From star abyss

Chapter 188 045.Chippin in


Alexia turned her head slightly, and the door behind her instantly closed and was blocked by invisible spiritual power.

The other party's attitude is very obvious. Once you come, don't even think about leaving.

Coincidentally, she thought so too.

With trembling murderous intentions coming from all directions, Alexia lowered her head slightly. The terrifying chill passed through her muscles, skin, and bones, and was firmly locked on her consciousness and her soul.


Alexia held her breath, her dark golden eyes flashing with a cold light that could see everything.

The first archduke's guard who was killed was reflected in her pupils - he was a Beta-level strongman called a [Warrior]. Alexia didn't like these awkward remarks, but she had to admit it. , this system is very easy to use in terms of dividing strength.


With the sharp blade shining with electric arc unsheathed, the Beta [Warrior] broke through the sound barrier and slashed towards her with one knife!


Alexia raised her hand, and the gold immediately melted and deformed, turning into a gauntlet covered with thorns. The back of her hand easily resisted the arc blade's slashes. The hot blade could not break through this man-made miracle. General metal defense, the swordsman's pupils shrank, and his expression was horrified:

"How could-"

Alexia flipped her wrist, and the swordsman's jaw was immediately broken. His thumb was awkwardly bent back, and bright red blood flowed out. He hurriedly tried to pull away, but Alexia flicked it casually. Dark Jin's claws immediately broke his spine, and his whole body snapped like a piece of meat pie and spread on the wall.

call out--

Alexia raised her hand, and Bajin flipped over again, opened the shield in front of her, and blocked a rocket with an air jacket.


The ferocious air waves blew up the pillars on both sides. However, the explosion of the air suit alone was not enough to create such a huge momentum. As the sound wave roared, the heat energy wrapped in the air suit and accumulated in the small space was also blown away neatly. When it burst out, crimson flames visible to the naked eye mixed with black smoke bloomed like flowers. The white marble bricks even showed faint traces of melting under the high temperature.

The Beta [Ranger] hiding behind the pillar took a breath:

"Did you succeed? This shot exhausted all my strength——"


The shield tore through the smoke screen, Alexia's figure was unscathed, her collar was clean and spotless, her dark golden eyes scanned the entire scene, and all hidden enemies were visible.

"Damn it! Is she made of tungsten steel?"

This horrifying result almost made [Ranger] lose his breath. He pulled down his protective goggles and quickly threw out thermite-flash shock bombs and grenades. Nine consecutive high-intensity flashes were accompanied by sound. Explosions and fiery sparks exploded, and a fierce wall of fire immediately blocked the opponent's path.

"Don't let her get close again, this woman is too dangerous!" The companion beside him said hurriedly, wearing an electric shock finger tiger.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she won't make it." [Yangxia] said easily: "This is thermite, the temperature can reach 3,000 degrees. How can she survive this?"


However, Alexia didn't even have the time to stagger.

Wrapping her calf in gold, she stomped on the floor. The ferocious power made the entire Surut Palace tremble. The violent shock wave tore a way out of the wall of fire in front of her, revealing the sluggish face of [Ranger].

Alexia raised her foot and planted it on the ground, ejected instantly, approached the [Ranger], lifted up her long legs, and a row of sharp razors immediately extended from the leg armor, and the [Ranger] was cut cleanly in an instant. In the third stage, before the kick was over, the [Warrior] on the side had already reacted and immediately raised his fist and swung it at Alexia.

Crane faction·Explosion of energy!

The martial arts skills of the Crane School are very practical and simple. A forward punch is used to test the eye, followed by a long punch, which hits Alexia directly in the face.


Alexia lightly hit the boxer's elbow with a knife and bounced it away. At the same time, she grabbed the muscle group under the opponent's triceps and pulled hard with her knuckles. Half of the opponent's body was dragged and tilted.

Her eyes flashed, and the gold on her calf quickly spread and decomposed, gathered on her right fist, and lightly punched the opponent's face.


The pure power suppressed it without any sense of appreciation. Alexia raised her fist, threw the body away, and glanced ahead with her dark gold eyes.

"(Amilioco) Three."

Knock, knock, knock——

She stepped on her boots calmly and approached slowly step by step. The gold in her hand stretched out into a slender sickle. She didn't even hold it directly. With the power of her fingers, she picked it up and the strong wind tore the sickle from afar. The hiding [Assassin] cuts him off in the middle!

"(Amilioco) Two."

"This kind of ghost power - be careful! She is about to be promoted to the quasi-gamma level!"

A Beta level [Psychic Medium] saw that something was not good. She immediately pointed at Alexia's eyes and lit up the blue light, made a series of strange gestures, and whispered in a low voice, trying to hypnotize herself.

"Your life is meaningless, stop, stop -"

Alexia glared back at the other person, her dark golden eyes filled with unwavering faith.

"Get out of here! You superstitious man with strange powers!"

She yelled angrily, and the [Psychic Medium] seemed to have seen some extremely terrifying scene all of a sudden. His body was shaken out of the spirit world, the blue light in his eyes was shaky, his shoulders were shaking, and his teeth were trembling and clashing together. , squeeze out fearful words one by one:

"What kind of belief is that? What kind of god do you believe in?!"

She screamed, and two spirit demons were released from her body. The translucent, deformed spirits looked like rickety giants. They raised their inverted triangular heads and rushed toward Alexia quickly.

Alexia holds a scythe, her gaze is like a torch, piercing the night.

The spirit demon came to her with a breath of frost, and its sharp claws were about to touch in front of Alexia, as if they were touching the blazing sun in an instant.

The spirit demon let out a horrifying scream, and its body was almost melted. The debris of the spirit was dripping down. They turned around and ran back in a panic, passing through the wall, not daring to look back.

"Gods? I never believe in slave masters who enslave people's minds and souls!"

Alexia's scythe was thrown out instantly, and the [Psychic Medium] immediately entered the state of running in the spiritual world, thus becoming immune to physical damage. However, the scythe turned into a spear, bringing out a series of Mach rings, Penetrating through the chest of the [Psychic Medium], the state of the spiritual world was completely defeated. Under Alexia's declaration, he was nailed to the pillar behind him, and the spiritual aura all over his body quickly broke and disappeared.

"No - what's going on? My power, the spiritual part, is gone!"

[Psychic Medium] struggled for a moment, and the spirit monsters that had just escaped climbed out again. They slowly covered [Psychic Medium]'s body, and frost gradually covered her body. After a period of twitching, [Psychic Medium]'s eyes dimmed, and she was Taking away the body temperature, it was frozen into an ice sculpture.

"I believe in the most magnificent cause in the world - the elimination of oppression and inequality."

The last [Warrior] was very cautious. He surrounded him from the flank, carrying a long-handled broadsword. When Alexia's weapon left his hand, he immediately swung the broadsword, and the blade was filled with surging arrogance. , slashed hard at Alexa!

Dragon Sect·Swaying Sword Light!

As the signature skill of the Dragon Sect branch of warriors, the swaying sword light has a weird and unpredictable 'swaying' trajectory, is extremely fast, and presents an irregular and continuous multi-layered slashing range. Anyone who can take a fully charged attack will With the flickering sword light, death is not far away.

Alexia turned sideways, raised her right index finger to point forward, and softly uttered two words:


Just when the swaying sword light was about to reach Alexia, the surrounding space showed faint signs of distortion, and then something incredible happened.

——The swaying sword light, like a video played in reverse, quickly retreated back to the broad sword of the Dragon Sect warrior, and then was released again, towards the same position.

It's like going back to your hometown to have the sentence re-judged against the verdict filed by the prosecutor's office.

In this gap of less than a second, Alexia had already seized the opportunity. She bowed and bent down, and like a cannon shell, it burst out in an instant, raised her fist and hit the Dragon Sect warrior. The warrior had no time to activate the energy shield, so he had to draw his sword to block. Just when the blade was about to hit Alexia's fist, the judge issued a new order:


The face of the dragon sect warrior changed. His hands seemed to be grabbed by some authoritative force and twisted behind his back. At the same time, Alexia's fist had hit his throat.

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