken in by the Empire. It's fair here. I spent a long time working here... The Crystal Tower civilization was also destroyed, and my student status file was lost with it, so I started from the bottom, typist. , courier, office clerk, after passing the immigration exam, I started self-study, passed the civil service exam, and went to Xingyuan with the Qianyuan team to experience..."

"Now, I am also a Sigma-level person. It's great to be able to keep up with you, but it's even better to be able to see you in person."

Di Yalan has changed a lot from her impression. It may be because of her excellent bloodline. Time has made her mature, but she has retained her girlish appearance and youthfulness. The advantages of immortality are fully demonstrated in her. Even if she returns to a peaceful life, Her strength will continue to grow and she will always be able to keep pace with herself.

She had her blond hair tied up, wore a professional suit, and learned to put on light makeup and wear contact lenses, the kind of contact lenses with strange gradient colors that could rotate. Li Ozi remembered that this was a fashion that was only released in version 14.0. He didn’t know what Dibang was. Where did she get it... Anyway, she acted fashionable and beautiful, just like a successful elite female of the empire.

Even so, Di Yalan still maintains a high degree of enthusiasm for himself.

But Li Ozi really couldn't bear to tell her one thing.

When he saw Di Yalan for the first time, the first thought in his mind was:

‘Who is this? ’

"This is the tea I brought from Qun Yuan. Those artists of humanistic narrative are amateurs at fighting, but they are experts at enjoying life. I'm afraid even Red King is envious of their nourishing days. Try it -"

Di Yalan picked up the teapot, but found that Li Aozi had not touched a sip of tea, so she put down the teapot, looked at Li Aozi, and said:

"This body different from before, but I can still see you at a glance. It's really strange."

"Not surprisingly."

"Yeah, you are who you are after all."

"The [Domination] system is all like this. The beautiful appearance is actually the same, so the temperament will be more recognizable than the appearance."

"...Yes, your temperament is more special than your appearance."

The girl, who is smart and capable and of noble blood, organized her words awkwardly:

"How are you doing after all these years?"


"...I heard from the representative that you lost a lot of things and secretly destroyed the empire you built with your own hands."

"Oh, that one was actually destroyed by me. I deliberately blamed it on the secret, so as to arouse sympathy."

"Then, if you want, we, we can build one—"

Di Yalan pinched the corner of his clothes and said:

"The two of us, together..."

"Thank you. I'm retired and have no plans to make a comeback for the time being."

Every time Di Yalan mustered up the courage to change direction and launch an attack, it was like a spear piercing a windmill. Not only did he fail to penetrate the defense, but he also fell over.

But she was not discouraged.

She carefully studied Li Aozi's expression, and seeing that Li Aozi had no obvious mood swings, she grabbed his hand:

"I love you, Li Ozi. Apart from my mission, you are the only reason I have to survive!"

Li Ozi turned his eyes and looked at the woman who was chasing him all the way down.

Forty years have passed since he left Jingyuan and came to Oshuria.

For Di Yalan, there is no difference between forty years and a blink of an eye... Although he has become an immortal species early on, Li Aozi rarely thinks from that perspective.

Therefore, in his opinion, the woman in front of him was really strange.

It's like at a class reunion many years later, your female classmate who has never borrowed homework to copy a few times suddenly comes to you and confesses her love to you.

He looked at the other party, but his mood was very calm. Neither can I recall what happened in the past, nor can my warm love ignite my heart that has been immersed in the battlefield and political situation for many years.

Li Ozi just said:

"so what?"

"I... plan to give up on my mission."

Di Yalan smiled bitterly:

"Actually, it's not so much giving up as I just can't do it anymore."

"The mission..."

Just when Li Ozi was about to ask what it was, Di Yalan nodded and said:

"Yeah, I told you."

She took out a pendant from her arms and said softly:

"I am not a natural Dragon Titan, but a weapon specially crafted by someone."

Li Ozi closed his mouth and listened quietly.

"My 'father', or the maker, is a former [Doctor] member of the [Hidden Society]. In addition, he also has an unspeakable identity: Red King's younger brother."

In the past, Li Ozi would have been shocked when he heard this, and then asked for details.

But now, he has retired and just nodded calmly:


"[Doctor] hated himself for becoming a member of the invaders. He betrayed the secret very early, but was tied up and imprisoned on Haines by Red King. He watched the destruction of Haines. Thanks to [Scholar] Lai With your help, he finally escaped and settled in the Star Abyss."

Dialan rubbed the pendant and whispered about the past that she had never mentioned to anyone:

"You all know what he did on White Candle Star. He helped many members of the former [society] escape from the mother body. He saved many people and helped them gain freedom. Even Meganiobium Ross, the former Speaker of the Machine World, also No exception."

"Speaker Lyle is not a pure earthling. He was moved by [Doctor]'s actions. Of course, it is also possible that he wanted to fight against the claims of [Emperor] and [Collector], so he silently provided a lot of help to [Doctor]. Help. This includes producing my raw materials.”

"——Necrotic virus."

Necrotic virus?

Li Ozi had never heard of such a thing.

Whether it's in the game or in my acquaintance as Lord Leoz.

Instinct told him that this was not Xingyuan's creation.

He motioned for the other person to continue.

"The synthesis method of the Necrotic Virus comes from another world. The two infected people felt sympathy for our plight and gave us the weapons they relied on. Only this kind of virus comes from another world and is not in the Star Abyss at all. Only with weapons in the Earth’s double helix system can we have the possibility of defeating the [Secret Society].”

"The [Doctor] hated the greed of the [Collector] and the cruelty of the Emperor, so with hatred, she used dragons and titans as the original materials to create weapons that could absorb ether and convert it into power, allowing her to Even after his death, he can exert his power to dismantle the hidden system.”

“The so-called [society] also requires talented people. The best way to kill [society] is not to defeat [society] from the outside, but to disintegrate it bit by bit from the inside, so that the hidden members themselves lose their dependence and belief in [society]. Even if Gaia has a hundred kilograms of Origin Earth, it is possible that it will disintegrate under such long-term encroachment."

Di Yalan looked at Li Aozi, her eyes as gentle as lake water:

"In order to fight against the virus, [Doctor] used the power of the virus. Although this was not a perfect ending for the virus and the host, there is nothing in the world that leaves no regrets, so even though he felt guilty, he still chose to make I, the Dragon Death Weapon, bear the title of Leoz, the last brave man who fought against the secrets - Dialan (the agent) of Mephidria."

"Think about it this way, it's like I was born because of you."

Li Ozi shook his head:

"I'm not a brave man, just a common man."

"What's wrong with ordinary people? When a flood comes, the ones who stand up to block the waves are all ordinary people, aren't they?"

“Class is bad.”

"Then don't think about what's available and what's not."

Di Yalan held his hand and said shyly:

"Mr. Leos, since I was born, I have been following the example of Agent Leos to eliminate the secrets. But now, if even the agent himself has given up the fight, then I actually have no reason to continue doing it. "

"That doesn't mean...your father must hope that you won't give up halfway, right?"

"No, he let me make my own choice. It seems that in the end, he still regarded me as his daughter."

"Even if it contains hatred, the weapons made for revenge are still filled with emotional efforts. Verlia, the Fairy of the Lake, and some people who have been helped by him all praise him. In this cold and cruel star abyss, The gentlest one is actually an Earthling."

"He's a Haines guy."


"[Doctor] calls himself Levolushin Docter, and his original name is: Adel King. He was born in the dominant universe, on the planet Haines, in a shack on the outskirts of Haines City, the capital of the Principality of Wake. His parents are A steamboat dockworker from downtown. His sister/brother is Red King, a child laborer with a broken leg.”

Di Yalan recalled carefully:

"Levolushin once said: Before Red King joined the secret, he was just a worker who wanted to support his younger brother and sister with his own efforts. Even if she (he) faced the murderer who chopped off his leg, , It’s just to put the other party in jail through legal proceedings. The first thing to do when making money is to improve the food for his younger brothers and sisters.”

"Red King was very happy for a period of time. She (he) rented a villa in the countryside and made money by digging truffles. Then she started studying law with others and doing some work for others. Later, she made money and started Investment... The more money she made, the more indifferent Red became. Others became slaves of money, but Red was keen to turn others into slaves of money. Eventually, she grew horns and scales and became the incarnation. For the dragon.”

"I have never heard of this... I knew she was a child laborer, but I didn't expect this experience."

"It's normal. Not many people in the Star Abyss know that Red King is the secret speaker."


"Lee Oz."


"Actually, if I keep swallowing ether, I will become like Red King - not that I will become the Speaker, but I will gradually lose my emotions."

Di Yalan took Li Aozi's hand and explained:

"Before I met you, I had already devoured the etheric blood of seven secret citizens, so when I faced you, I was always cold and devoid of any emotion."

Li Ozi was not surprised:

"Aether is inherently a poison, and you sacrificed a lot."

"Remember what I said? Apart from my mission, you are the only reason why I want to exist and live."

She stretched out her hand and carefully touched Li Ozi's cheek:

"I want to be with you - after the last bottle of etheric blood was used up, I was trapped in the Empire and couldn't go anywhere. For countless days and nights, I kept thinking about the meaning of my existence, and finally came to this conclusion. "

"Without you, I would choose to close all my emotions and continue to devote myself to the mission of eradicating the secret."

"You are the only reason that can make me give up this mission and choose to live."

"Mr. Li Ozi, I have admiration for you. This emotion is not purely out of love for your beauty, nor is it just pure love - this is not purely love. You can make me have a bright future." And a grand life, rather than simply acting as a weapon repeatedly.”

"I need you in my life, and the pounding of my heart at this moment is the best proof."

Di Yalan took his palm and pressed it on her heart:

"The Mother Goddess of Redemption, the most merciful, gentle, and benevolent Lian is settled above. Witnessed by the sun, moon and stars of the six abyss - I will turn into a compassionate spiritual deer and faithfully accompany you. I I will lick your wounds through thick and thin. I am the most attached wife, who will never waver in my love. I am the most loyal mother, who will nurture my children until they grow strong. I am the strongest friend, who will face the end hand in hand with you."

Her heart was hot, pure, and the violent beating proved the uneasiness in her heart, which was in sharp contrast to her calm words.

"Whether you are Leos, Leos Dominate, or [the Living God] Mr. Leos, I love and like all your postures. I will accept the beauty, the ugliness, being stared at by others, Every one of you who is hated by others, in memory, and in reality, even if you are abandoned by the whole world, I will still only depend on you. "

"My dear, I hope to be with you as a partner. Are you willing?"


Di Yalan's eyes dimmed, he lowered his head and said softly:

"Really? Sure enough, it's still a loss... huh?"

Li Ozi took back his palm and said:

"I'm too busy, I've never been married, I've never been in love, I don't know anything about these things, those things, how to love or be loved, and who to choose as your partner - but if it's you, it's not impossible. "

Di Yalan was stunned.

——He, he agreed?


It wasn't until Li Ozi called her that she woke up from the shock. She grabbed the document bag and followed Li Aozi. She was still a little unbelievable. She leaned against Li Aozi's shoulder and asked in a low voice:

"Um, Li Ozi, what do you like about me? Ah, I mean, do you like anything about me? I specially learned to put on makeup and use contact lenses... right? Is this better looking?”

"That's not true. To be honest, I almost forgot what you look like."

"Eh-ah? Then why did you-"

"It's a living life after all. You said I wouldn't be able to live without it, so what can I do..."

"That's just, uh, just a figure of speech, hyperbole."

"Oh, then let's go."

"Although the words are love for you is not exaggerated at all."

Di Yalan took Li Ozi's arm:

"Besides, this is my first time in love, so don't think you are the only one special."

Li Ozi said casually: "Well, the cannon fodder gods are indeed not special. They are all mass-produced."

"Even if you fell off the assembly line, I won't dislike you."

Di Yalan took a deep breath and smiled brightly:

"It's just like when we were in school. We study together, but this time the lesson is to learn the ability to love others."

"I went to college for six years, failed the class and repeated one year, and then got a bachelor's degree."

"Then you're lucky, I've already got a doctorate in Imperial State."

"Actually, I even cheated to get into my undergraduate degree. I'm just a technical secondary school student."

"It's okay. The lower you start, the higher your achievements will be."

"You're the first one who didn't laugh at my secondary school education."

"Hmm... maybe I'm the first doctor to fall in love with a technical secondary school?"

They just kept chatting.

There is no fixed topic, most of the time it’s just random chatting.

Li Ozi doesn't have any romantic genes. He will watch short videos while eating, commenting sharply on facts, and then suddenly jump to the topic that it is better to grind coffee beans by hand.

Di Yalan, who holds a doctorate, is not much better than him, but with her rich professional experience, she obviously knows a lot more than Li Ozi, who only knows about murder and terrorist attacks.

"Oz, do you want to have Haines' wedding or White Candle Star's wedding?"

"It doesn't matter, there's always money to spend anyway."

"It's so troublesome... How about we get the certificate and go home, and I'll make you garlic noodles? And add a roast duck leg?"


Before Li Ozi and Di Yalan returned to the Empire, they applied for the "Permanent Civil Relationship Cohabiting Partnership" at the Empire's embassy in the Jingyuan Federation.

The empire does not have something as backward as the marriage system. Property is divided among each other. It is more similar to a civil relationship that is deeper than the relationship between male and female friends and includes lovers and bed partners.

It sounds complicated, but in fact it is not simple at all. This couple is divided into ten levels. As time goes by and the number of offspring raised together increases, the empire will provide some material and spiritual rewards to the couple. Those who can reach 10 levels, Most are immortal species.

Both Li Ozi and Di Yalan received Imperial ID cards. Li Ozi did not acquire Imperial nationality, while Di Yalan officially immigrated and became a naturalized citizen of the Imperial country, identifying with the imperialist narrative of the Imperial country.

After all, she still has a normal job. Even if she achieves financial freedom, she does not intend to relax, but continues to study and practice.

In fact, the welfare of the Empire is not low, but those above the middle class cannot be lazy and lazy. The social environment of the Empire despises those who do nothing to benefit from welfare, and they will call them "incense burner ashes".

It's not wrong to say that the empire only raises these people to collect human heads for the grand narrative and the gods to support. After they die, they still have to be integrated into the grand narrative to provide assistance for the expansion of the inherent time domain.

——The empire has raised you for life and bought out your destiny.

Citizens of the Empire who are a little more aware will think that work is a process similar to 'self-realization'. They strictly control their diet, rarely drink alcohol, and have entertainment only for social interaction. They are keen on political discussions and economic activities, and often participate in outings. It is better to let children die on the battlefield than to turn into incense burner ashes.

But this is not a very scary thought. After all, a normal family in the empire, a couple, only counting the human race in the universe, will raise an average of 12 children.

Extremely high welfare benefits have not increased the fertility rate. Compared with the large amount of manpower consumed by the imperialist narrative, twelve children in a family is really not that many.

According to the report of the statistics department, if the empire wants to maintain balance, it is normal for a human couple to have at least 60 babies every hundred years.

However, this is actually a bit difficult for couples with higher class levels. The higher the class, they still look human on the surface, but in fact they are basically similar to the gods on the inside. The Yuanyuan gods are not capable of fertility, so The continuation of future generations basically depends on the citizens of the empire at the bottom.

The huge lower-class population, on the basis of the basic welfare provided by the empire, can always produce a few geniuses with extraordinary talents. Li Ozi occasionally passes by kindergartens that house and train geniuses. Some children in them are even born with awakened sequence arcana. .

Li Ozi no longer cares about external affairs.

In fact, there is no way to care. Staying in the inherent time domain, there is no concept of time at all.

If he and Di Yalan lived according to the schedule in the inherent time domain, they would probably still be on their honeymoon until the day the empire disintegrated.

Because he really couldn't adapt to the time in the empire, Li Ozi still lived according to the schedule in Oshuria. Di Yalan also changed her schedule in order to accompany him.

In this way, according to outside world time, Li Ozi and Di Yalan had a child 29 years after they entered into a common-law partnership.

There is no pain or rough process. Di Yalan is half dragon blood, and Li Aozi also has [bloodline] mimic dragon blood - so the child is born from an egg.

The couple sat in front of the incubator with popcorn and a video camera, watching the little guy push open the dark golden dragon egg with his inverted triangular head, then break out of the shell, open his pink mouth and gnaw bit by bit. Drop the eggshell fragments to replenish yourself with energy, then roll your lizard-like body into a ball and begin to sleep.

After sleeping for two years, the little girl woke up. In her dream, she accepted the inheritance of the Dragon Clan. It was not clear exactly what it was, but those blue eyes were almost carved out of the same mold as Li Ozi.

In the 31st year, the daughter of Li Ozi and Di Alan learned the dragon language, and the dragon name was "Sesilicia Ibrado Alexandra Juejin".

The mortal name Li Liya was given by Li Aozi.

That year, the [Emperor] of the [Secret Society] suddenly appeared in Qunyuan, attacked 24 followers of Qunyuan God, split the earth's veins, and claimed that 'everything south of the earth's veins is the territory of the people of the earth'.


In 34 years, Li Ozi logged out of the NPC system and disappeared from [player] Pryor's sight.

"I know you will make such a choice."

Pryor smiled slightly and looked at the screen in front of him with relief.

The official website of "Xingyuan" released a notice:

"...Mr. Li Ozi, who has been with us since the beginning of closed beta testing, has finally found his destiny in life. KitKat Network has been committed to creating a real video game. We believe that even in a virtual world, characters should be Have your own life. Let us finally congratulate Mr. Li Ozi on his successful graduation. At the same time, as the oldest NPC in "Star Abyss" goes offline, "Star Abyss" will present you with a new surprise - the 14.0 expansion pack: "Garden of the Void"!

"Are you fed up with being blocked in the abyss by the void, and can only be beaten? The Zhouyuan separated by the void prevents us from liberating our own potential. No matter how big the abyss is, it cannot satisfy the players' strong curiosity. ——Now, this is all history!”

"Dear sirs, you have all reached the status of demigods. It is time for us to officially reveal the truth of Xingyuan and march into the void! The goal is to capture [Dusk Qing] from the Sutra Singing Academy!"

In the same year, in Yuanyuan's reality, Elevente (Yu Tianxiao) was betrayed by a traitor and arrested by Lian Ding's subordinate Xu Fu.

"Elevant, as a company employee, why do you want to rebel?"

Xufu stepped on Elavent's finger and asked coldly.

"The truth...cannot be hidden."

The tortured and dying Elevent glanced at Him and answered like this.

Xu Fu was not satisfied with the answer, or it was not the answer he expected:

"Is that all?"

Elavent grinned, and his porcelain skin cracked and shattered:

"...You lied to me that I have a wife, but I found out that she was fake."

"It's boring."

Xu Fu waved his hand:

"Bring it to Rand Lord and let him deal with it. Next - throw Atrea Nightwind in."


In 49 years, Li Liya awakened her arcana and magic talents at the same time. After Li Ozi asked for her opinion, he agreed that she should choose the path she liked - [Destruction] system.

Li Aozi and Di Yalan did not care about the training of their offspring. They had enough assets and time, but they only lived in an 80-square-meter apartment building every day. Li Aozi would usually read books and surf the Internet, and then began to ask Cultivation, reciting Taoist scriptures, sitting and meditating is no different from that of an ascetic monk.

Li Liya was sent to kindergarten and received guidance and training from professional teachers.

In August of this year, Yuan Yuan announced that Yuanshen had abolished all status, deprived him of his status as a divine warrior, and demoted him to an evil god.

The announcer is Rand Lord.


In 1966, Li Liya met a [Mechanic] boy while studying. This young man named Du Heping was half of the Tool Clan. He has a cheerful and straightforward personality, and is a good boy who hates evil as much as he hates it.

Unlike other [Mechanics], this person has extremely good luck.

When she was in danger, she picked up treasures instead, and her rank broke through continuously, which made others envious.

When she encountered a strong enemy, she was as strong as a monster with a wave of her hand. Her partners could not defeat her even with all their strength. She broke out in desperation and used the ancient doom aura. The enemy was cursed by [scourge] and turned into ashes in an instant.

In comparison, Li Liya is actually quite ordinary.

If she had not seen the shell break with her own eyes, Di Yalan once suspected that the child was not her own.

Humanoid posture: In terms of appearance, except for the eyes, she did not inherit any advantages from her father. Her parents are 180 cm tall on average, and she is only 1.5 meters tall. Even in Frost Plating, she is considered disabled.

Intelligence level: Three plus two equals the activation of the fifth personality. She has never finished a winter vacation homework and was pinched by Di Yalan with a feather duster.

Combat power: Very good at fighting. She beat her father at the age of six and her mother at the age of nine. Now both of them dare not take her to work.

Fortunately, Du Heping can beat her.

Although Du Heping is 104 years older than Li Liya, the two fell in love very quickly. Age is not a problem for Li Liya, who has dragon blood.

Perhaps the only problem is that there is a physical difference in their body structure.

After all, Du Heping is 18 meters tall and weighs 52 tons, as handsome and flawless as an RX-0 Unicorn Gundam, while Li Liya is only 5 meters tall at this time, a cute little flying dragon with cherry red porcelain scales.

But pleasure is the seasoning of love. Who says that circuit boards can't have crystals with hormones?

Li Aoz has some experience in alchemy and can already refine a pill that can allow low-level [Destruction] Dao strongmen to force a breakthrough.

He calls it the foundation-building pill.

On the first snow of the year, Leanding announced that he would hand over all power and the seat of the Lord God, and gave everything he had to his successor, Rand Lord.

When Rand Lord and the warriors of the Revolutionary Party thought they had finally made it, Leanding burst out with vigorous vitality.

After receiving the "Leanding Medical Agreement with Amendments", Rand Lord was exploited with all his strength. The number of resurrections per day increased to 10 times through the power of the young Lord God.

From this moment on, although Rand Lord became the Lord God, the power of Yuanyuan was still controlled by Leanding.

The revolution that the Zhenwu Party tried to achieve by undermining Leanding was completely declared a failure.

66 years later, the minority class still controls Yuanyuan.


In 104, Li Liya and Du Pingbu held a grand wedding. Unlike Li Aozi and Di Yalan, the two young people were full of romantic cells. They found a temple to hold the wedding, used Li Aozi's endless property to find the group to take wedding photos, and finally spent their honeymoon in Jingyuan.

Li Liya chose to get married, and went to a vassal state of the Empire to hold an old-time wedding. She looked ordinary, but after she turned into a human form, she was dressed in a phoenix crown and a bridal robe, showing her elegance and grace.

Di Yalan said to Li Aozi: "It seems that our girl has a temperament."


At his daughter's wedding, Li Aozi was still casually browsing the news.

The headline of the news that day was: The Advent Corps suffered a great defeat in the void, and [Dusk Lord] tore apart the "Heavenly Killing Star Lord" Xu Kefu.

At the same time, the Hunter Association, which had been silent for two hundred years, announced a formal declaration of war against [Society] and the Evil God Alliance. The spokesperson of the association, Pro Letalia, announced: "We have accumulated enough strength to deal with even more dangerous situations than when Haines was there."

In the second half of the year, the Life Commune announced its restart with a new attitude. This time, they no longer only absorbed progressive elements of anti-narrative civilization, and even not just living people, but appeared as a semi-armed and semi-research organization for the "anti-oppression, anti-invader, and anti-hegemony cause."

The Life Commune was renamed the Pan-Life Progressive Revolutionary Committee, which has three organizations under its jurisdiction: the Crisis Rapid Response Assault Team, the Life Characteristics Guardian Team, and the Interstellar Pioneer Team, which respond to natural disasters and armed wars, provide medical assistance and directly confront the [Society] \u0026 Evil God Coalition.

Mr. Liu'e was appointed as the first chairman.

This time, they did not choose to fight against the entire world, but cooperated vigorously with the Interstellar Alliance. With their change of strategy, the number of Pan-Revolutionary Committee members continued to grow.

On the last day of the year, Rand Lord, under the order of Leanding, signed a friendly agreement between Yuanyuan and Earth with the representative of the Secret Council [Soldier] Militre.

After discussion and voting, the Secret Council promised not to invade the Yuanyuan universe, but the colonization rights of the earthlings in the lower Xingyuan needed to be guaranteed-they did not like the upper Xingyuan, which would limit their strength, and the three hegemonies of the Empire-Group-Temple would easily assimilate the colonists of Earth.

Rand Lord said that the players would conquer the void as soon as possible to stabilize the situation. Escort the peace and friendship between the two civilizations.

After the Secret Council obtained the colonization rights, it immediately withdrew from Yuanyuan.

On the same day, the gods of Yuanyuan found that there were no more English readings and "antique relics" on the market.

Leanding, who was living in seclusion behind the scenes, breathed a sigh of relief. With his successful mediation, the Secret finally stopped infiltrating Yuanyuan.

Now that the Secret's problems have been solved, it is time to free up and deal with the restless rebels.


In 205, Li Liya and Du Heping were affected by war during their interstellar travel. Li Liya died after failed rescue, and the latter was forced to choose to upload his mind.

Li Liya's age is fixed at 176 years old, and Du Heping is 280 years old this year.

The [Gourmet] member of the [Secret Society] got into a fight with a player whose ID was ‘Don’t Eat Coriander’. The two of them shattered half of the nebula. It later turned out to be a violent conflict caused by a quarrel.

[Gourmet] Chen Xiaochen insists that coriander and root are delicacies in the world. Players who don’t eat coriander will angrily accuse each other of being heretics.

After the mediation, the two unexpectedly became partners because of this incident.

This matter was published in the official game press.

"Actually, they're not that scary, are they?"

"Maybe it's just us who are biased."

"Long live the friendship between Earth and Xingyuan. Peaceful coexistence is the last word."

Although Dibang notified the family members as soon as possible, due to the inherent time difference, several months had passed by the time Di Yalan and Li Aozi knew about the incident.

Di Yalan's mood was very sad. She always said she disliked her daughter, but in fact when she actually lost her child, she felt as if the sky had fallen. No matter how much Li Aozi comforted her, it was useless.

She kept crying all day long, and then she would be in a daze. Sometimes she would take out the clothes she had worn since she was a child, and keep spreading them, smoothing them, and then folding them up.

It was not until three months after the funeral that Dialan returned to normal.

Li Ozi drank lemonade on the day he saw the body, and wore a gray sports suit and white canvas shoes when his daughter was buried. He did not shed any tears, but he remembered that the herb roast chicken on the day of the funeral was delicious.

Later he realized that Dialana was not mentally disturbed during those three months because of her daughter's death.

On the day of the funeral, Dusk Qing led the Lords of the Void down to the abyss. People expected that he would not be satisfied with being just an ordinary righteous god, but wanted to become the main god.

"Qing Dusk is going to the Abyss to look for [Yuanyuan Tianzun] Sorao Pialinus, or Pialinus Sorao, it doesn't matter anyway, 'Sorao' is from the [Weird] God Clan "Honorary title."

Silverston sent a letter of condolences to Li Ozi and told him a few small things:

"The Twilight Lord has already completed the Omega Level (24) achievement fifty years ago. Pialinus is probably not the opponent of the Twilight Lord. By the way, what level are you at now?"


In 271, Di Yalan filed for divorce.

"I have spent nearly three hundred years trying to teach you to love and be loved, but you have made no progress. Mr. Li Ozi, I can always love you, but you have loved me, your children, and us. Even if it’s just a minute or a second?”

Li Ozi rolled up the creamy mushroom noodles with a fork, chewed it carefully, took a sip of his favorite lemonade, and then signed the "Agreement to Terminate Permanent Cohabitation Relationship".

Although the empire stipulates that property belongs to everyone, Li Aozi has given many gifts to Di Yalan.

When moving out of the house, Di Yalan stayed behind.

Li Ozi opened Di Yalan's room and looked at the neatly arranged women's clothing and cosmetics that had never been touched.

"Maybe I'm not the only one who doesn't understand love."

In the afternoon, the golden dragon warrior monk Archer sent him a letter.

He often writes to himself and is Li Ozi's good pen pal.

"An unprecedented humanitarian disaster broke out in the void. Ninety billion compatriots in the Star Abyss were massacred by [Emperor] Amcharo. The whole world was shocked. Such atrocities shook the entire Star Abyss, and made His Majesty Rand Lord sign the The "Earth-Star Abyss Friendship and Peaceful Development Agreement" has become a piece of waste paper. The people on Earth will not respect us at all. They slaughter us like wild beasts! "

"I have joined the volunteer team. The Void has provoked many enemies in the past and invaded many narratives, but their crimes are only worthy of trial by us citizens of the Star Abyss, not people on Earth. Fortunately, many people follow me Same!"

"Dear Li Ozi, the people who came to serve as volunteers are at least demigods. There are also five god supporters and artificial gods who have volunteered. The empire's cosmic human officer, the temple's spiritual priest, and the group's dragon descendant Capitalists, undead, shadow demons, demons, people from the future... too many, almost all ethnic groups in the universe, people from all walks of life are standing together!"

"Long live all the grand narratives, long live the unity of the people of the universe, long live the people of the Endless Star Abyss!"

“——I don’t know what time it is, but it’s snowing blue in the sky.”

This was the last letter he sent.

A few months later, Li Ozi saw on TV that a humanitarian volunteer group sent by Xingyuan was attacked by a secret servant army.

The rescue spacecraft operated by 217 volunteers was accurately bombed while distributing food to the refugees in the void.

A man from Earth who calls himself Irgun Haganah Eddie Aif proudly claims responsibility.

This incident angered the Twilight Lord, and he even gave up the nearby Pialinus for it, and massacred the earth's colonial settlements for four consecutive months.

He achieved considerable results, killing the secret jury [Butcher] Bibi Sharon, [Thug] Vahana Moses, [Executioner] Abraham Herzog, and [Smuggler] Menachem Likud , [Lender] Melina Rothschild...a total of 76 people.

Huang Qing was overwhelmed by anger, but Void Narrative calmed down. Void's leadership organization consists of two classes: the Singing Academy and the Reading Club.

The Singing Academy is a place where talents and elites are cultivated in vain. It is actually equivalent to the ruling party.

Book clubs are empty governments and theocratic institutions.

Strictly speaking, the void narrative adopts a typical institutionless government.

The void itself does not organize or set up any departmental government officials, and there are no bureaucrats. Various meetings, committees, associations, basic communes, trade unions, family legions, autonomous groups, and militias have become the order organizations of the void.

The reading club controls the "right to interpret nihilism" and mobilizes all creatures in Zhouyuan who believe in nihilism or "partial nihilism" through the call to nihilists.

The void is more nihilistic than any narrative, but their mobilization and political capabilities are ridiculously strong.

The void contacted the upper narrative as soon as possible through the Qianyuan Port. The void sent a "pigeon", that is, a messenger, who was surrounded by heavy sieges and carried the curse in one breath, rushed from the void to the Jingyuan to participate in the secret meeting of the Philosopher King of the Empire, the Chairman of the Group, and the Pope of the Temple. Then he gritted his teeth and endured the curse, returned to the void in the shortest time, and sent the results of the meeting to the void.

This is not the first pigeon to do this, and it is not only the void that does this. When the players were defeated, they also fled all the way back.

The situation seems to be different from the period of Leanding.


In 555, the Imperial Expeditionary Force failed. Under the cover of the group, they successfully escaped from the abyss.

Li Aoz and Mired Fanny, the ‘Zhi Xiang’, met by chance. She came to the Imperial State to handle some matters for her descendants. The two talked about the past and had a good chat.

Mired planned to take a nap.


In 721, Mired woke up.

“Hey, where is Li Aoz?”

Spirit Deer (Part 2) is being written. I had severe coughing due to pneumonia some time ago and could not work normally. I stayed in bed for nearly half a month and finally reached the point where I could resume writing.

Although I still have a cough, I feel much better after taking some sarcosin and loquat paste.

I will go to the hospital for further examination tomorrow afternoon. If there is no problem, I want to complete the ending of Spirit Deer completely within this week.

There are five more endings. Each ending will not be less than 20,000 words.

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