From star abyss

Chapter 168 025. In area K, there is my fiancée!

If the secretary was granted amnesty, he crawled out of the office. After a while, Malish Gamos Gulan, wearing a crisp suit and uniform, dressed like a frost-plated elite, opened the door and walked in.

"What do you want from me, sir?"

Although he is a father and son, Malish has no feelings for his biological father who has ruled the country for two and a half centuries. Among the many wives and concubines of the general public, no one can surpass his throne and endure the death of generations. After becoming the crown prince, no one will have any human concern for this immortal king.

The Grand Duke slowly straightened up. At nearly three meters tall, he could only slump on the huge seat. His huge eyes stared at his 34-year-old son and said in a deep voice:

"When can you advance to Gamma level?"

"It's not even close." Malish put his hands in his pockets. As soon as he finished speaking, his body was pulled off the ground by an invisible force, and his skin was quickly covered with a layer of white frost.

His biological father was sitting on the throne, and his presence was not reflected in his blue eyes.

"You'd better hurry up." The Grand Duke's voice was like an echo in the empty valley, superimposed with the mixed voices of men, women, old and young. He sat there, motionless, but Malish, who was in the Beta stage, felt that his brain was almost frozen.

This is a gamma-level strongman who is nearly 300 years old. He has been in a state of hypoxia and osteoporosis for a long time. He can't even stand up, but just a look can kill him.

Malish opened his mouth with difficulty and was speechless. When he reacted, his body had already appeared in the Surut Palace Square four hundred meters away.

It was a ghost... The Grand Duke simply and roughly summoned the ghost to possess him and led him out.

Malish felt a gloomy chill, and he was slightly possessed. The thought of vomiting just appeared in his mind, and he immediately saw a deep gap opening in his stomach, and a mist dragging the shadow trail immediately appeared in his mind. Taking shape in front of him, his father's voice sounded directly from the bottom of his heart:

‘The ghost will supervise your continued training. No matter what method you use, you must reach the Gamma level before the end of the year. ’

As soon as he finished speaking, the mist immediately got back into his body.

"Are you kidding me... you want me to be promoted to Gamma level?"

Malish staggered two steps, and his face quickly turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He did not long for power, but was full of fear of the Gamma order because he had witnessed the sick life of the Grand Duke since childhood.

The reason why Shuang Ping allowed the Grand Duke to control the principality was precisely because he had been in pain and torture for a long time. Only the special medicine and a unique life support system provided by Shuang Ping could provide a normal living environment for the gamma-level powerhouses.

Shuang Plating needs an agent who will loyally obey Shuang Plating's arrangements for a long time and use the blood and sweat of the Gurant people to provide honey and milk for Shuang Plating.

The Grand Duke was extremely willing to sell out the entire country in exchange for this medium of survival. Malis did not want to make the same mistake as the Grand Duke and become a deformed monster. More importantly, he was pampered and could not bear the pain even more than the Grand Duke.

The Grand Duke did not want him to rule the country, but wanted to drag him into this quagmire, and he ran to Shuangzhong to escape the pain.

"I have no choice now... Damn it, how is it possible for me to become a Gamma level before the end of the year? But if I can't do it, he will definitely kill me."

Malish was terrified. As the Grand Duke was an expert in playing with souls, no matter how old he was, it would be extremely easy for ghosts to replace his consciousness and carry his skin.

He didn't want to die, let alone have everything taken away by a ghost. Maybe even after his death, his father, a [shaman], would use him to make a Horcrux, or even transform him into a spirit demon, and he would never be able to rest in peace.

"No, I have to find someone from Shuang Plating. At this point, only Shuang Plating can save me."

Malish didn't have the courage to resist his father's authority and power. He could only ask for help from Shuang Ping. As long as he showed loyalty, he asked them to move this old immortal monster away quickly. No matter how much he loved it, even if he transferred Gurant. It doesn't matter if people recruit soldiers and fight for them.

He hurriedly ran out of Surut Palace, took his hover car, and told the driver:

"Go to the Frost Plated Embassy, ​​hurry up! I have something urgent!"

However, the next moment, a big hand suddenly rested on his shoulder.

"I know you are in a hurry, but listen to me, don't be anxious yet."

His body stiffened for a moment, and the next moment, he saw a handsome man slowly emerging next to him in the rearview mirror of the car. He hugged his shoulders affectionately as if chatting with a buddy, and said casually:

"Don't be anxious, Master Malish. No matter how anxious you are, death will happen sooner or later."

With the help of the light, Malish recognized the other party's appearance and immediately said in surprise: "You, you are Li Ozi!"

"Oh, Mr. Malish, it turns out you also read the Sheqing website." Li Aozi clicked his tongue and said, "Don't be afraid, I have something to ask you."

"Forgive me for not being able to trust you. Your reputation is too prominent. As a wanted criminal in GTB, I'm really scared."

Li Ozi disagreed:

"Really? It's up to you, but I promise, as long as you obey me, I won't hurt you."

Mr. Malish raised his hands in surrender happily. He had just experienced the threats from his father and the ghost, and now he was very afraid of death.

Coupled with Li Ozi's extraordinary charm and good reputation among the people, he instinctively felt that Li Ozi would not lie to him.

"smart people."

Li Ozi chuckled:

"No need to look for the driver. He should be sleeping in a trash can somewhere. The sanitation workers will wake him up tomorrow morning. Now I have a few things to ask you. You must answer truthfully."

Malish nodded: "It's up to you."

Li Ozi nodded and shouted to the front: "Barnum, drive!"

"I won't stir up this trouble with you!"

Barnum, who was sitting in the driver's seat, retorted and subconsciously put the gear into gear and stepped on the accelerator. The hover car started to drive. Multiple nozzles spit out flames and took the car off the ground. Under Barnum's control, it quickly crossed the street and headed towards the car. Running wildly through the suburbs.

"Fasten your seat belt."

The capital was still under curfew at the moment, but since it was the vehicle of a relative of the Grand Duke, no one dared to intercept it. Barnum stepped on the accelerator and galloped over the scorched streets, and Li Ozi's interrogation began.

"Excuse me, I won't resist." In order to show his cooperation, Malish took the initiative to throw away his mobile phone and security tracker, and even handed over his personal gun.

——The man in front of me is not only breathtaking in his beauty, but also in his murderous behavior.

Malish didn't want to die, not at all, so he simply surrendered.

Li Ozi was a little surprised. He looked down on such cowards in his heart. They were all at Beta level. Look at Du Zexin. He is a [Mechanic] who is never timid in charging. Look at you again.

When he thought that the information showed that Malish was still a [Martial Artist], Li Ozi really couldn't hold himself back.

But since the other party is so afraid of death, it is convenient to interrogate him.

Malish had read Li Aozi's file, and his staff also told him that Li Aozi was brave and had nothing to worry about. He believed that the Frost Plating Government could settle everything.

Malish thought the same way: a frost-plated person who had never gone to college might have some fighting ability at best, but he probably wouldn't be able to ask any sensitive questions.

"I'm looking for [Convict Judge] Alexia In-Manuel Justin." Li Ozi said calmly: "Excuse me, where is she?"

With this sentence, the calmness and calmness on Malisi's face instantly disappeared.

"You must have said it wrong. Did you mean [Sin Pardoner], [Asker of Sinners]..."

"No, sir, I know you heard it. You know everything, just what you think."

Li Ozi's tone was very calm, but the content made Malis feel as if a cruise ship was pressing on his chest.

'How could he know? We all tell it by word of mouth, there is no way he would know! He must be bluffing me, but his tone and eyes didn't lie...'

So, is there a mole?

What a joke, he and the Grand Duke should be the only ones who know about this.

Could it be that the Grand Council would betray such important information?

Leaking the [Judgment Officer] would be as terrifying as leaking the nuclear bomb code.

Malish's heart skipped a beat, almost suffocating, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. His expression changed from shock to panic, and then mixed with fear. He finally became ugly, staring at Li Ozi, completely After ten seconds of silence, he said incredulously:

"You actually know the Judge, how do you know the Judge, and remember her real name... This shouldn't be the case, you frost-plated people, no, this is something from the old times, how could you know such a thing?"


Li Ozi said matter-of-factly:

"According to Huang Dujuan's blood contract, I am her fiancé. Is this acceptable?"

I went to Rebirth Studio and asked him to immediately designate me as the number one hunter in the starting point game area, but he refused!

I also had someone use Re45 to smash the red armor I had finally made out.

What happened today, as a 1.1KD person, was like a huge humiliation. I slumped in a chair and burst into tears. My whole body was shaking, and my hands and feet were cold. The readers who saw this moment must be extremely heartbroken. I secretly made up my mind to rebuild the game area. Glory, it is our duty to do so.

Vote me quickly for 12.9 yuan, and listen to me talk about my revenge plan while eating the golden arches poor man set meal.

I plan to gather 200 bars of soap, starting at the Polish border...

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