From star abyss

Chapter 152 009. [Xingyuan] first press conference (two-in-one)

Two big enemies, Luo Le and Xue Nian, wanted to get close to Li Aozi, but when they called to summon all employees to a meeting, they had to go offline cursing.

Li Ozi is in a good mood. Next, his image will be deeply rooted in the hearts of players in the Yanxia District.

He visited the forum and took advantage of this opportunity to modify the biochemical tank and install an incubator.

After readjusting the solvent, Li Aozi handed over a batch of information on humanity to the scientists under Lord Auckland. Taking the opportunity, Li Aozi took a look at the warlord's library. As expected, he found it easily. I acquired two pieces of prerequisite knowledge and successfully activated the [Craftsman] profession.

As soon as the [Craftsman] profession was activated, Li Ozi began to prepare everything with his hands.

He built a workbench based on the original CNC lathe, and then started making jewelry equipment using various materials he synthesized.

Accessories are an extremely rare type of equipment in the early stage. In fact, even if the attributes are slightly inferior, some people will buy them - but Li Aozi doesn't want to be a profiteer and throw away his conscience for a little profit, so the people like Mingji Humanity also don't want to be a profiteer. No difference.

The failure rate in the early stage is very high. Once the jewelry fails to be made, it cannot be directly replaced like modularly designed weapons such as firearms. Once the spirit injection fails, the material will be scrapped and can only be melted down.

Li Ozi polished his skills very seriously, but after failing too many times, he could no longer afford the cost. Therefore, we sourced local materials and replaced the precious metals originally recorded in Dimitri's manual with tungsten steel alloy, an excellent alloy that is relatively durable and durable.

Although it is a bit heavier, the quality of the finished product is not bad. The key is to withstand its scrap rate. After the tungsten steel is finished, it can be refurbished to make bullets again.

Half a month after arriving in Triangle Town, Li Ozi's mood gradually calmed down. He became calmer, started chatting with some local residents, and sometimes played football. Unfortunately, his football skills were huge. Smelly, you can't even beat the local professional soldiers without using arcana.

The environment in Triangle Town cannot be said to be good. It can only be said that it is orderly and peaceful. For people in troubled times, it does not matter whether there are frequent shootings and fires at night. What is important is that they can live in the Oakland family. Under the shelter of others, they can barely survive the cold.

Of course, the most critical problem is still the lack of sunlight.

The warlord town is different from the advancing city. The people in the outside world do not have barrier transmitters and artificial sunlight technology, and Triangle Town has no way to produce the deuterium, tritium and helium-3 required for nuclear fusion. People can only dig downwards, digging out the ground like ants. Nest-like intricate palace facilities.

Sometimes, when Li Ozi sees the fruits of the efforts of people outside, he feels amazed. Mortals without advanced technology just rely on shovels and pickaxes to excavate the earth, and dig out an underground kingdom comparable to that of the Zerg under the vast snowfield. It's a pity - if they could enjoy artificial sunlight, they wouldn't have to suffer so much.

Energy always flows to the four countries where there is no shortage of energy, and suffering always seems to flow to the outside world where there is no shortage of suffering.

Li Ozi often stood outside the gate of the underground football field. Due to the lack of heating, the teenagers always wore cotton-padded clothes and trousers to run and play football. Without a green field and light jerseys, they were as full of energy as tigers, and they were not lacking in anything. Swift and violent.

Among them was a fourteen-year-old kid who was a very good forward player. He weaved through people and took the lead. Others couldn't catch up with his speed. Even if he was blocked, he could knock the ball under the opponent's crotch with a flick of his body wearing a heavy cotton coat. Passed by and kicked a long shot lightly.

In the next few days, the child did not show up. When Li Aozi asked, people said that there was a gas explosion in the mine where he was, and that the child and his father who went into the mine together were killed.

At that moment, Li Ozi suddenly remembered what Qiu Ran had said to him:

"If you have the time, go to college."

Li Ozi looked at the simple football field and could no longer see the figure of the young pioneer.

A fourteen-year-old boy, sixteen-year-old Nomi, and twenty-six-year-old Qiu Ran.

They are all stuck in a certain period of time and no longer grow. They may never have a chance to think about college in their lives.

"Sorry, Qiu Ran, I'm afraid I won't have time to go to college anymore."

Li Ozi murmured:

“But I have the opportunity to be able to get more people to college — I guarantee you that.”



Federation home star Terra, Yanxia Kingdom, Lijing Island, KitKat Network headquarters.

"Are you ready?"

The people in the studio are busy, and robots and staff work together to ensure that all equipment is normal.

This press conference for the launch of the internal beta version of "Star Abyss" is open to all franchise countries and colonial planets in all star systems of the Federation. It is of great significance. No one dares to make mistakes at this juncture.

"The live broadcast room has already been filled with 4.5 billion people. Hurry up and prepare for the diversion. Now the audience server of three planets can't bear it. The barrage has been stuck. Lu Run, go help and let them hurry up. Click to adjust!”

"No problem, all the lines are normal, the information channel is in place, and the network delay has no fluctuations - the live broadcast can be started. Wait, where is Director Luo Ming? How can we start the live broadcast without a host?"

"The host will be here soon - already here! Director, camera ready, lighting team, turn off the lights."

"Everyone is in position, ready to begin."


Dark, cold, and lifeless.

"Yes, indeed. (Yes, Indeed.)"

A strong and deep male voice sounded, and the scene slowly changed:

"This place is called "Xingyuan", the beginning of all things. It expands and embraces dimensions and dimensions, and gives birth to them like a baby. "

The pitch-black universe suddenly expanded rapidly, spreading out six paths endlessly like flames. They circled up and down, twisting into a spiral staircase due to the power of a certain singularity.

"The dusty history records nothingness and chaos, but the Star Abyss is earlier and older than that. It has witnessed more destruction."

The universe exploded, supernovae exploded, and acid rain fell on ocean planets. Then space carriers rushed out of the planets one after another, reclaiming milestones and colonial stars to the edge of the universe.

"However, the crisis has already been laid."

In an instant, the rapidly developing civilization was invaded and devoured by three black shadows.

“The nascent new fire brings the hope of radiance and life, but it also leads to the destruction and despair of darkness and entropy, and the ancient eye of observation discerns all this as a bystander.”

The three shadows stretched out their claws and tentacles, dragging the accelerating civilization to its end.

"At the moment when certain civilizations came to an end, a poet wrote down the last scene of the endless dimensions of the star abyss: the majestic Destroyer tore open the sky, and time and space turned into fragile babies under their majestic bodies, infinite. Its power is unquestionable. In an instant, the meaning of all existence is negated. No visual and observation equipment can see the posture that transcends recognition. People can only use imagination and legends to remember them as the gods and demons they are familiar with. Then they are lifted up to the highest altar.”

"[Jewel Dragon King] Leviathandar, whose scales flashed with light, brought about the world's first life - the glow dragon."

The huge existence with gorgeous gem dragon scales has transcended the human understanding of "dragon". It is more like an abstract concept, symbolizing power and life.

"[Dark Titan] Gelbroth, every time its heart beats, it adds darkness and destruction to the world. Nihilists always worship it fanatically and guide everything into eternal silence."

The 'giant' that could not be called humanoid opened its six scarlet eyes and swallowed the sky full of stars into its mouth of eternal void with just one word.

"[The God of Insight] has discerning eyes. It is cunning and gives civilization rationality and cognitive abilities. Under its guidance, civilization is full of fear of entropy and heat death, and strives to achieve immortality at all costs."

The starry sky in the beginning was divided into two, and then a quiet and peaceful eye emerged from it. It never seemed to show any dangerous meaning, but whenever you look at it, you seem to have glimpsed the truth and mystery.

"The three Destroyers came from the outside world. They were greedy and just repeated killing and destruction. After devouring the outside world where they were born, they set their sights on the star abyss."

"The children of the Star Abyss refuse to be destroyed. They ascended from the throne as mortals and transformed into noble and brave gods. With supreme courage, they started a beast-like fight against the Destroyer."

"Finally, at the edge of the outer star abyss, an unprecedented bloody storm broke out."

"[God of Destruction] Dumphis was the first to fight. He shattered the scales of the Dragon King with his fists and sword, but he still could not escape being destroyed by the flames. Since then, there has been no strong creature on the earth."

"[Herald of Fine Arts] Azarofei, who controlled authority with great skill, was torn apart and destroyed by the Titans, taking away the truth of unity."

"His colleague [Strange Origin] Spector was also decomposed by the evil eye and split into three parts. He could not be reunited for the rest of his life. Superstition and religion began to harm the world from this moment on."

"Next is the [Salvation Fairy]. He is the source of all warmth and courage. He sacrificed his life to serve the working people of Xingyuan, leaving behind the last firewood."

"The hateful [Plundered Soul] Red King, out of longing for eternity, blinded his mind, made him distorted and greedy, and finally went completely crazy. He shamelessly betrayed the universe that gave birth to him, and grew a dragon on his body. Scales became the Dragon of Glow, the collector of all the ugliness and greed in the world.”

"The butcher's knife was waved, and collapse was imminent. At this moment, an even more ferocious beast was born in the universe. The civilization that was unwilling to be destroyed merged its star field and its people into an incredible society. It even enslaved them in turn. The Destroyers made it their minions."

"However, the new society took over the mantle of the invaders and marched towards the Star Abyss."

"The last [Master Will] - Mephidria. What a poor child, he was killed and devoured by the new society just after he had his own will. Everything in his short life was destroyed, and his diligent The hero and the representative of the power of the Creator, the god of reality, was also slain.”

"The end is coming, and the champions of the gods are dying one after another."

"Now, Xingyuan will issue the final call. Only by responding to the call will we push all our forces to the front line."

"Those who come, don't care that we will eventually disappear. Their eternity is nothing compared to the miracle of courage - the stars will replace the years and bear witness to us!"

"Please dive into the endless void. It is by no means the end of despair. We know this so well because we are coming from the Star Abyss."

"May your road ahead be filled with courage and curses."


The curtain was lifted, the lights were turned on, and the press conference was already filled with reporters and audiences. As the camera passed by, some people noticed that there were many leaders in military uniforms and formal attire in the seats under the stage.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was still shocked by the epic and magnificent opening ceremony. The universe and civilization, invasion and counterattack, the unyielding war cry pierced the sky. For a moment, countless viewers who watched the first press conference of "Star Abyss" were filled with blood. Zhang, blood boils.

The fun is gone: Is this picture quality serious? Could it be that the production team flew directly to outer space to film and collect materials?

A die-hard fan of Minaoka Yuegu: This world view is so grand, so don’t tell a small-scale story in the end.

Second grade crime: Good second grade, I am a high school student and I can no longer understand these crappy things.

lolo: I only care about whether I can take off my pants.

Imagination is so rich: You are right, but "Star Abyss" is a new sci-fi background open world adventure game independently developed by KitKat Network Technology Co., Ltd. The game takes place in a fantasy world called "Star Abyss", where even ordinary people who start out as mediocre people have the opportunity to embark on the "path" of a god-supporter. You will play a mysterious character named "The Adventer" and recruit NPCs as your body. In a journey full of curses and blessings, you will enter space, dive into the abyss, annihilate society, and ascend to godhood - at the same time, gradually Discover the truth behind "Star Abyss".

Regarding the fact that I single-handedly picked out Nasida and Nilu for zero krypton: I am super, Yuanpi!


"Damn it, why am I banned?"

Li Ozi held his chin. He was quite happy when he was watching the press conference. He was munching on corn while watching. He was so happy. But just when he wanted to post a comment, he found that his account was still banned. .

Banned from the forum and banned from the live broadcast, what did I do wrong? Is it still illegal to time travel?

"However, I feel that the live broadcast room in this life is very popular. In the previous life, the first press conference was so popular that only 200 million people watched it online. Now, the live broadcast room in Yanxia District alone that I watch has 2.6 billion people watching it at the same time. Watch online and its popularity continues to grow.”

Li Ozi was not surprised. After all, he read on the forum that the A-test officials had released a lot of interesting news. In addition, some officials deliberately guided the topic of 'electronic immigration', which created a circle-breaking effect to a certain extent. .

Originally, they were just a bunch of gamers who paid attention to the live broadcast room. But after breaking out of the circle, office workers who originally didn’t like playing games but whose lives were unsatisfactory, patients with terminal illnesses, and people who live alone in the world—these people Life itself is somewhat unsatisfactory, and the government is unable to target individuals to help them solve their problems.

Therefore, the concept of electronic immigration attracted their attention - unlike the real world, social interaction requires a lot of prerequisites and thresholds. In the game world, both social interaction and success appear to be easier, and the presence of a large number of natives in the electronic world can Provides frequent interaction and no fear of being alone.

"The government seems to have stepped up its promotion of the concept of electronic immigration in Star Abyss - well, I just hope it won't cause civil war among players too early."

Li Ozi thought.

Although there are more people watching, based on Li Ozi's experience, the number of players may not exceed 600 million before version 2.0.

The reason is very simple. The novice area of ​​Yanxia District, Azure Star, does not have such a large capacity to support more than 100 million players. Therefore, most of the casual players in Yanxia District are actually in the novice area of ​​Yamerida next door - 12 light away. Roland star of the year.

Speaking of which, before the Blue Star was blown up in the previous life, most of the civilians and players on the Blue Star were transferred to Roland Star for resettlement.

Originally, Yamerida still had an advantage in the number of players. Later, the number of hot pot restaurants on Roland became more than the number of players in Yamelida.

In the blink of an eye, the host had finished sending out a round of thanks and advertisements, and Li Ozi cheered up - Luo Ming, the executive director of KitKat Network, came to the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, hello everyone. I am Luo Ming."

Luo Ming put his hands on the desk of the podium, smiled and said:

"As the title of this press conference says - "Star Abyss", a high-quality fully immersive open action massively multiplayer online game that we at KitKat Networks have spent ten years creating, will be officially open to the public from 12 noon today without deleting files. Closed beta!”

Since too many people said that my chapters were short, there was nothing I could do about it, so I had no choice but to disrupt my plan of saving the manuscript and combine it into one.

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