From star abyss

Chapter 149 006. In fact, it was to protect Li Ozi’s luck that Du Zexin left voluntarily. He really

The shape of the incubator is like an hourglass, with a large number of runes carved on the outside. The overall structure does not have any sense of technology, and is full of the exquisite aesthetics of a handcrafted workshop.

Li Ozi made an estimate and found that except for mithril (titanium alloy), which he could replace, other magical products including wooden materials were all available.

In many cases, there is no so-called right or wrong in technology - because most of the time, materials and environment determine the development direction of a civilization's technology tree.

For example, some civilizations have good innate materials, such as tea, ceramics, bamboo, and mulberry leaves, with four distinct seasons, and deep and rich terrain. Therefore, the technology tree path they embark on is different from other civilizations. In the early days, they could rely on these things. Don’t be dissatisfied when economic and trade surplus develops.

The universe is very big, and different civilizations have different environments, and the materials they use locally are also different. Things that are taken for granted by science and technology to others, look like witchcraft to the people of the Blue Star.

But surprisingly, every civilization has developed a profession of [Destruction]. It has to be said that it is really sad: indeed, there is no civilization that is not based on killing and war.

For Li Ozi, the incubator itself is made of various magic materials and also has spell rune effects.

——Isn’t this the mysterious side product that I need?

After he hatches the egg, he will disassemble the incubator and install it on the biochemical tank.

Isn’t this the cultivation function that was originally limited and had to be castrated due to raw material problems?

Li Ozi conveniently put the blue-purple void creature egg into the incubator, and then leisurely browsed the player forum to see if there were any new hell jokes he could enjoy while waiting for it to hatch.

Half an hour later, there was only a clear 'click' sound. Li Aozi raised his eyes and saw that inside the incubator, the void creature's egg cracked with a deep gap.

Accompanied by a rustling sound, a sharp inverted triangle-shaped head slowly crawled out, looking like something between a lizard and a praying mantis. Its jagged teeth easily tore open the eggshell, and its petite but strong body Showing the posture of a high-level hunter in nature, the dark purple exoskeleton plate is flowing with blue void energy, and the four scar-like prism eyes emerge with a terrifying golden flash.

Its body structure is like a crocodile and a mantis combined, with the crocodile's plate armor and long tail, but also the light posture and sharp sickle of a mantis, and even flimsy petal-like gorgeous wings blooming from its back - -All these external manifestations all tell its identity: the larvae of a high-level predator in the void.

"Void Predator? It seems I'm lucky, at least they didn't open void steam or anything like that for me."

Just when Li Ozi was about to open the incubator and use gravity to tear the larvae into pieces and use it as material for cultivating biochemical beasts in the future, something unexpected happened.


The Void Predator was twitching all over, as if going crazy, and kept hitting the glass of the incubator. Its body quickly dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its muscles and shell shriveled up quickly. In a blink of an eye, it was still strong and fierce just now. The predator fell to the ground, its eyes dimmed, and its body quickly collapsed and shattered, turning into blue-purple crystal powder all over the ground.

What's happening here?

The adaptability of void creatures cannot be so poor. Their traces can be found even on the surface of black holes, not to mention that this is a blue star with an environment very suitable for biological survival.


Li Ozi mobilized his sudden vision and quickly captured a small creature crawling slowly in the blue-purple crystal: it was a weird bug no bigger than a thumbnail, with a small body and a translucent white color all over. It continued to squirm and crawl forward, continuing to absorb the remaining void energy. As it absorbed the powder of void crystals, its body was covered with thorns, and its body also grew in a circle, with its head becoming tapered and its tail A drill-like structure was derived.

"This doesn't seem to be a void creature."

Li Ozi picked it up with gravity, focused his eyes, magnified it more than ten times, and immediately saw the structure of its translucent body.

After comparing it with various creatures in his memory, Li Ozi finally determined its true identity:

"Spirit maggot."

This situation took him by surprise.

Although it is called 'Spiritual Maggot', it is actually just like the Holy Roman Empire - neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.

Spirit maggots are neither spirit creatures nor maggots. It is an ancient cosmic creature. It can even be said that this race has actually existed for longer than some narrative-level civilizations.

However, it is not a creature that should appear in the first layer of the star abyss, the ‘layer abyss’.

"An ancient creature like the spirit maggot is a completely metamorphosed starry sky life. It has a transcendent status in various religions in the second-level star abyss. Especially for Narrative No. 12 [Annihilation Temple] It is said that spirit maggots are regarded as 'Chosen Creatures' by the Pantheon."

However, Li Ozi knew that this thing had a more practical purpose.

The life of a spirit maggot is indeed very similar to that of an insect, with four stages of development: egg, larvae, pupa, and adult. However, the genetic gap between mosquitoes and maggots is as big as the genetic gap between bananas and humans.

In its larval stage, it will devour high-energy substances, ranging from nuclear radiation to void energy, which will eventually become its savings for pupation. When it collects enough energy, it will drill into the core of a planet and use the geothermal heat to sleep for a long time. At the same time, its ganglia and synapses will dig holes into the entire planet, and its body The secreted special particles cover every cubic meter of air. Over a long period of time, they continuously receive and feel the surface environment, and even remotely sense and transform the biosphere on the ground.

When it wakes up, the entire planet will be reborn.

Yes, at this point, the actual usefulness of spiritual maggots has been revealed.

According to Narrative No. 12 [Temple of Annihilation], a tracking experiment conducted on the Caiyun Star cantilevered under the constellation Jagda showed that it takes two to thirty thousand years for spiritual maggots to mature and become the patron saint of this planet.

This is also in line with the purpose of [Temple of Annihilation]: to support, excavate, and cultivate a civilized god, and then invite the other person to join the sacred pantheon to provide divine assistance for the immortality of the country in the No. 12 narrative.

"This thing is good, [Annihilation Temple] should offer a good price."

Li Ozi put the spiritual maggots in a vacuum container and kept them with him, his expression was amused.

When it comes to the living creatures in the lower star abyss, let alone the products that [Annihilation Temple] attaches great importance to, in the past, only some powerful people could be sacrificed, allowing them to come up repeatedly to bear the curse, and try to bring as many as possible each time.

This leads to the fact that spirit maggots are often priced but not available in the market. Magical civilization is also thirsty for knowledge about this thing. The scientific research value of spirit maggots is great, but those who have the greatest demand for this thing and are willing to pay a high price are [Annihilation] temple】.

"I found that since Du Zexin left me, my luck has suddenly improved."

Li Ozi hummed a tune softly, this spiritual maggot would be his first pot of gold in the future when he leads to the universe.

"Now that spirit maggots can be released, I don't even dare to think about what good things will happen next. It's not like a game tester will come to me personally and ask me to shoot a promotional video, right?"

Li Ozi muttered.

Boom, boom, boom!

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and the laboratory guard shouted:

"Mr. Li Ozi! Three frost-plated guys came outside and said they have something urgent to see you."

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