From star abyss

Chapter 114 113. Sonic Predation


Adrenaline was secreted rapidly, and Li Ozi's body instantly twisted around, deflecting gravity and trying to escape from the control of the strong one.

However, unexpectedly, as soon as he pulled away and turned the blade, the long knife immediately touched the air. Not only that, but the professor's unique teasing laughter came from behind.

"Oh yo yo - I've guessed it before. It's really the arcane energy related to controlling gravity."

The strong man appeared and disappeared, and the next moment he suddenly put his slender chin on Li Ozi's shoulder. The big green one eye on the bird-like mask rolled around and said with a smile:

"To deal with this kind of power, just a simple anti-gravity system, you can no longer do whatever you want like before."

This kind of speed - how high does its [Dexterity] attribute have to be? !

Li Ozi quickly activated [Iterative Movement] to distance himself. Just before he teleported, he could still vaguely see the body of the Strong One accelerating with him.

The body shape is completely different from the burly and fierce baby eater. The strong one does not look strong at all, not even much taller than Li Ozi. The body is slender and light, the muscles are as tight as a crane, and the bright yellow carbon fiber armor is like paper The film is as thin and light as a flash, and looks like rebellious and dangerous lightning.

What's striking is its legs. The powerful thighs have inverted feathers and bony jets on the back side. Every time it moves, it will dissipate a lot of heat from them and spit out cyan-blue hot flames.

It actually has a built-in thruster... using chitin, calcium bones, and muscles to create a biomass electric rocket? !


[Iterative Movement] ended, Li Ozi's figure had just landed, and the Strong Man appeared in front of him almost instantly. Li Ozi was frightened, and immediately swung his sharp blade. The Strong Man jumped up on the spot, with a long and evil spirit. The knife was instantly dodged by it.

Not only that, it turned around as nimbly and swiftly as a hummingbird in mid-air and kicked Li Ozi in the chest. Li Ozi hurriedly raised his knife to block, the gravity deflected and transferred most of the force, but he was kicked out as a result. tens of meters.

call out--

The Strong One was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue the victory. It suddenly tilted its head, and the scarlet laser instantly passed by its ears. It tilted its head slightly and looked at Du Zexin who raised the Magnum blaster in the distance.

"Besides my little white mouse, why did a police dog get mixed in?"

The professor spread his hands angrily, and the next moment, the armor behind it bloomed like a bud, the collarbone and chest cavity opened a gap, and the chitin turbofan quickly stirred and sucked in air to perform turbocharging.

At the same time, the nitrocellulose, hydrogen, methane and ammonium perchlorate stored in the body are combined, and the blood pressure drives the plasticizer, which is instantly injected along the blood vessels and mixed into high-energy solid fuel.


Bright lightning shredded the air, Du Zexin's pupils tightened, and the AI ​​lost its lock for a moment, activating the chip plug-in completely out of instinct.

[Rush Hour Military]

Time seemed to freeze and slow down all of a sudden, the body's reaction speed accelerated to the extreme, leaving a series of afterimages and illusions on the spot. Du Zexin raised his hand and threw out a pack of micro-drone swarms, which quickly surrounded the surroundings. The drones instantly Pull the net and spread the electrified smoke to cover your figure.

【Electromagnetic smoke screen】

Controlling the drone, the [Mechanic]'s magic power was quickly consumed. Thanks to Li Ozi being the professor's primary target, and Du Zexin's extremely fast reaction, he was able to free up his hands to make preparations.

‘Tsk—nasty guy. ’

The professor's hand was disturbed by the smoke, and Du Zexin's signal was lost. The muscles of the organism woven by the drone were also affected by the electric current penetrating the body, causing a weak spasm. It secretly tsked and voluntarily withdrew.

"He's not a warrior, but a specialized mechanic? The specialized electromagnetic energy makes my body feel burned."

Zhuangzhuang was slightly surprised.

In the universe, due to the extremely high status of [Magician], the extraordinary energy held by the [Fine Arts] profession is called magic power.

However, there is no inheritance of [Magician] on the Blue Star, let alone the popularization of this title. There is also no standard quantitative system among practitioners.

Even though they are both from the [Exquisite Arts] system, the energy attack of [Mechanic] is somewhat restraining to [Biochemist], and the magic attributes of the two professions are also quite different.

After all, biology is essentially just a sophisticated machine that relies on electric current to transmit signals. It only requires the inflow and precipitation of sodium ions and potassium ions to release electric current.

On the other hand, just because living things are so sensitive, once the [Biochemist] is hit by the specialized magic power of the [Mechanic], the paralysis and damage effects on the highly strengthened muscles will be more intense.


Li Ozi took the opportunity to slash out with his sword, but Zhuo Zhizhi calmly dodged it. In a flash, the god was sitting on the elevated shelf next to him. He quickly turned around and stabbed. Even with the gravity, he couldn't keep up with the opponent's speed. The strong one jumped up instantly, grabbed his shoulders, and used the momentum of his fall to throw him to the ground.


Li Ozi landed on the ground and rolled around, and then was stepped on by his ear.


The strong man squatted down, his one eye reflected Li Ozi's urgent and solemn expression, and said pitifully:

"You're too slow, honey."

As if looking at a conceived chick, the strong man used his chrome-plated nails to lift Li Aozi's chin affectionately. In exchange, Li Aozi quickly retreated and raised his left hand to emit a dazzling white light.


The stinging white light hits the bright yellow carbon fiber armor. The high temperature is absorbed by the outer layer of yellow laminated armor. It is briefly immersed in red heat and actively breaks away from the surface nano-coating to quickly dissipate heat.

"You are very creative and always have new ideas."

The strong person raised his hand to cover his one eye, and at the same time put on a translucent eye mask to quickly protect and adapt.

"This is the arcana that I transformed with my own hands. Do you want to use it against me?"

The professor strolled leisurely, with advancing flames emitting from his back.

Its inverted triangle-shaped bird head is somewhere between an owl and a human. It opens its claws, and the barb-shaped claws immediately create arcs of electricity. The gray horn-like feathers spread outward, like a devil's horns, and gentle streamlined feather marks spread to the back of the head.

Li Ozi used teleportation to distance himself, not daring to show his head, so he hid his figure and quickly scanned the system panel:


[Enter combat status, determining...]

[Main attribute judgment passed]

[Based on your attributes, you will see the following information about the enemy:]

[Name]: ‘Strong One’? ? ? (extremely dangerous)

【Race】:? ?

[Gender]: None (psychological female)

【age】:? ?

[Template]: Ordinary daily NPC (maximum health value +10%)

[Faction]: The Dark Path of Humanity

[Total level]: lv.55

——Main occupation: Fine Arts Department——lv.30 (MAX) [Biochemist]

——Sub-occupation: lv.10 [Biologist]/lv15.[Athlete]

[HP]: 1925/1925

[Mana]: 454/660

[Armor value]: 200/240


Strength - 37

Dexterity - 63


Charm - 16

Intelligence - 66


Professional Talent: Genetic Immortality (Advanced) - You are the pioneer of life, the leader of flesh and blood, and the revolutionary of species evolution. Every time you learn a biochemist's exclusive knowledge, you can gain a point of [Physique] attribute.

Beta Advanced Effect: According to the [Intelligence] attribute, for every 10 points of [Intelligence] you have, you will gain an additional 200 points of 'mimicry' health.

Mimic health cannot be healed and can only be restored after leaving combat.


[Sprint Master] - Running alone can make you a star that attracts much attention. Speed ​​is the meaning of your existence. When you run explosively, your movement speed can briefly exceed your physiological limits.

[Swift Body] - Your body is the envy of cheetahs and jealous of sharp-tailed swifts. No creature on the earth can match your movement speed. The maximum movement speed is +200%.

[Extraordinary Physique] - As a Beta-level warrior, you are undoubtedly an elite. From your cells to your whole body, your physique has surpassed that of mortals, and any damage caused to you by low-level targets is only 90% effective. (Including physical armor penetration, spell penetration, true damage)

[Heart of Engine] - Your body has been specially modified and given a structure like a rocket engine. You can synthesize rocket fuel in your body and use bioelectricity to ignite it to increase your body's output (maximum 1580 horsepower) and movement speed. (The maximum land speed is 1788 meters/second, and the maximum air speed is Mach 3.2)

[Predatory Stance] - You can spread your bionic wings to fly with a combat radius of 180 kilometers, a maximum flight altitude of 12,000 meters, and a dive speed of up to 4 times the speed of sound.

[Biochemical Nozzles] - You have 48 hidden posture adjustment nozzles all over your body. By reducing and controlling the output of the heart of the internal combustion engine, your limbs can have up to 35 degrees of freedom. The spout can also be used as a weapon, spraying mana with the 'infection' attribute.

[Possessing skills]:

(Because the attributes between you and your opponent are too different, most combat skills will not be displayed)

"Breathless Dash", "Death Dive", "Super Speed ​​Movement", "Turbo Boost", "Basic Fighting";

"Objective Materialism", "Underworld Humanity: Emergency Rescue Techniques", "Administrative Management", "Professor Level·Advanced Medicine", "Professor Level·Biochemical Materials", "Professor Level·Genetic Modification Engineering", " Professor Level·Organ Transplantation", "Professor Level·Basic Biology";

[Special equipment]:

[Produced by Live Light Industry ·

When you are in the field:

Projectiles cannot hit you directly.

You are immune to falling damage.

Your body is not captured by gravity and can jump and fly freely.

The damage of all "impact" type attacks you receive is reduced by 18%

[Level]: Beta


The lone green eye rotated freely. It opened the corner of its mouth, revealing its sharp red tongue, and mocked:

"Li Ozi, Li Ozi, do you know what the meaning of education is?"

“Education won’t really change your intelligence, it won’t necessarily make you gain money and social status, it won’t even make you likeable.”

"But education, it can give you clarity and enlightenment - so that you don't make the same mistakes over and over again."

"No matter how many times you kill me, I will always find a way to restrain you."

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