From star abyss

Chapter 219 077. If you want to get rich, build more roads, don’t have children, and raise more pigs

After Li Ozi implanted his own arcana into the remaining 47 players, he turned around and flew off the ground.

Until Li Ozi's figure rushed up to the skyline and gradually disappeared from the field of vision, the players were still quite emotional.

"Li Ozi, what a good man."

Li Aozi, who was flying high in the sky, took an inventory and found that 47 players had implanted arcana and purchased 20 mutation-inducing potions at one time. Li Aozi gave them a group purchase discount of 10,000 Derby.

Total: 94,000 experience points, 200,000 Derby.

In one breath, he earned 90,000 experience points and 200,000 derbies, which was much faster than killing monsters and completing tasks by himself.

"Player, you are such a good person."

In fact, Li Ozi will not have any side effects from renting Aoneng.

Li Aozi has always followed the path of small profits, quick turnover, convenience and benefits. As the pioneer of the road, Li Aozi treats the players as if they are treasures.

It would be best to set up an arena, raise Gu, fight among themselves, and select the best seedlings.

Although cutting leeks is highly profitable, it will affect everyone's sense of belonging to Li Aozi.

Pig raising is different. Pigs are given meticulous care throughout their lives. Someone specially matches the pigs, adjusts the humidity and temperature, and the hygienic environment is comparable to that of a laboratory. Music is also played to make the pigs grow happily. Experts carefully The researched feed is delicious and can keep the pigs full. They can sleep well and eat well when they are sick. Free doctors will take care of them when they are sick. They do not dare to neglect at all. Sometimes, in order to improve the health of the pigs, they will also provide them with certain nutrients. In terms of exercise, even pigs are healthier than most humans in terms of body fat percentage.

If it weren't for the possibility of being eaten in the end, Li Ozi estimates that most people may not be as comfortable as pigs.

Li Ozi thought carefully about the operation method, and he basically just raised pigs.

Leeks are just a short-term and quick way to cash out, but pork is about a long-term operation. The weight of pigs raised for 6 months is about 250 kilograms to 300 kilograms when they are released.

Based on the market price of Azure Star, which is 20 Derby per pound, a pig can be sold for about 6,000 Derby. If there are 10 pigs, it can be sold for at least 55,000 Derby.

Throw away the piglets, at least: 1,1000 derby + feed cost 14,000 derby + medicine cost 1,000 derby + water and electricity cost 1,200 derby = 27,200 derby.

The most important thing is that no one will eat leeks all the time, but pork is a food that people are looking forward to.

Cultivate the pigs with your own hands and raise them to be fat, strong, strong, and have unique personalities. Then hook them up, bleed them, roll them into boiling water, shave them, slaughter them, and send them to the market for sale.

This set, but simply cutting leeks can not give you the pleasure and satisfaction.

The nature of the path determines that it is the most cost-effective to train players into big fat pigs with simple minds and powerful strength.

The stronger the players are, the stronger their path will be, and the faster the development speed of arcana will be, which will make Li Aozi stronger. When Li Aozi becomes stronger, he can expand the pig farm and raise more pigs. Big Fat Pig, the more pigs there are, the more powerful he becomes, and he can continue to expand... almost forming a positive cycle of expansion.

The cohesion brought by the road is far more reliable than religion and ethnicity.

After all, your companions will betray you, and the gods you believe in are sometimes ineffective, but power is power. The level of the path is what you have worked hard for, and it will not betray you.

In the process of raising pigs, no, in the process of raising players, Li Aozi can basically provide the methods of 'paying debts with work' and 'relief with work' to mobilize the enthusiasm of players and let them become a team. Where are the super mercenaries?

Li Ozi's model was actually the way narrative-level civilizations dealt with the powerful in previous lives.

After all, you can't stop extraordinary beings who long to ascend to godhood from coming forward, but we can definitely form a cooperative, mutually beneficial and win-win relationship.

No matter how strong you are individually, you are still just one person, but I control a path. As long as there is enough time, among the massive population, there will always be someone stronger than you.

You have to satisfy your own desires and needs no matter what. Narrative-level civilization can give you these things.

You need to move further to a higher level on the road, learn higher technologies, and broaden your thinking. Then can individual intelligence and creativity compare to the rich and complex countless possibilities of the entire cosmic civilization?

It doesn't matter to those strong people who are betrayed by their relatives. At worst, I will go down to the Star Abyss, but there are six levels of the Star Abyss. You are betrayed and alienated by everyone on each level. Isn't this a bit...

Moreover, people have long had a misunderstanding: if an individual is strong, civilization must bow to it.

This conclusion does not hold true in Xingyuan, because individuals can never defeat society.

Society itself is a civilization in which all citizens, institutions, characteristics of civilization, and the supreme leader of civilization are transformed from an abstract 'civilization' into a monster called society under the influence of some extraordinary force.

In other words, no matter how strong you are as an individual, a society of the same level may be filled with hundreds of thousands or billions of strong people.

In addition to society as a living thing, it also has at least one extraordinary individual strong person like the 'Speaker'.

The actual situation is that when individual strong men of the same level encounter society, you think you are fighting 1 vs. 1 men, but in fact you are fighting 1 vs. 1+1+ (the number of citizens in the society)...

The 'society' group is simply a scourge to the universe.

Narrative-level civilizations are very sophisticated in this regard. They cannot concentrate all their power and consciousness like society, but they choose to use the temptation of the road as a ladder to rise and win over people's hearts.

The path of the [Destruction] system is the most popular one, followed by the [Exquisite Arts] system, and then the [Redemption] system.

The main gods of the two paths of [Strange] and [Plunder] are still there, and everyone is only competing for the position of the apostle of the main god.

Li Ozi's approach has always been centered around the 'Star-falling Master Path' that he is most familiar with, and he is very familiar with this path.

The main god of the [Dominator] system, Mephidria, has been confirmed to be dead, and the competition among the three paths of [Conqueror], [Torch Master], and [Terminator] is fierce, and many people covet the end of these paths. , they are all old monsters who have accumulated countless years. The result of the popular path is the explosion of the volume.

Li Ozi said: Roll the hammer, I can directly moisten it, why should I roll it inward?

Increasing the number of players in [Starfall Master] is much easier than competing with these old monster kings for scalps.

The [Destruction] system is the most outrageous. Although the [Destruction] system can derive almost unlimited paths due to its numerous schools, but because it is so popular, whoever masters one path of the [Destruction] system will basically It will attract countless strong people to gather together.

Everyone is not stupid, fighting to the death will not end well. There is a path on the spot, so why bother to fight for the main god position?

In comparison, the path of [Starfall Master] is a blue ocean, without vicious competition, a new world full of profits and temptations.

Just when Li Aozi's abacus was clanging and flying towards the sky ring, the world slightly changed.

Tianhuan, Nuliang City, District 12.

In a dark street corner, a young man who was knocked unconscious due to a fight suddenly tilted his head.

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