From star abyss

Chapter 18 018. Stealing power

"Why are you in such a bad condition?"

Nodley frowned, looked at Li Ozi, whose eyes were wandering, and yelled:

"How can you cooperate with the experiment like this? You have to stay healthy."

"Had a bit of a nightmare."

Li Ozi rubbed his temples. What happened yesterday made him a little anxious.

After all, he is just an ordinary person. When encountering such unexpected situations, suspicion and anxiety cause mental internal friction, and it is easy for him to think wildly.

"Nightmare? It's just a boring fantasy. Only the weak will be afraid of nightmares. The strong will move forward bravely and win even in their dreams." Nodley sneered at this.

However, he quickly adjusted his mentality, and with a thought in mind, he simply used this topic to ask Nurse Nodley:

"I don't think it's entirely because of the nightmare that I'm mentally disturbed - it's just too boring to repeat these trainings for so many days."

Nodley rolled her eyes at him, but then she thought about it and it was right.

For so many days, in addition to doing physical exercise, there was talking and laughing in the patient activity area next to him, and various ball games were played back and forth. Li Ozi just watched from the side, and it was inevitable that he would feel unbalanced.

‘You still have to pay attention to the patient’s psychological problems. ’

Thinking back to the half-crazy, half-rational state of Li Ozi before he was taken into custody, Nodley still feels a little frightened when she thinks about it now.

Li Ozi, who seemed to have no threat, could instantly make him lose his fighting ability as a warrior.

Nodley looked at the harmless people and animals in front of her, and from time to time looked at the patients in the distance who were participating in the entertainment. Li Ozi, whose eyes showed envy and yearning, pondered for a moment and then nodded.

"What do you want?"

Nodley asked:

"I can't let you go to group activities with other people. You are now under quarantine and monitoring."

"I know - in this case, at least add some other sports, head nurse? It's too boring to practice like this every day."

"Okay, what do you want to do?"

Li Ozi pretended to think for a moment and said:

"How about you teach me how to box?"


Nodley wanted to refuse, but before she could say anything, she took it back.

If you really train one and a half moves, there is actually no harm at all.

Putting aside the fact that martial arts requires a long period of time to lay the foundation and practice and learn repeatedly, Li Aozi is over 20 years old, his bones are fixed, and he is not suitable for practicing martial arts.

Furthermore, if you don't enter the category of a warrior, learning to fight is not threatening.

The gun is fast from seven steps away, and the gun is fast and accurate within seven steps.

If he really learned how to fight and formed muscle memory, then next time he loses control, he will not think about sneak attacks with a blade in his mouth, but will put on a fighting stance and try to fight back.

‘You use your hobby to challenge other people’s ability to eat? Then I'm more than welcome. ’

Nodley thought of this and immediately made up her mind. He readily agreed:

"Okay, but my requirements are very high. Not everyone can learn martial arts. Since you want to learn, then I will propose a test. If you fail, you will continue to train your physical fitness."

Li Ozi felt happy and immediately patted his sleeves:

"Come on, I can't wait!"

Seeing that he was very enthusiastic about practicing martial arts, Nodley sneered in her heart: I felt very happy practicing martial arts at the beginning, but I realized I was wrong when I started practicing.

[Tip: Nodley Crowe teaches you skills - "Basic Fighting\

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