From star abyss

Chapter 20 020. Others are fighting, I am shopping

[Tip——The mission "Not to Be Remembered" is active]

[First Ring]: Pale Teeth Marks


"The life in the laboratory has gradually become calmer, and you seem to have become accustomed to a life of being treated arbitrarily as a guinea pig. At this moment, a group of gangsters attacked the shelter of Mingji Humanity, and the defense line became loose - not only that, you My heart also feels ready to move.”

"Do you choose to embrace freedom and not hesitate to help the evildoers, but also choose to escape from the confinement of being manipulated by others?"

"Or should we protect the weak, step forward and do something for this rare 'new home'?"

"Now, the initiative is in your hands."

[Task requirements]:

A. "Civilization Retreats Backward" (High Risk) - Follow the White Fang Gang to invade the world of Hell, completely annihilate Head Nurse Nodley Crowe, Assistant Physician Anna, and Professor Hell, and destroy the Hell organization.

Special Note: If you select this option, the mission "Not to Be Remembered" will be settled according to the minimum standard. The previously accumulated exploration value will be converted into experience at a ratio of 1:10.

B. "Humanity Moves On" (Normal Risk) - Assist the Humanity to eliminate/repel the invaders. The favorability of all survivors in the Humanity camp, including Nodley Crowe and Assistant Physician Anna, will increase.

C. "Hard Decision" (No Danger) - This place is too dangerous. It is not a battle that you should participate in. Escape from the shelter and stay away from this dangerous place.

Special Note: Selecting this option will reduce the personal favorability of the 'Professor' to 'Hostility'.


"Finally the fight started."

The moment the head nurse ran out to attack, Li Ozi received the system prompt. He shook his head. Now everyone was busy resisting the invasion or evacuating, and no one had time to talk to him for a while.

"Not to Be Remembered" is a long-term main quest. This is only the first step. It has just begun. Li Ozi is not going to give up.

But he also knew that if he really acted according to the requirements of the mission, he would be the only one unlucky in the end.

The White Fang Gang and Mingji Humanity are not comparable to the grassroots agents of Rule 4. Li Ozi is low-level and weak in strength, but if he relies on strategies and routines, he can also kill several female agents of Rule 4.

The levels in "Star Abyss" are often confusing. Some people have as many as 100 sub-professions, and they can pile up the title of a 100-level boss to show off and scare newcomers. There are also people who specialize in life occupations, such as [Politician], [Engineer], [Businessman], etc. They have high levels, but their personal combat ability is average.

What is really used to evaluate actual combat effectiveness is called 'challenge level', which is the [tier] in the attributes.

From α (Alpha) to Omega (Omega), there are 24 levels. This is the division and definition of extraordinary beings.

Alpha is already the lowest entry level, but even so, it is a devastating massacre against mortals.

According to Li Ozi's estimation, he would need 200,000 experience to upgrade to level 20 [Mutant], but if he wanted to advance to the Alpha level, he would have to invest at least 1 million.

"There is no need and should not be involved in a frontal battle."

Li Ozi was not in a hurry. The patients around him had no time to be transferred and resettled. Faced with the emergency, they were a little confused. Some looked timid, while some patients clenched their fists, gritted their teeth and made up their minds to rush out of their comfort zone. Go head-to-head with the gangsters.

"Now... you can push forward the main mission."

Li Ozi came to the door of ZX-102. He raised his palm and placed it on the door bolt. The next moment, a golden halo lit up in his gray eyes.

Gravitational Arcana activates.

The invisible gravitational field shrouds the door lock. He had studied it a few days ago. The ZX series of wards use gravity-type automatic locking. The weight's own gravity allows the lock hook to automatically hook and lock, without the need for external force from a spring. , reliability and security are relatively high.

This is a design to prevent isolated patients from escaping while the medical staff are checking and treating, and delivering food and water. If it is a bank or an arsenal, complex mechanical code locks will be used. Both have their own merits, but for Li Aozi, who controls gravity, , the gravity-type automatic locking structure means that it is not locked to him.

He adjusted the direction of the gravitational field in the palm of his hand, and the originally heavy code floated upward in the opposite direction, making a clanging sound and completing the decoupling.

Li Ozi reached out and pushed towards the door of ZX-102, and when he was about to open it, a crisp female voice suddenly sounded next to him:

"You...are you here to let us out?"

Li Ozi's eyes flickered, and his facial expression naturally showed a stunned expression. He pretended to be confused and looked towards the source of the sound - Ward ZX-101, which was adjacent to Ward ZX-102.

The ZX series ward is different from the isolation room where Li Ozi lives. There are no iron bars to peek inside. The entire peephole is a sealed bullet-proof glass with a height of only about 120 centimeters.

If you want to look inside, you have to kneel down on one knee and look inside.

Li Aozi hesitated for a moment, then knelt down on one knee and looked inside the window of the bulletproof glass.

He saw a thin, disfigured girl around sixteen years old. Her face was tightly wrapped with gauze and she was wearing a mask. Only her right lavender eye was exposed.

A head of long protein-colored hair was scattered on the ground. In the dim light, Li Aozi could faintly see brown dried blood and some fragments of broken human bones.

The girl who couldn't see her face clearly noticed his gaze, and her light purple eyes showed anticipation and surprise.

The man reflected in her eyes was more handsome and beautiful than she had imagined, with long black messy hair hanging down to his shoulders, adding a touch of elegance.

For a man, Li Ozi's facial features are exquisite and sharp, and the two can coexist just right. His gray eyes are full of world-weary and otherworldly atmosphere.

Even the orange uniform he wore before could not hide his strong body.

"Did you just call me?"

Li Aozi asked aloud. He noticed that the system prompted that ZX-101's favorability towards him was +10, which was already to the level of liking him.

He was not surprised, it was a fact that he had good foundation, and the most important thing was the result of [Charm] and [Sustainable Hunting for Love].

The isolated girl raised her fingers and tried to touch his face. The fingertips that kept stretching out came to rest on the glass. She said in pain, "Hey!" She retracted her hands, braced her arms on the ground, and stared at him with one eye. By Lee Ozzie.

"You opened the ward...can you rescue me?"

The girl asked softly. She looked helpless, and her one eye showed a pitiful look.

However, the flimsy white hospital gown with mottled blood stains and the special "Esha Infection Level: 4" posted on the door of Ward ZX-101 made people shudder.

"Who are you?"

Even though he had already made up his mind, Li Ozi still asked. Not only that, he asked questions one after another in a continuous stream:

"Why are you being detained here? How do you eat? Why is there nothing in the next ward? Why doesn't Head Nurse Nodley let me talk about ZX-102? If you mix No. 42 concrete with pasta, will it happen? The gamma ray bombardment of Trisolarans that would cause Pinocchio to participate in the World Cup and help KPl win the championship would be even worse——"


The light purple single eye burned with rage and distortion. The girl punched the bulletproof glass impatiently. She changed from her previous weak and pitiful appearance, like an out-of-control monster, and roared in a low voice:

"Damn it! Are you (Civilized Frost Plating) finished with your (essence of nature)? I've been chatting for a long time, can you speak human language! When I, Janelia, come out, I will smash your head and stuff it in stomach!"

"So, your name is Janelia?"

"Uh - who called this name? Bah, bah, bah, it's really ugly. I don't call it this thing!!!"

The girl became angry after being caught by Li Ozi successfully. She immediately pulled down her mask, revealing a mouth full of shark-like fangs, and roared angrily:

"Listen up, you upright little beauty, I am your uncle Nomi Anderson Guerset! If you dare to call that name one more time, I will crush your spine!"

"Nomi? Okay, Nelia."

Li Ozi said calmly:

"That's right."

"Say it again!"

"The whole old world will eventually be burned up by the flames of new life."

Li Ozi said calmly.

The girl was startled.

Then, she looked solemnly and said in a deep voice:

"And roses will bloom in the ruins of Shikoku."

Li Ozi nodded, stretched out his hand and pressed it against the glass, a sunny smile that made people feel more secure naturally appeared on his handsome face:

"Comrade, the organization has sent me to pick you up."

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