From star abyss

Chapter 209 066. The shame of frost plating

Liu Wenzhong led the soldiers to station themselves in the abandoned factory. At the same time, he reported his situation to the headquarters and, along with it, also informed the Andre Employment Security Group.

Yanxia, ​​like other countries on Terra, uses professional military services provided by hired security companies, especially for pioneering work like this, which takes more than ten years to start. If you use your own people to serve as conscripts, what will happen? The question is really distressing, it would be most cost-effective to hire contract soldiers.

As hired contract soldiers, Liu Wenzhong and others signed a 15-year service contract with Yan Xia. They could bring their own weapons or choose weapons provided by Yan Xia's military, but there were no regulations on the specific service location.

As a professional contract soldier, Liu Wenzhong is worried about the current situation. Although he and others are performing tasks in the game, he feels that he is at a disadvantage based on the length of labor and the actual content.

While his soldiers were renovating the facilities, Liu Wenzhong pulled over several military managers to discuss some practical matters.

"Don't you think that Kit Kat Network, Yan Xia, no, I should say, and the major alliance countries in the entire federation are a little strange?"

Liu Wenzhong made his words clear, looked at the expressions of all parties, and said:

"It's just a game world, but the Federation is very cautious. Even the officials, who can control the game data, only provide a small amount of weapons and equipment, and let the testers buy them with their own money - as if they are afraid of bringing anything to the local civilization. It hurts the same.”

"After all, this is electronic immigration. Would you drop a nuclear bomb on your own territory?" Staff officer Chris An said unconcernedly: "We don't have to worry about this kind of thing anymore. The big shots above will consider it."

"No, I'm talking about a more realistic issue." Liu Wenzhong knocked on the table: "Should our working time in the game also be counted as working hours?"

"Oh?" Adjutant Zhao Xingzhe raised his eyebrows: "You want to delay it as long as possible, so that the federation will spend an extra day, right?"

"Anyway, the group takes the lion's share, and we also put in the hard work. It's right to fight directly on the battlefield."

There is nothing controversial about this issue. Everyone is just making a living. At most, they can only ask the group to argue with the federation. The issue to be discussed next is more serious.

"We still have few members." Liu Wenzhong rubbed his temples and said: "Although our combat quality and tactical level have an absolute advantage over the frost-plated people, we can only play the role of firefighters at the moment - remember "Each of us can only die three times. After three times, we will not be able to log in to the game today. Converted into in-game time, we will have to wait a full month, and by then the pizza in the oven will be cold."

"We need people on the frontal battlefield. At the same time, don't forget that the characters we control also have their own lives and families." A soldier player rubbed his eyes: "According to the country's orders, it is best for us to stay with our 'family' from time to time. Let’s keep in touch and maintain our relationship. In this way, we won’t have enough combat manpower by then.”

"That's why we need a mercenary group license. We have to recruit some local Gulant boys to join in and do logistical work and so on."

"You just said you didn't trust Li Ozi, and now you trust the residents of Gulant?"

"That's different." Liu Wenzhong knocked on the table: "Didn't you read the intelligence? Li Aozi is a frost-plated person. He only supports the independence of the Gulant people because of the anti-frost-plated government."

"you mean?"

"I haven't watched the promotional video, but you can use your brain to think about it." Liu Wenzhong reminded: "Intelligence shows that Li Aozi was persecuted and framed by the frost authorities and was forced to leave the country. After he destroyed the underworld of humanity, Tian Huan then asked GTB to investigate, Red Arrow immediately decided to raise interest rates, and Zhengxu provided military assistance to Gulant - don’t you think it’s a coincidence?”

As soon as he said this, the soldiers reacted immediately.

"Gurant's independence may have been helped by the forces of the other three countries." The adjutant pondered for a moment, "Is that why you want to keep as far away from Li Ozi as possible?"

"The game officials consider the players, but we can't. Our first priority is to maintain the security of the electronic immigration area, while maintaining friendly relations with the indigenous people of the virtual world."

Liu Wenzhong said seriously:

"Stability is the most important thing. Immigrants don't fight. Li Aozi makes me feel very strange. How can a person who only received a technical secondary school education know how to package a persona, market himself, and be able to To support the independence of a colony while being wanted globally?"

Li Ozi's personal charm is undoubtedly strong, but charm mainly comes from personal first impression.

Liu Wenzhong deliberately did not watch the game company's promotional video in order to maintain an objective and independent thinking logic.

In fact, he did get part of his guess right, and his reasoning was logical. Li Aozi did receive support and assistance from other countries behind his back, but it was just Li Aozi who won it over himself.

Liu Wenzhong's calm analysis made some military players who had watched the promotional video also think about this issue.

"You're right. Before confirming the details of Li Ozi, it's better to keep a certain distance." Chris An thought for a while and added: "But we do need to upgrade our level. The soldiers don't have themselves now." Our main profession, prosthetics, skills, and expertise are all gone. If we start a war again, we will suffer a great loss. If we can get the supernatural abilities provided by Li Aozi, it may be able to greatly supplement our combat effectiveness."

Although they each had their own opinions, they still reached a consensus on this point.

Liu Wenzhong said:

"We still need to make contact. I have sent people to look for Li Aozi... However, we have not yet seen Li Aozi's true strength. Human beings are human beings and have their own individual limits. You should not hug him. Too much fantasy.”

Any organizational team cannot do without the people at the top talking and the people at the bottom losing their legs.

Walianke, Yakos, and Mohad Lin were sent to find Li Aozi. It stands to reason that they have the NPC haunting location provided by the tester, so they should be able to find Li Aozi soon, right?

——It’s really fast. Every time they find the location where Li Ozi appeared last time, he will fly dozens of kilometers away in an instant. When they chase him again, they take a look at the mission information. Li Ozi’s The target appeared on the 1,200-kilometer border, making them look stupid.

The three unlucky guys were just opened up by Liu Wenzhong and kicked out of the factory to move bricks and fish. The three people ran long distances and rode bicycles. They ventured through the minefield and unexpectedly ran into a team of frost-plated security guards. military.

Finally, after more than ten hours of arduous journey, the three men, who were missing arms and legs, drove the seized truck and arrived at the latest location.

They jumped out of the car and immediately saw a burning armed helicopter crashing from the sky. The burning wreckage crashed into the ravine. They were surrounded by a circle of Gu Lan holding baskets and pushing carts. Special civilians.

The three of them looked at each other. Walianke stepped forward, turned on the camouflage mode, and asked a bystander farmer in a natural tone:

"Hey, brother, what are you doing here? A helicopter falls from the sky. Aren't you scared?"

"What are you afraid of?" the farmer asked in confusion: "There are a lot of frost-plated planes falling down here. We are just about to pick up some and take them home. The government is recycling them at a high price."

"A lot of planes fell down?"

The three of them stood on tiptoes and looked into the ravine. The next scene immediately refreshed their understanding:

The silver-gray wreckage was piled up like a mountain of corpses.

This is the burial ground for aircraft!

The majestic and frightening heavy-duty fighter jet was like a princess who had perished. At this moment, she was reduced to a prisoner and a beautiful skeleton. Her figure was broken, and the proud snowflake flag coated with frost was covered by the hoarfrost in the outside world, making it extremely dazzling.

The heavy strategic bombers, which looked like white swans, were like rubbish no one wanted. Five or six of them were smashed to pieces and left casually in the ditch, buried by the wind and snow.

The fire was extinguished due to the falling blizzard, but the shattered transport plane was like a dead giant, frozen in place. The bodies of several female agents were burned into skeletons by the flames, and gradually froze in the wind and snow outside.

Bones plated with white frost.

None of the planes here have ever appeared in Gullant's airspace. There is no doubt that they were shot down before entering Gullant. Many of the fuselages seemed to have been smashed directly with stones, and the instruments were not It was damaged by the explosion, but it was well preserved and of high value. No wonder the farmers nearby came to guard it.

In the extremely shocking visual impact, the three warriors suddenly raised a common question in their hearts:

"How were these planes shot down?"

Soon, they got their answer.

A series of sonic booms sounded, and the next moment, another large transport plane was smashed down, lying among the mountains and ravines of Gulant with the compatriots buried in the snow. As the invaders, they used the most ugliest way to die.

"Long live!"

"Kill these frost-plated devils!"

"Thank you! Bahmut!"

The farmers of Guranti raised their arms and shouted again, and the three military players looked in the direction of their salute - high in the sky, a human figure wearing red and black armor was standing in the air, slowly falling, The crowd tried to step forward to welcome him, but as soon as the tall figure in red and black armor raised his hand, people stopped obediently to avoid overcrowding, but this still could not eliminate the enthusiasm and admiration in their eyes.

The armor on the face opened up, revealing the familiar handsome faces of the three military players - although they had seen Li Ozi's appearance in the trailer, they were still deeply shocked when they saw it with their own eyes.

"I never imagined that a man could be so beautiful, so beautiful that people ignore their gender and identity." Yakos sighed.

"This is Li Ozi. He looks even more handsome without the filter." Mohad touched his chin: "He makes me feel very good. He doesn't look like a bad guy at all. He is very approachable."

"Communicate with him first." Walianke suggested.

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