From star abyss

Chapter 190 047.I Really want to Stay at your House

The blazing flames engulfed the body, and the rapidly expanding and proliferating cells released violent air waves.


The muscles all over the body spasmed due to being burned, tightened, relaxed, and tightened again, repeatedly stretching themselves to the limit like a rubber band and then rebounding. At the same time, every inch of skin was torn and twisted, turning into sparks and spraying on them. In the air, heat is like an invisible wave, constantly squeezing flesh and blood, steaming and drying it up. Is there any pain more serious than this?

"It turns out that burning your body is like this -"

It hurts more than burning, of course.

With his body covered in fire, Li Ozi's body quickly rushed towards the Grand Duke on the throne.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

The eagle emblem smiled mockingly. It raised its wrist, and the red radio reappeared in front of it. It opened and closed its mouth and uttered heart-wrenching words:

"Look at your body. Are there any traces of humanity?"

Bang bang bang!

Li Ozi's feet stepped on the cold marble.

"Your thoughts are meaningless. You are just a hypocrite. He kills people indiscriminately and commits heinous crimes. He still imagines that he can be cleansed."

Li Ozi raised his hand, and his fingertips were engulfed in flames, surrounded by scarlet air currents.

"Stop it, you duplicitous fool, look who killed you - they're here again."

The eagle emblem released three spirit demons. They screamed and rushed toward Li Ozi in a flash with a familiar trajectory.

The spirit demon that had taken away this body's life reappeared in front of him. Li Ozi's pupils shrank instinctively and his body trembled slightly - it was the memory of his death that was reawakened by facing the spirit demon in person.

It seems...'Lee Aozi', he has never forgotten the fear of being killed by the spirit demon.

When I began to integrate into this world, those burdened beliefs and unfinished dreams were also inherited.

Eagle Emblem sarcastically said:

"You can't protect anyone in the past, present, or future!"

Li Ozi opened his mouth, clenched his fingers into a fist, and punched the demon spirit that was rushing toward him.

"You want to hit the spirit with your fist? Hahahahaha, that's so fucking ridiculous!"

Eagle Emblem was sitting on the throne, laughing.



Explosive flames erupted from the burning fist, and the spirit demon's inverted triangle-shaped head was instantly illuminated.

There was no sound of touching anything, and the fist carried flames and passed through the spiritual body of the spirit demon. Its ethereal body was torn apart by the hot flames and exploded.

Silence and silence.

Li Ozi opened his arms and instantly passed by the remaining two spirit demons. Before they could face the flames, three different faces were reflected in their dark pupils. After just a moment, their bodies melted. , while disintegrating and destroying.

The remaining flames passed in front of Alexia, and the ice and snow melted. She was able to raise her head immediately, and her frost-covered eyelashes were slowly filled with crystals. She stared at Li Ozi who was close at hand.

Shiny and warm.


"What the hell?! This is impossible!"

Ying Hui said in horror:

"This is not an ordinary flame at all. It can burn the spirit body and kill the spirit demon with one strike - who are you!?"

"--security guard."

Li Ozi said, taking a step forward and crossing

The eagle emblem could no longer remain calm, and it couldn't help but stand up. However, at this moment, its spirit body broke away from the Grand Duke's body and was completely exposed in front of Li Ozi.

Grand Duke Gamos slowly raised his eyes, filled with green light.

"Gamos! Green! You actually plot-"

Ying Hui asked.

"There has to be a spirit that needs to be eliminated anyway. Why can't it be you?"

The green wolf spirit laughed sarcastically:

"No matter how weak the Gamma-level [Shaman] is, you, as a spirit body, cannot usurp it. Take a good look at yourself, Eagle Emblem - look back."

Eagle Hui turned around subconsciously, and Li Ozi was like a phoenix, opening his arms and crashing into him with monstrous flames.


The violent explosion caused flames to instantly cover the entire Yanwang Palace. The portraits of the governors of the past were turned into ashes in the fire. All the vessels of luxury toys were shattered by the shock wave of the explosion. All documents, certificates, and symbols left by the colonists were frost-coated. , also heading towards destruction.


Alexia was thrown out by the impact of the explosion and hit the wall. She didn't have time to see her injuries and immediately shouted towards the center of the explosion:

"No! Oz, come back—"

The shelf that hooked the hem of her clothes suddenly fell off, and Alexia lost weight for a moment and fell towards the ground.


The embers all over the sky were like snow, falling slowly.

Gravity was like a gentle ocean, holding Alexia's body as she slowly and steadily fell into an embrace that was no longer hot, only warm.


"People in the old days were so stubborn."

The body covered with burns healed quickly, and the charred skin faded away, revealing Li Ozi's pale skin and a face full of helplessness and joking:

"Being a widower before you even get married—if word spread, people will laugh at you."

The dark embers were flying freely, and under the flames, the radio fell heavily to the ground. It was charred and dilapidated, crackling with a few sparks, and then exploded.

"Oz..." Alexia raised her hand and covered her mouth.

"Oh? Eilish, why are your eyes wet?"

"The snowflakes on my eyelashes just melted."

"That's good. I thought the most outstanding girl from the old days is crying in front of me."

Li Ozi smiled evilly and put Alixi on the ground:

"I know you can get up on your own. You are a real woman who can hold up half the sky."

-That's why I am willing to be your bride.

Alexia dodged his gaze, let go of Li Ozi's hand, and said confidently:


Alexia wiped the snow from the corners of her eyes, supported the floor, stood up again, and stood side by side with Li Ozi.

They turned their heads and looked at the flaming throne.


The green claws tore through the fire. In front of Grand Duke Gamos, multiple figures stepped out from the void, forming a snail with four human arms, a faceless woman in white, and a weirdo with a placenta head wrapped around his body. , and majestic natural animal spirits.

Bang bang bang!

The green wolf spirit clapped its hands and said sarcastically:

"You don't think that a Gamma-level shaman only has two host spirit bodies, do you? Wife of the Underworld, some people look down on you."

"A greedy guy like Ying Hui is really annoying. I can't tell what is serious and what is light." The female ghost Mingqi in white made a sinister and charming voice. She exuded an unpleasant and rich smell of rouge.

"That's enough." The natural beast spirit snorted, and purple thunder arose from his body: "Gamos, your body is about to collapse, don't forget your contract."

Grand Duke Gamos slowly raised his head. He raised his slow hand and took off the respirator on his face, revealing an old and inhuman face with horror:

"I know that you always want my soul. I am old and will die sooner or later on this planet."

He put on the oxygen mask again, sucked in enough air, and a faint blue light gradually lit up in his eyes:

"Phew—but now, I am still your master."

The green wolf spirit bared its teeth and put one hand on its waist: "Then stop being ink. This man makes me feel something is wrong. The two of them might really cause harm to you."

"Green, human snail, ghost wife, fetal ghost, thunder spirit."

Grand Duke Gamos took a deep breath of pure oxygen and raised his blood oxygen saturation to 90%. Only then did he have the foundation. He turned his head, stared at Li Ozi and Alexia, and lowered his head. Voice:


【Invitation of evil】

The five-headed spirit machine immediately screamed, and its whole body was filled with the Grand Duke's spiritual power, covered with a dark shell, its eyes were panicked, and it exuded a green magic light.

"My suggestion is - stay home." Cang Cui raised her sharp claws sarcastically: "That way you won't be so scared that you wet your pants."

"To scare your mother, I suggest you restart your Sims life. If you work hard, you might become an adult. Anyway, it will be better than now. At the very least, you will be reincarnated like a clown in a circus for people's entertainment."

Li Ozi's aggressive language made Cang Cui almost burst into anger.

"It's coming with force."

Li Ozi looked ahead and suddenly said to Alexia for no reason:

"I have a laboratory in Triangle Town. It is surrounded by industrial assembly lines and pharmaceuticals, but there are two sofas in it. The cafeteria is on Sunday and there is potato stew."

"Cool! I really want to see what it's like there."

The gold covered Alexia's arm, and she nodded slightly:

"But I'd rather stay at your house and talk about this..."

"My home? Well, technically, in the universe."

He raised his fist, and Alexia raised her fist and bumped it in tacit understanding, as if she had a tacit understanding.

"Then it's an appointment."

Li Ozi cracked the corners of his mouth, the red and black in his eyes expanded, his facial muscles cracked and turned, and the red and black crystals covered the edges, cleverly concealing them.

Rumble, rumble, rumble——

"What's going on? Earthquake?!" Cang Cui was unsteady and almost fell to the ground. The other evil spirits were affected by the shock and were just trying to balance their bodies.

Gamos sat on the throne and roared: "Hurry up and take action now!"

Green Green sarcastically said:

"You said it's easy!? Try it yourself and see if you can stand up!"

The marble and underground mudstone instantly cracked and surged, like mountains rising from the ground, covering his body.

[Master form activation]


Under the cover of the rock layer, red and black crystal thorns broke through the granite package and spread rapidly. The exoskeleton armor extended to cover the body surface, and the skin cracked with scarlet cracks. As synthetic combustibles seeped out, Li Ozi's body turned. A raging flame exploded in an instant, igniting the flames that were originally confined within the body, and the soil surrounding the rock formation instantly became red hot and scorched black.

[Master·Purifying Flame]

At the same time, Yajin covered Alexia's arms and legs to the maximum extent, and the golden thorns popped out and shone brightly.

Beside her, Li Ozi, who was wrapped in rocks, suddenly raised his hand, shattering the useless rock layers on his body, and the hot lava turned into armor.

【Master·Earth Armor】

Li Ozi's body grew rapidly, reaching a height of two meters and four meters. The restraint of gravity allowed the veins and pulses flowing with flames to calmly form delicate lines.

【Master·Eternal Body】

The nerve tentacles popping out of the palm are like snakes wrapping around the arm, and the fingertips are covered with red and black crystals.

【Master·Vitality Siphon】

He pulled out the Su Zhan long knife, and his right hand immediately turned into a sharp claw, and the nails stretched inward. The shape of his hand immediately adapted to the shape of the handle. The red and black crystals wrapped and extended along the Su Zhan blade, forming a specialized slender crystal. Tai Dao, an evil spirit full of murderous resentment appeared from behind him, causing the evil spirit on the opposite side to look slightly sideways.

"That evil aura is so many people did he kill before he could feed that demon knife?"

[Master·War Ghost Blade]

His face was no longer frightening. Obsidian surrounded his face armor, covering it with a layer of awe-inspiring face armor. The golden halo in his eyes expanded, and under the crystal lens, it lit up with golden brilliance.

【Master·Gravity Field】


Li Ozi raised his left arm, and the flames swayed towards the ground like a peacock's tail feathers, forming a skirt of flames.

"From here on, we're going to space together."

So what do you wanna do, what's your point-of-view

So what do you want to do? Give your opinion

There's a party soon, do you wanna go

There's a rave here. Do you want to go?

A handshake with you, what's your point-of-view

Shake your hand and ask your opinion

I'm on top of you, I don't wanna go

I'm totally devoted to you and don't want to leave

'Cause I really wanna stay at your house

Because I really want to stay at your house

And I hope this works out

I wish I could stay forever

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