From star abyss

Chapter 120 119. Death fight in a cage (Part 2)

Strictly speaking, the [Weird] department is the profession that requires the most talent. People who can awaken 'psionic power' are considered freaks in the eyes of the world.

The [Dominator] department does not rely on talent. If you don’t know how to shoot or beat people, your arithmetic talent is not enough, and you want to have beautiful special effects to show off - Li Ozi suggests that you can rely on hard liver to join [Star Falling Division] 】This supreme path.

[Weird] I sent it directly to the wrong god who I am not compatible with. The only way to save it is to delete the account quickly and try again.

The Void Orphans are a special type of psykers. Most of them will kill their parents from birth because of the overly powerful psychic powers they were born with. Therefore, these people are called "Children of the Void". , 'Orphan of the Void'. Most people will also become mentally distorted due to the lack of parental companionship, embark on the path of illegal crime, and be miserable and lonely throughout their lives.

There were many NPCs who were orphans in the void in their previous lives, and their background stories made those who heard them cry and those who saw them were sad.

Snow was in a very similar situation. He was an orphan, was adopted, and then read the memories of a large number of criminals and dead people. He also suffered a lot of mental and physical pain. Although his young mind was not darkened, he was still in the underworld. Can't be a normal person.

At least she can still have the mood to protect the people she loves - this can be seen from helping Li Ozi twice before.

However, the strange thing is that after reaching the second level, he never felt Snow's help again.

Those infected by the evil spirit disappear.

Snow also stopped speaking.

All electrical appliances and communications collapsed due to short circuits.

Darkness shrouded their way forward, and all kinds of strange signs were like lingering haze, making it difficult to calm down.

Li Ozi took a look at the mission settlement conditions of "Remember It":

A. "Don't ignore small evils" and massacre all remaining members of the Mingji Humanitarian Rescue Organization. The progress has been reached (108/109)

Reward: Title [Murderer/Butcher/Trampler/Havoc]

[This task has been basically completed by me, and there is only one member left in the Mingji Humanity, ‘Professor’. 】

It's a pity that rewards for title tasks cannot be distributed in stages, and they must be completed in order to get them, otherwise he would be more confident.

B. "Teach a Man to Die": requires the complete killing of "Professor Mingji".

Reward: For every biochemical clone destroyed, a perfect reset of mutation options will be awarded (mutations of rare grade or above will inevitably be refreshed)

[I have annihilated two biochemical clones and obtained two ‘perfect resets’ of mutation options. 】

Li Ozi took a look at the accumulated experience - due to teaming up with Du Zexin, a level 40 [Mechanic], the 150% experience gain of the human talent and the 80% experience penalty became 120%. Therefore, the cumulative experience of the strong and decayed is only 1.27 million.

Counting the biochemical soldiers killed along the way... a total of 1.6 million has been accumulated.

Unfortunately, the mission was not triggered. If he had another 400,000 experience points, he would be able to stack [Mutants] to level 30.

As for C. "Uprooted" requires the eradication of the entire funder and project side of humanity, and also requires that the behavior be made public - this cannot be accomplished in a short period of time, and he has not thought about it.

After scanning the whole thing, Li Aozi found a problem.

"These tasks do not point out the final boss, nor are there hidden branches."

S-level missions, especially Scary-level missions with special characters, did not even prompt these things.

He has advanced so far, and is only one step away from destroying the underworld.

Li Ozi stopped and stood in the middle of the hall, looking back around.

In the dark vision, this empty ward activity area, once the crowd and wards are moved out, turns into a circular structure like the Roman Colosseum.


It's the professor...she wants to trap them here.

All kinds of situations were accumulated together. No matter how old the physiological tissue was, Li Ozi could still react. Du Zexin, who was of a higher rank, reacted faster than him and shouted first:

"Something's wrong, I feel like there's murder around here."


The ventilation ducts overhead burst one after another, pouring out hundreds of tons of red-black liquid one after another. Under the pale light of the emergency lights, it was like a doomsday flood, with a huge momentum.

Tweet Tweet——

[High energy warning! ]

The belated alarm sounded, but it was too late.

Li Ozi and Du Zexin jumped to a high place. At this moment, a majestic and ferocious skeleton gradually emerged from the red-black flood.

"What is that - the red and black liquid that emerged it an animal bone?!"

Du Zexin was horrified:

"The body length is 45 meters and the shoulder height is 19 meters - what a joke, this is not a creature that can be born from the gravity and environment of the Blue Star!"

The ferocious skeleton stands in the red and black waves, like a mainstay that cannot be ignored. Precisely because of its existence, it suppressed the speed of the wave. The water depth of four to five meters blocked the gate with debris, preventing them from easily escaping.

This is a trap, no—it’s better to say it’s just a conspiracy.

The cold red and black liquid covered the second-floor railing of the ward. Under the illumination of the emergency lights, several biochemical soldiers crawled out slowly, their bodies covered in thick red and black smoke.

They opened their arms, and their bodies were completely distorted, growing extra brains and arms. Some opened their mouths wide, and their teeth quickly rotated like circular saws. Some even lost their human form, with canned brains on their heads, like jellyfish. It generally floated, and the firearms and weapons in its hands were also corrupted by flesh and blood, becoming its tentacles and tail.


"Holy shit, what is all this?!"

As a [Mechanic], Du Zexin was completely shocked. This scene of distortion that violated scientific understanding was not so much a creation of science... as it was cursed by the gods.

These biochemical soldiers were originally the living dead whose brains were extracted and cloned, but now they have very few "human" elements left.

What's more, he saw a strange creature with osseous armor growing on it, its lungs flapping like the wings of a mosquito, and growing rhino horns and snake tails. The tank in which it stores its brain is stuffed with 12 eyeballs and pencil-thick nerves, and there are even sheets of muscle tissue that are superimposed to generate electricity, lighting up dazzling electric sparks in the air from time to time.


This is not the human world!

Flesh and blood are like mills and mechanical parts. Just one more look at the physiological structure of these aberrations will cause severe physical discomfort. The pungent and unpleasant smell of corruption and blood is even more overwhelming. When combined with the evil spirit liquid The visual impact of red and black made Du Zexin and Li Ozi feel numb all over.

This is a fear imprinted in the bones of human ancestors.

What one sees, almost beyond the scope of scientific understanding, is the reappearance of the ruins of the mythical Hell and Hades.

"Nature limits the limits of science."

A very friendly female voice echoed in the hall:

"Dear friend, welcome to my Garden of Eden."

"Lee Aozi, your arcana is just a plaything of genetic mutation, and is not worth mentioning under precise calculations."

"Du Zexin, steel and machinery will eventually rust, but genes and flesh and blood will continue to grow and move towards immortality."

Amid the surging red and black waves, the professor’s voice became more sonorous and powerful, full of the passion of bewitching and calling:

"Viva la vida, amigos (Long live life, my friend.)"

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