From star abyss

Chapter 231 088. Children of Ether (Part 1)

The cell is dark and damp. Since this is a remote area where the artificial sun can hardly shine, the temperature inside the prison often reaches below zero. In this case, the guards of Tianhuan will use a special way to discipline the criminals.

Each cell has matching beds, but the guards will take away the blankets and sheets before going to bed every day, leaving the cold bed boards, and then order you to clean the floor with a mop. Late at night, the cold air will spread from the ground, grabbing the prisoner from the cracked and porous bed board. You hug your shoulders and shiver all over. Your sanity is gradually wiped out under the torture of the cold. At about the same time, the jailer will I’m shouting to you: Hey, get up and get to work.

At that moment, you were extremely grateful to the jailer. At least in the workshop, you could step on the sewing machine and lean on the lathe, and have the heat supply generated by the machinery. It was better than gradually losing temperature and freezing to death in the cold.

After more than ten days of torture, when the jailer calls you to work again, you will naturally stop resisting and feel relieved.

The cold is much scarier than heavy labor.

That is the fear of death engraved in the genes of life. In fact, when hypothermia first occurs, you will not feel uncomfortable, but will feel very hot, and you will start to take off your clothes unconsciously, and then you will feel dizzy, freezing, heart failure, and finally your heart will stop beating. Little by little, he lost consciousness and finally died completely.

During the whole process, the blood seemed to have solidified and froze in the blood vessels. At first, you kept shivering and rolling, trying to warm yourself, but in the end, your head was so hot that you couldn't even think about it. The heat dissipated little by little, and you faintly heard someone shouting loudly. I call you, but I can’t make out a single word.

After working in prison for a long time, the cold will speed up the body's metabolism, and the fat in your thighs and buttocks will gradually disappear, eventually turning into a skinny skeleton. The dark vision and narrow and closed cage will destroy people's emotions, coupled with the long-term high Intense labor caused serious damage to the mind and body. Countless prisoners completely collapsed and went crazy after being punished by Tianhuan jailers.

In a sense, this is indeed a release from prison.

However, what awaits them is not a lunatic asylum, but being sent to the operating table. Their corneas are worth 3 million baht, a pair of kidneys are worth 1 million baht, and their torsos can be sold to the Hojo family's security group to fill in mechanical circuits and transform them into robots. ——Due to being in a cold environment for a long time and the prison's carefully customized diet, their organs remain very healthy and have very little contamination. Prisoners' organs are often sent to the freezers of high-level companies and can be taken at any time.

The Tianhuan jailers are very confident in their own standards and techniques. In the past twenty years, no one has been able to withstand this kind of psychological and physical torture. They will also organize singing and dancing for the prisoners to gradually increase their trust in the prison. You If they wish, the prisoners can even manage themselves, saving them a lot of trouble.

However, facing the new prisoners in Room K-202, this tried-and-tested management and education method failed for the first time.


The two jailers stood outside the door, listening to the sound of broken water pipes and seeping water, waiting with their hands behind their backs, waiting for the other to be unable to bear the cold and begging to go out to work.

"It's been four hours," one of the guards whispered, "He's not freezing to death, is he?"

"No, Beta-level warriors may be more resistant to freezing." The jailer said unconfidently.

It's as if he didn't say it - as long as you are still human, you will not be able to bear it if you stay in such a cold and humid environment for a long time. There was once a proud warrior who was imprisoned, and he withstood the torture through his strong body Torture, but for the cold, I couldn't stand it after only four days.

That kind of damp and cold torture will penetrate directly into the joints. No one can bear the pain. Coupled with the cold plank bed, you will soon start to cry out in pain. People with strong physiques are not machines, let alone What's more, they had been injected with muscle relaxants before entering this prison. Their extraordinary senses should be more intense than the pain ordinary people feel.

There was only silence in response to them.

"You're not really dead, are you?"

The jailer felt a panic in his heart, and then turned on the surveillance camera: in the black and white picture, a tall man was sitting quietly on the bed, his face was calm and composed, and his body was covered with a layer of white frost, but he was not moved at all. The man closed his eyes tightly. , I don’t know what he is thinking, but what is certain is that he is not only alive, but all signals show that he can still maintain the strong vitality of the Beta level.

"...It seems we are worrying too much." A jailer sighed.

"This guy doesn't seem to be an ordinary person." Another person added: "He may not be far from the gamma level. Look at this signal, it's like a furnace."

"Gretwal Nightsong...quasi-gamma level." The jailer curled his lips: "There are really more and more gamma levels recently, don't you think?"

"How can I see it?"

"The Mingji Humanity developed some kind of gamma-level biochemical beast. Grand Duke Gurant, who had never taken action, suddenly showed his true form and easily destroyed half of the city. Gretewal and his accomplices were able to block an army head-on. Not to mention, we have seen with our own eyes that he blocked the main gun of the mobile armor... Frost-plated Li Ozi is even more incredible. It is said that he single-handedly killed Frost-plated Air Force."

"You are overthinking. There are such gamma-level novae in every era, but after they live for more than ten years, they will realize that this planet does not support their life form at all."

The jailers have received formal training in the extraordinary system of Tianhuan and have a very clear understanding of these issues.

"For example, you know that the dinosaurs will become extinct, not because they are directly killed by meteorites, but because the ecology that the dinosaurs rely on for survival is destroyed, and the ferns become extinct - the herbivorous dinosaurs that eat fern food become extinct - the herbivorous dinosaurs that eat food become extinct of predatory dinosaurs became extinct.”

The jailer lit a cigarette. Since Gretwal Nightsong was not dead, there was no need to pay attention to him. His companion asked curiously: "What is a dinosaur?"

"You don't have to worry about it - in short, that's the case with the Gamma Order. The energy and environment of the Blue Star are not enough to support their survival. Therefore, the Gamma Order that can truly be called active duty and can exert the strength of the Gamma Order is very precious and rare. , most of them are just lucky ones who were promoted by chance. Without a country, they would just starve to death on the ground."

"It's so sad - the same goes for these people. His Majesty, the King of Rings, is obviously kind-hearted and allows the untouchables of Tianhuan to survive, but they still shamelessly want more."

"Who says it isn't?"

He blew out a smoke ring and said sarcastically:

"So, they are doomed to fail. Team Akaban think they can challenge the army by mastering the power of gamma level? They really look down on 20mm depleted uranium armor-piercing projectiles."

"Let's go. Since he's fine, how about we go back and have a drink?"

"Have you been hiding some private wine again? Tie Baa..."

The voices of the two laughing and cursing gradually faded away, but the tall man in the cell frowned more and more.

Cold, dank, dark.

None of this can break him.

But somewhere in the dark, he felt a strange palpitation in his heart.

Close your eyes, the world is silent except for the sound of dripping water and the sound of condensation of frost, and even your own strong heartbeat is gradually swallowed up by the silence. However, his consciousness was as clear as ever.


Gradually, a faint call came from his heart, which seemed to be some kind of kind and gentle voice. Finally, with the association of his brain, it was interpreted into a sound that was almost like music.

It was an indescribable melody, just like the gentle itching of the wind blowing over the skin, or the body being wrapped in a hot spring, and the steam slowly washing it. His consciousness was getting higher and higher, as if he was flying towards the sky, but people Originally unable to fly, people only feel alive when their feet are standing on the ground.


As his consciousness gradually soared, he seemed to see the red-black Esha sky, and above it, the 'blue sky' that only existed in legends and history books. The strong palpitations finally turned into a fervent call, It is not any language, but the meaning is directly imprinted in the heart.

The strange echo finally fully expressed the meaning in the beautiful dark blue sky:

"Wake up, people of the jury."

At that moment, his consciousness instantly sank back to the ground. In the dark world in front of him, a low-pitched male voice, as clear and sonorous as the impact of a blade, suddenly sounded:

"Black Whale, you still don't understand your own 'quality', I'm really disappointed."

For some reason, whenever he hears a male voice, Gretwal Nightsong's mind will unconsciously think of a creature that he has never seen before and does not exist on the blue star: a shark.

"You're here again."

Gretel opened his eyes, and a pale, twisted figure seemed to be reflected in his blue eyes.

"I've said it many times - I'm not a black whale. Do you want me to call you a white shark?"

Gretwal spoke without any tone, but no one seemed to think he had any malice.

"You don't understand, you don't understand anything."

White Shark opened his arms, as if he was confiding something passionately:

"Your talent, your race, your surname, your destiny - you must be killed by me, but not now, only at the moment when you fully awaken and understand the qualities of being a [Black Knight] Only then will you be qualified to fight me."

"I'm not interested in guessing riddles." Gretwal said to the pale figure: "I don't want to kill anyone, unless you will hurt others."

"That's it! That's it!"

White Shark said excitedly, but then denied it hysterically:

"No! No! That's not it! It's not enough!"

"You must have a burning love and the awareness to regard death as a sudden return. You must put your life in the most important place and then give it up! In this way, this is the greatest sacrifice."

"That's a necessary sacrifice. If you want to succeed, you have to pay a certain price - yes, that's a sacrifice, idiot. It's not a protection, it's a sacrifice!"

White Shark's tone is sometimes crazy, sometimes lost, like a shark stranded on the beach, he prays hard to himself and then roars.

Gretwal has no idea what he is.

If White Shark is a madman, then what is he who can see White Shark?

"Why are you pestering me?"

Although he asked this question many times, Bai Shark would take the trouble to tell him the same answer every time:

"For sacrifice, Black Whale, you don't understand, quality is sacrifice, sacrifice is quality! We all have to sacrifice, only by sacrifice can we live and live soberly!"

Quite a bizarre thought, right?

Gretwal continued to ask:

"who are you?"

White Shark replied proudly: "[White Knight], the [White Knight] of the jury."

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