From star abyss

Chapter 270 127. Combat mobilization

"These Tianhuan people are so bold."

The picture transmitted back by the drone made Du Zexin click his tongue:

"Going along the edge of the storm, if it weren't for the detection module technology provided by Law Three, even a gamma-level [Mechanic] probably wouldn't be able to detect it."

"It's just that they dare to go with the natural disasters. Are they crazy?"

Du Zexin's complaints seemed a bit fussy to Li Ozi.

"what is this?"

Li Ozi said calmly:

"They were planning to bomb their own city at the Hojo Group Building in Qionganjing."

"That's true."

Although Du Zexin's thoughts are outrageous, this is the fact and cannot be denied.

The logic of Tianhuan people and Frost-plated people is completely different.

If Frost-plated soldiers dare to bomb the capital, they will definitely be condemned and protested by the citizens, but so far, the Tianhuan people have made no movement.

Li Aozi didn't care about this issue. He turned around and asked: "Compared with this, the Tianhuan people will come over sooner or later, and there is a risk that Youhelai will come to your door at any time. How long will it take for the machine transformation you mentioned?"

Du Zexin raised the welding gun of the engineering robot, and his voice came from the radio:

"It will take at least six hours... Future Watch is too badly damaged, and your biochemical pool is too big. If you don't modify it, those descendants who have played too many stealth games will definitely turn into space junk and drift into the black hole. evaporation."

"Six hours is too long. Judging from Huanren's current progress that day, it should be here in less than four hours."

Li Ozi did not hesitate and directly dialed the number of an acquaintance:

"Hazama Mirror, when will you arrive?"

"We are dealing with an operation and there are too many inmates, many with medical conditions."

Hazama Kagami's terminal was casually thrown on the table. She was also busy. The members of the Akaban team around her were so busy that every one of them was injured.

Li Ozi frowned:

"Can you still fight in this state?"

"Don't worry, I'll be there soon. In 2 hours."

Hazama Mirror sweated, and suddenly another man's voice came through the call:

"What's wrong? Mirror?"

Hazama turned around and explained to the man outside the camera:

"It's nothing. Go and take a rest. Gretwal, you have already performed 24 surgeries. If you continue like this, you will not be able to bear it."

"I heard the fighting."

The terminal was picked up, and the next moment it was pointed at the face of the holder. A steady man with black hair and blue eyes looked at Li Ozi in the camera. He was wearing green surgical clothes and a mask on his face, but he still It can be seen that he is a very serious and gentle man.

"The video note is... the great wronged Li Ozi——Jing, is this your friend?"


Li Ozi's eyes lit up and he immediately said:

"First meeting, Gretwal Nightsong."

"You know me?" Gretwal was slightly surprised: "You are so beautiful, I feel almost like a mirror."

"Thank you for the compliment. To make a long story short - my name is Li Ozi, Mr. Jing's partner. I provided the information, covered and organized your plan to capture the prison."

Li Ozi chuckled and said:

"My purpose is to go to space, and for that I have prepared one - now two - nuclear bombs."

"Going to space... sounds too far away and is not something humans dare to think about."

Gretwal took off his mask and showed a grateful expression:

"Thank you, Mr. Li Ozi, for saving me and many innocent people who were persecuted by the group. I would like to sincerely thank you for your help in the cause of the Red Squadron. This is a great victory for the people of Tianhuan. If anything needs to be done, I It is obligatory.”

"I need you, Gretel." Li Ozi sent out a sincere invitation: "I need you, all the warriors who are willing to fight to save the world and their conscience. What you do will confront the entire old world, but I promise you that your courage will be remembered by the stars."

As he spoke, he repeated what he had said to the players, N4 and others before, and attached pictures and video explanations.

"Lord Entropy...Esha...Qiwu. GTB has actually monopolized so much important information. In order to maintain their rule, the four countries will not hesitate to let others choke them."

As a revolutionary, Hazama Kagami's face changed instantly after receiving this message:

"These damn oppressors! Whose planet do they think this is! The people can obviously live a good life, but in order to maintain the status quo, they maintain the path of oppression and conflict transfer in the outside world, allowing GTB's monopoly, and even Waging war to compete for resources that are not worth mentioning."

"All wars are human civil wars." Gretwal said solemnly: "If these are true, then all of us should be brothers, sisters and relatives. It is the Shikoku and GTB who have colluded with the forces of cosmic civilization. , but were unwilling to disclose it to the people, which led to so many tragedies."

"Frost Plate has the Rose Army resisting, the vicious competition between the Red Arrow people will never end, Tianhuan has our Red Ban team fighting, and Zhengxu has given up the fight - if there were GTB technology, then the outside world would not exist. , they should have become our compatriots."

The two senior warriors looked at the problem from a much higher perspective and perspective than Li Aozi and others. They were always concerned about the suffering of the people in the outside world, or the impact of the dirty politics of the four countries on the future - this made Li Aozi and Du Zexin was a bit uninterested.

"Sometimes hiding it can really make things more stable."

Du Zexin explained:

"Technology is not a Pandora's box. As long as technology is used properly, it can benefit mankind. But many times, because technology is out of control, countries and people suffer greater suffering."

"In our opinion, the suffering suffered by Azure Star should not have been borne by us."

The angle of the narrow mirror is tricky, and it hits the nail on the head, revealing the essence in one sentence:

"The current four countries are not good people. They just want to maintain their rule and transfer the suffering. The benefits have been taken by the four countries. The technology is monopolized in the hands of GTB, but the suffering has been transferred to outsiders - they are the last Able to endure hardship. Whether it is war, hunger, cold, or the pollution emitted by the four countries, it is a gathering place that is deliberately divided and included in the territory."

"Technology is not a problem. Even if the people of the old era were destroyed because of the evil spirit, they could still make people all over the world live a good life before that. The problem is those people, the Four Kingdoms and GTB, those rulers, they should Take the pain!"

Gretel stood up and walked towards the door.

"Wait a minute—Gray, where are you going?!"

"Fight." Gretel said: "If Li Ozi can go to the universe and contact those interstellar civilizations that are interested in the Blue Star, then the Blue Star will be saved, and we will not have to endure the slavery and exploitation of the four countries, so I We have to fight and help him resist the Sky Ring Army."

Hazama Jing stood up and immediately stopped:


"I have to go, Mirror Hazama, and do this to end the suffering in people."

"That's not the case! Why don't you understand?!"

Mirror Hazama punched him in the chest, angrily lifted Gretewal's collar and shouted at him:

"Gray, you shouldn't kill should hold a scalpel, not a butcher's knife."

"Mirror. There is nothing wrong with this."

Gretelwal said calmly:

"Medical skills can only cure physical illnesses, but they cannot cure mental illnesses."

"Why do you think I broke into prison? What do you think I did for all this? To pull you out of one hell and then watch you enter another hell?"

There was a silver luster in Hazama Jing's eyes, and the ring of order around her neck was trembling. She calmed down in time and said as if pleading:

"Consider me, Gray. You are very important to me. I can't live without you, and the Red Ban team cannot live without you. Without you, the world will lose one color, and we will lose our courage, strength, and soul." , I don’t want you to leave, stay here, I will fight.”

"Hazama Mirror Banchō." Gretel suddenly shouted as he looked into his colorless pupils.

"Yes!" Hazama Jing replied subconsciously.

"Would you trade a private for a leader?"

"I wouldn't do that."

"Gretwal Nightsong, a junior soldier of the Tianchihuan Red Squadron Volunteer Army, is requesting a battle from you."

Gretwal hammered his chest:

"You know what to do."

Hazama Mirror lowered his head, and a soldier named Red Ban stopped. They stood there, not knowing what to do.

On one side is the people's hero they have saved through all their hard work, the soul mentor of the Red Squadron, Gretwal Nightsong.

On one side is their leader, the most powerful warrior, Kagami Hazama, who went to the front line and fought side by side until now.

No matter which side it is, it is not easy to choose.

But the soldiers of the Chifan team are different from the soldiers of Tianhuan, and they are different from the devils of Tianhuan. They know what they are fighting for.

At this time, they rationally chose silence and handed over the choice to the leader. They believed that Hazama Mirror could make the right choice.

But for the narrow mirror, the pressure to bear is not small at all.

All expectations were placed on her. She didn't want Gretel to leave, but Li Ozi's cooperation was something that was agreed upon from the beginning. If he reneged on his promise, then the order of the army would soon change. into a joke.

What's more, if Gretwal has special privileges, what will the soldiers think?

Ah, it turns out that as long as you have a good relationship with the eldest sister, you can avoid fighting.

Isn't this just like the King of Rings and the corporate dogs of those groups?

"You really gave me a difficult problem."

The ring of order around her neck trembled violently, Hazama Mirror's pupils tightened, and she felt the call of that voice again.

The secret society that calls itself Gaia... She is showing herself the dirty side, the dark side of human beings again.

The guy seemed to be telling her: No matter what she did, it was wrong because humans were hopeless.

"Everyone believes in you and your ideals."

Gretwal said:

"Please give the order, Mirror Hazama. I will complete it well."

"That's easy to say, asshole."

"If it's a mirror, there will definitely be no confusion."

"Use my car."


"I said, drive my car."

Hazama Jing put down his hand, smiled, and said:

"Go find Li Ozi, our black knight."

happy New Year

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