From star abyss

Chapter 1061 276 Void Line: Leading to the Ending of [White Wolf] (1)

Chapter 1061 276. Void Line: Leading to the Ending of [White Wolf] (1)

[...This is your ending. 】

[If you do nothing, then the Star Abyss and the Earth will find their own way out, and the Original Seeds will continue to promote world innovation. The Destroyers are no longer enemies, but partners fighting for a better world. 】

[Although you will not be so happy, this is already a more peaceful method. 】

[Does beauty and fairness really exist? Anyone with self-awareness should know this. The struggle is just for a better compromise, and the revolution is just to avoid complete destruction. There is never a truly pure beauty and absolutely just balance in this world. 】

[I have tried my best to meet your needs, but since you have given up on this smooth and peaceful road... As a game producer, I can only continue to build the game until the players get through the ending. 】

[I have been trying to reduce casualties and avoid suffering as much as possible. You also understand this. Not all of us on earth are as cruel and bloodthirsty as the British. Many of us yearn for peace and development. 】

[I hope to do my best to avoid the coming of war and destruction. Suffering should not continue to appear in these two worlds. Only poverty and backwardness are the only enemies of civilization...]

[But maybe this is not what you want, Mr. Leoz. What exactly do you desire, I can no longer see clearly. 】

[The spiritual deer is dead, but I can only hear the cry of wolves. 】

[——‘Pryor’ has removed you from the communication list——]


"Mired, will everything be the same in the new world?"

"No, it won't."

"No big deal, let's do it again!"

"Keep destroying old worlds and building them up again and again."

"We are the immortal species, we are the great breeders, we are the spiritual deer in the forest. We are compassionate, we follow the laws of nature, we nurture life, and we stand by and watch."

"If it doesn't work once, do it again, if it doesn't work twice, do it three times, four times, five times!"

"Until complete victory is achieved, until the double helix tragedy of the star abyss and the earth ceases to exist, until the world that Li Ozi longs for is truly realized."


Memories and images passed before my eyes like flowing water.

The ending of [Linglu] has been broadcast. If you choose to compromise, then this will be your end.

Is it considered bad?

In this ending, he has stepped into the ranks of half the original species. His wealth is inexhaustible and his life is inexhaustible. Even if the world repeatedly faces doomsday and reshuffle, he can only watch with cold eyes.

This obviously has nothing to do with ‘bad’.

So, is it good?

Li Ozi cannot be evaluated as "good".

In the repeated shuffling process, the Origin Species proudly control the fate of all things. If it is not suitable once, they will call the Destroyer again to overthrow everything.

Maybe, it will come true one day.

It takes tens of billions of years to nurture the universe, hundreds of millions of years to nurture life, tens of millions of years to give birth to civilization, hundreds of thousands of years to gallop through the stars, tens of thousands of years to come to the throne of God, and thousands of years to forge narratives.

But it only takes a few breaths to start over.

The twists and turns of the years, the beauty of the world, the traces left by all things and civilization are all erased in the shuffle.

Without the history of the past, even if the so-called ideal harmonious society is achieved in the future, what does it have to do with the present?

This is not a change and innovation that inherits the afterglow of the previous dynasty, but a cruel and indifferent format.

Even if one day the construction of the ideal world is completed, what does that have to do with us now?

Peasants farmed for food and clothing, workers worked for wages, soldiers killed enemies to protect their families and country, bureaucrats ruled for promotion and power, and emperors expanded territories to fight for hegemony.

Fame and fortune.

What sounds tacky is actually the foundation upon which the real world is built.

The reason why I am who I am is because all my past experiences have made me who I am, rather than denying myself, my past, and my origin over and over again.

I can light a fire and burn myself to death, but after death I must be reborn from the ashes.

Otherwise, what does the so-called ideal unity mean to me?

"Silverston, did you just see that future?"

Li Ozi raised his head and looked straight at the bright light on the ceiling.

The light passed through the hair on his forehead and penetrated into his irises, which instantly shrank to a tiny dot.

"I can't see anything."

Silverston whispered:

"That's your future, Leoz, and only you, and you alone, can see it."

Li Aozi held his breath and concentrated.

——Why did I get to where I am now?

Watch intently.

——For fame and fortune?

He stretched out his hand toward the bright light.

——For fairness?

There was only pure light in his eyes.


"...I must control it with my own hands, build it with my own hands, and lead people to the real ideal world myself."

Li Ozi slowly lowered his head and stood in front of Silverston.

"I didn't come this far because of what Xingyuan owes me, and I don't care about the length of time. I'm not such a selfish person."

"I didn't come this far for the sake of all sentient beings, for the sake of restoring peace and clarity to the world. After all, I'm not that noble of a person."

"Silverston, I'm human."

“I realized this when I stripped myself of all the idiosyncrasies.”

"It's not a human being in the racial sense, it's not a human form in body shape, it's not a human nature in mind, it's not a natural person in the legal sense, it's not an abstract concept."

"I just realized that I exist in this world and society as a person, as a 'human' unit."

He said, pulling out the long sword from his waist.

"Your Majesty, this is unacceptable!"

Shen Shen exclaimed:

"Absolutely not, this will cause chaos!"

"I am alone."

Li Ozi walked up to Rand Lord, who was behind Nie Gu. He raised his sword with both hands above his head and spoke calmly:

"No one from the ancient philosophers to the present or even in the future can explain clearly what the meaning of 'human' is. Maybe you are a human being, I am also a human being, ordinary people are human beings, and those who have become immortals are human beings."

"As long as they still exist in this objective material world and hope to continue to work hard to continue their existence, they are human beings."

"Humans want to live, eat, sleep, and reproduce..."

"I can die, I can be annihilated, I can die in obscurity."

"But you are not allowed to build the Kingdom of Heaven on my dead body! Or build a world without me and all that I have been."

"If there is no human existence in that beautiful ideal society, then go to hell with the ideal of unity and drag those aloof immortal beings into the human world, and be severely desecrated by us backwards!"

"I don't allow that the beauty of other foreign countries must come from our destruction!"

Shen Shen couldn't understand what Li Aozi was talking about.

But he could feel that after the preview of the ending of "Spiritual Deer", Li Ozi already had a belief of his own.

Li Ozi held the sharp blade high, but he did not raise it towards the person who was about to kill him.

Rand Lord had already closed his eyes. He stretched out the middle, ring, and little fingers of his left hand, bending the knuckles of his index fingers and clasping them with his thumb. This was a gesture of understanding among the Yuanyuan Protoss.

"May this road lead directly to the endless star abyss."

After decades of atonement, Rand Lord was already looking forward to death.

After offering his final blessings to Li Ozi, Rand Lord changed his posture. He knelt on his knees, lowered his head, and exposed his skinny neck.

Shen Shen still wanted to stop him, but when he pushed through the crowd and came to Li Aozi who was being executed, the latter suddenly raised his head and gouged him out.

There was no concession in the blue eyes, the pupils were clear and translucent, like two sharp blades piercing into Chen Shen's mind, ruthlessly carving out Li Ozi's will into Chen Shen's thinking.

Faced with Li Ozi's gaze, Shen Shen, who had been insisting on keeping Rand Lord before, stopped speaking at this moment.

At that moment, he seemed to see Li Ozi mediocre for thousands of years in the ending of [Ling Deer]. In the end, he could only watch everything torn down and start over again, watch everything be torn down and reshape, watch everything repeat the same mistakes, watch everything Their era and world were completely erased.

The sun and moon change the sky, and the fireworks no longer exist on earth.

So what if the future is wonderful? How much did it cost?

--I can not be reconciled.

Shen Shen seemed to hear Leoz spit out this word coldly.

——We are not willing to accept that there will be no place for us in the future.

If compromise can lead to peace, then all soldiers are willing to remove their armor and return to their fields.

But the price of peace is no food?

"—Pick up the weapons!"

By the time Shen Shen reacted, Rand Lord had already fallen to the ground.

Li Ozi lowered his body, picked up Rand Lord's head from the ground, raised the sword in one hand, and the head of the Son of God in the other, showing them to everyone. His eyes swept across the gods and warriors, and made a low declaration to them. :

"I did not kill Rand Lord out of hatred. The evil bones have already redeemed his past crimes - I killed the son of Leanding, the successor of the old system of Yuanyuan, and redeemed the advantage of the gods to rule us. tool."

"Today, I will cut off Rand Lord's head. Tomorrow, we will fight back to the source and overthrow the control of Leanding's old tribe. We will cut off the shackles on our bodies and become our own masters!"

"We love peace, we hope that everything will return to the peak of the old era, hope that the golden dream will never dissipate, and hope that we will still be the guardians and heroes of mortals. For this, we can compromise, we can hand over our weapons, and we can stop fighting. ”

"But if the price of peace is for all of us to grovel and be slaves, to be the cornerstone for others to realize their dreams."

"Then go to hell with peace, we would rather be the messengers of war, transforming into natural disasters and sweeping the world!"

"From now on, the Yuanyuan United Front rejects all surrender talks on peace and stability. We will never compromise and will continue to fight until Yuanyuan!"

The dream of a spiritual deer lasts for a thousand years.

Li Ozi's call from the bottom of his heart was mixed with all the feelings he had seen in his dream.

The humiliation of a beautiful homeland reduced to a colony.

Earthlings and fallen players exploited and plundered one after another.

The endless star abyss passed down since the ancient times was destroyed by the Destroyer.

Can't compromise, can't surrender, can't forget to fight!

I can allow my failed self to just lie down and not care about the world because of my weakness.

But that doesn't mean I lost. I surrendered to myself, not to the enemy.

"We will not continue to stay in the Abyss, nor will we retreat to the Abyss. I am going to the void. The void is actually a good place. As long as you defeat these nihilists, they will be willing to cooperate with you. "

Li Ozi stretched out his finger, dipped it in Rand Lord's divine blood, and drew a golden trace on his face.

The divine blood boiled hot, and after a moment it condensed, leaving an indelible mark on Li Ozi's face.

"If we choose to do this, our enemy will be the Secret Council living in the void, as well as the complete void system. This is their local battle, and we have no advantage."

Li Ozi flattened Rand Lord's head, and golden divine blood dripped down:

"Those who are willing to follow me and fight into the void together will have their bodies engraved with the blood of the son of Lian Ding."

"Lian will definitely lock down our traces from now on and send his men to chase us - and that is also our opportunity to weaken the enemy's strength and strengthen our own strength."

"The secret blood can penetrate the Lean Agreement, so once we die in Zhou Yuan, we can never be resurrected. This is no longer the scope of the game. Everyone has only one life. This is war. We make our own decisions. In order to save the world, We must first become the enemy of the world and fight a war.”

"Here I go, if I don't break Qing Huang, I will bury my body in a foreign land."

"My lords, who will go into the abyss with me?"


The divine warriors fell into a deathly silence. They did not whisper or discuss with each other, as if they heard nothing.


Under the ice cap, the lava is constantly surging, and the blazing fighting spirit is growing secretly, accumulating more and more powerful power. The intersection of extreme heat and absolute cold forged people's will like steel.

The protoss warriors are not good at words, especially as there are many slave laborers and cannon fodder gods among them. After awakening, they joined the True Martial Party. They didn't communicate much. They just stepped forward one by one and placed their hands on Rand Lord's head. under.

Tick, tick...

The golden divine blood fell on the porcelain skin, instantly blooming into clear radiating golden threads, which were deeply imprinted on their skin.

Atreya Yefeng wiped the divine blood on his body, and Elevent drew the divine blood in a circle on his neck. They turned their heads and saw that Shen Shen was still standing there.

"Aren't you coming? Qing Shenqing." Atreya asked.

Shen Shen was still struggling. When he heard others asking, he subconsciously murmured:

"This is an act of regicide, something only heretics and evil gods can do..."

"Don't you understand, Lord Shen Shen, that you were demoted by Leandan and demoted by Leos, both are the consequences of the evil god. In the final analysis, your fate is not in your own hands."

Elavent brought the head to Shen Shen:

"Teng Shen, you have spent your whole life serving and being loyal to the rulers of the old order. They have never worried about your betrayal, because just one word of 'evil god' can determine your fate - this is the only thing you can do in this life. The opportunity to change your own destiny, overthrow the old ruler, and take back the initiative of your destiny."

"But this is different from our original appeal. This will lead to a great war in the Star Abyss. We will become sinners for the ages, and we will all be demoted to evil gods..."

"The loser is the sinner and the evil god."

Elavent stared at the other party and said deeply:

"If you win, you will be the new Creator."

"How long will you be trapped by the shackles of fate, so that you are too powerful to defend yourself?"

"We are not evil gods. Those who oppress the people of the Star Abyss and assist the earth's invaders are the ones who work together to dominate us!"

Shen Shen suddenly found that his hand was grabbed by Elavent.

He doesn't like others touching him.

Compared to Elavent of the Jingyi God Clan, his physique is too strong, and he can be thrown away with just a slight push.

However, Shen Shen did not resist anymore. It seemed that he allowed the other party to hold him, or that he took the initiative to pass his hand under Rand Lord's head.

Tick, tick...

"Join us... join in this holy struggle!"

A golden mark is formed under the skin.

Shen Shen raised his head and looked at the compatriots and comrades around him. Every person who arrived had marks on their bodies.

He turned his head and faced Li Ozi.


Shen Shen knelt down on one knee, pulled out his sharp sword from his waist, and held it up in front of Li Ozi:

"Above the Endless Star Abyss, I make an eternal oath to the years and faith: I, the [God of Deep Water and Sea Beasts] Shen Shen, to the Supreme Sect Master, Ruler of Reality, [God of the Present World], Lord of Haines, [ The agent of the will of domination——Leozi, offer your loyalty.”

"I am your light that tears apart the long night, and I am your wall against eternal winter. I swear to defend your glory to the death. All your losses are slanders against me. My loyalty to you, even if the water of the abyss soaks me for hundreds of years. It will not fade even after thousands of years.”

"Long live my Lord God, Your Majesty the Holy Crown of Leoz! Long live the Origin Star Abyss! The creations from the Endless Star Abyss will eventually regard you as the supreme Lord God."

"Please, lead us to dive into the star abyss!"

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