From star abyss

Chapter 131 130. No more worries

"Damn Frost Plate, you ungrateful thing!"

"Fuck you, you stupid white ghost. Someone took away the arcana and gave it back to someone else."

The fight in the carriage gradually escalated, and when it was about to escalate into a fight with weapons, the door of the carriage was suddenly knocked open.


Gina, who was disheveled and covered in blood, cried and threw herself on the ground. This beautiful girl immediately attracted everyone with her miserable figure.

"Khodro is crazy! He is not human, he wants to kill me!"

"It's Gina, we are from the outside world." Someone was about to go up to help her. Suddenly, a bolt-action rifle was pushed into the car and the trigger was pulled on Gina.


This shot completely ended people's quarrel, and all the passengers looked towards the gate in surprise and horror.

The bullet did not hit Gina, leaving a clear bullet hole in the car behind her.

"Don't come near her!"

There was blood on Khodro's forehead, his face was ferocious, and he said in a deep voice:

"This isn't Gina, it's a monster!"

He was holding the rifle and was about to unbolt it and load it again. The outsider next to him angrily picked up a bench and hit him on the shoulder. Khodro wailed, fell to his knees, and the rifle fell to the ground.


"Fuck you, Mr. Frost! If you can, go home and bully your own women!"

"Get him!"

"He must have wanted to attack that girl, but when he was rejected, he became angry - ugh! Disgusting frost-plated guy."

People from the outside world criticized and cursed Khodro, but Khodro was not frustrated at all. He shouted anxiously with red eyes:

"Leave me alone! Control it! It's not Gina. It killed Li Mu and Gina, and then turned into Gina!"

However, his words aroused the contempt of Shuang Plate and the outsiders alike.

"Are you kidding me? Our arcana has been taken away by Mr. Li Ozi a long time ago."

"Haha, that's what the frost-plated grasshopper is like. Even though he has experienced the dark side of humanity, his quality is still impressive."

Gina covered her face and cried. She was greatly frightened, and her shoulders could not stop shaking. People always subconsciously sympathize with the weak, especially women.

"Lock him up! Wait until Ms. Seriya comes before trying him!" someone suggested.

"That's right, I don't want to be with murderers and gangsters."

"No! I'm not a murderer! I didn't kill anyone! It killed Gina!"

Khodro was dragged up. He stared at Gina with hatred and shouted at the other party at the top of his lungs:

"You monster, you ate Gina - I'm going to kill you! I'll disembowel you, take out your intestines, cut them into pieces!"

His hands and feet were tied up with ropes, and then he was stuffed into a suitcase. Two people went up and kicked and punched him, and beat him severely. One of them pointed a rifle at Khodro, making him squat in the corner with his head in his hands. inside.

"Don't try to escape." The man said, "We won't let you hurt Gina again."

"Hurt Gina?"

Khodro's eyes almost burst out with fire, and he said with shame and anger:

"I like Gina, how could I hurt her, but I can't tolerate the monster who killed Gina and pretended to be Gina."

"Cut the nonsense!"

The man impatiently closed the cabinet, completely blocking Khodro's defense.

Because of this small episode, the original fight suddenly calmed down, and people fell into silence and embarrassment, but no one could admit their mistakes first.

People checked Gina's injuries, but fortunately, the girl was fine.

"Hey, there's blood on your neck too." The girl who was checking noticed the blood on Gina's neck, and immediately reached out to try to open her collar to check.

"don't want!"

Gina screamed and shrank up, her eyes frightened. The girl had to put away her hand. Worried about further irritating Gina, she had to hand her a towel. In order to let Gina have a good rest, people vacated a sleeping room and placed a hot water bottle. , quilt, and when Gina lay down, the girl planned to get up and leave.


Gina begged softly:

"Don't leave me alone, I'm so scared..."

Seeing Gina's tearful eyes, the girl felt very pitiful. Her heart softened and she returned to the room and closed the door to the sleeping room.


The Youth continued to drive forward. The driver, Zhou Liefeng, stared straight ahead. When driving the vehicle in the outside world, you must pay full attention at all times. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, the vehicle may be paralyzed and forced to walk, or the vehicle may be destroyed. Death, corpse exposed in the wilderness.

"Drink some hot water!"

A female voice sounded from behind, and Zhou Liefeng glanced out of the corner of his eye. It was the frost-coated woman named Qiu Ran. She brought a glass of water. Zhou Liefeng took the cup, but did not drink it immediately. He put it aside and continued driving.

Qiu Ran didn't pay attention. She raised her head and glanced at the dark road ahead, and couldn't help but sigh:

"I don't know when I can go back..."

"There's still six hours to go to Bridgeall Station, where we'll stop to rest and do some simple repairs."

"That's it. Thank you for your hard work."

Qiu Ran smiled, turned and left.

Soon after the other party left, Zhou Liefeng opened the side window and poured out the water in the cup.

Qiu Ran returned to Li Aozi's hospital bed and sat down. She seemed to sense someone coming. Li Aozi's eyelids suddenly twitched in his sleep, but then he regained his composure after noticing a familiar breath.

"You really are never idle, Li Ozi, you have turned yourself into an old man at such a young age..."

Speaking of this, she felt a little sad for no reason.

She heard the commotion and quarrels in the car behind, which seemed reasonable at first, but as soon as she saw Li Ozi's aging appearance, and saw the face full of marks and wrinkles - those people's doubts and arguments about Li Ozi immediately Seems extremely ridiculous.

Nomi called her a silly eldest sister, and Qiu Ran didn't think it was meant to be derogatory. She knew very well that she was not smart, but at least Qiu Ran thought she could still distinguish between love and hate.

When a person devotes his life, youth and great efforts to a group of unrelated people, no matter what, they are not qualified to point fingers at Li Ozi. This is a fact.

Qiu Ran complained softly and unconsciously:

"Your battle is over. Just take a good rest. Go to sleep."

Li Ozi's lips moved, and he uttered words that were almost trance-like:


"Hey, what happened to Nomi's arcana?"

Hearing this, Qiu Ran approached Li Aozi and looked at him carefully, and soon discovered something strange.

The texture of Li Ozi's facial skin seemed unclear, and there was a layer of yellowish-white stains. Qiu Ran took a closer look and found that these were not stains, but bulging cuticles.

She carefully reached out her hand and helped Li Ozi tear off the thick dead skin on his face. Then she was surprised to find that under the dead skin, Li Ozi's face had changed from the previous aging and decadence, and his skin was much tighter. , age spots and wrinkles are significantly reduced.

"Is this... Nomi's arcane power helping you?!"

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