From star abyss

Chapter 238 095. Luo Ye brought news, where are you?

What Li Ozi showed to the players was not just the DM-101 Esha experimental potion invested in Gulant. After all, given Tianhuan's productivity, they could not afford such an expensive potion in a short period of time.

"What's inside is the XDM-101 new mutation-inducing potion that I prepared for you. It can allow you to awaken your arcana. The price is also relatively low. The most important thing is that it speeds up the effectiveness of the potion. You don't have to worry about the cost at all."

Li Ozi took out a ginger candy-colored potion from the biochemical tank and shook it gently. A red and black afterimage immediately rippled in the wall of the tube:

"Of course... the cheap price is that the instability will also increase. You will suffer great pain, and you may not be able to obtain high-level arcana."

Players don't understand the rating of arcana, so they don't think there is any problem. The price offered by Li Aozi is very affordable, and it is completely suitable to come here to try your luck when you have nothing to do. If you are lucky one day and get an excellent arcana, That is of course the best.

But then, Li Ozi's words awakened their DNA that had been sleeping for many years:

"Although the probability is unstable, I have roughly summarized a rule: every 10 consecutive awakenings, a rare arcana will be awakened, every 50 consecutive awakenings, a high-level arcana will be awakened, and every 100 consecutive awakenings, A high-level and rare arcana will be awakened permanently..."

The King of Hell grinned: "Drawing cards to guarantee the bottom line?"

"It doesn't matter even if you awaken useless arcana. As a [Mutant], I will teach you how to crush the gene sequences of arcana, accumulate their genetic fragments, and use them to feed the powerful arcana you like. "

The old blind man's eyes twitched: "Decompose the feeding card?"

"Of course, if you feel that your arcana is not strong enough, I myself am a somewhat capable [mutant], and I am quite confident in my own arcana - if you don't mind it, I can sacrifice my I will lend some of my strength to you for your use."

The Antarctic penguin covered his wallet in horror: "It's a gold-earning game!"

Although the three senior leaders of the guild could not complain about Li Aozi's actions, they still accepted Li Aozi's transaction very honestly.

As a low-level alternative, the cheap XDM series is very suitable for newcomers who have just entered the game, and Arcane will not affect a person's future career development. Some people have already switched to [Warrior], but it does not prevent them from having multiple [Warriors]. The arcane power of "Physical Strengthening" makes him rougher and thicker.

After buying Li Ozi's potion, the players obviously noticed that some mysterious potions were still being synthesized in the biochemical pool. Li Ozi pretended to be mysterious and said, "This is a product only sold to some warriors I recognize."

This kind of speech, coupled with the cheap low-end products that he had previously sold, made people believe that Li Ozi must still have good products in his hands.

For this reason, players from the three guilds got together and started a heated discussion.

"Tell me, should you accept this mission or not?"

"Take it."

"Take it, this is more difficult than an A-level mission. Do you also want to die at the speed of light?"

"Then I won't answer."

"If you don't answer, there are still a lot of resources that haven't been tapped yet."

To be precise, this is not a question of whether to accept the task or not, because it is obvious that Li Aozhi is doing a bundled sale.

If you don't accept the task, later you want to unlock Li Aozi's favorability and buy Li Aozi's products - then I'm sorry, just go and increase the favorability slowly. As for your [Charm] attribute, it is very important to Li Aozi. How useful is it for a professional mentor? It doesn't matter, it's great to be scolded with a look of disgust.

The difficulty of C-level tasks is an insurmountable mountain for current players, and the task released by Li Aozi is enough to make people shy away.

Guilds are not fools. If they are casual players or streamers, and encounter this kind of mission, they might just form a team of water friends to play together, which can not only improve the interactivity but also increase the entertainment effect, but the purpose of the guild is to pass the game itself. Mechanism for profit.

Since everyone is here to make money, then this messy task must be carefully considered.

Finish it? What are the benefits?

Yes, it is true that 50,000 experience is a lot for the early stage, but what about after level 10 or 20?

Taking a step back, if players have to reach level 20 or above to be able to complete the main mission released by Li Aozi, then even if the benefits brought by the mission itself are not bad, the cost of manpower, resources and time invested by everyone will not be enough. The result is still not pretty.

Not to mention, what time is it now? It’s closed beta!

In total, the internal beta is only 15 days earlier than the public beta, which translates into more than a year within the game. But for people in real life, 15 days is more than enough time to empty the refrigerator of ingredients.

Just when many people were planning to go back to moving bricks to earn money for leveling up after changing their job, the elder of the fishman guild, who had always had a lukewarm attitude, made a blind decision:

"Why are you thinking so much? We may be the first batch of players to trigger the main mission since the launch of the server. This in itself is the most important news!"

As an anchor, the old blind man has a different vision from the idiots in these studios. He understands the truth that traffic is king. Sometimes people will sneer at certain celebrities, but they become popular inexplicably and become A generation of Internet celebrities.

But when he said this, other people looked at him like they looked at the silly son of a landlord, with a smile full of kindness and care. It didn't matter that he was ridiculed by his peers. The main reason was that the old blind man noticed that his guild members were also faintly concerned. He cast a look of 'Boss, are you okay?', suppressed his blush, simply folded his arms and explained:

"You guys should examine the questions carefully!"

"At first glance, the mission released by Li Aozi is too difficult and not suitable for players of our level to complete - but pay attention, apart from C, do any of the three settlement conditions require us to fight?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone immediately took a look at the task description, read it carefully, and immediately discovered that they had missed a lot of information before.

There are three settlement conditions. A needs to pay money to change jobs and cooperate with the training tasks arranged by Li Aozi. B is to go to the Hojo Group to investigate intelligence. C is an internal selection competition. There has always been a small duel ring in Triangle Town. Li Aozi We will spend money for a period of time so that players can select the 25 best people in the long term to go into space together.

Look carefully... there is indeed no mention of combat.

"You can't say that."

The King of Hell poured cold water on him:

"I won't talk about C. This mission is so difficult, but there is no combat element. A can complete it as long as he spends money and obeys orders - so it is conceivable that the difficult parts will naturally be scattered around the settlement premise of B. superior."

"That's right." The Antarctic Penguin also agreed: "C seems to have no risk of death penalty, but in fact, if you don't complete B, you won't have the hydrogen bomb as a key prop. How could Li Ozi like you?" Take you to space?"

"Then here comes the question." Old Blind Man crossed his arms and muttered: "How difficult is this settlement condition B?"

"The point is not how difficult B is, but how powerful the Hojo Group is. Can we really get in?" The main reason why Yama is skeptical is also based on this point: "If we can't complete B, then There is no way to talk about C, so if I want to take on the task, I think it is enough to complete A. The subsequent tasks are really thankless, not to mention, Azure Star has more than one professional mentor, and it is not enough to please just one. Our daytime guild plans Just do A, and then don’t participate anymore.”

The change in the attitude of the King of Hell was largely due to his distrust of the unstable element of arcane energy. He was vaguely aware that [Mutant], a career with an unstable path, might not be as good as the official propaganda or Li Ozi himself. powerful.

As a relatively well-established commercial guild, King of Hell did not dare to take risks. He conservatively chose the pioneering strategy and did not intend to gamble on luck with his precious manpower in the early stage.

Li Ozi saw his reaction. Although this old black-faced man kept trying to criticize him, Li Ozi was not angry.

On the contrary, he felt that the King of Hell was a good person and very calm, but he was not suitable to be the president.

The question raised by the King of Hell is basically the main question raised by [Mutants] in the previous life. Although after being promoted to the Alpha level, [Mutants] have the [Master Form] and are the profession with the highest burst of spell damage in the early stage, but the problem is The reason is that the process of cultivating [mutants] itself is not stable.

Not only that, although the statement of the King of Hell seems short-sighted, from the perspective of guild management, there is no problem.

However, as the vice president and second-in-command, it is okay to say this, but as the head, you must have courage and ambition.

[But speaking of it, Bai Ri’s business has always been very stable, maybe it’s also their traditional style. 】

Since it was a purely commercial guild during the day and had no professional players or big anchors, Li Aozi basically didn't know the King of Hell. At the moment, he was a little interested and planned to observe it for a while.

From the very beginning, Li Ozi was short of talents. He had to recruit several teammates on the Azure Star: [Mechanic] Du Zexin was fishing in Frost Plate during his vacation, and [Judge] Gretwo Nightsong was in prison. , the future legend [Architect] Barnum Zyglin - Master Zyglin is currently enjoying the treatment of a senior civil servant of Gulant, doing odd jobs with Alexia, and going to work in the fields and build roads when he has time. , building bridges, building dams, hunting, and living a more comfortable life than anyone else.

These combat-type talents are already in place, but there is a shortage of logistics talents.

For example, David Lin's son, and Yawen's talent, even if possible, Li Ozi would like to draw David Lin, a strong man with great military and political skills, into the team, and move the whole family together. Oh, when he gets the talent, he has to Kick Yawen out of the way.

There are many capable logistics personnel among players, but most of them are faceless. Well-known coaches, team leaders, and analysts are basically the backbone of the national team. He has no chance to contact them. Guild operators like the King of Hell, on the other hand, Great for taking into space.

War and destruction have never been the main themes of cosmic civilization. They are just frictions and sparks visible to the naked eye. Development and cooperation are the eternal and long-lasting paths.

[By the way, I don’t know what Mobi is like. I haven’t contacted him for so long. I have to find an opportunity to trick him over and upgrade my biochemical pool. 】

Just as Li Ozi was thinking about it, the remaining two guilds also made their own choices.

"Since President Baili has said so, I will also complete A. As for C, if I have the opportunity in the future, I will bring people over to try." The Antarctic Penguin did not finish what he said. He was thinking about the food in the bowl. , also thinking about what's in the pot, which doesn't matter, after all, everyone wants to get more benefits.

In the end, it was the fishmen guild that was destroyed by the C-level mission group. Finally, with the old blind man's arguments, they all agreed to accept the mission.

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